

คู่มือการใช้งานมอดูล[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]

This module does the processing for three userbox templates, {{userbox}}, {{userbox-2}} and {{userbox-r}}.

Template Description Examples
{{userbox}} Makes userboxes with an id on the left-hand side, or with no id.
{{userbox-2}} Makes userboxes with an id on both the left- and right-hand sides.
{{userbox-r}} Makes userboxes with an id on the right-hand side.

To use any of these templates from a wiki page, please see the individual template pages for documentation. To generate userboxes directly from Lua, read on.

Generating userboxes from Lua

To generate a userbox directly from Lua, first load the module.

local userbox = require('Module:Userbox') 

You can then run any of the three templates with the code:

userbox.main(functionName, args) 

For {{userbox}} use the function name "_userbox"; for {{userbox-2}} use the function name "_userbox-2"; and for {{userbox-r}} use the function name "_userbox-r". The args parameter is a table of arguments to pass to the different userbox functions. To see a list of valid arguments, please consult the individual template pages.

-- This module implements {{userbox}}.  local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local htmlBuilder = require('Module:HtmlBuilder') local categoryHandler = require('Module:Category handler').main  local p = {}  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local function checkNum(val, default)  -- Checks whether a value is a number greater than or equal to zero. If so,  -- returns it as a number. If not, returns a default value.  val = tonumber(val)  if val and val >= 0 then  return val  else  return default  end end  local function addSuffix(num, suffix)  -- Turns a number into a string and adds a suffix.  if num then  return tostring(num) .. suffix  else  return nil  end end  local function checkNumAndAddSuffix(num, default, suffix)  -- Checks a value with checkNum and adds a suffix.  num = checkNum(num, default)  return addSuffix(num, suffix) end  local function makeCat(cat, sort)  -- Makes a category link.  if sort then  return mw.ustring.format('[[Category:%s|%s]]', cat, sort)  else  return mw.ustring.format('[[Category:%s]]', cat)  end end  local function handleId(id, args)  if id then  local allNames = mw.site.namespaces[6].aliases  allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].name  allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].canonicalName  for i, name in ipairs(allNames) do  if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(id, 1, mw.ustring.len(name) + 1)) == mw.ustring.lower(name .. ":") then  id = '[[' .. id .. '|' .. (args['logo-size'] or args['ขนาดฟอนต์รูป'] or args['ขนาดรูป'] or args[5] or args['id-s'] or "40x40") .. 'px]]'  break  end  end  end  return id end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Argument processing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local function makeInvokeFunc(funcName)  return function (frame)  local args = getArgs(frame)  return p.main(funcName, args)  end end  p.userbox = makeInvokeFunc('_userbox') p['userbox-2'] = makeInvokeFunc('_userbox-2') p['userbox-r'] = makeInvokeFunc('_userbox-r')  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  function p.main(funcName, args)  local userboxData = p[funcName](args)  local userbox = p.render(userboxData)  local cats = p.categories(args)  return userbox .. (cats or '') end  function p._userbox(args)  -- Does argument processing for {{userbox}}.  local data = {}   -- Get div tag values.  data.float = args.float or args['จัดลอย'] or 'left'  local borderWidthNum = checkNum(args['border-width'] or args['ความกว้างขอบ'] or args['border-s'], 1) -- Used to calculate width.  data.borderWidth = addSuffix(borderWidthNum, 'px')  data.borderColor = args['border-color'] or args['สีขอบ'] or args[1] or args['border-c'] or args['id-c'] or '#999'  data.width = addSuffix(240 - 2 * borderWidthNum, 'px') -- Also used in the table tag.  data.bodyClass = args.bodyclass   -- Get table tag values.  data.backgroundColor = args['info-background'] or args['สีพื้นหลัง'] or args['สีพื้น'] or args[2] or args['info-c'] or '#eee'   -- Get id values.  local id = args.logo or args['ภาพ'] or args['รูป'] or args[3] or args.id  data.id = handleId(id, args)  data.showId = id and true or false  data.idWidth = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-width'] or args['id-w'], 45, 'px')  data.idHeight = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-height'] or args['id-h'], 45, 'px')  data.idBackgroundColor = args['logo-background'] or args['สีพื้นหลังรูป'] or args['สีพื้นรูป'] or args[1] or args['id-c'] or '#ddd'  data.idTextAlign = args['id-a'] or 'center'  data.idFontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-size'] or args['ขนาดฟอนต์รูป'] or args['ขนาดรูป'] or args[5] or args['id-s'], 14, 'pt')  data.idColor = args['logo-color'] or args['สีฟอนต์รูป'] or args['id-fc'] or 'black'  data.idPadding = args['logo-padding'] or args['ระยะห่างรูป'] or args['id-p'] or '0 1px 0 0'  data.idLineHeight = args['logo-line-height'] or args['ระยะบรรทัดรูป'] or args['id-lh'] or '1.25em'  data.idOtherParams = args['logo-other-param'] or args['ค่าอื่นของรูป'] or args['id-op']  data.idClass = args['id-class']   -- Get info values.  data.info = args.info or args['ข้อความ'] or args[4] or "''ข้อความ''"  data.infoTextAlign = args['info-a'] or 'center'  data.infoFontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['info-size'] or args['ขนาดฟอนต์ข้อความ'] or args['info-s'], 8, 'pt')  data.infoHeight = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-height'] or args['id-h'], 45, 'px')  data.infoPadding = args['info-padding'] or args['ระยะห่างข้อความ'] or args['info-p'] or '0 4px 0 4px'  data.infoLineHeight = args['info-line-height'] or args['ระยะบรรทัดข้อความ'] or args['info-lh'] or '1.25em'  data.infoColor = args['info-color'] or args['สีฟอนต์ข้อความ'] or args['info-fc'] or 'black'  data.infoOtherParams = args['info-other-param'] or args['ค่าอื่นของข้อความ'] or args['info-op']  data.infoClass = args['info-class']   return data end  p['_userbox-2'] = function (args)  -- Does argument processing for {{userbox-2}}.  local data = {}   -- Get div tag values.  data.float = args.float or args['จัดลอย'] or 'left'  data.borderWidth = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args[9] or args['border-s'], 1, 'px')  data.borderColor = args[1] or args['border-c'] or args['id1-c'] or '#999999'  data.width = '238px' -- Also used in the table tag.  data.bodyClass = args.bodyclass   -- Get table tag values.  data.backgroundColor = args[2] or args['info-c'] or '#eeeeee'   -- Get id values.  data.showId = true  data.id = args.logo or args['ภาพ'] or args['รูป'] or args[3] or args.id1 or 'id1'  data.idWidth = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['id1-w'], 45, 'px')  data.idHeight = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['id-h'], 45, 'px')  data.idBackgroundColor = args[1] or args['id1-c'] or '#dddddd'  data.idTextAlign = 'center'  data.idFontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['id1-s'], 14, 'pt')  data.idLineHeight = args['id1-lh'] or '1.25em'  data.idColor = args['id1-fc'] or 'black'  data.idPadding = args['id1-p'] or '0 1px 0 0'  data.idOtherParams = args['id1-op']   -- Get info values.  data.info = args[4] or args.info or args['ข้อความ'] or "''ข้อความ''"  data.infoTextAlign = args['info-a'] or 'center'  data.infoFontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['info-s'], 8, 'pt')  data.infoColor = args[8] or args['info-fc'] or 'black'  data.infoPadding = args['info-p'] or '0 4px 0 4px'  data.infoLineHeight = args['info-lh'] or '1.25em'  data.infoOtherParams = args['info-op']   -- Get id2 values.  data.showId2 = true  data.id2 = args.logo or args['ภาพ'] or args['รูป'] or args[5] or args.id2 or 'id2'  data.id2Width = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['id2-w'], 45, 'px')  data.id2Height = data.idHeight  data.id2BackgroundColor = args[7] or args['id2-c'] or args[1] or '#dddddd'  data.id2TextAlign = 'center'  data.id2FontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['id2-s'], 14, 'pt')  data.id2LineHeight = args['id2-lh'] or '1.25em'  data.id2Color = args['id2-fc'] or 'black'  data.id2Padding = args['id2-p'] or '0 0 0 1px'  data.id2OtherParams = args['id2-op']   return data end  p['_userbox-r'] = function (args)  -- Does argument processing for {{userbox-r}}.  local data = {}   -- Get div tag values.  data.float = args.float or args['จัดลอย'] or 'left'  data.borderWidth = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['border-width'] or args['ความกว้างขอบ'] or args['border-s'], 1, 'px')  data.borderColor = args['border-color'] or args['สีขอบ'] or args[1] or args['border-c'] or args['id-c'] or '#999'  data.width = '238px' -- Also used in the table tag.  data.bodyClass = args.bodyclass   -- Get table tag values.  data.backgroundColor = args['info-background'] or args['สีพื้นหลัง'] or args['สีพื้น'] or args[2] or args['info-c'] or '#eee'   -- Get id values.  data.showId = false -- We only show id2 in userbox-r.   -- Get info values.  data.info = args.info or args['ข้อความ'] or args[4] or "''ข้อความ''"  data.infoTextAlign = args['info-align'] or args['info-a'] or 'center'  data.infoFontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['info-size'] or args['ขนาดฟอนต์ข้อความ'] or args['info-s'], 8, 'pt')  data.infoPadding = args['info-padding'] or args['ระยะห่างข้อความ'] or args['info-p'] or '0 4px 0 4px'  data.infoLineHeight = args['info-line-height'] or args['ระยะบรรทัดข้อความ'] or args['info-lh'] or '1.25em'  data.infoColor = args['info-color'] or args['สีฟอนต์ข้อความ'] or args['info-fc'] or 'black'  data.infoOtherParams = args['info-other-param'] or args['ค่าอื่นของข้อความ'] or args['info-op']   -- Get id2 values.  data.showId2 = true  data.id2 = args.logo or args['ภาพ'] or args['รูป'] or args[3] or args.id or 'id'  data.id2Width = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-width'] or args['id-w'], 45, 'px')  data.id2Height = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-height'] or args['id-h'], 45, 'px')  data.id2BackgroundColor = args['logo-background'] or args['สีพื้นหลังรูป'] or args['สีพื้นรูป'] or args[1] or args['id-c'] or '#ddd'  data.id2TextAlign = args['id-a'] or 'center'  data.id2FontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-size'] or args['ขนาดฟอนต์รูป'] or args['ขนาดรูป'] or args[5] or args['id-s'], 14, 'pt')  data.id2Color = args['logo-color'] or args['สีฟอนต์รูป'] or args['id-fc'] or 'black'  data.id2Padding = args['logo-padding'] or args['ระยะห่างรูป'] or args['id-p'] or '0 0 0 1px'  data.id2LineHeight = args['logo-line-height'] or args['ระยะบรรทัดรูป'] or args['id-lh'] or '1.25em'  data.id2OtherParams = args['logo-other-param'] or args['ค่าอื่นของรูป'] or args['id-op']   return data end  function p.render(data)  -- Renders the userbox html using the content of the data table.   -- Render the div tag html.  local root = htmlBuilder.create('div')  root  .css('float', data.float)  .css('border', (data.borderWidth or '') .. ' solid ' .. (data.borderColor or ''))  .css('margin', '1px')  .css('width', data.width)  .addClass('wikipediauserbox')  .addClass(data.bodyClass)   -- Render the table tag html.  local tableroot = root.tag('table')  tableroot  .css('border-collapse', 'collapse')  .css('width', data.width)  .css('margin-bottom', '0')  .css('background', data.backgroundColor)   -- Render the id html.  local tablerow = tableroot.tag('tr')  if data.showId then  tablerow.tag('th')  .css('border', '0')  .css('width', data.idWidth)  .css('height', data.idHeight)  .css('background', data.idBackgroundColor)  .css('text-align', data.idTextAlign)  .css('font-size', data.idFontSize)  .css('color', data.idColor)  .css('padding', data.idPadding)  .css('line-height', data.idLineHeight)  .css('vertical-align', 'middle')  .cssText(data.idOtherParams)  .addClass(data.idClass)  .wikitext(data.id)  end   -- Render the info html.  tablerow.tag('td')  .css('border', '0')  .css('text-align', data.infoTextAlign)  .css('font-size', data.infoFontSize)  .css('padding', data.infoPadding)  .css('height', data.infoHeight)  .css('line-height', data.infoLineHeight)  .css('color', data.infoColor)  .css('vertical-align', 'middle')  .cssText(data.infoOtherParams)  .addClass(data.infoClass)  .wikitext(data.info)   -- Render the second id html.  if data.showId2 then  tablerow.tag('th')  .css('border', '0')  .css('width', data.id2Width)  .css('height', data.id2Height)  .css('background', data.id2BackgroundColor)  .css('text-align', data.id2TextAlign)  .css('font-size', data.id2FontSize)  .css('color', data.id2Color)  .css('padding', data.id2Padding)  .css('line-height', data.id2LineHeight)  .css('vertical-align', 'middle')  .cssText(data.id2OtherParams)  .wikitext(data.id2)  end   return tostring(root) end  function p.categories(args, page)  -- Gets categories from [[Module:Category handler]].  -- The page parameter makes the function act as though the module was being called from that page.  -- It is included for testing purposes.  local cats = {}  cats[#cats + 1] = args.usercategory or args['กลุ่มผู้ใช้']  cats[#cats + 1] = args.usercategory2 or args['กลุ่มผู้ใช้2']  cats[#cats + 1] = args.usercategory3 or args['กลุ่มผู้ใช้3']  -- Get the title object  local title  if page then  title = mw.title.new(page)  else  title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()  end  if title.namespace == 10 then  cats[#cats + 1] = "กล่องผู้ใช้"  end  if #cats > 0 then  -- Build category handler arguments.  local chargs = {}  chargs.page = page  chargs.nocat = args.nocat  if args.notcatsubpages then  chargs.subpage = 'no'  end  -- User namespace.  local user = ''  for i, cat in ipairs(cats) do  user = user .. makeCat(cat)  end  chargs.user = user  -- Template namespace.  local basepage = title.baseText  local template = ''  for i, cat in ipairs(cats) do  template = template .. makeCat(cat, ' ' .. basepage)  end  chargs.template = template  return categoryHandler(chargs)  else  return nil  end end  return p 

มอด, userbox, เป, นมอด, ลท, กป, องก, นถาวรเน, องจากม, ความเส, ยงส, งกร, ณาอภ, ปรายการเปล, ยนแปลงใด, ทางหน, าค, ณอาจส, งคำขอแก, ไข, ไปย, งผ, แลระบบเพ, อให, แก, ไขได, หากเป, นการแก, ไขท, ไม, การค, ดค, านหร, อม, ความเห, นพ, องสน, บสน, ณย, งสามารถขอให, เล, กป, องก. niepnmxdulthithukpxngknthawrenuxngcakmikhwamesiyngsungkrunaxphipraykarepliynaeplngid thanghnakhuy khunxacsngkhakhxaekikh ipyngphuduaelrabbephuxihaekikhidhakepnkaraekikhthiimmikarkhdkhanhruxmikhwamehnphxngsnbsnun khunyngsamarthkhxihelikpxngknhnaidkhumuxkarichnganmxdul du aek prawti langaekhch mikarichmxdulniin 210 000 hna ephuxhlikeliyngphlkrathbkwangkhwangaelaldpharakhxngesirfewxr kxnaekikhaemaebbni cungkhwrthdlxngthikrabathray hnathdsxb hruxphunthiswntwkhxngkhun cnmnicwaimmipyha xnung xphiprayekiywkbkaraekikhaemaebbidthihnaxphiprayThis module does the processing for three userbox templates userbox userbox 2 and userbox r Template Description Examples userbox Makes userboxes with an id on the left hand side or with no id idkhxkhwam khxkhwam userbox 2 Makes userboxes with an id on both the left and right hand sides id1khxkhwamid2 userbox r Makes userboxes with an id on the right hand side khxkhwamidTo use any of these templates from a wiki page please see the individual template pages for documentation To generate userboxes directly from Lua read on Generating userboxes from Lua To generate a userbox directly from Lua first load the module local userbox require Module Userbox You can then run any of the three templates with the code userbox main functionName args For userbox use the function name userbox for userbox 2 use the function name userbox 2 and for userbox r use the function name userbox r The args parameter is a table of arguments to pass to the different userbox functions To see a list of valid arguments please consult the individual template pages khumuxkarichnganthipraktdanbnnidungmacak mxdul Userbox doc aek prawti phuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray aek dukhwamaetktang aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulni hnayxykhxngmxdulni This module implements userbox local getArgs require Module Arguments getArgs local htmlBuilder require Module HtmlBuilder local categoryHandler require Module Category handler main local p Helper functions local function checkNum val default Checks whether a value is a number greater than or equal to zero If so returns it as a number If not returns a default value val tonumber val if val and val gt 0 then return val else return default end end local function addSuffix num suffix Turns a number into a string and adds a suffix if num then return tostring num suffix else return nil end end local function checkNumAndAddSuffix num default suffix Checks a value with checkNum and adds a suffix num checkNum num default return addSuffix num suffix end local function makeCat cat sort Makes a category link if sort then return mw ustring format Category s s cat sort else return mw ustring format Category s cat end end local function handleId id args if id then local allNames mw site namespaces 6 aliases allNames allNames 1 mw site namespaces 6 name allNames allNames 1 mw site namespaces 6 canonicalName for i name in ipairs allNames do if mw ustring lower mw ustring sub id 1 mw ustring len name 1 mw ustring lower name then id id args logo size or args khnadfxntrup or args khnadrup or args 5 or args id s or 40x40 px break end end end return id end Argument processing local function makeInvokeFunc funcName return function frame local args getArgs frame return p main funcName args end end p userbox makeInvokeFunc userbox p userbox 2 makeInvokeFunc userbox 2 p userbox r makeInvokeFunc userbox r Main functions function p main funcName args local userboxData p funcName args local userbox p render userboxData local cats p categories args return userbox cats or end function p userbox args Does argument processing for userbox local data Get div tag values data float args float or args cdlxy or left local borderWidthNum checkNum args border width or args khwamkwangkhxb or args border s 1 Used to calculate width data borderWidth addSuffix borderWidthNum px data borderColor args border color or args sikhxb or args 1 or args border c or args id c or 999 data width addSuffix 240 2 borderWidthNum px Also used in the table tag data bodyClass args bodyclass Get table tag values data backgroundColor args info background or args siphunhlng or args siphun or args 2 or args info c or eee Get id values local id args logo or args phaph or args rup or args 3 or args id data id handleId id args data showId id and true or false data idWidth checkNumAndAddSuffix args logo width or args id w 45 px data idHeight checkNumAndAddSuffix args logo height or args id h 45 px data idBackgroundColor args logo background or args siphunhlngrup or args siphunrup or args 1 or args id c or ddd data idTextAlign args id a or center data idFontSize checkNumAndAddSuffix args logo size or args khnadfxntrup or args khnadrup or args 5 or args id s 14 pt data idColor args logo color or args sifxntrup or args id fc or black data idPadding args logo padding or args rayahangrup or args id p or 0 1px 0 0 data idLineHeight args logo line height or args rayabrrthdrup or args id lh or 1 25em data idOtherParams args logo other param or args khaxunkhxngrup or args id op data idClass args id class Get info values data info args info or args khxkhwam or args 4 or khxkhwam data infoTextAlign args info a or center data infoFontSize checkNumAndAddSuffix args info size or args khnadfxntkhxkhwam or args info s 8 pt data infoHeight checkNumAndAddSuffix args logo height or args id h 45 px data infoPadding args info padding or args rayahangkhxkhwam or args info p or 0 4px 0 4px data infoLineHeight args info line height or args rayabrrthdkhxkhwam or args info lh or 1 25em data infoColor args info color or args sifxntkhxkhwam or args info fc or black data infoOtherParams args info other param or args khaxunkhxngkhxkhwam or args info op data infoClass args info class return data end p userbox 2 function args Does argument processing for userbox 2 local data Get div tag values data float args float or args cdlxy or left data borderWidth checkNumAndAddSuffix args 9 or args border s 1 px data borderColor args 1 or args border c or args id1 c or 999999 data width 238px Also used in the table tag data bodyClass args bodyclass Get table tag values data backgroundColor args 2 or args info c or eeeeee Get id values data showId true data id args logo or args phaph or args rup or args 3 or args id1 or id1 data idWidth checkNumAndAddSuffix args id1 w 45 px data idHeight checkNumAndAddSuffix args id h 45 px data idBackgroundColor args 1 or args id1 c or dddddd data idTextAlign center data idFontSize checkNumAndAddSuffix args id1 s 14 pt data idLineHeight args id1 lh or 1 25em data idColor args id1 fc or black data idPadding args id1 p or 0 1px 0 0 data idOtherParams args id1 op Get info values data info args 4 or args info or args khxkhwam or khxkhwam data infoTextAlign args info a or center data infoFontSize checkNumAndAddSuffix args info s 8 pt data infoColor args 8 or args info fc or black data infoPadding args info p or 0 4px 0 4px data infoLineHeight args info lh or 1 25em data infoOtherParams args info op Get id2 values data showId2 true data id2 args logo or args phaph or args rup or args 5 or args id2 or id2 data id2Width checkNumAndAddSuffix args id2 w 45 px data id2Height data idHeight data id2BackgroundColor args 7 or args id2 c or args 1 or dddddd data id2TextAlign center data id2FontSize checkNumAndAddSuffix args id2 s 14 pt data id2LineHeight args id2 lh or 1 25em data id2Color args id2 fc or black data id2Padding args id2 p or 0 0 0 1px data id2OtherParams args id2 op return data end p userbox r function args Does argument processing for userbox r local data Get div tag values data float args float or args cdlxy or left data borderWidth checkNumAndAddSuffix args border width or args khwamkwangkhxb or args border s 1 px data borderColor args border color or args sikhxb or args 1 or args border c or args id c or 999 data width 238px Also used in the table tag data bodyClass args bodyclass Get table tag values data backgroundColor args info background or args siphunhlng or args siphun or args 2 or args info c or eee Get id values data showId false We only show id2 in userbox r Get info values data info args info or args khxkhwam or args 4 or khxkhwam data infoTextAlign args info align or args info a or center data infoFontSize checkNumAndAddSuffix args info size or args khnadfxntkhxkhwam or args info s 8 pt data infoPadding args info padding or args rayahangkhxkhwam or args info p or 0 4px 0 4px data infoLineHeight args info line height or args rayabrrthdkhxkhwam or args info lh or 1 25em data infoColor args info color or args sifxntkhxkhwam or args info fc or black data infoOtherParams args info other param or args khaxunkhxngkhxkhwam or args info op Get id2 values data showId2 true data id2 args logo or args phaph or args rup or args 3 or args id or id data id2Width checkNumAndAddSuffix args logo width or args id w 45 px data id2Height checkNumAndAddSuffix args logo height or args id h 45 px data id2BackgroundColor args logo background or args siphunhlngrup or args siphunrup or args 1 or args id c or ddd data id2TextAlign args id a or center data id2FontSize checkNumAndAddSuffix args logo size or args khnadfxntrup or args khnadrup or args 5 or args id s 14 pt data id2Color args logo color or args sifxntrup or args id fc or black data id2Padding args logo padding or args rayahangrup or args id p or 0 0 0 1px data id2LineHeight args logo line height or args rayabrrthdrup or args id lh or 1 25em data id2OtherParams args logo other param or args khaxunkhxngrup or args id op return data end function p render data Renders the userbox html using the content of the data table Render the div tag html local root htmlBuilder create div root css float data float css border data borderWidth or solid data borderColor or css margin 1px css width data width addClass wikipediauserbox addClass data bodyClass Render the table tag html local tableroot root tag table tableroot css border collapse collapse css width data width css margin bottom 0 css background data backgroundColor Render the id html local tablerow tableroot tag tr if data showId then tablerow tag th css border 0 css width data idWidth css height data idHeight css background data idBackgroundColor css text align data idTextAlign css font size data idFontSize css color data idColor css padding data idPadding css line height data idLineHeight css vertical align middle cssText data idOtherParams addClass data idClass wikitext data id end Render the info html tablerow tag td css border 0 css text align data infoTextAlign css font size data infoFontSize css padding data infoPadding css height data infoHeight css line height data infoLineHeight css color data infoColor css vertical align middle cssText data infoOtherParams addClass data infoClass wikitext data info Render the second id html if data showId2 then tablerow tag th css border 0 css width data id2Width css height data id2Height css background data id2BackgroundColor css text align data id2TextAlign css font size data id2FontSize css color data id2Color css padding data id2Padding css line height data id2LineHeight css vertical align middle cssText data id2OtherParams wikitext data id2 end return tostring root end function p categories args page Gets categories from Module Category handler The page parameter makes the function act as though the module was being called from that page It is included for testing purposes local cats cats cats 1 args usercategory or args klumphuich cats cats 1 args usercategory2 or args klumphuich2 cats cats 1 args usercategory3 or args klumphuich3 Get the title object local title if page then title mw title new page else title mw title getCurrentTitle end if title namespace 10 then cats cats 1 klxngphuich end if cats gt 0 then Build category handler arguments local chargs chargs page page chargs nocat args nocat if args notcatsubpages then chargs subpage no end User namespace local user for i cat in ipairs cats do user user makeCat cat end chargs user user Template namespace local basepage title baseText local template for i cat in ipairs cats do template template makeCat cat basepage end chargs template template return categoryHandler chargs else return nil end end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Userbox amp oldid 7117221, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม