

คู่มือการใช้งานมอดูล[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]

แม่แบบ:Lua sidebar Module with helper functions for the Graph extension to display graphs and maps. From de:Modul:Graph.

Functions for templates


Creates a JSON object for <graph> to display a political map with colored highlights. In the article namespace the template แม่แบบ:Template should be used instead. See its page for use cases.

Maps can be found at Special:Prefixindex/Template:Graph:Map/Inner/ (for example Worldmap2c-json with country borders) and new maps should also be saved under Module:Graph/.


  • basemap: sets the base map. The map definitions must follow the TopoJSON format and if saved in Wikipedia are available for this module. Maps in the default directory Special:Prefixindex/Template:Graph:Map/Inner/ like Worldmap2c-json should only be referenced by their name while omitting the Modul:Graph/ prefix to allow better portability. The parameter also accepts URLs, e.g. maps from other Wikipedia versions (the link should follow the scheme of //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=mapname&action=raw, i.e. protocol-relative without leading http/s and a trailing action=raw to fetch the raw content only). URLs to maps on external sites should be avoided for the sake of link stability, performance, security, and she be assumed to be blocked by the software or browser anyway.
  • scale: the scaling factor of the map (default: 100)
  • projection: the map projection to use. Supported values are listed at https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Geo-Projections. The default value is equirectangular for an equirectangular projection.
  • center: map center (corresponds in the map data to both comma-separated values of the scale field)
  • feature: which geographic objects should be displayed (corresponds in the map data to the name of the field under the objects field). The default is value countries.
  • ids of geographic entities: The actual parameter names depend on the base map and the selected feature. For example, for the above mentioned world map the ids are ISO country codes. The values can be either colors or numbers in case the geographic entities should be associated with numeric data: DE=lightblue marks Germany in light blue color, and DE=80.6 assigns Germany the value 80.6 (population in millions). In the latter case, the actual color depends on the following parameters.
  • colorScale: the color palette to use for the color scale. The palette must be provided as a comma-separated list of color values. The color values must be given either as #rgb/#rrggbb or by a CSS color name. Instead of a list, the built-in color palettes category10 and category20 can also be used.
  • scaleType: supported values are linear for a linear mapping between the data values and the color scale, log for a log mapping, pow for a power mapping (the exponent can be provided as pow 0.5), sqrt for a square-root mapping, and quantize for a quantized scale, i.e. the data is grouped in as many classes as the color palette has colors.
  • domainMin: lower boundary of the data values, i.e. smaller data values are mapped to the lower boundary
  • domainMax: upper boundary of the data values, i.e. larger data values are mapped to the upper boundary
  • legend: show color legend (does not work with quantize)
  • defaultValue: default value for unused geographic entities. In case the id values are colors the default value is silver, in case of numbers it is 0.
  • formatjson: format JSON object for better legibility


Creates a JSON object for <graph> to display charts. In the article namespace the template Template:Graph:Chart should be used instead. See its page for use cases.


  • width: width of the chart
  • height: height of the chart
  • type: type of the chart: line for line charts, area for area charts, and rect for (column) bar charts, and pie for pie charts. Multiple series can stacked using the stacked prefix, e.g. stackedarea.
  • interpolate: interpolation method for line and area charts. It is recommended to use monotone for a monotone cubic interpolation – further supported values are listed at https://github.com/nyurik/vega/wiki/Marks#line.
  • colors: color palette of the chart as a comma-separated list of colors. The color values must be given either as #rgb/#rrggbb/#aarrggbb or by a CSS color name. For #aarrggbb the aa component denotes the alpha channel, i.e. FF=100% opacity, 80=50% opacity/transparency, etc. (The default color palette if n <= 10 is Category10:                                         else is Category20:                                                                                ).
  • xAxisTitle and yAxisTitle: captions of the x and y axes
  • xAxisMin, xAxisMax, yAxisMin, and yAxisMax: minimum and maximum values of the x and y axes (not yet supported for bar charts). These parameters can be used to invert the scale of a numeric axis by setting the lowest value to the Max and highest value to the Min.
  • xAxisFormat and yAxisFormat: changes the formatting of the axis labels. Supported values are listed at https://github.com/d3/d3-3.x-api-reference/blob/master/Formatting.md#numbers for numbers. For example, the format % can be used to output percentages. For date/time specification of supported values is https://github.com/d3/d3-3.x-api-reference/blob/master/Time-Formatting.md , e.g. xAxisFormat=%d-%m-%Y for result 13-01-1977.
  • xAxisAngle: rotates the x axis labels by the specified angle. Recommended values are: -45, +45, -90, +90
  • xType and yType: data types of the values, e.g. integer for integers, number for real numbers, date for dates (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD), and string for ordinal values (use string to prevent axis values from being repeated when there are only a few values). Remarks: Date type doesn't work for bar graphs. For date data input please use ISO date format (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD) acc. to date and time formats used in HTML. Other date format may work but not in all browsers. Date is unfortunately displayed only in en-US format for all Wikipedia languages. Workaround is to use xAxisFormat and yAxisFormat with numerical dates format.
  • xScaleType and yScaleType: scale types of the x and y axes, e.g. linear for linear scale (default), log for logarithmic scale and sqrt for square root scale.
  • x: the x-values as a comma-separated list, for dates and time see remark in xType and yType
  • y or y1, y2, …: the y-values for one or several data series, respectively. For pie charts y2 denotes the radius of the corresponding sectors. For dates and time see remark in xType and yType
  • legend: show legend (only works in case of multiple data series)
  • y1Title, y2Title, …: defines the label of the respective data series in the legend
  • linewidth: line width for line charts or distance between the pie segments for pie charts. Setting to 0 with type=line creates a scatter plot.
  • linewidths: different line widths may be defined for each series of data with csv, if set to 0 with "showSymbols" results with points graph, eg.: linewidths=1, 0, 5, 0.2
  • showSymbols: show symbol on data point for line graphs, if number is provided it's size of symbol, default 2.5. may be defined for each series of data with csv, eg.: showSymbols=1, 2, 3, 4
  • symbolsShape: custom shape for symbol: circle, x, square, cross, diamond, triangle_up, triangle_down, triangle_right, triangle_left. May be defined for each series of data with csv, eg.: symbolsShape= circle, cross, square
  • symbolsNoFill: if true symbol will be without fill (only stroke),
  • symbolsStroke: if "x" symbol is used or option "symbolsNoFill" symbol stroke width, default 2.5
  • showValues: Additionally, output the y values as text. (Currently, only (non-stacked) bar and pie charts are supported.) The output can be configured used the following parameters provided as name1:value1, name2:value2:
  • innerRadius: For pie charts: defines the inner radius to create a doughnut chart.
  • xGrid and yGrid: display grid lines on the x and y axes.
  • Annotations
    • vAnnotatonsLine and hAnnotatonsLine: display vertical or horizontal annotation lines on specific values e.g. hAnnotatonsLine=4, 5, 6
    • vAnnotatonsLabel and hAnnotatonsLabel: display vertical or horizontal annotation labels for lines e.g. hAnnotationLabel = label1, label2, label3
  • formatjson: format JSON object for better legibility

Template wrappers

The functions mapWrapper and chartWrapper are wrappers to pass all parameters of the calling template to the respective map and chart functions.

Note: In the editor preview the graph extension creates a canvas element with vector graphics. However, when saving the page a PNG raster graphics is generated instead. {{#invoke:Graph|function_wrapper_name}}

-- ATTENTION: Please edit this code at https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modul:Graph -- This way all wiki languages can stay in sync. Thank you! -- -- BUGS: X-Axis label format bug? (xAxisFormat =) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Chart#X-Axis_label_format_bug?_(xAxisFormat_=) -- linewidths - doesnt work for two values (eg 0, 1) but work if added third value of both are zeros? Same for marksStroke - probably bug in Graph extension -- clamp - "clamp" used to avoid marks outside marks area, "clip" should be use instead but not working in Graph extension, see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T251709 -- TODO:  -- marks: -- - line strokeDash + serialization, -- - symStroke serialization -- - symbolsNoFill serialization -- - arbitrary SVG path symbol shape as symbolsShape argument -- - annotations -- - vertical / horizontal line at specific values [DONE] 2020-09-01 -- - rectangle shape for x,y data range -- - graph type serialization (deep rebuild reqired) -- - second axis (deep rebuild required - assignment of series to one of two axies)   -- Version History (_PLEASE UPDATE when modifying anything_): -- 2020-09-01 Vertical and horizontal line annotations -- 2020-08-08 New logic for "nice" for x axis (problem with scale when xType = "date") and grid -- 2020-06-21 Serializes symbol size -- transparent symbosls (from line colour) - buggy (incorrect opacity on overlap with line) -- Linewidth serialized with "linewidths" -- Variable symbol size and shape of symbols on line charts, default showSymbols = 2, default symbolsShape = circle, symbolsStroke = 0 -- p.chartDebuger(frame) for easy debug and JSON output  -- 2020-06-07 Allow lowercase variables for use with [[Template:Wikidata list]] -- 2020-05-27 Map: allow specification which feature to display and changing the map center -- 2020-04-08 Change default showValues.fontcolor from black to persistentGrey -- 2020-04-06 Logarithmic scale outputs wrong axis labels when "nice"=true -- 2020-03-11 Allow user-defined scale types, e.g. logarithmic scale -- 2019-11-08 Apply color-inversion-friendliness to legend title, labels, and xGrid -- 2019-01-24 Allow comma-separated lists to contain values with commas -- 2018-10-13 Fix browser color-inversion issues via #54595d per [[mw:Template:Graph:PageViews]] -- 2018-09-16 Allow disabling the legend for templates -- 2018-09-10 Allow grid lines -- 2018-08-26 Use user-defined order for stacked charts -- 2018-02-11 Force usage of explicitely provided x minimum and/or maximum values, rotation of x labels -- 2017-08-08 Added showSymbols param to show symbols on line charts -- 2016-05-16 Added encodeTitleForPath() to help all path-based APIs graphs like pageviews -- 2016-03-20 Allow omitted data for charts, labels for line charts with string (ordinal) scale at point location -- 2016-01-28 For maps, always use wikiraw:// protocol. https:// will be disabled soon.  local p = {}  --add debug text to this string with eg. debuglog = debuglog .. "" .. "\n\n" .. "- " .. debug.traceback() .. "result type: ".. type(result) .. " result: \n\n" .. mw.dumpObject(result)  --invoke chartDebuger() to get graph JSON and this string debuglog = "Debug " .. "\n\n"  local baseMapDirectory = "มอดูล:Graph/" local persistentGrey = "#54595d"  local shapes = {} shapes = {  circle = "circle", x= "M-.5,-.5L.5,.5M.5,-.5L-.5,.5" , square = "square",  cross = "cross", diamond = "diamond", triangle_up = "triangle-up",  triangle_down = "triangle-down", triangle_right = "triangle-right",  triangle_left = "triangle-left",  banana = "m -0.5281,0.2880 0.0020,0.0192 m 0,0 c 0.1253,0.0543 0.2118,0.0679 0.3268,0.0252 0.1569,-0.0582 0.3663,-0.1636 0.4607,-0.3407 0.0824,-0.1547 0.1202,-0.2850 0.0838,-0.4794 l 0.0111,-0.1498 -0.0457,-0.0015 c -0.0024,0.3045 -0.1205,0.5674 -0.3357,0.7414 -0.1409,0.1139 -0.3227,0.1693 -0.5031,0.1856 m 0,0 c 0.1804,-0.0163 0.3622,-0.0717 0.5031,-0.1856 0.2152,-0.1739 0.3329,-0.4291 0.3357,-0.7414 l -0.0422,0.0079 c 0,0 -0.0099,0.1111 -0.0227,0.1644 -0.0537,0.1937 -0.1918,0.3355 -0.3349,0.4481 -0.1393,0.1089 -0.2717,0.2072 -0.4326,0.2806 l -0.0062,0.0260"  }   local function numericArray(csv)  if not csv then return end   local list = mw.text.split(csv, "%s*,%s*")  local result = {}  local isInteger = true  for i = 1, #list do  if list[i] == "" then  result[i] = nil  else  result[i] = tonumber(list[i])  if not result[i] then return end  if isInteger then  local int, frac = math.modf(result[i])  isInteger = frac == 0.0  end  end  end   return result, isInteger end  local function stringArray(text)  if not text then return end   local list = mw.text.split(mw.ustring.gsub(tostring(text), "\\,", "<COMMA>"), ",", true)  for i = 1, #list do  list[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.text.trim(list[i]), "<COMMA>", ",")  end  return list end  local function isTable(t) return type(t) == "table" end  local function copy(x)  if type(x) == "table" then  local result = {}  for key, value in pairs(x) do result[key] = copy(value) end  return result  else  return x  end end  function p.map(frame)  -- map path data for geographic objects  local basemap = frame.args.basemap or "Template:Graph:Map/Inner/Worldmap2c-json" -- WorldMap name and/or location may vary from wiki to wiki  -- scaling factor  local scale = tonumber(frame.args.scale) or 100  -- map projection, see https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Geo-Projections  local projection = frame.args.projection or "equirectangular"  -- defaultValue for geographic objects without data  local defaultValue = frame.args.defaultValue or frame.args.defaultvalue  local scaleType = frame.args.scaleType or frame.args.scaletype or "linear"  -- minimaler Wertebereich (nur für numerische Daten)  local domainMin = tonumber(frame.args.domainMin or frame.args.domainmin)  -- maximaler Wertebereich (nur für numerische Daten)  local domainMax = tonumber(frame.args.domainMax or frame.args.domainmax)  -- Farbwerte der Farbskala (nur für numerische Daten)  local colorScale = frame.args.colorScale or frame.args.colorscale or "category10"  -- show legend  local legend = frame.args.legend  -- the map feature to display  local feature = frame.args.feature or "countries"  -- map center  local center = numericArray(frame.args.center)  -- format JSON output  local formatJson = frame.args.formatjson   -- map data are key-value pairs: keys are non-lowercase strings (ideally ISO codes) which need to match the "id" values of the map path data  local values = {}  local isNumbers = nil  for name, value in pairs(frame.args) do  if mw.ustring.find(name, "^[^%l]+$") and value and value ~= "" then  if isNumbers == nil then isNumbers = tonumber(value) end  local data = { id = name, v = value }  if isNumbers then data.v = tonumber(data.v) end  table.insert(values, data)  end  end  if not defaultValue then  if isNumbers then defaultValue = 0 else defaultValue = "silver" end  end   -- create highlight scale  local scales  if isNumbers then  if colorScale then colorScale = string.lower(colorScale) end  if colorScale == "category10" or colorScale == "category20" then else colorScale = stringArray(colorScale) end  scales =  {  {  name = "color",  type = scaleType,  domain = { data = "highlights", field = "v" },  range = colorScale,  nice = true,  zero = false  }  }  if domainMin then scales[1].domainMin = domainMin end  if domainMax then scales[1].domainMax = domainMax end   local exponent = string.match(scaleType, "pow%s+(%d+%.?%d+)") -- check for exponent  if exponent then  scales[1].type = "pow"  scales[1].exponent = exponent  end  end   -- create legend  if legend then  legend =  {  {  fill = "color",  offset = 120,  properties =  {  title = { fontSize = { value = 14 } },  labels = { fontSize = { value = 12 } },  legend =  {  stroke = { value = "silver" },  strokeWidth = { value = 1.5 }  }  }  }  }  end   -- get map url  local basemapUrl  if (string.sub(basemap, 1, 10) == "wikiraw://") then  basemapUrl = basemap  else  -- if not a (supported) url look for a colon as namespace separator. If none prepend default map directory name.  if not string.find(basemap, ":") then basemap = baseMapDirectory .. basemap end  basemapUrl = "wikiraw:///" .. mw.uri.encode(mw.title.new(basemap).prefixedText, "PATH")  end   local output =  {  version = 2,  width = 1, -- generic value as output size depends solely on map size and scaling factor  height = 1, -- ditto  data =  {  {  -- data source for the highlights  name = "highlights",  values = values  },  {  -- data source for map paths data  name = feature,  url = basemapUrl,  format = { type = "topojson", feature = feature },  transform =  {  {  -- geographic transformation ("geopath") of map paths data  type = "geopath",  value = "data", -- data source  scale = scale,  translate = { 0, 0 },  center = center,  projection = projection  },  {  -- join ("zip") of mutiple data source: here map paths data and highlights  type = "lookup",  keys = { "id" }, -- key for map paths data  on = "highlights", -- name of highlight data source  onKey = "id", -- key for highlight data source  as = { "zipped" }, -- name of resulting table  default = { v = defaultValue } -- default value for geographic objects that could not be joined  }  }  }  },  marks =  {  -- output markings (map paths and highlights)  {  type = "path",  from = { data = feature },  properties =  {  enter = { path = { field = "layout_path" } },  update = { fill = { field = "zipped.v" } },  hover = { fill = { value = "darkgrey" } }  }  }  },  legends = legend  }  if (scales) then  output.scales = scales  output.marks[1].properties.update.fill.scale = "color"  end   local flags  if formatJson then flags = mw.text.JSON_PRETTY end  return mw.text.jsonEncode(output, flags) end  local function deserializeXData(serializedX, xType, xMin, xMax)  local x   if not xType or xType == "integer" or xType == "number" then  local isInteger  x, isInteger = numericArray(serializedX)  if x then  xMin = tonumber(xMin)  xMax = tonumber(xMax)  if not xType then  if isInteger then xType = "integer" else xType = "number" end  end  else  if xType then error("Numbers expected for parameter 'x'") end  end  end  if not x then  x = stringArray(serializedX)  if not xType then xType = "string" end  end  return x, xType, xMin, xMax end  local function deserializeYData(serializedYs, yType, yMin, yMax)  local y = {}  local areAllInteger = true   for yNum, value in pairs(serializedYs) do  local yValues  if not yType or yType == "integer" or yType == "number" then  local isInteger  yValues, isInteger = numericArray(value)  if yValues then  areAllInteger = areAllInteger and isInteger  else  if yType then  error("Numbers expected for parameter '" .. name .. "'")  else  return deserializeYData(serializedYs, "string", yMin, yMax)  end  end  end  if not yValues then yValues = stringArray(value) end   y[yNum] = yValues  end  if not yType then  if areAllInteger then yType = "integer" else yType = "number" end  end  if yType == "integer" or yType == "number" then  yMin = tonumber(yMin)  yMax = tonumber(yMax)  end   return y, yType, yMin, yMax end  local function convertXYToManySeries(x, y, xType, yType, seriesTitles)  local data =  {  name = "chart",  format =  {  type = "json",  parse = { x = xType, y = yType }  },  values = {}  }  for i = 1, #y do  local yLen = table.maxn(y[i])  for j = 1, #x do  if j <= yLen and y[i][j] then table.insert(data.values, { series = seriesTitles[i], x = x[j], y = y[i][j] }) end  end  end  return data end  local function convertXYToSingleSeries(x, y, xType, yType, yNames)  local data = { name = "chart", format = { type = "json", parse = { x = xType } }, values = {} }   for j = 1, #y do data.format.parse[yNames[j]] = yType end   for i = 1, #x do  local item = { x = x[i] }  for j = 1, #y do item[yNames[j]] = y[j][i] end   table.insert(data.values, item)  end  return data end  local function getXScale(chartType, stacked, xMin, xMax, xType, xScaleType)  if chartType == "pie" then return end   local xscale =  {  name = "x",  range = "width",  zero = false, -- do not include zero value  domain = { data = "chart", field = "x" }  }  if xScaleType then xscale.type = xScaleType else xscale.type = "linear" end  if xMin then xscale.domainMin = xMin end  if xMax then xscale.domainMax = xMax end  if xMin or xMax then  xscale.clamp = true  xscale.nice = false  end  if chartType == "rect" then  xscale.type = "ordinal"  if not stacked then xscale.padding = 0.2 end -- pad each bar group  else  if xType == "date" then  xscale.type = "time"  elseif xType == "string" then  xscale.type = "ordinal"  xscale.points = true  end  end  if xType and xType ~= "date" and xScaleType ~= "log" then xscale.nice = true end -- force round numbers for x scale, but "log" and "date" scale outputs a wrong "nice" scale  return xscale end  local function getYScale(chartType, stacked, yMin, yMax, yType, yScaleType)  if chartType == "pie" then return end   local yscale =  {  name = "y",  --type = yScaleType or "linear",  range = "height",  -- area charts have the lower boundary of their filling at y=0 (see marks.properties.enter.y2), therefore these need to start at zero  zero = chartType ~= "line",  nice = yScaleType ~= "log" -- force round numbers for y scale, but log scale outputs a wrong "nice" scale  }  if yScaleType then yscale.type = yScaleType else yscale.type = "linear" end  if yMin then yscale.domainMin = yMin end  if yMax then yscale.domainMax = yMax end  if yMin or yMax then yscale.clamp = true end  if yType == "date" then yscale.type = "time"  elseif yType == "string" then yscale.type = "ordinal" end  if stacked then  yscale.domain = { data = "stats", field = "sum_y" }  else  yscale.domain = { data = "chart", field = "y" }  end   return yscale end  local function getColorScale(colors, chartType, xCount, yCount)  if not colors then  if (chartType == "pie" and xCount > 10) or yCount > 10 then colors = "category20" else colors = "category10" end  end   local colorScale =  {  name = "color",  type = "ordinal",  range = colors,  domain = { data = "chart", field = "series" }  }  if chartType == "pie" then colorScale.domain.field = "x" end  return colorScale end  local function getAlphaColorScale(colors, y)  local alphaScale  -- if there is at least one color in the format "#aarrggbb", create a transparency (alpha) scale  if isTable(colors) then  local alphas = {}  local hasAlpha = false  for i = 1, #colors do  local a, rgb = string.match(colors[i], "#(%x%x)(%x%x%x%x%x%x)")  if a then  hasAlpha = true  alphas[i] = tostring(tonumber(a, 16) / 255.0)  colors[i] = "#" .. rgb  else  alphas[i] = "1"  end  end  for i = #colors + 1, #y do alphas[i] = "1" end  if hasAlpha then alphaScale = { name = "transparency", type = "ordinal", range = alphas } end  end  return alphaScale end  local function getLineScale(linewidths, chartType)  local lineScale = {}   lineScale =  {  name = "line",  type = "ordinal",  range = linewidths,  domain = { data = "chart", field = "series" }  }   return lineScale end  local function getSymSizeScale(symSize)  local SymSizeScale = {}  SymSizeScale =  {  name = "symSize",  type = "ordinal",  range = symSize,  domain = { data = "chart", field = "series" }  }   return SymSizeScale end  local function getSymShapeScale(symShape)  local SymShapeScale = {}  SymShapeScale =  {  name = "symShape",  type = "ordinal",  range = symShape,  domain = { data = "chart", field = "series" }  }   return SymShapeScale end  local function getValueScale(fieldName, min, max, type)  local valueScale =  {  name = fieldName,  type = type or "linear",  domain = { data = "chart", field = fieldName },  range = { min, max }  }  return valueScale end  local function addInteractionToChartVisualisation(plotMarks, colorField, dataField)  -- initial setup  if not plotMarks.properties.enter then plotMarks.properties.enter = {} end  plotMarks.properties.enter[colorField] = { scale = "color", field = dataField }   -- action when cursor is over plot mark: highlight  if not plotMarks.properties.hover then plotMarks.properties.hover = {} end  plotMarks.properties.hover[colorField] = { value = "red" }   -- action when cursor leaves plot mark: reset to initial setup  if not plotMarks.properties.update then plotMarks.properties.update = {} end  plotMarks.properties.update[colorField] = { scale = "color", field = dataField } end  local function getPieChartVisualisation(yCount, innerRadius, outerRadius, linewidth, radiusScale)  local chartvis =  {  type = "arc",  from = { data = "chart", transform = { { field = "y", type = "pie" } } },   properties =  {  enter = {  innerRadius = { value = innerRadius },  outerRadius = { },  startAngle = { field = "layout_start" },  endAngle = { field = "layout_end" },  stroke = { value = "white" },  strokeWidth = { value = linewidth or 1 }  }  }  }   if radiusScale then  chartvis.properties.enter.outerRadius.scale = radiusScale.name  chartvis.properties.enter.outerRadius.field = radiusScale.domain.field  else  chartvis.properties.enter.outerRadius.value = outerRadius  end   addInteractionToChartVisualisation(chartvis, "fill", "x")   return chartvis end  local function getChartVisualisation(chartType, stacked, colorField, yCount, innerRadius, outerRadius, linewidth, alphaScale, radiusScale, lineScale, interpolate)  if chartType == "pie" then return getPieChartVisualisation(yCount, innerRadius, outerRadius, linewidth, radiusScale) end   local chartvis =  {  type = chartType,  properties =  {  -- chart creation event handler  enter =  {  x = { scale = "x", field = "x" },  y = { scale = "y", field = "y" }  }  }  }  addInteractionToChartVisualisation(chartvis, colorField, "series")  if colorField == "stroke" then  chartvis.properties.enter.strokeWidth = { value = linewidth or 2.5 }  if type(lineScale) =="table" then  chartvis.properties.enter.strokeWidth.value = nil  chartvis.properties.enter.strokeWidth =  {  scale = "line",  field= "series"  }  end  end   if interpolate then chartvis.properties.enter.interpolate = { value = interpolate } end   if alphaScale then chartvis.properties.update[colorField .. "Opacity"] = { scale = "transparency" } end  -- for bars and area charts set the lower bound of their areas  if chartType == "rect" or chartType == "area" then  if stacked then  -- for stacked charts this lower bound is the end of the last stacking element  chartvis.properties.enter.y2 = { scale = "y", field = "layout_end" }  else  --[[  for non-stacking charts the lower bound is y=0  TODO: "yscale.zero" is currently set to "true" for this case, but "false" for all other cases.  For the similar behavior "y2" should actually be set to where y axis crosses the x axis,  if there are only positive or negative values in the data ]]  chartvis.properties.enter.y2 = { scale = "y", value = 0 }  end  end  -- for bar charts ...  if chartType == "rect" then  -- set 1 pixel width between the bars  chartvis.properties.enter.width = { scale = "x", band = true, offset = -1 }  -- for multiple series the bar marking needs to use the "inner" series scale, whereas the "outer" x scale is used by the grouping  if not stacked and yCount > 1 then  chartvis.properties.enter.x.scale = "series"  chartvis.properties.enter.x.field = "series"  chartvis.properties.enter.width.scale = "series"  end  end  -- stacked charts have their own (stacked) y values  if stacked then chartvis.properties.enter.y.field = "layout_start" end   -- if there are multiple series group these together  if yCount == 1 then  chartvis.from = { data = "chart" }  else  -- if there are multiple series, connect colors to series  chartvis.properties.update[colorField].field = "series"  if alphaScale then chartvis.properties.update[colorField .. "Opacity"].field = "series" end   -- if there are multiple series, connect linewidths to series  if chartype == "line" then  chartvis.properties.update["strokeWidth"].field = "series"  end    -- apply a grouping (facetting) transformation  chartvis =  {  type = "group",  marks = { chartvis },  from =  {  data = "chart",  transform =  {  {  type = "facet",  groupby = { "series" }  }  }  }  }  -- for stacked charts apply a stacking transformation  if stacked then  table.insert(chartvis.from.transform, 1, { type = "stack", groupby = { "x" }, sortby = { "-_id" }, field = "y" } )  else  -- for bar charts the series are side-by-side grouped by x  if chartType == "rect" then  -- for bar charts with multiple series: each serie is grouped by the x value, therefore the series need their own scale within each x group  local groupScale =  {  name = "series",  type = "ordinal",  range = "width",  domain = { field = "series" }  }   chartvis.from.transform[1].groupby = "x"  chartvis.scales = { groupScale }  chartvis.properties = { enter = { x = { field = "key", scale = "x" }, width = { scale = "x", band = true } } }  end  end  end   return chartvis end  local function getTextMarks(chartvis, chartType, outerRadius, scales, radiusScale, yType, showValues)  local properties  if chartType == "rect" then  properties =  {  x = { scale = chartvis.properties.enter.x.scale, field = chartvis.properties.enter.x.field },  y = { scale = chartvis.properties.enter.y.scale, field = chartvis.properties.enter.y.field, offset = -(tonumber(showValues.offset) or -4) },  --dx = { scale = chartvis.properties.enter.x.scale, band = true, mult = 0.5 }, -- for horizontal text  dy = { scale = chartvis.properties.enter.x.scale, band = true, mult = 0.5 }, -- for vertical text  align = { },  baseline = { value = "middle" },  fill = { },  angle = { value = -90 },  fontSize = { value = tonumber(showValues.fontsize) or 11 }  }  if properties.y.offset >= 0 then  properties.align.value = "right"  properties.fill.value = showValues.fontcolor or "white"  else  properties.align.value = "left"  properties.fill.value = showValues.fontcolor or persistentGrey  end  elseif chartType == "pie" then  properties =  {  x = { group = "width", mult = 0.5 },  y = { group = "height", mult = 0.5 },  radius = { offset = tonumber(showValues.offset) or -4 },  theta = { field = "layout_mid" },  fill = { value = showValues.fontcolor or persistentGrey },  baseline = { },  angle = { },  fontSize = { value = tonumber(showValues.fontsize) or math.ceil(outerRadius / 10) }  }  if (showValues.angle or "midangle") == "midangle" then  properties.align = { value = "center" }  properties.angle = { field = "layout_mid", mult = 180.0 / math.pi }   if properties.radius.offset >= 0 then  properties.baseline.value = "bottom"  else  if not showValues.fontcolor then properties.fill.value = "white" end  properties.baseline.value = "top"  end  elseif tonumber(showValues.angle) then  -- qunatize scale for aligning text left on right half-circle and right on left half-circle  local alignScale = { name = "align", type = "quantize", domainMin = 0.0, domainMax = math.pi * 2, range = { "left", "right" } }  table.insert(scales, alignScale)   properties.align = { scale = alignScale.name, field = "layout_mid" }  properties.angle = { value = tonumber(showValues.angle) }  properties.baseline.value = "middle"  if not tonumber(showValues.offset) then properties.radius.offset = 4 end  end   if radiusScale then  properties.radius.scale = radiusScale.name  properties.radius.field = radiusScale.domain.field  else  properties.radius.value = outerRadius  end  end   if properties then  if showValues.format then  local template = "datum.y"  if yType == "integer" or yType == "number" then template = template .. "|number:'" .. showValues.format .. "'"  elseif yType == "date" then template = template .. "|time:" .. showValues.format .. "'"  end  properties.text = { template = "{{" .. template .. "}}" }  else  properties.text = { field = "y" }  end   local textmarks =  {  type = "text",  properties =  {  enter = properties  }  }  if chartvis.from then textmarks.from = copy(chartvis.from) end   return textmarks  end end  local function getSymbolMarks(chartvis, symSize, symShape, symStroke, noFill, alphaScale)   local symbolmarks  symbolmarks =  {  type = "symbol",  properties =  {  enter =  {  x = { scale = "x", field = "x" },  y = { scale = "y", field = "y" },  strokeWidth = { value = symStroke },  stroke = { scale = "color", field = "series" },  fill = { scale = "color", field = "series" },  }  }  }  if type(symShape) == "string" then  symbolmarks.properties.enter.shape = { value = symShape }  end  if type(symShape) == "table" then  symbolmarks.properties.enter.shape = { scale = "symShape", field = "series" }  end  if type(symSize) == "number" then  symbolmarks.properties.enter.size = { value = symSize }  end  if type(symSize) == "table" then  symbolmarks.properties.enter.size = { scale = "symSize", field = "series" }  end  if noFill then  symbolmarks.properties.enter.fill = nil  end  if alphaScale then  symbolmarks.properties.enter.fillOpacity =  { scale = "transparency", field = "series" }  symbolmarks.properties.enter.strokeOpacity =  { scale = "transparency", field = "series" }  end  if chartvis.from then symbolmarks.from = copy(chartvis.from) end   return symbolmarks end  local function getAnnoMarks(chartvis, stroke, fill, opacity)   local vannolines, hannolines, vannoLabels, vannoLabels  vannolines =  {  type = "rule",  from = { data = "v_anno" },  properties =  {  update =  {  x = { scale = "x", field = "x" },  y = { value = 0 },  y2 = { field = { group = "height" } },  strokeWidth = { value = stroke },  stroke = { value = persistentGrey },  opacity = { value = opacity }  }  }  }  vannolabels =  {  type = "text",  from = { data = "v_anno" },  properties =  {  update =  {  x = { scale = "x", field = "x", offset = 3 },  y = { field = { group = "height" }, offset = -3 },  text = { field = "label" },  baseline = { value = "top" },  angle = { value = -90 },  fill = { value = persistentGrey },  opacity = { value = opacity }  }  }  }  hannolines =  {  type = "rule",  from = { data = "h_anno" },  properties =  {  update =  {  y = { scale = "y", field = "y" },  x = { value = 0 },  x2 = { field = { group = "width" } },  strokeWidth = { value = stroke },  stroke = { value = persistentGrey },  opacity = { value = opacity }  }  }  }  hannolabels =  {  type = "text",  from = { data = "h_anno" },  properties =  {  update =  {  y = { scale = "y", field = "y", offset = 3 },  x = { value = 0 , offset = 3 },  text = { field = "label" },  baseline = { value = "top" },  angle = { value = 0 },  fill = { value = persistentGrey },  opacity = { value = opacity }  }  }  }  return vannolines, vannolabels, hannolines, hannolabels end  local function getAxes(xTitle, xAxisFormat, xAxisAngle, xType, xGrid, yTitle, yAxisFormat, yType, yGrid, chartType)  local xAxis, yAxis  if chartType ~= "pie" then  if xType == "integer" and not xAxisFormat then xAxisFormat = "d" end  xAxis =  {  type = "x",  scale = "x",  title = xTitle,  format = xAxisFormat,  grid = xGrid  }  if xAxisAngle then  local xAxisAlign  if xAxisAngle < 0 then xAxisAlign = "right" else xAxisAlign = "left" end  xAxis.properties =  {  title =  {  fill = { value = persistentGrey }  },  labels =  {  angle = { value = xAxisAngle },  align = { value = xAxisAlign },  fill = { value = persistentGrey }  },  ticks =  {  stroke = { value = persistentGrey }  },  axis =  {  stroke = { value = persistentGrey },  strokeWidth = { value = 2 }  },  grid =  {  stroke = { value = persistentGrey }  }  }  else  xAxis.properties =  {  title =  {  fill = { value = persistentGrey }  },  labels =  {  fill = { value = persistentGrey }  },  ticks =  {  stroke = { value = persistentGrey }  },  axis =  {  stroke = { value = persistentGrey },  strokeWidth = { value = 2 }  },  grid =  {  stroke = { value = persistentGrey }  }  }  end   if yType == "integer" and not yAxisFormat then yAxisFormat = "d" end  yAxis =  {  type = "y",  scale = "y",  title = yTitle,  format = yAxisFormat,  grid = yGrid  }  yAxis.properties =  {  title =  {  fill = { value = persistentGrey }  },  labels =  {  fill = { value = persistentGrey }  },  ticks =  {  stroke = { value = persistentGrey }  },  axis =  {  stroke = { value = persistentGrey },  strokeWidth = { value = 2 }  },  grid =  {  stroke = { value = persistentGrey }  }  }   end   return xAxis, yAxis end  local function getLegend(legendTitle, chartType, outerRadius)  local legend =  {  fill = "color",  stroke = "color",  title = legendTitle,  }  legend.properties = {  title = {  fill = { value = persistentGrey },  },  labels = {  fill = { value = persistentGrey },  },  }  if chartType == "pie" then  legend.properties = {  -- move legend from center position to top  legend = {  y = { value = -outerRadius },  },  title = {  fill = { value = persistentGrey }  },  labels = {  fill = { value = persistentGrey },  },  }  end  return legend end  function p.chart(frame)  -- chart width and height  local graphwidth = tonumber(frame.args.width) or 200  local graphheight = tonumber(frame.args.height) or 200  -- chart type  local chartType = frame.args.type or "line"  -- interpolation mode for line and area charts: linear, step-before, step-after, basis, basis-open, basis-closed (type=line only), bundle (type=line only), cardinal, cardinal-open, cardinal-closed (type=line only), monotone  local interpolate = frame.args.interpolate  -- mark colors (if no colors are given, the default 10 color palette is used)  local colorString = frame.args.colors  if colorString then colorString = string.lower(colorString) end  local colors = stringArray(colorString)  -- for line charts, the thickness of the line; for pie charts the gap between each slice  local linewidth = tonumber(frame.args.linewidth)  local linewidthsString = frame.args.linewidths  local linewidths  if linewidthsString and linewidthsString ~= "" then linewidths = numericArray(linewidthsString) or false end  -- x and y axis caption  local xTitle = frame.args.xAxisTitle or frame.args.xaxistitle  local yTitle = frame.args.yAxisTitle or frame.args.yaxistitle  -- x and y value types  local xType = frame.args.xType or frame.args.xtype  local yType = frame.args.yType or frame.args.ytype  -- override x and y axis minimum and maximum  local xMin = frame.args.xAxisMin or frame.args.xaxismin  local xMax = frame.args.xAxisMax or frame.args.xaxismax  local yMin = frame.args.yAxisMin or frame.args.yaxismin  local yMax = frame.args.yAxisMax or frame.args.yaxismax  -- override x and y axis label formatting  local xAxisFormat = frame.args.xAxisFormat or frame.args.xaxisformat  local yAxisFormat = frame.args.yAxisFormat or frame.args.yaxisformat  local xAxisAngle = tonumber(frame.args.xAxisAngle) or tonumber(frame.args.xaxisangle)  -- x and y scale types  local xScaleType = frame.args.xScaleType or frame.args.xscaletype  local yScaleType = frame.args.yScaleType or frame.args.yscaletype -- log scale require minimum > 0, for now it's no possible to plot negative values on log - TODO see: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1792-log-scale-graphic-with-negative-value -- if xScaleType == "log" then -- if (not xMin or tonumber(xMin) <= 0) then xMin = 0.1 end -- if not xType then xType = "number" end -- end -- if yScaleType == "log" then -- if (not yMin or tonumber(yMin) <= 0) then yMin = 0.1 end -- if not yType then yType = "number" end -- end   -- show grid  local xGrid = frame.args.xGrid or frame.args.xgrid or false  local yGrid = frame.args.yGrid or frame.args.ygrid or false  -- for line chart, show a symbol at each data point  local showSymbols = frame.args.showSymbols or frame.args.showsymbols  local symbolsShape = frame.args.symbolsShape or frame.args.symbolsshape  local symbolsNoFill = frame.args.symbolsNoFill or frame.args.symbolsnofill  local symbolsStroke = tonumber(frame.args.symbolsStroke or frame.args.symbolsstroke)  -- show legend with given title  local legendTitle = frame.args.legend  -- show values as text  local showValues = frame.args.showValues or frame.args.showvalues  -- show v- and h-line annotations  local v_annoLineString = frame.args.vAnnotatonsLine or frame.args.vannotatonsline  local h_annoLineString = frame.args.hAnnotatonsLine or frame.args.hannotatonsline  local v_annoLabelString = frame.args.vAnnotatonsLabel or frame.args.vannotatonslabel  local h_annoLabelString = frame.args.hAnnotatonsLabel or frame.args.hannotatonslabel       -- decode annotations cvs  local v_annoLine, v_annoLabel, h_annoLine, h_annoLabel  if v_annoLineString and v_annoLineString ~= "" then   if xType == "number" or xType == "integer" then  v_annoLine = numericArray(v_annoLineString)   else  v_annoLine = stringArray(v_annoLineString)   end  v_annoLabel = stringArray(v_annoLabelString)  end  if h_annoLineString and h_annoLineString ~= "" then   if yType == "number" or yType == "integer" then  h_annoLine = numericArray(h_annoLineString)   else  h_annoLine = stringArray(h_annoLineString)   end  h_annoLabel = stringArray(h_annoLabelString)  end       -- pie chart radiuses  local innerRadius = tonumber(frame.args.innerRadius) or tonumber(frame.args.innerradius) or 0  local outerRadius = math.min(graphwidth, graphheight)  -- format JSON output  local formatJson = frame.args.formatjson   -- get x values  local x  x, xType, xMin, xMax = deserializeXData(frame.args.x, xType, xMin, xMax)   -- get y values (series)  local yValues = {}  local seriesTitles = {}  for name, value in pairs(frame.args) do  local yNum  if name == "y" then yNum = 1 else yNum = tonumber(string.match(name, "^y(%d+)$")) end  if yNum then  yValues[yNum] = value  -- name the series: default is "y<number>". Can be overwritten using the "y<number>Title" parameters.  seriesTitles[yNum] = frame.args["y" .. yNum .. "Title"] or frame.args["y" .. yNum .. "title"] or name  end  end  local y  y, yType, yMin, yMax = deserializeYData(yValues, yType, yMin, yMax)   -- create data tuples, consisting of series index, x value, y value  local data  if chartType == "pie" then  -- for pie charts the second second series is merged into the first series as radius values  data = convertXYToSingleSeries(x, y, xType, yType, { "y", "r" })  else  data = convertXYToManySeries(x, y, xType, yType, seriesTitles)  end   -- configure stacked charts  local stacked = false  local stats  if string.sub(chartType, 1, 7) == "stacked" then  chartType = string.sub(chartType, 8)  if #y > 1 then -- ignore stacked charts if there is only one series  stacked = true  -- aggregate data by cumulative y values  stats =  {  name = "stats", source = "chart", transform =  {  {  type = "aggregate",  groupby = { "x" },  summarize = { y = "sum" }  }  }  }  end  end   -- add annotations to data  local vannoData, hannoData   if v_annoLine then  vannoData = { name = "v_anno", format = { type = "json", parse = { x = xType } }, values = {} }  for i = 1, #v_annoLine do  local item = { x = v_annoLine[i], label = v_annoLabel[i] }  table.insert(vannoData.values, item)  end  end  if h_annoLine then  hannoData = { name = "h_anno", format = { type = "json", parse = { y = yType } }, values = {} }  for i = 1, #h_annoLine do  local item = { y = h_annoLine[i], label = h_annoLabel[i] }  table.insert(hannoData.values, item)  end  end    -- create scales  local scales = {}   local xscale = getXScale(chartType, stacked, xMin, xMax, xType, xScaleType)  table.insert(scales, xscale)  local yscale = getYScale(chartType, stacked, yMin, yMax, yType, yScaleType)  table.insert(scales, yscale)   local colorScale = getColorScale(colors, chartType, #x, #y)  table.insert(scales, colorScale)   local alphaScale = getAlphaColorScale(colors, y)  table.insert(scales, alphaScale)   local lineScale  if (linewidths) and (chartType == "line") then  lineScale = getLineScale(linewidths, chartType)  table.insert(scales, lineScale)  end   local radiusScale  if chartType == "pie" and #y > 1 then  radiusScale = getValueScale("r", 0, outerRadius)  table.insert(scales, radiusScale)  end   -- decide if lines (strokes) or areas (fills) should be drawn  local colorField  if chartType == "line" then colorField = "stroke" else colorField = "fill" end     -- create chart markings  local chartvis = getChartVisualisation(chartType, stacked, colorField, #y, innerRadius, outerRadius, linewidth, alphaScale, radiusScale, lineScale, interpolate)  local marks = { chartvis }   -- text marks  if showValues then  if type(showValues) == "string" then -- deserialize as table  local keyValues = mw.text.split(showValues, "%s*,%s*")  showValues = {}  for _, kv in ipairs(keyValues) do  local key, value = mw.ustring.match(kv, "^%s*(.-)%s*:%s*(.-)%s*$")  if key then showValues[key] = value end  end  end   local chartmarks = chartvis  if chartmarks.marks then chartmarks = chartmarks.marks[1] end  local textmarks = getTextMarks(chartmarks, chartType, outerRadius, scales, radiusScale, yType, showValues)  if chartmarks ~= chartvis then  table.insert(chartvis.marks, textmarks)  else  table.insert(marks, textmarks)  end  end   -- grids  if xGrid then  if xGrid == "0" then xGrid = false  elseif xGrid == 0 then xGrid = false  elseif xGrid == "false" then xGrid = false  elseif xGrid == "n" then xGrid = false  else xGrid = true  end  end  if yGrid then  if yGrid == "0" then yGrid = false  elseif yGrid == 0 then yGrid = false  elseif yGrid == "false" then yGrid = false  elseif yGrid == "n" then yGrid = false  else yGrid = true  end  end   -- symbol marks  if showSymbols and chartType ~= "rect" then  local chartmarks = chartvis  if chartmarks.marks then chartmarks = chartmarks.marks[1] end   if type(showSymbols) == "string" then  if showSymbols == "" then showSymbols = true  else showSymbols = numericArray(showSymbols)  end  else  showSymbols = tonumber(showSymbols)  end   -- custom size  local symSize  if type(showSymbols) == "number" then  symSize = tonumber(showSymbols*showSymbols*8.5)  elseif type(showSymbols) == "table" then  symSize = {}  for k, v in pairs(showSymbols) do  symSize[k]=v*v*8.5 -- "size" acc to Vega syntax is area of symbol  end  else  symSize = 50  end  -- symSizeScale   local symSizeScale = {}  if type(symSize) == "table" then  symSizeScale = getSymSizeScale(symSize)  table.insert(scales, symSizeScale)  end    -- custom shape  if stringArray(symbolsShape) and #stringArray(symbolsShape) > 1 then symbolsShape = stringArray(symbolsShape) end   local symShape = " "   if type(symbolsShape) == "string" and shapes[symbolsShape] then  symShape = shapes[symbolsShape]  elseif type(symbolsShape) == "table" then  symShape = {}  for k, v in pairs(symbolsShape) do  if symbolsShape[k] and shapes[symbolsShape[k]] then  symShape[k]=shapes[symbolsShape[k]]  else  symShape[k] = "circle"  end  end  else  symShape = "circle"  end  -- symShapeScale   local symShapeScale = {}  if type(symShape) == "table" then  symShapeScale = getSymShapeScale(symShape)  table.insert(scales, symShapeScale)  end   -- custom stroke  local symStroke  if (type(symbolsStroke) == "number") then  symStroke = tonumber(symbolsStroke) -- TODO symStroke serialization -- elseif type(symbolsStroke) == "table" then  -- symStroke = {} -- for k, v in pairs(symbolsStroke) do -- symStroke[k]=symbolsStroke[k] -- --always draw x with stroke -- if symbolsShape[k] == "x" then symStroke[k] = 2.5 end  --always draw x with stroke -- if symbolsNoFill[k] then symStroke[k] = 2.5 end -- end  else  symStroke = 0  --always draw x with stroke  if symbolsShape == "x" then symStroke = 2.5 end  --always draw x with stroke  if symbolsNoFill then symStroke = 2.5 end  end   -- TODO -- symStrokeScale  -- local symStrokeScale = {} -- if type(symStroke) == "table" then -- symStrokeScale = getSymStrokeScale(symStroke) -- table.insert(scales, symStrokeScale) -- end     local symbolmarks = getSymbolMarks(chartmarks, symSize, symShape, symStroke, symbolsNoFill, alphaScale)  if chartmarks ~= chartvis then  table.insert(chartvis.marks, symbolmarks)  else  table.insert(marks, symbolmarks)  end  end    local vannolines, vannolabels, hannolines, hannolabels = getAnnoMarks(chartmarks, persistentGrey, persistentGrey, 0.75)  if vannoData then  table.insert(marks, vannolines)  table.insert(marks, vannolabels)  end  if hannoData then  table.insert(marks, hannolines)  table.insert(marks, hannolabels)  end   -- axes  local xAxis, yAxis = getAxes(xTitle, xAxisFormat, xAxisAngle, xType, xGrid, yTitle, yAxisFormat, yType, yGrid, chartType)   -- legend  local legend  if legendTitle and tonumber(legendTitle) ~= 0 then legend = getLegend(legendTitle, chartType, outerRadius) end  -- construct final output object  local output =  {  version = 2,  width = graphwidth,  height = graphheight,  data = { data },  scales = scales,  axes = { xAxis, yAxis },  marks = marks,  legends = { legend }  }  if vannoData then table.insert(output.data, vannoData) end  if hannoData then table.insert(output.data, hannoData) end  if stats then table.insert(output.data, stats) end   local flags  if formatJson then flags = mw.text.JSON_PRETTY end  return mw.text.jsonEncode(output, flags) end  function p.mapWrapper(frame)  return p.map(frame:getParent()) end  function p.chartWrapper(frame)  return p.chart(frame:getParent()) end  function p.chartDebuger(frame)  return "\n\nchart JSON\n ".. p.chart(frame) .. " \n\n" .. debuglog end   -- Given an HTML-encoded title as first argument, e.g. one produced with {{ARTICLEPAGENAME}}, -- convert it into a properly URL path-encoded string -- This function is critical for any graph that uses path-based APIs, e.g. PageViews graph function p.encodeTitleForPath(frame)  return mw.uri.encode(mw.text.decode(mw.text.trim(frame.args[1])), 'PATH') end  return p 

มอด, graph, อการใช, งานมอด, แก, ประว, างแคช, this, module, rated, alpha, ready, third, party, input, used, pages, problems, arise, should, watched, suggestions, features, changes, their, input, output, mechanisms, welcome, แม, แบบ, sidebar, module, with, helpe. khumuxkarichnganmxdul du aek prawti langaekhch This module is rated as alpha It is ready for third party input and may be used on a few pages to see if problems arise but should be watched Suggestions for new features or changes in their input and output mechanisms are welcome aemaebb Lua sidebar Module with helper functions for the Graph extension to display graphs and maps From de Modul Graph enuxha 1 Functions for templates 1 1 map 1 2 chart 1 3 Template wrappers Functions for templates map Creates a JSON object for lt graph gt to display a political map with colored highlights In the article namespace the template aemaebb Template should be used instead See its page for use cases Maps can be found at Special Prefixindex Template Graph Map Inner for example Worldmap2c json with country borders and new maps should also be saved under Module Graph Parameters basemap sets the base map The map definitions must follow the TopoJSON format and if saved in Wikipedia are available for this module Maps in the default directory Special Prefixindex Template Graph Map Inner like Worldmap2c json should only be referenced by their name while omitting the Modul Graph prefix to allow better portability The parameter also accepts URLs e g maps from other Wikipedia versions the link should follow the scheme of en wikipedia org w index php title i mapname i amp action raw i e protocol relative without leading http s and a trailing action raw to fetch the raw content only URLs to maps on external sites should be avoided for the sake of link stability performance security and she be assumed to be blocked by the software or browser anyway scale the scaling factor of the map default 100 projection the map projection to use Supported values are listed at https github com mbostock d3 wiki Geo Projections The default value is equirectangular for an equirectangular projection center map center corresponds in the map data to both comma separated values of the scale field feature which geographic objects should be displayed corresponds in the map data to the name of the field under the objects field The default is value countries ids of geographic entities The actual parameter names depend on the base map and the selected feature For example for the above mentioned world map the ids are ISO country codes The values can be either colors or numbers in case the geographic entities should be associated with numeric data DE lightblue marks Germany in light blue color and DE 80 6 assigns Germany the value 80 6 population in millions In the latter case the actual color depends on the following parameters colorScale the color palette to use for the color scale The palette must be provided as a comma separated list of color values The color values must be given either as rgb rrggbb or by a CSS color name Instead of a list the built in color palettes category10 and category20 can also be used scaleType supported values are linear for a linear mapping between the data values and the color scale log for a log mapping pow for a power mapping the exponent can be provided as pow 0 5 sqrt for a square root mapping and quantize for a quantized scale i e the data is grouped in as many classes as the color palette has colors domainMin lower boundary of the data values i e smaller data values are mapped to the lower boundary domainMax upper boundary of the data values i e larger data values are mapped to the upper boundary legend show color legend does not work with quantize defaultValue default value for unused geographic entities In case the id values are colors the default value is silver in case of numbers it is 0 formatjson format JSON object for better legibilitychart Creates a JSON object for lt graph gt to display charts In the article namespace the template Template Graph Chart should be used instead See its page for use cases Parameters width width of the chart height height of the chart type type of the chart line for line charts area for area charts and rect for column bar charts and pie for pie charts Multiple series can stacked using the stacked prefix e g stackedarea interpolate interpolation method for line and area charts It is recommended to use monotone for a monotone cubic interpolation further supported values are listed at https github com nyurik vega wiki Marks line colors color palette of the chart as a comma separated list of colors The color values must be given either as rgb rrggbb aarrggbb or by a CSS color name For aarrggbb the aa component denotes the alpha channel i e FF 100 opacity 80 50 opacity transparency etc The default color palette if n lt 10 is Category10 else is Category20 xAxisTitle and yAxisTitle captions of the x and y axes xAxisMin xAxisMax yAxisMin and yAxisMax minimum and maximum values of the x and y axes not yet supported for bar charts These parameters can be used to invert the scale of a numeric axis by setting the lowest value to the Max and highest value to the Min xAxisFormat and yAxisFormat changes the formatting of the axis labels Supported values are listed at https github com d3 d3 3 x api reference blob master Formatting md numbers for numbers For example the format can be used to output percentages For date time specification of supported values is https github com d3 d3 3 x api reference blob master Time Formatting md e g xAxisFormat d m Y for result 13 01 1977 xAxisAngle rotates the x axis labels by the specified angle Recommended values are 45 45 90 90 xType and yType data types of the values e g integer for integers number for real numbers date for dates e g YYYY MM DD and string for ordinal values use string to prevent axis values from being repeated when there are only a few values Remarks Date type doesn t work for bar graphs For date data input please use ISO date format e g YYYY MM DD acc to date and time formats used in HTML Other date format may work but not in all browsers Date is unfortunately displayed only in en US format for all Wikipedia languages Workaround is to use xAxisFormat and yAxisFormat with numerical dates format xScaleType and yScaleType scale types of the x and y axes e g linear for linear scale default log for logarithmic scale and sqrt for square root scale x the x values as a comma separated list for dates and time see remark in xType and yType y or y1 y2 the y values for one or several data series respectively For pie charts y2 denotes the radius of the corresponding sectors For dates and time see remark in xType and yType legend show legend only works in case of multiple data series y1Title y2Title defines the label of the respective data series in the legend linewidth line width for line charts or distance between the pie segments for pie charts Setting to 0 with type line creates a scatter plot linewidths different line widths may be defined for each series of data with csv if set to 0 with showSymbols results with points graph eg linewidths 1 0 5 0 2 showSymbols show symbol on data point for line graphs if number is provided it s size of symbol default 2 5 may be defined for each series of data with csv eg showSymbols 1 2 3 4 symbolsShape custom shape for symbol circle x square cross diamond triangle up triangle down triangle right triangle left May be defined for each series of data with csv eg symbolsShape circle cross square symbolsNoFill if true symbol will be without fill only stroke symbolsStroke if x symbol is used or option symbolsNoFill symbol stroke width default 2 5 showValues Additionally output the y values as text Currently only non stacked bar and pie charts are supported The output can be configured used the following parameters provided as name1 value1 name2 value2 format Format the output according to https github com d3 d3 3 x api reference blob master Formatting md numbers for numbers and https github com d3 d3 3 x api reference blob master Time Formatting md for date time fontcolor text color fontsize text size offset move text by the given offset For bar charts and pie charts with midangle this also defines if the text is inside or outside the chart angle pie charts only text angle in degrees or midangle default for dynamic angles based on the mid angle of the pie sector innerRadius For pie charts defines the inner radius to create a doughnut chart xGrid and yGrid display grid lines on the x and y axes Annotations vAnnotatonsLine and hAnnotatonsLine display vertical or horizontal annotation lines on specific values e g hAnnotatonsLine 4 5 6 vAnnotatonsLabel and hAnnotatonsLabel display vertical or horizontal annotation labels for lines e g hAnnotationLabel label1 label2 label3 formatjson format JSON object for better legibilityTemplate wrappers The functions mapWrapper and chartWrapper are wrappers to pass all parameters of the calling template to the respective map and chart functions Note In the editor preview the graph extension creates a canvas element with vector graphics However when saving the page a PNG raster graphics is generated instead invoke Graph function wrapper name khumuxkarichnganthipraktdanbnnidungmacak mxdul Graph doc aek prawti phuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulni hnayxykhxngmxdulni ATTENTION Please edit this code at https de wikipedia org wiki Modul Graph This way all wiki languages can stay in sync Thank you BUGS X Axis label format bug xAxisFormat https en wikipedia org wiki Template talk Graph Chart X Axis label format bug xAxisFormat linewidths doesnt work for two values eg 0 1 but work if added third value of both are zeros Same for marksStroke probably bug in Graph extension clamp clamp used to avoid marks outside marks area clip should be use instead but not working in Graph extension see https phabricator wikimedia org T251709 TODO marks line strokeDash serialization symStroke serialization symbolsNoFill serialization arbitrary SVG path symbol shape as symbolsShape argument annotations vertical horizontal line at specific values DONE 2020 09 01 rectangle shape for x y data range graph type serialization deep rebuild reqired second axis deep rebuild required assignment of series to one of two axies Version History PLEASE UPDATE when modifying anything 2020 09 01 Vertical and horizontal line annotations 2020 08 08 New logic for nice for x axis problem with scale when xType date and grid 2020 06 21 Serializes symbol size transparent symbosls from line colour buggy incorrect opacity on overlap with line Linewidth serialized with linewidths Variable symbol size and shape of symbols on line charts default showSymbols 2 default symbolsShape circle symbolsStroke 0 p chartDebuger frame for easy debug and JSON output 2020 06 07 Allow lowercase variables for use with Template Wikidata list 2020 05 27 Map allow specification which feature to display and changing the map center 2020 04 08 Change default showValues fontcolor from black to persistentGrey 2020 04 06 Logarithmic scale outputs wrong axis labels when nice true 2020 03 11 Allow user defined scale types e g logarithmic scale 2019 11 08 Apply color inversion friendliness to legend title labels and xGrid 2019 01 24 Allow comma separated lists to contain values with commas 2018 10 13 Fix browser color inversion issues via 54595d per mw Template Graph PageViews 2018 09 16 Allow disabling the legend for templates 2018 09 10 Allow grid lines 2018 08 26 Use user defined order for stacked charts 2018 02 11 Force usage of explicitely provided x minimum and or maximum values rotation of x labels 2017 08 08 Added showSymbols param to show symbols on line charts 2016 05 16 Added encodeTitleForPath to help all path based APIs graphs like pageviews 2016 03 20 Allow omitted data for charts labels for line charts with string ordinal scale at point location 2016 01 28 For maps always use wikiraw protocol https will be disabled soon local p add debug text to this string with eg debuglog debuglog n n debug traceback result type type result result n n mw dumpObject result invoke chartDebuger to get graph JSON and this string debuglog Debug n n local baseMapDirectory mxdul Graph local persistentGrey 54595d local shapes shapes circle circle x M 5 5L 5 5M 5 5L 5 5 square square cross cross diamond diamond triangle up triangle up triangle down triangle down triangle right triangle right triangle left triangle left banana m 0 5281 0 2880 0 0020 0 0192 m 0 0 c 0 1253 0 0543 0 2118 0 0679 0 3268 0 0252 0 1569 0 0582 0 3663 0 1636 0 4607 0 3407 0 0824 0 1547 0 1202 0 2850 0 0838 0 4794 l 0 0111 0 1498 0 0457 0 0015 c 0 0024 0 3045 0 1205 0 5674 0 3357 0 7414 0 1409 0 1139 0 3227 0 1693 0 5031 0 1856 m 0 0 c 0 1804 0 0163 0 3622 0 0717 0 5031 0 1856 0 2152 0 1739 0 3329 0 4291 0 3357 0 7414 l 0 0422 0 0079 c 0 0 0 0099 0 1111 0 0227 0 1644 0 0537 0 1937 0 1918 0 3355 0 3349 0 4481 0 1393 0 1089 0 2717 0 2072 0 4326 0 2806 l 0 0062 0 0260 local function numericArray csv if not csv then return end local list mw text split csv s s local result local isInteger true for i 1 list do if list i then result i nil else result i tonumber list i if not result i then return end if isInteger then local int frac math modf result i isInteger frac 0 0 end end end return result isInteger end local function stringArray text if not text then return end local list mw text split mw ustring gsub tostring text lt COMMA gt true for i 1 list do list i mw ustring gsub mw text trim list i lt COMMA gt end return list end local function isTable t return type t table end local function copy x if type x table then local result for key value in pairs x do result key copy value end return result else return x end end function p map frame map path data for geographic objects local basemap frame args basemap or Template Graph Map Inner Worldmap2c json WorldMap name and or location may vary from wiki to wiki scaling factor local scale tonumber frame args scale or 100 map projection see https github com mbostock d3 wiki Geo Projections local projection frame args projection or equirectangular defaultValue for geographic objects without data local defaultValue frame args defaultValue or frame args defaultvalue local scaleType frame args scaleType or frame args scaletype or linear minimaler Wertebereich nur fur numerische Daten local domainMin tonumber frame args domainMin or frame args domainmin maximaler Wertebereich nur fur numerische Daten local domainMax tonumber frame args domainMax or frame args domainmax Farbwerte der Farbskala nur fur numerische Daten local colorScale frame args colorScale or frame args colorscale or category10 show legend local legend frame args legend the map feature to display local feature frame args feature or countries map center local center numericArray frame args center format JSON output local formatJson frame args formatjson map data are key value pairs keys are non lowercase strings ideally ISO codes which need to match the id values of the map path data local values local isNumbers nil for name value in pairs frame args do if mw ustring find name l and value and value then if isNumbers nil then isNumbers tonumber value end local data id name v value if isNumbers then data v tonumber data v end table insert values data end end if not defaultValue then if isNumbers then defaultValue 0 else defaultValue silver end end create highlight scale local scales if isNumbers then if colorScale then colorScale string lower colorScale end if colorScale category10 or colorScale category20 then else colorScale stringArray colorScale end scales name color type scaleType domain data highlights field v range colorScale nice true zero false if domainMin then scales 1 domainMin domainMin end if domainMax then scales 1 domainMax domainMax end local exponent string match scaleType pow s d d check for exponent if exponent then scales 1 type pow scales 1 exponent exponent end end create legend if legend then legend fill color offset 120 properties title fontSize value 14 labels fontSize value 12 legend stroke value silver strokeWidth value 1 5 end get map url local basemapUrl if string sub basemap 1 10 wikiraw then basemapUrl basemap else if not a supported url look for a colon as namespace separator If none prepend default map directory name if not string find basemap then basemap baseMapDirectory basemap end basemapUrl wikiraw mw uri encode mw title new basemap prefixedText PATH end local output version 2 width 1 generic value as output size depends solely on map size and scaling factor height 1 ditto data data source for the highlights name highlights values values data source for map paths data name feature url basemapUrl format type topojson feature feature transform geographic transformation geopath of map paths data type geopath value data data source scale scale translate 0 0 center center projection projection join zip of mutiple data source here map paths data and highlights type lookup keys id key for map paths data on highlights name of highlight data source onKey id key for highlight data source as zipped name of resulting table default v defaultValue default value for geographic objects that could not be joined marks output markings map paths and highlights type path from data feature properties enter path field layout path update fill field zipped v hover fill value darkgrey legends legend if scales then output scales scales output marks 1 properties update fill scale color end local flags if formatJson then flags mw text JSON PRETTY end return mw text jsonEncode output flags end local function deserializeXData serializedX xType xMin xMax local x if not xType or xType integer or xType number then local isInteger x isInteger numericArray serializedX if x then xMin tonumber xMin xMax tonumber xMax if not xType then if isInteger then xType integer else xType number end end else if xType then error Numbers expected for parameter x end end end if not x then x stringArray serializedX if not xType then xType string end end return x xType xMin xMax end local function deserializeYData serializedYs yType yMin yMax local y local areAllInteger true for yNum value in pairs serializedYs do local yValues if not yType or yType integer or yType number then local isInteger yValues isInteger numericArray value if yValues then areAllInteger areAllInteger and isInteger else if yType then error Numbers expected for parameter name else return deserializeYData serializedYs string yMin yMax end end end if not yValues then yValues stringArray value end y yNum yValues end if not yType then if areAllInteger then yType integer else yType number end end if yType integer or yType number then yMin tonumber yMin yMax tonumber yMax end return y yType yMin yMax end local function convertXYToManySeries x y xType yType seriesTitles local data name chart format type json parse x xType y yType values for i 1 y do local yLen table maxn y i for j 1 x do if j lt yLen and y i j then table insert data values series seriesTitles i x x j y y i j end end end return data end local function convertXYToSingleSeries x y xType yType yNames local data name chart format type json parse x xType values for j 1 y do data format parse yNames j yType end for i 1 x do local item x x i for j 1 y do item yNames j y j i end table insert data values item end return data end local function getXScale chartType stacked xMin xMax xType xScaleType if chartType pie then return end local xscale name x range width zero false do not include zero value domain data chart field x if xScaleType then xscale type xScaleType else xscale type linear end if xMin then xscale domainMin xMin end if xMax then xscale domainMax xMax end if xMin or xMax then xscale clamp true xscale nice false end if chartType rect then xscale type ordinal if not stacked then xscale padding 0 2 end pad each bar group else if xType date then xscale type time elseif xType string then xscale type ordinal xscale points true end end if xType and xType date and xScaleType log then xscale nice true end force round numbers for x scale but log and date scale outputs a wrong nice scale return xscale end local function getYScale chartType stacked yMin yMax yType yScaleType if chartType pie then return end local yscale name y type yScaleType or linear range height area charts have the lower boundary of their filling at y 0 see marks properties enter y2 therefore these need to start at zero zero chartType line nice yScaleType log force round numbers for y scale but log scale outputs a wrong nice scale if yScaleType then yscale type yScaleType else yscale type linear end if yMin then yscale domainMin yMin end if yMax then yscale domainMax yMax end if yMin or yMax then yscale clamp true end if yType date then yscale type time elseif yType string then yscale type ordinal end if stacked then yscale domain data stats field sum y else yscale domain data chart field y end return yscale end local function getColorScale colors chartType xCount yCount if not colors then if chartType pie and xCount gt 10 or yCount gt 10 then colors category20 else colors category10 end end local colorScale name color type ordinal range colors domain data chart field series if chartType pie then colorScale domain field x end return colorScale end local function getAlphaColorScale colors y local alphaScale if there is at least one color in the format aarrggbb create a transparency alpha scale if isTable colors then local alphas local hasAlpha false for i 1 colors do local a rgb string match colors i x x x x x x x x if a then hasAlpha true alphas i tostring tonumber a 16 255 0 colors i rgb else alphas i 1 end end for i colors 1 y do alphas i 1 end if hasAlpha then alphaScale name transparency type ordinal range alphas end end return alphaScale end local function getLineScale linewidths chartType local lineScale lineScale name line type ordinal range linewidths domain data chart field series return lineScale end local function getSymSizeScale symSize local SymSizeScale SymSizeScale name symSize type ordinal range symSize domain data chart field series return SymSizeScale end local function getSymShapeScale symShape local SymShapeScale SymShapeScale name symShape type ordinal range symShape domain data chart field series return SymShapeScale end local function getValueScale fieldName min max type local valueScale name fieldName type type or linear domain data chart field fieldName range min max return valueScale end local function addInteractionToChartVisualisation plotMarks colorField dataField initial setup if not plotMarks properties enter then plotMarks properties enter end plotMarks properties enter colorField scale color field dataField action when cursor is over plot mark highlight if not plotMarks properties hover then plotMarks properties hover end plotMarks properties hover colorField value red action when cursor leaves plot mark reset to initial setup if not plotMarks properties update then plotMarks properties update end plotMarks properties update colorField scale color field dataField end local function getPieChartVisualisation yCount innerRadius outerRadius linewidth radiusScale local chartvis type arc from data chart transform field y type pie properties enter innerRadius value innerRadius outerRadius startAngle field layout start endAngle field layout end stroke value white strokeWidth value linewidth or 1 if radiusScale then chartvis properties enter outerRadius scale radiusScale name chartvis properties enter outerRadius field radiusScale domain field else chartvis properties enter outerRadius value outerRadius end addInteractionToChartVisualisation chartvis fill x return chartvis end local function getChartVisualisation chartType stacked colorField yCount innerRadius outerRadius linewidth alphaScale radiusScale lineScale interpolate if chartType pie then return getPieChartVisualisation yCount innerRadius outerRadius linewidth radiusScale end local chartvis type chartType properties chart creation event handler enter x scale x field x y scale y field y addInteractionToChartVisualisation chartvis colorField series if colorField stroke then chartvis properties enter strokeWidth value linewidth or 2 5 if type lineScale table then chartvis properties enter strokeWidth value nil chartvis properties enter strokeWidth scale line field series end end if interpolate then chartvis properties enter interpolate value interpolate end if alphaScale then chartvis properties update colorField Opacity scale transparency end for bars and area charts set the lower bound of their areas if chartType rect or chartType area then if stacked then for stacked charts this lower bound is the end of the last stacking element chartvis properties enter y2 scale y field layout end else for non stacking charts the lower bound is y 0 TODO yscale zero is currently set to true for this case but false for all other cases For the similar behavior y2 should actually be set to where y axis crosses the x axis if there are only positive or negative values in the data chartvis properties enter y2 scale y value 0 end end for bar charts if chartType rect then set 1 pixel width between the bars chartvis properties enter width scale x band true offset 1 for multiple series the bar marking needs to use the inner series scale whereas the outer x scale is used by the grouping if not stacked and yCount gt 1 then chartvis properties enter x scale series chartvis properties enter x field series chartvis properties enter width scale series end end stacked charts have their own stacked y values if stacked then chartvis properties enter y field layout start end if there are multiple series group these together if yCount 1 then chartvis from data chart else if there are multiple series connect colors to series chartvis properties update colorField field series if alphaScale then chartvis properties update colorField Opacity field series end if there are multiple series connect linewidths to series if chartype line then chartvis properties update strokeWidth field series end apply a grouping facetting transformation chartvis type group marks chartvis from data chart transform type facet groupby series for stacked charts apply a stacking transformation if stacked then table insert chartvis from transform 1 type stack groupby x sortby id field y else for bar charts the series are side by side grouped by x if chartType rect then for bar charts with multiple series each serie is grouped by the x value therefore the series need their own scale within each x group local groupScale name series type ordinal range width domain field series chartvis from transform 1 groupby x chartvis scales groupScale chartvis properties enter x field key scale x width scale x band true end end end return chartvis end local function getTextMarks chartvis chartType outerRadius scales radiusScale yType showValues local properties if chartType rect then properties x scale chartvis properties enter x scale field chartvis properties enter x field y scale chartvis properties enter y scale field chartvis properties enter y field offset tonumber showValues offset or 4 dx scale chartvis properties enter x scale band true mult 0 5 for horizontal text dy scale chartvis properties enter x scale band true mult 0 5 for vertical text align baseline value middle fill angle value 90 fontSize value tonumber showValues fontsize or 11 if properties y offset gt 0 then properties align value right properties fill value showValues fontcolor or white else properties align value left properties fill value showValues fontcolor or persistentGrey end elseif chartType pie then properties x group width mult 0 5 y group height mult 0 5 radius offset tonumber showValues offset or 4 theta field layout mid fill value showValues fontcolor or persistentGrey baseline angle fontSize value tonumber showValues fontsize or math ceil outerRadius 10 if showValues angle or midangle midangle then properties align value center properties angle field layout mid mult 180 0 math pi if properties radius offset gt 0 then properties baseline value bottom else if not showValues fontcolor then properties fill value white end properties baseline value top end elseif tonumber showValues angle then qunatize scale for aligning text left on right half circle and right on left half circle local alignScale name align type quantize domainMin 0 0 domainMax math pi 2 range left right table insert scales alignScale properties align scale alignScale name field layout mid properties angle value tonumber showValues angle properties baseline value middle if not tonumber showValues offset then properties radius offset 4 end end if radiusScale then properties radius scale radiusScale name properties radius field radiusScale domain field else properties radius value outerRadius end end if properties then if showValues format then local template datum y if yType integer or yType number then template template number showValues format elseif yType date then template template time showValues format end properties text template template else properties text field y end local textmarks type text properties enter properties if chartvis from then textmarks from copy chartvis from end return textmarks end end local function getSymbolMarks chartvis symSize symShape symStroke noFill alphaScale local symbolmarks symbolmarks type symbol properties enter x scale x field x y scale y field y strokeWidth value symStroke stroke scale color field series fill scale color field series if type symShape string then symbolmarks properties enter shape value symShape end if type symShape table then symbolmarks properties enter shape scale symShape field series end if type symSize number then symbolmarks properties enter size value symSize end if type symSize table then symbolmarks properties enter size scale symSize field series end if noFill then symbolmarks properties enter fill nil end if alphaScale then symbolmarks properties enter fillOpacity scale transparency field series symbolmarks properties enter strokeOpacity scale transparency field series end if chartvis from then symbolmarks from copy chartvis from end return symbolmarks end local function getAnnoMarks chartvis stroke fill opacity local vannolines hannolines vannoLabels vannoLabels vannolines type rule from data v anno properties update x scale x field x y value 0 y2 field group height strokeWidth value stroke stroke value persistentGrey opacity value opacity vannolabels type text from data v anno properties update x scale x field x offset 3 y field group height offset 3 text field label baseline value top angle value 90 fill value persistentGrey opacity value opacity hannolines type rule from data h anno properties update y scale y field y x value 0 x2 field group width strokeWidth value stroke stroke value persistentGrey opacity value opacity hannolabels type text from data h anno properties update y scale y field y offset 3 x value 0 offset 3 text field label baseline value top angle value 0 fill value persistentGrey opacity value opacity return vannolines vannolabels hannolines hannolabels end local function getAxes xTitle xAxisFormat xAxisAngle xType xGrid yTitle yAxisFormat yType yGrid chartType local xAxis yAxis if chartType pie then if xType integer and not xAxisFormat then xAxisFormat d end xAxis type x scale x title xTitle format xAxisFormat grid xGrid if xAxisAngle then local xAxisAlign if xAxisAngle lt 0 then xAxisAlign right else xAxisAlign left end xAxis properties title fill value persistentGrey labels angle value xAxisAngle align value xAxisAlign fill value persistentGrey ticks stroke value persistentGrey axis stroke value persistentGrey strokeWidth value 2 grid stroke value persistentGrey else xAxis properties title fill value persistentGrey labels fill value persistentGrey ticks stroke value persistentGrey axis stroke value persistentGrey strokeWidth value 2 grid stroke value persistentGrey end if yType integer and not yAxisFormat then yAxisFormat d end yAxis type y scale y title yTitle format yAxisFormat grid yGrid yAxis properties title fill value persistentGrey labels fill value persistentGrey ticks stroke value persistentGrey axis stroke value persistentGrey strokeWidth value 2 grid stroke value persistentGrey end return xAxis yAxis end local function getLegend legendTitle chartType outerRadius local legend fill color stroke color title legendTitle legend properties title fill value persistentGrey labels fill value persistentGrey if chartType pie then legend properties move legend from center position to top legend y value outerRadius title fill value persistentGrey labels fill value persistentGrey end return legend end function p chart frame chart width and height local graphwidth tonumber frame args width or 200 local graphheight tonumber frame args height or 200 chart type local chartType frame args type or line interpolation mode for line and area charts linear step before step after basis basis open basis closed type line only bundle type line only cardinal cardinal open cardinal closed type line only monotone local interpolate frame args interpolate mark colors if no colors are given the default 10 color palette is used local colorString frame args colors if colorString then colorString string lower colorString end local colors stringArray colorString for line charts the thickness of the line for pie charts the gap between each slice local linewidth tonumber frame args linewidth local linewidthsString frame args linewidths local linewidths if linewidthsString and linewidthsString then linewidths numericArray linewidthsString or false end x and y axis caption local xTitle frame args xAxisTitle or frame args xaxistitle local yTitle frame args yAxisTitle or frame args yaxistitle x and y value types local xType frame args xType or frame args xtype local yType frame args yType or frame args ytype override x and y axis minimum and maximum local xMin frame args xAxisMin or frame args xaxismin local xMax frame args xAxisMax or frame args xaxismax local yMin frame args yAxisMin or frame args yaxismin local yMax frame args yAxisMax or frame args yaxismax override x and y axis label formatting local xAxisFormat frame args xAxisFormat or frame args xaxisformat local yAxisFormat frame args yAxisFormat or frame args yaxisformat local xAxisAngle tonumber frame args xAxisAngle or tonumber frame args xaxisangle x and y scale types local xScaleType frame args xScaleType or frame args xscaletype local yScaleType frame args yScaleType or frame args yscaletype log scale require minimum gt 0 for now it s no possible to plot negative values on log TODO see https www mathworks com matlabcentral answers 1792 log scale graphic with negative value if xScaleType log then if not xMin or tonumber xMin lt 0 then xMin 0 1 end if not xType then xType number end end if yScaleType log then if not yMin or tonumber yMin lt 0 then yMin 0 1 end if not yType then yType number end end show grid local xGrid frame args xGrid or frame args xgrid or false local yGrid frame args yGrid or frame args ygrid or false for line chart show a symbol at each data point local showSymbols frame args showSymbols or frame args showsymbols local symbolsShape frame args symbolsShape or frame args symbolsshape local symbolsNoFill frame args symbolsNoFill or frame args symbolsnofill local symbolsStroke tonumber frame args symbolsStroke or frame args symbolsstroke show legend with given title local legendTitle frame args legend show values as text local showValues frame args showValues or frame args showvalues show v and h line annotations local v annoLineString frame args vAnnotatonsLine or frame args vannotatonsline local h annoLineString frame args hAnnotatonsLine or frame args hannotatonsline local v annoLabelString frame args vAnnotatonsLabel or frame args vannotatonslabel local h annoLabelString frame args hAnnotatonsLabel or frame args hannotatonslabel decode annotations cvs local v annoLine v annoLabel h annoLine h annoLabel if v annoLineString and v annoLineString then if xType number or xType integer then v annoLine numericArray v annoLineString else v annoLine stringArray v annoLineString end v annoLabel stringArray v annoLabelString end if h annoLineString and h annoLineString then if yType number or yType integer then h annoLine numericArray h annoLineString else h annoLine stringArray h annoLineString end h annoLabel stringArray h annoLabelString end pie chart radiuses local innerRadius tonumber frame args innerRadius or tonumber frame args innerradius or 0 local outerRadius math min graphwidth graphheight format JSON output local formatJson frame args formatjson get x values local x x xType xMin xMax deserializeXData frame args x xType xMin xMax get y values series local yValues local seriesTitles for name value in pairs frame args do local yNum if name y then yNum 1 else yNum tonumber string match name y d end if yNum then yValues yNum value name the series default is y lt number gt Can be overwritten using the y lt number gt Title parameters seriesTitles yNum frame args y yNum Title or frame args y yNum title or name end end local y y yType yMin yMax deserializeYData yValues yType yMin yMax create data tuples consisting of series index x value y value local data if chartType pie then for pie charts the second second series is merged into the first series as radius values data convertXYToSingleSeries x y xType yType y r else data convertXYToManySeries x y xType yType seriesTitles end configure stacked charts local stacked false local stats if string sub chartType 1 7 stacked then chartType string sub chartType 8 if y gt 1 then ignore stacked charts if there is only one series stacked true aggregate data by cumulative y values stats name stats source chart transform type aggregate groupby x summarize y sum end end add annotations to data local vannoData hannoData if v annoLine then vannoData name v anno format type json parse x xType values for i 1 v annoLine do local item x v annoLine i label v annoLabel i table insert vannoData values item end end if h annoLine then hannoData name h anno format type json parse y yType values for i 1 h annoLine do local item y h annoLine i label h annoLabel i table insert hannoData values item end end create scales local scales local xscale getXScale chartType stacked xMin xMax xType xScaleType table insert scales xscale local yscale getYScale chartType stacked yMin yMax yType yScaleType table insert scales yscale local colorScale getColorScale colors chartType x y table insert scales colorScale local alphaScale getAlphaColorScale colors y table insert scales alphaScale local lineScale if linewidths and chartType line then lineScale getLineScale linewidths chartType table insert scales lineScale end local radiusScale if chartType pie and y gt 1 then radiusScale getValueScale r 0 outerRadius table insert scales radiusScale end decide if lines strokes or areas fills should be drawn local colorField if chartType line then colorField stroke else colorField fill end create chart markings local chartvis getChartVisualisation chartType stacked colorField y innerRadius outerRadius linewidth alphaScale radiusScale lineScale interpolate local marks chartvis text marks if showValues then if type showValues string then deserialize as table local keyValues mw text split showValues s s showValues for kv in ipairs keyValues do local key value mw ustring match kv s s s s if key then showValues key value end end end local chartmarks chartvis if chartmarks marks then chartmarks chartmarks marks 1 end local textmarks getTextMarks chartmarks chartType outerRadius scales radiusScale yType showValues if chartmarks chartvis then table insert chartvis marks textmarks else table insert marks textmarks end end grids if xGrid then if xGrid 0 then xGrid false elseif xGrid 0 then xGrid false elseif xGrid false then xGrid false elseif xGrid n then xGrid false else xGrid true end end if yGrid then if yGrid 0 then yGrid false elseif yGrid 0 then yGrid false elseif yGrid false then yGrid false elseif yGrid n then yGrid false else yGrid true end end symbol marks if showSymbols and chartType rect then local chartmarks chartvis if chartmarks marks then chartmarks chartmarks marks 1 end if type showSymbols string then if showSymbols then showSymbols true else showSymbols numericArray showSymbols end else showSymbols tonumber showSymbols end custom size local symSize if type showSymbols number then symSize tonumber showSymbols showSymbols 8 5 elseif type showSymbols table then symSize for k v in pairs showSymbols do symSize k v v 8 5 size acc to Vega syntax is area of symbol end else symSize 50 end symSizeScale local symSizeScale if type symSize table then symSizeScale getSymSizeScale symSize table insert scales symSizeScale end custom shape if stringArray symbolsShape and stringArray symbolsShape gt 1 then symbolsShape stringArray symbolsShape end local symShape if type symbolsShape string and shapes symbolsShape then symShape shapes symbolsShape elseif type symbolsShape table then symShape for k v in pairs symbolsShape do if symbolsShape k and shapes symbolsShape k then symShape k shapes symbolsShape k else symShape k circle end end else symShape circle end symShapeScale local symShapeScale if type symShape table then symShapeScale getSymShapeScale symShape table insert scales symShapeScale end custom stroke local symStroke if type symbolsStroke number then symStroke tonumber symbolsStroke TODO symStroke serialization elseif type symbolsStroke table then symStroke for k v in pairs symbolsStroke do symStroke k symbolsStroke k always draw x with stroke if symbolsShape k x then symStroke k 2 5 end always draw x with stroke if symbolsNoFill k then symStroke k 2 5 end end else symStroke 0 always draw x with stroke if symbolsShape x then symStroke 2 5 end always draw x with stroke if symbolsNoFill then symStroke 2 5 end end TODO symStrokeScale local symStrokeScale if type symStroke table then symStrokeScale getSymStrokeScale symStroke table insert scales symStrokeScale end local symbolmarks getSymbolMarks chartmarks symSize symShape symStroke symbolsNoFill alphaScale if chartmarks chartvis then table insert chartvis marks symbolmarks else table insert marks symbolmarks end end local vannolines vannolabels hannolines hannolabels getAnnoMarks chartmarks persistentGrey persistentGrey 0 75 if vannoData then table insert marks vannolines table insert marks vannolabels end if hannoData then table insert marks hannolines table insert marks hannolabels end axes local xAxis yAxis getAxes xTitle xAxisFormat xAxisAngle xType xGrid yTitle yAxisFormat yType yGrid chartType legend local legend if legendTitle and tonumber legendTitle 0 then legend getLegend legendTitle chartType outerRadius end construct final output object local output version 2 width graphwidth height graphheight data data scales scales axes xAxis yAxis marks marks legends legend if vannoData then table insert output data vannoData end if hannoData then table insert output data hannoData end if stats then table insert output data stats end local flags if formatJson then flags mw text JSON PRETTY end return mw text jsonEncode output flags end function p mapWrapper frame return p map frame getParent end function p chartWrapper frame return p chart frame getParent end function p chartDebuger frame return n n chart JSON n p chart frame n n debuglog end Given an HTML encoded title as first argument e g one produced with ARTICLEPAGENAME convert it into a properly URL path encoded string This function is critical for any graph that uses path based APIs e g PageViews graph function p encodeTitleForPath frame return mw uri encode mw text decode mw text trim frame args 1 PATH end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Graph amp oldid 9339529, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม