

local p = {}  function p.main(frame)   --Get input arguments  local args = require('มอดูล:Arguments').getArgs(frame,{valueFunc =  function(key,value)  if value then  value = mw.text.trim(value)  --Change empty string to nil for all args except 'image' and 'border'  if key=="image" or key=="border" or value~="" then  return value  end  end  return nil  end  })   --Call main function  return p.luaMain(frame,args)  end  function p.luaMain(frame,args)   local function emp2nil(x)  if x=="" then return nil else return x end  end  local function space2emp(x)  if string.find(x,"^%s*$") then return "" else return x end  end  local function nopx(x)  if x~=nil and (string.find(x,"^%d+$") or string.find(x,"^%d+px$")) then return string.gsub(x,"^(.*)px","%1") else return nil end  end   --Country & mode parameters  local mode = string.lower(args[1] or "usc")  local mi = string.sub(mode,1,1)  local ms = string.sub(mode,2,2)  local mn = string.sub(mode,3,3)  local me = string.sub(mode,4,-1)   local country = args[2] or ""  local avar = args["avar"] or args["altvar"]  local clink = args["clink"] or args["link"]   --Get country data & altvar data  local data, alink, amap, asuf  if avar then  local age = args["age"] or ""  local aalias  amap, aalias = require("มอดูล:Flagg/Altvar data").alttable(age)  avar = string.gsub(string.lower(avar or ""),"[ \-]","")  avar = aalias[avar] or avar  if not amap[avar] then error("Unknown avar") end  local apar = {altvar=amap[avar].altvar;mw=amap[avar].mw;age=amap[avar].age;variant=args["variant"] or args[3]}  data = require("มอดูล:CountryData").gettable(frame,country,apar)  apref = amap[avar].altlink  asuf = amap[avar].age or ""  alink = data["link alias-"..amap[avar].altvar] or apref..(clink or data["shortname alias"] or data.alias or country)..asuf  else  data = (args["nodata"] and {}) or require("มอดูล:CountryData").gettable(frame,country,{variant=args["variant"] or args[3]})  avar = ""  amap = {[""]={altvar=""}}  end   --Name and link parameters  clink = clink or data.alias or country   local pref = args["pref"]  local suff = args["suff"] or asuf  if not pref and not suff then --Default prefix  pref = "ธงชาติ"  end  local yn_map = {[""]=0; ["0"]=0; ["no"]=0; ["n"]=0; ["1"]=1; ["yes"]=1; ["y"]=1}  local fthe = (args["pthe"] and yn_map[args["pthe"]]~=0) or (args["the"] and yn_map[args["the"]]~=0)  local nthe = (args["nthe"] and yn_map[args["nthe"]]~=0) or (args["the"] and yn_map[args["the"]]~=0)  fthe = fthe and (pref and "t" or "T").."he " or ""  nthe = nthe and (pref and "t" or "T").."he " or ""  local flink = args["plink"] or args["flink"] or alink  or clink=="" and "" or space2emp((pref or "").."")..fthe..clink..space2emp(""..(suff or ""))  local fsec = args["psection"] or args["section"]  local csec = args["csection"] or args["section"]  fsec = fsec and "#"..fsec or ""  csec = csec and "#"..csec or ""   if string.find(me,"f") then  if mw.title.new( flink ).exists == false then  flink = clink  end  end   local name = args["name"]  if not name then  local cname = string.find(me,"e") and (data["name alias-"..amap[avar].altvar] or data["shortname alias"] or data.alias) or country  if mn == "f" then  name = cname=="" and "" or space2emp((pref or "").."")..nthe..cname..space2emp(""..(suff or ""))  else  name = cname  end  end   --Image parameters  local pimage = args["image"]  local placeholder = "Flag placeholder.svg"  local variant = args["variant"] or args[3] or ""  local image_map = {[""]=placeholder; ["none"]=placeholder; ["blank"]=placeholder}  if pimage then --Remove namespace  pimage = string.gsub(pimage,"^[Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee]:","")  pimage = string.gsub(pimage,"^[Ii][Mm][Aa][Gg][Ee]:","")  end  local iname = image_map[pimage] or pimage   local size = args["size"] or args["sz"]  local size_map = {xs="12x8px"; s="17x11px"; m="23x15px"; l="32x21px"; xl="46x30px"}  if size==nil or string.find(size,"^%d*x?%d+px$") then  --valid EIS size (..px, x..px or ..x..px) or unset  elseif string.find(size,"^%d*x?%d+$") then --EIS size without "px" suffix  size=size.."px"  else --size from map, or invalid value  size = size_map[size] or nil  end  local border = args["border"]   if iname then  size = size or "23x15px"  if yn_map[border]==0 then border = "" else border = "|border" end  else  iname = data["flag alias-"..amap[avar].altvar.."-"..variant] or data["flag alias-"..variant] or data["flag alias-"..amap[avar].altvar] or data["flag alias"] or placeholder  size = size or emp2nil(data.size) or "23x15px"  if border then  if yn_map[border]==0 then border = "" else border = "|border" end  else  local autoborder = data["border-"..variant] or data["border-"..amap[avar].altvar] or data.border  if autoborder and autoborder~="border" then border = "" else border = "|border" end  end  end   local am = ""  if args["alt"] or string.find(me,"a") then  am = args["alt"] or args["name"] or country  am = am.."|"..am  end   --Build display name  local text = args["text"]  if not text then  if mn=="x" then --no text  text = ""  elseif mn=="p" or mn=="f" then --prefix/suffix link  text = flink=="" and name or "[["..flink..fsec.."|"..name.."]]"  elseif mn=="b" then --both prefix/suffix and normal country link  local preflink = pref and (flink=="" and pref.."" or "[["..flink..fsec.."|"..pref.."]]") or ""  local sufflink = suff and (flink=="" and ""..suff or "[["..flink..fsec.."|"..suff.."]]") or ""  local namelink = (name=="" and "" or nthe)..(clink=="" and name or "[["..clink..csec.."|"..name.."]]")  text = preflink..namelink..sufflink  elseif mn=="d" then --data template  local title = mw.title.new("Template:Country data "..country)  --check if redirect  if title.isRedirect then  text = "<span class=\"plainlinks\">["..title:fullUrl("redirect=no").." "..name.."]</span>"  else  text = "[["..title.fullText.."|"..name.."]]"  end  elseif mn=="u" then --unlinked  text = name  else --country link (default)  text = clink=="" and name or "[["..clink..csec.."|"..name.."]]"  end  end   --Build image  local ilink = args["ilink"]  if not ilink then  if mi=="x" or (iname==placeholder and pimage~=placeholder) then --no image/invisible image  iname = placeholder  border = ""  ilink = "|link="  am = ""  elseif mi=="i" then --image page link  ilink = ""  elseif mi=="c" then --country link  ilink = "|link="..clink..(clink=="" and "" or csec)  elseif mi=="p" or mi=="f" then --prefix/suffix link  ilink = "|link="..flink..(flink=="" and "" or fsec)  elseif mi=="d" then --data template  local title = mw.title.new("Template:Country data "..country)  --check if redirect  if title.isRedirect then  ilink = "|link="..title:fullUrl("redirect=no")  else  ilink = "|link="..title.fullText  end  else --unlinked (default)  ilink = "|link="  end  end  if am == "" and string.find(me,"l") then  am = mw.ustring.sub(ilink,7,-1)  end  local image = "[[File:"..iname.."|"..size..border..ilink.."|alt="..am.."]]"   if iname==placeholder then  if require('มอดูล:yesno')(args["noredlink"]) == false then  iname = ''  image = "[[:Template:Country data "..country.."]]"  end  if (args["missingcategory"] or '') ~= '' then  image = image..args["missingcategory"]  end  if string.find(me,"b") then  text = ''  end  end   --Combine image and name with separator  local align = args["align"] or args["al"]  local nalign = args["nalign"] or args["nal"]  local align_map = {left="left", l="left", center="center", centre="center", c="center", middle="center", m="center", right="right", r="right"}  local out  if string.find(me,"r") then  --image right of name  if (ms=="x" and mi=="x") or (string.find(me,"o") and iname==placeholder and pimage~=placeholder) then --name only  out = text  elseif ms=="x" then --no separator  out = text.."<span class=\"flagicon\">"..image.."</span>"  elseif ms=="n" then --non-breaking space  out = text.."<span class=\"flagicon\">&nbsp;"..image.."</span>"  elseif ms=="l" then --line break  out = text.."<span class=\"flagicon\"><br/>"..image.."</span>"  elseif ms=="t" then --table cell  out = "style=\"text-align:"..(align_map[nalign] or "left").."\"|"..text.."||style=\"text-align:"..(align_map[align] or "center")..";\"|<span class=\"flagicon\">"..image.."</span>"  else --fixed-width span box (default)  local width = args["width"] or args["w"] or require("มอดูล:Flaglist/size").luawidth(size)  out = text.."&nbsp;<span class=\"flagicon\" style=\"display:inline-block;width:"..width.."px;text-align:"..(align_map[align] or "right")..";\">"..image.."</span>"  end  else --image left of name  if (ms=="x" and mi=="x") or (string.find(me,"o") and iname==placeholder and pimage~=placeholder) then --name only  out = text  elseif ms=="x" then --no separator  out = "<span class=\"flagicon\">"..image.."</span>"..text  elseif ms=="n" then --non-breaking space  out = "<span class=\"flagicon\">"..image.."&nbsp;</span>"..text  elseif ms=="l" then --line break  out = "<span class=\"flagicon\">"..image.."<br/></span>"..text  elseif ms=="t" then --table cell  out = "style=\"text-align:"..(align_map[align] or "center")..";\"|<span class=\"flagicon\">"..image.."</span>||style=\"text-align:"..(align_map[nalign] or "left").."\"|"..text  else --fixed-width span box (default)  local width = nopx(args["width"] or args["w"]) or require("มอดูล:Flaglist/size").luawidth(size)  out = "<span class=\"flagicon\" style=\"display:inline-block;width:"..width.."px;text-align:"..(align_map[align] or "left")..";\">"..image.."</span>&nbsp;"..text  end  end  if string.find(me,"w") then --avoid wrapping  out = "<span class=\"nowrap\">"..out.."</span>"  end   --Tracking categories  local cat = ""  if pimage and not image_map[pimage] and country~="" and data["flag alias"] and not args.demo then  cat = "[[Category:Pages using Flagg with specified image instead of data template image]]"  end   return out..cat  end  return p 

มอด, flagg, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, local, function, main, frame, input, . khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulnilocal p function p main frame Get input arguments local args require mxdul Arguments getArgs frame valueFunc function key value if value then value mw text trim value Change empty string to nil for all args except image and border if key image or key border or value then return value end end return nil end Call main function return p luaMain frame args end function p luaMain frame args local function emp2nil x if x then return nil else return x end end local function space2emp x if string find x s then return else return x end end local function nopx x if x nil and string find x d or string find x d px then return string gsub x px 1 else return nil end end Country amp mode parameters local mode string lower args 1 or usc local mi string sub mode 1 1 local ms string sub mode 2 2 local mn string sub mode 3 3 local me string sub mode 4 1 local country args 2 or local avar args avar or args altvar local clink args clink or args link Get country data amp altvar data local data alink amap asuf if avar then local age args age or local aalias amap aalias require mxdul Flagg Altvar data alttable age avar string gsub string lower avar or avar aalias avar or avar if not amap avar then error Unknown avar end local apar altvar amap avar altvar mw amap avar mw age amap avar age variant args variant or args 3 data require mxdul CountryData gettable frame country apar apref amap avar altlink asuf amap avar age or alink data link alias amap avar altvar or apref clink or data shortname alias or data alias or country asuf else data args nodata and or require mxdul CountryData gettable frame country variant args variant or args 3 avar amap altvar end Name and link parameters clink clink or data alias or country local pref args pref local suff args suff or asuf if not pref and not suff then Default prefix pref thngchati end local yn map 0 0 0 no 0 n 0 1 1 yes 1 y 1 local fthe args pthe and yn map args pthe 0 or args the and yn map args the 0 local nthe args nthe and yn map args nthe 0 or args the and yn map args the 0 fthe fthe and pref and t or T he or nthe nthe and pref and t or T he or local flink args plink or args flink or alink or clink and or space2emp pref or fthe clink space2emp suff or local fsec args psection or args section local csec args csection or args section fsec fsec and fsec or csec csec and csec or if string find me f then if mw title new flink exists false then flink clink end end local name args name if not name then local cname string find me e and data name alias amap avar altvar or data shortname alias or data alias or country if mn f then name cname and or space2emp pref or nthe cname space2emp suff or else name cname end end Image parameters local pimage args image local placeholder Flag placeholder svg local variant args variant or args 3 or local image map placeholder none placeholder blank placeholder if pimage then Remove namespace pimage string gsub pimage Ff Ii Ll Ee pimage string gsub pimage Ii Mm Aa Gg Ee end local iname image map pimage or pimage local size args size or args sz local size map xs 12x8px s 17x11px m 23x15px l 32x21px xl 46x30px if size nil or string find size d x d px then valid EIS size px x px or x px or unset elseif string find size d x d then EIS size without px suffix size size px else size from map or invalid value size size map size or nil end local border args border if iname then size size or 23x15px if yn map border 0 then border else border border end else iname data flag alias amap avar altvar variant or data flag alias variant or data flag alias amap avar altvar or data flag alias or placeholder size size or emp2nil data size or 23x15px if border then if yn map border 0 then border else border border end else local autoborder data border variant or data border amap avar altvar or data border if autoborder and autoborder border then border else border border end end end local am if args alt or string find me a then am args alt or args name or country am am am end Build display name local text args text if not text then if mn x then no text text elseif mn p or mn f then prefix suffix link text flink and name or flink fsec name elseif mn b then both prefix suffix and normal country link local preflink pref and flink and pref or flink fsec pref or local sufflink suff and flink and suff or flink fsec suff or local namelink name and or nthe clink and name or clink csec name text preflink namelink sufflink elseif mn d then data template local title mw title new Template Country data country check if redirect if title isRedirect then text lt span class plainlinks gt title fullUrl redirect no name lt span gt else text title fullText name end elseif mn u then unlinked text name else country link default text clink and name or clink csec name end end Build image local ilink args ilink if not ilink then if mi x or iname placeholder and pimage placeholder then no image invisible image iname placeholder border ilink link am elseif mi i then image page link ilink elseif mi c then country link ilink link clink clink and or csec elseif mi p or mi f then prefix suffix link ilink link flink flink and or fsec elseif mi d then data template local title mw title new Template Country data country check if redirect if title isRedirect then ilink link title fullUrl redirect no else ilink link title fullText end else unlinked default ilink link end end if am and string find me l then am mw ustring sub ilink 7 1 end local image File iname size border ilink alt am if iname placeholder then if require mxdul yesno args noredlink false then iname image Template Country data country end if args missingcategory or then image image args missingcategory end if string find me b then text end end Combine image and name with separator local align args align or args al local nalign args nalign or args nal local align map left left l left center center centre center c center middle center m center right right r right local out if string find me r then image right of name if ms x and mi x or string find me o and iname placeholder and pimage placeholder then name only out text elseif ms x then no separator out text lt span class flagicon gt image lt span gt elseif ms n then non breaking space out text lt span class flagicon gt amp nbsp image lt span gt elseif ms l then line break out text lt span class flagicon gt lt br gt image lt span gt elseif ms t then table cell out style text align align map nalign or left text style text align align map align or center lt span class flagicon gt image lt span gt else fixed width span box default local width args width or args w or require mxdul Flaglist size luawidth size out text amp nbsp lt span class flagicon style display inline block width width px text align align map align or right gt image lt span gt end else image left of name if ms x and mi x or string find me o and iname placeholder and pimage placeholder then name only out text elseif ms x then no separator out lt span class flagicon gt image lt span gt text elseif ms n then non breaking space out lt span class flagicon gt image amp nbsp lt span gt text elseif ms l then line break out lt span class flagicon gt image lt br gt lt span gt text elseif ms t then table cell out style text align align map align or center lt span class flagicon gt image lt span gt style text align align map nalign or left text else fixed width span box default local width nopx args width or args w or require mxdul Flaglist size luawidth size out lt span class flagicon style display inline block width width px text align align map align or left gt image lt span gt amp nbsp text end end if string find me w then avoid wrapping out lt span class nowrap gt out lt span gt end Tracking categories local cat if pimage and not image map pimage and country and data flag alias and not args demo then cat Category Pages using Flagg with specified image instead of data template image end return out cat end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Flagg amp oldid 9726800, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม