

-- Implement various "age of" and other date-related templates.  local mtext = {  -- Message and other text that should be localized.  ['mt-bad-param1'] = 'Invalid parameter $1',  ['mt-bad-param2'] = 'Parameter $1=$2 is invalid',  ['mt-bad-show'] = 'Parameter show=$1 is not supported here',  ['mt-cannot-add'] = 'Cannot add "$1"',  ['mt-conflicting-show'] = 'Parameter show=$1 conflicts with round=$2',  ['mt-date-wrong-order'] = 'The second date must be later in time than the first date',  ['mt-dd-future'] = 'Death date (first date) must not be in the future',  ['mt-dd-wrong-order'] = 'Death date (first date) must be later in time than the birth date (second date)',  ['mt-invalid-bd-age'] = 'Invalid birth date for calculating age',  ['mt-invalid-dates-age'] = 'Invalid dates for calculating age',  ['mt-invalid-end'] = 'Invalid end date in second parameter',  ['mt-invalid-start'] = 'Invalid start date in first parameter',  ['mt-need-jdn'] = 'Need valid Julian date number',  ['mt-need-valid-bd'] = 'Need valid birth date: year, month, day',  ['mt-need-valid-bd2'] = 'Need valid birth date (second date): year, month, day',  ['mt-need-valid-date'] = 'Need valid date',  ['mt-need-valid-dd'] = 'Need valid death date (first date): year, month, day',  ['mt-need-valid-ymd'] = 'Need valid year, month, day',  ['mt-need-valid-ymd-current'] = 'Need valid year|month|day or "currentdate"',  ['mt-need-valid-ymd2'] = 'Second date should be year, month, day',  ['mt-template-bad-name'] = 'The specified template name is not valid',  ['mt-template-x'] = 'The template invoking this must have "|template=x" where x is the wanted operation',  ['txt-age'] = '(age&nbsp;',  ['txt-aged'] = ' (aged&nbsp;',  ['txt-and'] = ' and ',  ['txt-comma-and'] = ', and ',  ['txt-error'] = 'Error: ',  ['txt-or'] = '&nbsp;or ', }  local translate, from_en, to_en, isZero if translate then  -- Functions to translate from en to local language and reverse go here.  -- See example at [[:bn:Module:বয়স]]. else  from_en = function (text)  return text  end  isZero = function (text)  return tonumber(text) == 0  end end  local _Date, _currentDate local function getExports(frame)  -- Return objects exported from the date module or its sandbox.  if not _Date then  local sandbox = frame:getTitle():find('sandbox', 1, true) and '/sandbox' or ''  local datemod = require('Module:Date' .. sandbox)  local realDate = datemod._Date  _currentDate = datemod._current  if to_en then  _Date = function (...)  local args = {}  for i, v in ipairs({...}) do  args[i] = to_en(v)  end  return realDate(unpack(args))  end  else  _Date = realDate  end  end  return _Date, _currentDate end  local Collection -- a table to hold items Collection = {  add = function (self, item)  if item ~= nil then  self.n = self.n + 1  self[self.n] = item  end  end,  join = function (self, sep)  return table.concat(self, sep)  end,  remove = function (self, pos)  if self.n > 0 and (pos == nil or (0 < pos and pos <= self.n)) then  self.n = self.n - 1  return table.remove(self, pos)  end  end,  sort = function (self, comp)  table.sort(self, comp)  end,  new = function ()  return setmetatable({n = 0}, Collection)  end } Collection.__index = Collection  local function stripToNil(text)  -- If text is a string, return its trimmed content, or nil if empty.  -- Otherwise return text (which may, for example, be nil).  if type(text) == 'string' then  text = text:match('(%S.-)%s*$')  end  return text end  local function yes(parameter)  -- Return true if parameter should be interpreted as "yes".  -- Do not want to accept mixed upper/lowercase unless done by current templates.  -- Need to accept "on" because "round=on" is wanted.  return ({ y = true, yes = true, on = true })[parameter] end  local function message(msg, id)  -- Return formatted message text for an error or warning.  local function getText(msg)  return mtext[msg] or error('Bug: message "' .. tostring(msg) .. '" not defined')  end  local text  if type(msg) == 'table' then  text = getText(msg[1])  local rep = {}  for i, v in ipairs(msg) do  if i > 1 then  rep['$' .. (i - 1)] = v  end  end  text = text:gsub('$%d+', rep)  else  text = getText(msg)  end  local categories = {  error = '[[Category:Age error]]',  warning = '[[Category:Age error]]', -- same as error until determine whether 'Age warning' would be worthwhile  }  local a, b, category  if id == 'warning' then  a = '<sup>[<i>'  b = '</i>]</sup>'  else  a = '<strong class="error">' .. getText('txt-error')  b = '</strong>'  end  if mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespaces(0) then  -- Category only in namespaces: 0=article.  category = categories[id or 'error']  end  return  a ..  mw.text.nowiki(text) ..  b ..  (category or '') end  local function formatNumber(number)  -- Return the given number formatted with commas as group separators,  -- given that the number is an integer.  local numstr = tostring(number)  local length = #numstr  local places = Collection.new()  local pos = 0  repeat  places:add(pos)  pos = pos + 3  until pos >= length  places:add(length)  local groups = Collection.new()  for i = places.n, 2, -1 do  local p1 = length - places[i] + 1  local p2 = length - places[i - 1]  groups:add(numstr:sub(p1, p2))  end  return groups:join(',') end  local function spellNumber(number, options, i)  -- Return result of spelling number, or  -- return number (as a string) if cannot spell it.  -- i == 1 for the first number which can optionally start with an uppercase letter.  number = tostring(number)  return require('Module:ConvertNumeric').spell_number(  number,  nil, -- fraction numerator  nil, -- fraction denominator  i == 1 and options.upper, -- true: 'One' instead of 'one'  not options.us, -- true: use 'and' between tens/ones etc  options.adj, -- true: hyphenated  options.ordinal -- true: 'first' instead of 'one'  ) or number end  local function makeExtra(args, flagCurrent)  -- Return extra text that will be inserted before the visible result  -- but after any sort key.  local extra = args.prefix or ''  if mw.ustring.len(extra) > 1 then  -- Parameter "~" gives "~3" whereas "over" gives "over 3".  if extra:sub(-6, -1) ~= '&nbsp;' then  extra = extra .. ' '  end  end  if flagCurrent then  extra = '<span class="currentage"></span>' .. extra  end  return extra end  local function makeSort(value, sortable)  -- Return a sort key if requested.  -- Assume value is a valid number which has not overflowed.  if sortable == 'sortable_table' or sortable == 'sortable_on' or sortable == 'sortable_debug' then  local sortKey  if value == 0 then  sortKey = '5000000000000000000'  else  local mag = math.floor(math.log10(math.abs(value)) + 1e-14)  if value > 0 then  sortKey = 7000 + mag  else  sortKey = 2999 - mag  value = value + 10^(mag+1)  end  sortKey = string.format('%d', sortKey) .. string.format('%015.0f', math.floor(value * 10^(14-mag)))  end  local result  if sortable == 'sortable_table' then  result = 'data-sort-value="_SORTKEY_"|'  elseif sortable == 'sortable_debug' then  result = '<span data-sort-value="_SORTKEY_♠"><span style="border:1px solid">_SORTKEY_♠</span></span>'  else  result = '<span data-sort-value="_SORTKEY_♠"></span>'  end  return result:gsub('_SORTKEY_', sortKey)  end end  local translateParameters = {  abbr = {  off = 'abbr_off',  on = 'abbr_on',  },  disp = {  age = 'disp_age',  raw = 'disp_raw',  },  format = {  raw = 'format_raw',  commas = 'format_commas',  },  round = {  on = 'on',  yes = 'on',  months = 'ym',  weeks = 'ymw',  days = 'ymd',  hours = 'ymdh',  },  sep = {  comma = 'sep_comma',  [','] = 'sep_comma',  serialcomma = 'sep_serialcomma',  space = 'sep_space',  },  show = {  hide = { id = 'hide' },  y = { 'y', id = 'y' },  ym = { 'y', 'm', id = 'ym' },  ymd = { 'y', 'm', 'd', id = 'ymd' },  ymw = { 'y', 'm', 'w', id = 'ymw' },  ymwd = { 'y', 'm', 'w', 'd', id = 'ymwd' },  yd = { 'y', 'd', id = 'yd', keepZero = true },  m = { 'm', id = 'm' },  md = { 'm', 'd', id = 'md' },  w = { 'w', id = 'w' },  wd = { 'w', 'd', id = 'wd' },  h = { 'H', id = 'h' },  hm = { 'H', 'M', id = 'hm' },  hms = { 'H', 'M', 'S', id = 'hms' },  d = { 'd', id = 'd' },  dh = { 'd', 'H', id = 'dh' },  dhm = { 'd', 'H', 'M', id = 'dhm' },  dhms = { 'd', 'H', 'M', 'S', id = 'dhms' },  ymdh = { 'y', 'm', 'd', 'H', id = 'ymdh' },  ymdhm = { 'y', 'm', 'd', 'H', 'M', id = 'ymdhm' },  ymwdh = { 'y', 'm', 'w', 'd', 'H', id = 'ymwdh' },  ymwdhm = { 'y', 'm', 'w', 'd', 'H', 'M', id = 'ymwdhm' },  },  sortable = {  off = false,  on = 'sortable_on',  table = 'sortable_table',  debug = 'sortable_debug',  }, }  local spellOptions = {  cardinal = {},  Cardinal = { upper = true },  cardinal_us = { us = true },  Cardinal_us = { us = true, upper = true },  ordinal = { ordinal = true },  Ordinal = { ordinal = true, upper = true },  ordinal_us = { ordinal = true, us = true },  Ordinal_us = { ordinal = true, us = true, upper = true }, }  local function dateExtract(frame)  -- Return part of a date after performing an optional operation.  local Date = getExports(frame)  local args = frame:getParent().args  local parms = {}  for i, v in ipairs(args) do  parms[i] = v  end  if yes(args.fix) then  table.insert(parms, 'fix')  end  if yes(args.partial) then  table.insert(parms, 'partial')  end  local show = stripToNil(args.show) or 'dmy'  local date = Date(unpack(parms))  if not date then  if show == 'format' then  return 'error'  end  return message('mt-need-valid-date')  end  local add = stripToNil(args.add)  if add then  for item in add:gmatch('%S+') do  date = date + item  if not date then  return message({ 'mt-cannot-add', item })  end  end  end  local sortKey, result  local sortable = translateParameters.sortable[args.sortable]  if sortable then  local value = (date.partial and date.partial.first or date).jdz  sortKey = makeSort(value, sortable)  end  if show ~= 'hide' then  result = date[show]  if result == nil then  result = from_en(date:text(show))  elseif type(result) == 'boolean' then  result = result and '1' or '0'  else  result = from_en(tostring(result))  end  end  return (sortKey or '') .. makeExtra(args) .. (result or '') end  local function rangeJoin(range)  -- Return text to be used between a range of ages.  return range == 'dash' and '–' or mtext['txt-or'] end  local function makeText(values, components, names, options, noUpper)  -- Return wikitext representing an age or duration.  local text = Collection.new()  local count = #values  local sep = names.sep or ''  for i, v in ipairs(values) do  -- v is a number (say 4 for 4 years), or a table ({4,5} for 4 or 5 years).  local islist = type(v) == 'table'  if (islist or v > 0) or (text.n == 0 and i == count) or (text.n > 0 and components.keepZero) then  local fmt, vstr  if options.spell then  fmt = function(number)  return spellNumber(number, options.spell, noUpper or i)  end  elseif i == 1 and options.format == 'format_commas' then  -- Numbers after the first should be small and not need formatting.  fmt = formatNumber  else  fmt = tostring  end  if islist then  vstr = fmt(v[1]) .. rangeJoin(options.range)  noUpper = true  vstr = vstr .. fmt(v[2])  else  vstr = fmt(v)  end  local name = names[components[i]]  if name then  local plural = names.plural  if not plural or (islist and v[2] or v) == 1 then  plural = ''  end  text:add(vstr .. sep .. name .. plural)  else  text:add(vstr)  end  end  end  local first, last  if options.join == 'sep_space' then  first = ' '  last = ' '  elseif options.join == 'sep_comma' then  first = ', '  last = ', '  elseif options.join == 'sep_serialcomma' and text.n > 2 then  first = ', '  last = mtext['txt-comma-and']  else  first = ', '  last = mtext['txt-and']  end  for i, v in ipairs(text) do  if i < text.n then  text[i] = v .. (i + 1 < text.n and first or last)  end  end  local sign = ''  if options.isnegative then  -- Do not display negative zero.  if text.n > 1 or (text.n == 1 and text[1]:sub(1, 1) ~= '0' ) then  if options.format == 'format_raw' then  sign = '-' -- plain hyphen so result can be used in a calculation  else  sign = '−' -- Unicode U+2212 MINUS SIGN  end  end  end  return  (options.sortKey or '') ..  (options.extra or '') ..  sign ..  text:join() ..  (options.suffix or '') end  local function dateDifference(parms)  -- Return a formatted date difference using the given parameters  -- which have been validated.  local names = {  abbr_off = {  plural = 's',  sep = '&nbsp;',  y = 'year',  m = 'month',  w = 'week',  d = 'day',  H = 'hour',  M = 'minute',  S = 'second',  },  abbr_on = {  y = 'y',  m = 'm',  w = 'w',  d = 'd',  H = 'h',  M = 'm',  S = 's',  },  abbr_infant = { -- for {{age for infant}}  plural = 's',  sep = '&nbsp;',  y = 'yr',  m = 'mo',  w = 'wk',  d = 'day',  H = 'hr',  M = 'min',  S = 'sec',  },  abbr_raw = {},  }  local diff = parms.diff -- must be a valid date difference  local show = parms.show -- may be nil; default is set below  local abbr = parms.abbr or 'abbr_off'  local defaultJoin  if abbr ~= 'abbr_off' then  defaultJoin = 'sep_space'  end  if not show then  show = 'ymd'  if parms.disp == 'disp_age' then  if diff.years < 3 then  defaultJoin = 'sep_space'  if diff.years >= 1 then  show = 'ym'  else  show = 'md'  end  else  show = 'y'  end  end  end  if type(show) ~= 'table' then  show = translateParameters.show[show]  end  if parms.disp == 'disp_raw' then  defaultJoin = 'sep_space'  abbr = 'abbr_raw'  elseif parms.wantSc then  defaultJoin = 'sep_serialcomma'  end  local diffOptions = {  round = parms.round,  duration = parms.wantDuration,  range = parms.range and true or nil,  }  local sortKey  if parms.sortable then  local value = diff.age_days + (parms.wantDuration and 1 or 0) -- days and fraction of a day  if diff.isnegative then  value = -value  end  sortKey = makeSort(value, parms.sortable)  end  local textOptions = {  extra = parms.extra,  format = parms.format,  join = parms.sep or defaultJoin,  isnegative = diff.isnegative,  range = parms.range,  sortKey = sortKey,  spell = parms.spell,  suffix = parms.suffix, -- not currently used  }  if show.id == 'hide' then  return sortKey or ''  end  local values = { diff:age(show.id, diffOptions) }  if values[1] then  return makeText(values, show, names[abbr], textOptions)  end  if diff.partial then  -- Handle a more complex range such as  -- {{age_yd|20 Dec 2001|2003|range=yes}} → 1 year, 12 days or 2 years, 11 days  local opt = {  format = textOptions.format,  join = textOptions.join,  isnegative = textOptions.isnegative,  spell = textOptions.spell,  }  return  (textOptions.sortKey or '') ..  makeText({ diff.partial.mindiff:age(show.id, diffOptions) }, show, names[abbr], opt) ..  rangeJoin(textOptions.range) ..  makeText({ diff.partial.maxdiff:age(show.id, diffOptions) }, show, names[abbr], opt, true) ..  (textOptions.suffix or '')  end  return message({ 'mt-bad-show', show.id }) end  local function getDates(frame, getopt)  -- Parse template parameters and return one of:  -- * date (a date table, if single)  -- * date1, date2 (two date tables, if not single)  -- * text (a string error message)  -- A missing date is optionally replaced with the current date.  -- If wantMixture is true, a missing date component is replaced  -- from the current date, so can get a bizarre mixture of  -- specified/current y/m/d as has been done by some "age" templates.  -- Some results may be placed in table getopt.  local Date, currentDate = getExports(frame)  getopt = getopt or {}  local function flagCurrent(text)  -- This allows the calling template to detect if the current date has been used,  -- that is, whether both dates have been entered in a template expecting two.  -- For example, an infobox may want the age when an event occurred, not the current age.  -- Don't bother detecting if wantMixture is used because not needed and it is a poor option.  if not text then  if getopt.noMissing then  return nil -- this gives a nil date which gives an error  end  text = 'currentdate'  if getopt.flag == 'usesCurrent' then  getopt.usesCurrent = true  end  end  return text  end  local args = frame:getParent().args  local fields = {}  local isNamed = args.year or args.year1 or args.year2 or  args.month or args.month1 or args.month2 or  args.day or args.day1 or args.day2  if isNamed then  fields[1] = args.year1 or args.year  fields[2] = args.month1 or args.month  fields[3] = args.day1 or args.day  fields[4] = args.year2  fields[5] = args.month2  fields[6] = args.day2  else  for i = 1, 6 do  fields[i] = args[i]  end  end  local imax = 0  for i = 1, 6 do  fields[i] = stripToNil(fields[i])  if fields[i] then  imax = i  end  if getopt.omitZero and i % 3 ~= 1 then -- omit zero months and days as unknown values but keep year 0 which is 1 BCE  if isZero(fields[i]) then  fields[i] = nil  getopt.partial = true  end  end  end  local fix = getopt.fix and 'fix' or ''  local partialText = getopt.partial and 'partial' or ''  local dates = {}  if isNamed or imax >= 3 then  local nrDates = getopt.single and 1 or 2  if getopt.wantMixture then  -- Cannot be partial since empty fields are set from current.  local components = { 'year', 'month', 'day' }  for i = 1, nrDates * 3 do  fields[i] = fields[i] or currentDate[components[i > 3 and i - 3 or i]]  end  for i = 1, nrDates do  local index = i == 1 and 1 or 4  local y, m, d = fields[index], fields[index+1], fields[index+2]  if (m == 2 or m == '2') and (d == 29 or d == '29') then  -- Workaround error with following which attempt to use invalid date 2001-02-29.  -- {{age_ymwd|year1=2001|year2=2004|month2=2|day2=29}}  -- {{age_ymwd|year1=2001|month1=2|year2=2004|month2=1|day2=29}}  -- TODO Get rid of wantMixture because even this ugly code does not handle  -- 'Feb' or 'February' or 'feb' or 'february'.  if not ((y % 4 == 0 and y % 100 ~= 0) or y % 400 == 0) then  d = 28  end  end  dates[i] = Date(y, m, d)  end  else  -- If partial dates are allowed, accept  -- year only, or  -- year and month only  -- Do not accept year and day without a month because that makes no sense  -- (and because, for example, Date('partial', 2001, nil, 12) sets day = nil, not 12).  for i = 1, nrDates do  local index = i == 1 and 1 or 4  local y, m, d = fields[index], fields[index+1], fields[index+2]  if (getopt.partial and y and (m or not d)) or (y and m and d) then  dates[i] = Date(fix, partialText, y, m, d)  elseif not y and not m and not d then  dates[i] = Date(flagCurrent())  end  end  end  else  getopt.textdates = true -- have parsed each date from a single text field  dates[1] = Date(fix, partialText, flagCurrent(fields[1]))  if not getopt.single then  dates[2] = Date(fix, partialText, flagCurrent(fields[2]))  end  end  if not dates[1] then  return message(getopt.missing1 or 'mt-need-valid-ymd')  end  if getopt.single then  return dates[1]  end  if not dates[2] then  return message(getopt.missing2 or 'mt-need-valid-ymd2')  end  return dates[1], dates[2] end  local function ageGeneric(frame)  -- Return the result required by the specified template.  -- Can use sortable=x where x = on/table/off/debug in any supported template.  -- Some templates default to sortable=on but can be overridden.  local name = frame.args.template  if not name then  return message('mt-template-x')  end  local args = frame:getParent().args  local specs = {  age_days = { -- {{age in days}}  show = 'd',  disp = 'disp_raw',  },  age_days_nts = { -- {{age in days nts}}  show = 'd',  disp = 'disp_raw',  format = 'format_commas',  sortable = 'on',  },  duration_days = { -- {{duration in days}}  show = 'd',  disp = 'disp_raw',  duration = true,  },  duration_days_nts = { -- {{duration in days nts}}  show = 'd',  disp = 'disp_raw',  format = 'format_commas',  sortable = 'on',  duration = true,  },  age_full_years = { -- {{age}}  show = 'y',  abbr = 'abbr_raw',  flag = 'usesCurrent',  omitZero = true,  range = 'no',  },  age_full_years_nts = { -- {{age nts}}  show = 'y',  abbr = 'abbr_raw',  format = 'format_commas',  sortable = 'on',  },  age_in_years = { -- {{age in years}}  show = 'y',  abbr = 'abbr_raw',  negative = 'error',  range = 'dash',  },  age_in_years_nts = { -- {{age in years nts}}  show = 'y',  abbr = 'abbr_raw',  negative = 'error',  range = 'dash',  format = 'format_commas',  sortable = 'on',  },  age_infant = { -- {{age for infant}}  -- Do not set show because special processing is done later.  abbr = yes(args.abbr) and 'abbr_infant' or 'abbr_off',  disp = 'disp_age',  sep = 'sep_space',  sortable = 'on',  },  age_m = { -- {{age in months}}  show = 'm',  disp = 'disp_raw',  },  age_w = { -- {{age in weeks}}  show = 'w',  disp = 'disp_raw',  },  age_wd = { -- {{age in weeks and days}}  show = 'wd',  },  age_yd = { -- {{age in years and days}}  show = 'yd',  format = 'format_commas',  sep = args.sep ~= 'and' and 'sep_comma' or nil,  },  age_yd_nts = { -- {{age in years and days nts}}  show = 'yd',  format = 'format_commas',  sep = args.sep ~= 'and' and 'sep_comma' or nil,  sortable = 'on',  },  age_ym = { -- {{age in years and months}}  show = 'ym',  sep = 'sep_comma',  },  age_ymd = { -- {{age in years, months and days}}  show = 'ymd',  range = true,  },  age_ymwd = { -- {{age in years, months, weeks and days}}  show = 'ymwd',  wantMixture = true,  },  }  local spec = specs[name]  if not spec then  return message('mt-template-bad-name')  end  if name == 'age_days' then  local su = stripToNil(args['show unit'])  if su then  if su == 'abbr' or su == 'full' then  spec.disp = nil  spec.abbr = su == 'abbr' and 'abbr_on' or nil  end  end  end  local partial, autofill  local range = stripToNil(args.range) or spec.range  if range then  -- Suppose partial dates are used and age could be 11 or 12 years.  -- "|range=" (empty value) has no effect (spec is used).  -- "|range=yes" or spec.range == true sets range = true (gives "11 or 12")  -- "|range=dash" or spec.range == 'dash' sets range = 'dash' (gives "11–12").  -- "|range=no" or spec.range == 'no' sets range = nil and fills each date in the diff (gives "12").  -- ("on" is equivalent to "yes", and "off" is equivalent to "no").  -- "|range=OTHER" sets range = nil and rejects partial dates.  range = ({ dash = 'dash', off = 'no', no = 'no', [true] = true })[range] or yes(range)  if range then  partial = true -- accept partial dates with a possible age range for the result  if range == 'no' then  autofill = true -- missing month/day in first or second date are filled from other date or 1  range = nil  end  end  end  local getopt = {  fix = yes(args.fix),  flag = stripToNil(args.flag) or spec.flag,  omitZero = spec.omitZero,  partial = partial,  wantMixture = spec.wantMixture,  }  local date1, date2 = getDates(frame, getopt)  if type(date1) == 'string' then  return date1  end  local format = stripToNil(args.format)  local spell = spellOptions[format]  if format then  format = 'format_' .. format  elseif name == 'age_days' and getopt.textdates then  format = 'format_commas'  end  local parms = {  diff = date2:subtract(date1, { fill = autofill }),  wantDuration = spec.duration or yes(args.duration),  range = range,  wantSc = yes(args.sc),  show = args.show == 'hide' and 'hide' or spec.show,  abbr = spec.abbr,  disp = spec.disp,  extra = makeExtra(args, getopt.usesCurrent and format ~= 'format_raw'),  format = format or spec.format,  round = yes(args.round),  sep = spec.sep,  sortable = translateParameters.sortable[args.sortable or spec.sortable],  spell = spell,  }  if (spec.negative or frame.args.negative) == 'error' and parms.diff.isnegative then  return message('mt-date-wrong-order')  end  return from_en(dateDifference(parms)) end  local function bda(frame)  -- Implement [[Template:Birth date and age]].  local args = frame:getParent().args  local options = {  missing1 = 'mt-need-valid-bd',  noMissing = true,  single = true,  }  local date = getDates(frame, options)  if type(date) == 'string' then  return date -- error text  end  local Date = getExports(frame)  local diff = Date('currentdate') - date  if diff.isnegative or diff.years > 150 then  return message('mt-invalid-bd-age')  end  local disp, show = 'disp_raw', 'y'  if diff.years < 2 then  disp = 'disp_age'  if diff.years == 0 and diff.months == 0 then  show = 'd'  else  show = 'm'  end  end  local df = stripToNil(args.df) -- day first (dmy); default is month first (mdy)  local result = '(<span class="bday">%-Y-%m-%d</span>) </span>' ..  (df and '%-d %B %-Y' or '%B %-d, %-Y')  result = from_en('<span style="display:none"> ' ..  date:text(result) ..  '<span class="noprint ForceAgeToShow"> ' ..  mtext['txt-age'] ..  dateDifference({  diff = diff,  show = show,  abbr = 'abbr_off',  disp = disp,  sep = 'sep_space',  }) ..  ')</span>')  local warnings = tonumber(frame.args.warnings)  if warnings and warnings > 0 then  local good = {  df = true,  mf = true,  day = true,  day1 = true,  month = true,  month1 = true,  year = true,  year1 = true,  }  local invalid  local imax = options.textdates and 1 or 3  for k, _ in pairs(args) do  if type(k) == 'number' then  if k > imax then  invalid = tostring(k)  break  end  else  if not good[k] then  invalid = k  break  end  end  end  if invalid then  result = result .. message({ 'mt-bad-param1', invalid }, 'warning')  end  end  return result end  local function dda(frame)  -- Implement [[Template:Death date and age]].  local args = frame:getParent().args  local options = {  missing1 = 'mt-need-valid-dd',  missing2 = 'mt-need-valid-bd2',  noMissing = true,  partial = true,  }  local date1, date2 = getDates(frame, options)  if type(date1) == 'string' then  return date1  end  local diff = date1 - date2  if diff.isnegative then  return message('mt-dd-wrong-order')  end  local Date = getExports(frame)  local today = Date('currentdate') + 1 -- one day in future allows for timezones  if date1 > today then  return message('mt-dd-future')  end  local years  if diff.partial then  years = diff.partial.years  years = type(years) == 'table' and years[2] or years  else  years = diff.years  end  if years > 150 then  return message('mt-invalid-dates-age')  end  local df = stripToNil(args.df) -- day first (dmy); default is month first (mdy)  local result  if date1.day then -- y, m, d known  result = (df and  '%-d %B %-Y' or  '%B %-d, %-Y') ..  '<span style="display:none">(%-Y-%m-%d)</span>'  elseif date1.month then -- y, m known; d unknown  result =  '%B %-Y' ..  '<span style="display:none">(%-Y-%m-00)</span>'  else -- y known; m, d unknown  result =  '%-Y' ..  '<span style="display:none">(%-Y-00-00)</span>'  end  result = from_en(date1:text(result) ..  mtext['txt-aged'] ..  dateDifference({  diff = diff,  show = 'y',  abbr = 'abbr_off',  disp = 'disp_raw',  range = 'dash',  sep = 'sep_space',  }) ..  ')')  local warnings = tonumber(frame.args.warnings)  if warnings and warnings > 0 then  local good = {  df = true,  mf = true,  }  local invalid  local imax = options.textdates and 2 or 6  for k, _ in pairs(args) do  if type(k) == 'number' then  if k > imax then  invalid = tostring(k)  break  end  else  if not good[k] then  invalid = k  break  end  end  end  if invalid then  result = result .. message({ 'mt-bad-param1', invalid }, 'warning')  end  end  return result end  local function dateToGsd(frame)  -- Implement [[Template:Gregorian serial date]].  -- Return Gregorian serial date of the given date, or the current date.  -- The returned value is negative for dates before 1 January 1 AD  -- despite the fact that GSD is not defined for such dates.  local date = getDates(frame, { wantMixture=true, single=true })  if type(date) == 'string' then  return date  end  return tostring(date.gsd) end  local function jdToDate(frame)  -- Return formatted date from a Julian date.  -- The result includes a time if the input includes a fraction.  -- The word 'Julian' is accepted for the Julian calendar.  local Date = getExports(frame)  local args = frame:getParent().args  local date = Date('juliandate', args[1], args[2])  if date then  return from_en(date:text())  end  return message('mt-need-jdn') end  local function dateToJd(frame)  -- Return Julian date (a number) from a date which may include a time,  -- or the current date ('currentdate') or current date and time ('currentdatetime').  -- The word 'Julian' is accepted for the Julian calendar.  local Date = getExports(frame)  local args = frame:getParent().args  local date = Date(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7])  if date then  return tostring(date.jd)  end  return message('mt-need-valid-ymd-current') end  local function timeInterval(frame)  -- Implement [[Template:Time interval]].  -- There are two positional arguments: date1, date2.  -- The default for each is the current date and time.  -- Result is date2 - date1 formatted.  local Date = getExports(frame)  local args = frame:getParent().args  local parms = {  extra = makeExtra(args),  wantDuration = yes(args.duration),  range = yes(args.range) or (args.range == 'dash' and 'dash' or nil),  wantSc = yes(args.sc),  }  local fix = yes(args.fix) and 'fix' or ''  local date1 = Date(fix, 'partial', stripToNil(args[1]) or 'currentdatetime')  if not date1 then  return message('mt-invalid-start')  end  local date2 = Date(fix, 'partial', stripToNil(args[2]) or 'currentdatetime')  if not date2 then  return message('mt-invalid-end')  end  parms.diff = date2 - date1  for argname, translate in pairs(translateParameters) do  local parm = stripToNil(args[argname])  if parm then  parm = translate[parm]  if parm == nil then -- test for nil because false is a valid setting  return message({ 'mt-bad-param2', argname, args[argname] })  end  parms[argname] = parm  end  end  if parms.round then  local round = parms.round  local show = parms.show  if round ~= 'on' then  if show then  if show.id ~= round then  return message({ 'mt-conflicting-show', args.show, args.round })  end  else  parms.show = translateParameters.show[round]  end  end  parms.round = true  end  return from_en(dateDifference(parms)) end  return {  age_generic = ageGeneric, -- can emulate several age templates  birth_date_and_age = bda, -- Template:Birth_date_and_age  death_date_and_age = dda, -- Template:Death_date_and_age  gsd = dateToGsd, -- Template:Gregorian_serial_date  extract = dateExtract, -- Template:Extract  jd_to_date = jdToDate, -- Template:?  JULIANDAY = dateToJd, -- Template:JULIANDAY  time_interval = timeInterval, -- Template:Time_interval } 

มอด, เป, นมอด, ลท, กป, องก, นถาวรเน, องจากม, ความเส, ยงส, งกร, ณาอภ, ปรายการเปล, ยนแปลงใด, ทางหน, าค, ณอาจส, งคำขอแก, ไข, ไปย, งผ, แลระบบเพ, อให, แก, ไขได, หากเป, นการแก, ไขท, ไม, การค, ดค, านหร, อม, ความเห, นพ, องสน, บสน, ณย, งสามารถขอให, เล, กป, องก, นหน, าไ. niepnmxdulthithukpxngknthawrenuxngcakmikhwamesiyngsungkrunaxphipraykarepliynaeplngid thanghnakhuy khunxacsngkhakhxaekikh ipyngphuduaelrabbephuxihaekikhidhakepnkaraekikhthiimmikarkhdkhanhruxmikhwamehnphxngsnbsnun khunyngsamarthkhxihelikpxngknhnaidkhumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray aek dukhwamaetktang aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulni Implement various age of and other date related templates local mtext Message and other text that should be localized mt bad param1 Invalid parameter 1 mt bad param2 Parameter 1 2 is invalid mt bad show Parameter show 1 is not supported here mt cannot add Cannot add 1 mt conflicting show Parameter show 1 conflicts with round 2 mt date wrong order The second date must be later in time than the first date mt dd future Death date first date must not be in the future mt dd wrong order Death date first date must be later in time than the birth date second date mt invalid bd age Invalid birth date for calculating age mt invalid dates age Invalid dates for calculating age mt invalid end Invalid end date in second parameter mt invalid start Invalid start date in first parameter mt need jdn Need valid Julian date number mt need valid bd Need valid birth date year month day mt need valid bd2 Need valid birth date second date year month day mt need valid date Need valid date mt need valid dd Need valid death date first date year month day mt need valid ymd Need valid year month day mt need valid ymd current Need valid year month day or currentdate mt need valid ymd2 Second date should be year month day mt template bad name The specified template name is not valid mt template x The template invoking this must have template x where x is the wanted operation txt age age amp nbsp txt aged aged amp nbsp txt and and txt comma and and txt error Error txt or amp nbsp or local translate from en to en isZero if translate then Functions to translate from en to local language and reverse go here See example at bn Module বয স else from en function text return text end isZero function text return tonumber text 0 end end local Date currentDate local function getExports frame Return objects exported from the date module or its sandbox if not Date then local sandbox frame getTitle find sandbox 1 true and sandbox or local datemod require Module Date sandbox local realDate datemod Date currentDate datemod current if to en then Date function local args for i v in ipairs do args i to en v end return realDate unpack args end else Date realDate end end return Date currentDate end local Collection a table to hold items Collection add function self item if item nil then self n self n 1 self self n item end end join function self sep return table concat self sep end remove function self pos if self n gt 0 and pos nil or 0 lt pos and pos lt self n then self n self n 1 return table remove self pos end end sort function self comp table sort self comp end new function return setmetatable n 0 Collection end Collection index Collection local function stripToNil text If text is a string return its trimmed content or nil if empty Otherwise return text which may for example be nil if type text string then text text match S s end return text end local function yes parameter Return true if parameter should be interpreted as yes Do not want to accept mixed upper lowercase unless done by current templates Need to accept on because round on is wanted return y true yes true on true parameter end local function message msg id Return formatted message text for an error or warning local function getText msg return mtext msg or error Bug message tostring msg not defined end local text if type msg table then text getText msg 1 local rep for i v in ipairs msg do if i gt 1 then rep i 1 v end end text text gsub d rep else text getText msg end local categories error Category Age error warning Category Age error same as error until determine whether Age warning would be worthwhile local a b category if id warning then a lt sup gt lt i gt b lt i gt lt sup gt else a lt strong class error gt getText txt error b lt strong gt end if mw title getCurrentTitle inNamespaces 0 then Category only in namespaces 0 article category categories id or error end return a mw text nowiki text b category or end local function formatNumber number Return the given number formatted with commas as group separators given that the number is an integer local numstr tostring number local length numstr local places Collection new local pos 0 repeat places add pos pos pos 3 until pos gt length places add length local groups Collection new for i places n 2 1 do local p1 length places i 1 local p2 length places i 1 groups add numstr sub p1 p2 end return groups join end local function spellNumber number options i Return result of spelling number or return number as a string if cannot spell it i 1 for the first number which can optionally start with an uppercase letter number tostring number return require Module ConvertNumeric spell number number nil fraction numerator nil fraction denominator i 1 and options upper true One instead of one not options us true use and between tens ones etc options adj true hyphenated options ordinal true first instead of one or number end local function makeExtra args flagCurrent Return extra text that will be inserted before the visible result but after any sort key local extra args prefix or if mw ustring len extra gt 1 then Parameter gives 3 whereas over gives over 3 if extra sub 6 1 amp nbsp then extra extra end end if flagCurrent then extra lt span class currentage gt lt span gt extra end return extra end local function makeSort value sortable Return a sort key if requested Assume value is a valid number which has not overflowed if sortable sortable table or sortable sortable on or sortable sortable debug then local sortKey if value 0 then sortKey 5000000000000000000 else local mag math floor math log10 math abs value 1e 14 if value gt 0 then sortKey 7000 mag else sortKey 2999 mag value value 10 mag 1 end sortKey string format d sortKey string format 015 0f math floor value 10 14 mag end local result if sortable sortable table then result data sort value SORTKEY elseif sortable sortable debug then result lt span data sort value SORTKEY gt lt span style border 1px solid gt SORTKEY lt span gt lt span gt else result lt span data sort value SORTKEY gt lt span gt end return result gsub SORTKEY sortKey end end local translateParameters abbr off abbr off on abbr on disp age disp age raw disp raw format raw format raw commas format commas round on on yes on months ym weeks ymw days ymd hours ymdh sep comma sep comma sep comma serialcomma sep serialcomma space sep space show hide id hide y y id y ym y m id ym ymd y m d id ymd ymw y m w id ymw ymwd y m w d id ymwd yd y d id yd keepZero true m m id m md m d id md w w id w wd w d id wd h H id h hm H M id hm hms H M S id hms d d id d dh d H id dh dhm d H M id dhm dhms d H M S id dhms ymdh y m d H id ymdh ymdhm y m d H M id ymdhm ymwdh y m w d H id ymwdh ymwdhm y m w d H M id ymwdhm sortable off false on sortable on table sortable table debug sortable debug local spellOptions cardinal Cardinal upper true cardinal us us true Cardinal us us true upper true ordinal ordinal true Ordinal ordinal true upper true ordinal us ordinal true us true Ordinal us ordinal true us true upper true local function dateExtract frame Return part of a date after performing an optional operation local Date getExports frame local args frame getParent args local parms for i v in ipairs args do parms i v end if yes args fix then table insert parms fix end if yes args partial then table insert parms partial end local show stripToNil args show or dmy local date Date unpack parms if not date then if show format then return error end return message mt need valid date end local add stripToNil args add if add then for item in add gmatch S do date date item if not date then return message mt cannot add item end end end local sortKey result local sortable translateParameters sortable args sortable if sortable then local value date partial and date partial first or date jdz sortKey makeSort value sortable end if show hide then result date show if result nil then result from en date text show elseif type result boolean then result result and 1 or 0 else result from en tostring result end end return sortKey or makeExtra args result or end local function rangeJoin range Return text to be used between a range of ages return range dash and or mtext txt or end local function makeText values components names options noUpper Return wikitext representing an age or duration local text Collection new local count values local sep names sep or for i v in ipairs values do v is a number say 4 for 4 years or a table 4 5 for 4 or 5 years local islist type v table if islist or v gt 0 or text n 0 and i count or text n gt 0 and components keepZero then local fmt vstr if options spell then fmt function number return spellNumber number options spell noUpper or i end elseif i 1 and options format format commas then Numbers after the first should be small and not need formatting fmt formatNumber else fmt tostring end if islist then vstr fmt v 1 rangeJoin options range noUpper true vstr vstr fmt v 2 else vstr fmt v end local name names components i if name then local plural names plural if not plural or islist and v 2 or v 1 then plural end text add vstr sep name plural else text add vstr end end end local first last if options join sep space then first last elseif options join sep comma then first last elseif options join sep serialcomma and text n gt 2 then first last mtext txt comma and else first last mtext txt and end for i v in ipairs text do if i lt text n then text i v i 1 lt text n and first or last end end local sign if options isnegative then Do not display negative zero if text n gt 1 or text n 1 and text 1 sub 1 1 0 then if options format format raw then sign plain hyphen so result can be used in a calculation else sign Unicode U 2212 MINUS SIGN end end end return options sortKey or options extra or sign text join options suffix or end local function dateDifference parms Return a formatted date difference using the given parameters which have been validated local names abbr off plural s sep amp nbsp y year m month w week d day H hour M minute S second abbr on y y m m w w d d H h M m S s abbr infant for age for infant plural s sep amp nbsp y yr m mo w wk d day H hr M min S sec abbr raw local diff parms diff must be a valid date difference local show parms show may be nil default is set below local abbr parms abbr or abbr off local defaultJoin if abbr abbr off then defaultJoin sep space end if not show then show ymd if parms disp disp age then if diff years lt 3 then defaultJoin sep space if diff years gt 1 then show ym else show md end else show y end end end if type show table then show translateParameters show show end if parms disp disp raw then defaultJoin sep space abbr abbr raw elseif parms wantSc then defaultJoin sep serialcomma end local diffOptions round parms round duration parms wantDuration range parms range and true or nil local sortKey if parms sortable then local value diff age days parms wantDuration and 1 or 0 days and fraction of a day if diff isnegative then value value end sortKey makeSort value parms sortable end local textOptions extra parms extra format parms format join parms sep or defaultJoin isnegative diff isnegative range parms range sortKey sortKey spell parms spell suffix parms suffix not currently used if show id hide then return sortKey or end local values diff age show id diffOptions if values 1 then return makeText values show names abbr textOptions end if diff partial then Handle a more complex range such as age yd 20 Dec 2001 2003 range yes 1 year 12 days or 2 years 11 days local opt format textOptions format join textOptions join isnegative textOptions isnegative spell textOptions spell return textOptions sortKey or makeText diff partial mindiff age show id diffOptions show names abbr opt rangeJoin textOptions range makeText diff partial maxdiff age show id diffOptions show names abbr opt true textOptions suffix or end return message mt bad show show id end local function getDates frame getopt Parse template parameters and return one of date a date table if single date1 date2 two date tables if not single text a string error message A missing date is optionally replaced with the current date If wantMixture is true a missing date component is replaced from the current date so can get a bizarre mixture of specified current y m d as has been done by some age templates Some results may be placed in table getopt local Date currentDate getExports frame getopt getopt or local function flagCurrent text This allows the calling template to detect if the current date has been used that is whether both dates have been entered in a template expecting two For example an infobox may want the age when an event occurred not the current age Don t bother detecting if wantMixture is used because not needed and it is a poor option if not text then if getopt noMissing then return nil this gives a nil date which gives an error end text currentdate if getopt flag usesCurrent then getopt usesCurrent true end end return text end local args frame getParent args local fields local isNamed args year or args year1 or args year2 or args month or args month1 or args month2 or args day or args day1 or args day2 if isNamed then fields 1 args year1 or args year fields 2 args month1 or args month fields 3 args day1 or args day fields 4 args year2 fields 5 args month2 fields 6 args day2 else for i 1 6 do fields i args i end end local imax 0 for i 1 6 do fields i stripToNil fields i if fields i then imax i end if getopt omitZero and i 3 1 then omit zero months and days as unknown values but keep year 0 which is 1 BCE if isZero fields i then fields i nil getopt partial true end end end local fix getopt fix and fix or local partialText getopt partial and partial or local dates if isNamed or imax gt 3 then local nrDates getopt single and 1 or 2 if getopt wantMixture then Cannot be partial since empty fields are set from current local components year month day for i 1 nrDates 3 do fields i fields i or currentDate components i gt 3 and i 3 or i end for i 1 nrDates do local index i 1 and 1 or 4 local y m d fields index fields index 1 fields index 2 if m 2 or m 2 and d 29 or d 29 then Workaround error with following which attempt to use invalid date 2001 02 29 age ymwd year1 2001 year2 2004 month2 2 day2 29 age ymwd year1 2001 month1 2 year2 2004 month2 1 day2 29 TODO Get rid of wantMixture because even this ugly code does not handle Feb or February or feb or february if not y 4 0 and y 100 0 or y 400 0 then d 28 end end dates i Date y m d end else If partial dates are allowed accept year only or year and month only Do not accept year and day without a month because that makes no sense and because for example Date partial 2001 nil 12 sets day nil not 12 for i 1 nrDates do local index i 1 and 1 or 4 local y m d fields index fields index 1 fields index 2 if getopt partial and y and m or not d or y and m and d then dates i Date fix partialText y m d elseif not y and not m and not d then dates i Date flagCurrent end end end else getopt textdates true have parsed each date from a single text field dates 1 Date fix partialText flagCurrent fields 1 if not getopt single then dates 2 Date fix partialText flagCurrent fields 2 end end if not dates 1 then return message getopt missing1 or mt need valid ymd end if getopt single then return dates 1 end if not dates 2 then return message getopt missing2 or mt need valid ymd2 end return dates 1 dates 2 end local function ageGeneric frame Return the result required by the specified template Can use sortable x where x on table off debug in any supported template Some templates default to sortable on but can be overridden local name frame args template if not name then return message mt template x end local args frame getParent args local specs age days age in days show d disp disp raw age days nts age in days nts show d disp disp raw format format commas sortable on duration days duration in days show d disp disp raw duration true duration days nts duration in days nts show d disp disp raw format format commas sortable on duration true age full years age show y abbr abbr raw flag usesCurrent omitZero true range no age full years nts age nts show y abbr abbr raw format format commas sortable on age in years age in years show y abbr abbr raw negative error range dash age in years nts age in years nts show y abbr abbr raw negative error range dash format format commas sortable on age infant age for infant Do not set show because special processing is done later abbr yes args abbr and abbr infant or abbr off disp disp age sep sep space sortable on age m age in months show m disp disp raw age w age in weeks show w disp disp raw age wd age in weeks and days show wd age yd age in years and days show yd format format commas sep args sep and and sep comma or nil age yd nts age in years and days nts show yd format format commas sep args sep and and sep comma or nil sortable on age ym age in years and months show ym sep sep comma age ymd age in years months and days show ymd range true age ymwd age in years months weeks and days show ymwd wantMixture true local spec specs name if not spec then return message mt template bad name end if name age days then local su stripToNil args show unit if su then if su abbr or su full then spec disp nil spec abbr su abbr and abbr on or nil end end end local partial autofill local range stripToNil args range or spec range if range then Suppose partial dates are used and age could be 11 or 12 years range empty value has no effect spec is used range yes or spec range true sets range true gives 11 or 12 range dash or spec range dash sets range dash gives 11 12 range no or spec range no sets range nil and fills each date in the diff gives 12 on is equivalent to yes and off is equivalent to no range OTHER sets range nil and rejects partial dates range dash dash off no no no true true range or yes range if range then partial true accept partial dates with a possible age range for the result if range no then autofill true missing month day in first or second date are filled from other date or 1 range nil end end end local getopt fix yes args fix flag stripToNil args flag or spec flag omitZero spec omitZero partial partial wantMixture spec wantMixture local date1 date2 getDates frame getopt if type date1 string then return date1 end local format stripToNil args format local spell spellOptions format if format then format format format elseif name age days and getopt textdates then format format commas end local parms diff date2 subtract date1 fill autofill wantDuration spec duration or yes args duration range range wantSc yes args sc show args show hide and hide or spec show abbr spec abbr disp spec disp extra makeExtra args getopt usesCurrent and format format raw format format or spec format round yes args round sep spec sep sortable translateParameters sortable args sortable or spec sortable spell spell if spec negative or frame args negative error and parms diff isnegative then return message mt date wrong order end return from en dateDifference parms end local function bda frame Implement Template Birth date and age local args frame getParent args local options missing1 mt need valid bd noMissing true single true local date getDates frame options if type date string then return date error text end local Date getExports frame local diff Date currentdate date if diff isnegative or diff years gt 150 then return message mt invalid bd age end local disp show disp raw y if diff years lt 2 then disp disp age if diff years 0 and diff months 0 then show d else show m end end local df stripToNil args df day first dmy default is month first mdy local result lt span class bday gt Y m d lt span gt lt span gt df and d B Y or B d Y result from en lt span style display none gt date text result lt span class noprint ForceAgeToShow gt mtext txt age dateDifference diff diff show show abbr abbr off disp disp sep sep space lt span gt local warnings tonumber frame args warnings if warnings and warnings gt 0 then local good df true mf true day true day1 true month true month1 true year true year1 true local invalid local imax options textdates and 1 or 3 for k in pairs args do if type k number then if k gt imax then invalid tostring k break end else if not good k then invalid k break end end end if invalid then result result message mt bad param1 invalid warning end end return result end local function dda frame Implement Template Death date and age local args frame getParent args local options missing1 mt need valid dd missing2 mt need valid bd2 noMissing true partial true local date1 date2 getDates frame options if type date1 string then return date1 end local diff date1 date2 if diff isnegative then return message mt dd wrong order end local Date getExports frame local today Date currentdate 1 one day in future allows for timezones if date1 gt today then return message mt dd future end local years if diff partial then years diff partial years years type years table and years 2 or years else years diff years end if years gt 150 then return message mt invalid dates age end local df stripToNil args df day first dmy default is month first mdy local result if date1 day then y m d known result df and d B Y or B d Y lt span style display none gt Y m d lt span gt elseif date1 month then y m known d unknown result B Y lt span style display none gt Y m 00 lt span gt else y known m d unknown result Y lt span style display none gt Y 00 00 lt span gt end result from en date1 text result mtext txt aged dateDifference diff diff show y abbr abbr off disp disp raw range dash sep sep space local warnings tonumber frame args warnings if warnings and warnings gt 0 then local good df true mf true local invalid local imax options textdates and 2 or 6 for k in pairs args do if type k number then if k gt imax then invalid tostring k break end else if not good k then invalid k break end end end if invalid then result result message mt bad param1 invalid warning end end return result end local function dateToGsd frame Implement Template Gregorian serial date Return Gregorian serial date of the given date or the current date The returned value is negative for dates before 1 January 1 AD despite the fact that GSD is not defined for such dates local date getDates frame wantMixture true single true if type date string then return date end return tostring date gsd end local function jdToDate frame Return formatted date from a Julian date The result includes a time if the input includes a fraction The word Julian is accepted for the Julian calendar local Date getExports frame local args frame getParent args local date Date juliandate args 1 args 2 if date then return from en date text end return message mt need jdn end local function dateToJd frame Return Julian date a number from a date which may include a time or the current date currentdate or current date and time currentdatetime The word Julian is accepted for the Julian calendar local Date getExports frame local args frame getParent args local date Date args 1 args 2 args 3 args 4 args 5 args 6 args 7 if date then return tostring date jd end return message mt need valid ymd current end local function timeInterval frame Implement Template Time interval There are two positional arguments date1 date2 The default for each is the current date and time Result is date2 date1 formatted local Date getExports frame local args frame getParent args local parms extra makeExtra args wantDuration yes args duration range yes args range or args range dash and dash or nil wantSc yes args sc local fix yes args fix and fix or local date1 Date fix partial stripToNil args 1 or currentdatetime if not date1 then return message mt invalid start end local date2 Date fix partial stripToNil args 2 or currentdatetime if not date2 then return message mt invalid end end parms diff date2 date1 for argname translate in pairs translateParameters do local parm stripToNil args argname if parm then parm translate parm if parm nil then test for nil because false is a valid setting return message mt bad param2 argname args argname end parms argname parm end end if parms round then local round parms round local show parms show if round on then if show then if show id round then return message mt conflicting show args show args round end else parms show translateParameters show round end end parms round true end return from en dateDifference parms end return age generic ageGeneric can emulate several age templates birth date and age bda Template Birth date and age death date and age dda Template Death date and age gsd dateToGsd Template Gregorian serial date extract dateExtract Template Extract jd to date jdToDate Template JULIANDAY dateToJd Template JULIANDAY time interval timeInterval Template Time interval ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Age amp oldid 8882682, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม