

คู่มือการใช้งานมอดูล[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]

This module implements {{Val}}.

The following modules are developed:

  • Module:Val • Main module.
  • Module:Val/units • Definitions for units built-in to val.

Use {{val/sandbox}} for testing, for example:

  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|(23)|u=cm}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|1.23|u=cm}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|1.23|4.56|u=cm}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|e=3|u=cm}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|(23)|e=3|u=cm}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|1.23|e=3|u=cm}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|1.23|4.56|e=3|u=cm}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|1.23|4.56|e=3|u=cm|end=$|+errend=U$|-errend=L$}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|(23)|u=deg}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|1.23|u=deg}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|1.23|4.56|u=deg}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|e=3|u=deg}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|(23)|e=3|u=deg}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|1.23|e=3|u=deg}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|1.23|4.56|e=3|u=deg}}
  • {{val/sandbox|1234.5678|1.23|4.56|e=3|u=deg|end=$|+errend=U$|-errend=L$}}

-- For Template:Val, output a number and optional unit. -- Format options include scientific and uncertainty notations.  local data_module = 'มอดูล:Val/units' local convert_module = 'มอดูล:Convert'  local function valerror(msg, nocat, iswarning)  -- Return formatted message text for an error or warning.  -- Can append "#FormattingError" to URL of a page with a problem to find it.  local anchor = '<span id="FormattingError"></span>'  local body, category  if nocat or mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespaces(1, 2, 3, 5) then  -- No category in Talk, User, User_talk, or Wikipedia_talk.  category = ''  else  category = '[[หมวดหมู่:หน้าที่ใช้แม่แบบการจัดรูปแบบไม่ถูกต้อง]]'  end  iswarning = false -- problems are infrequent so try showing large error so editor will notice  if iswarning then  body = '<sup class="noprint Inline-Template" style="white-space:nowrap;">' ..  '[[แม่แบบ:ค่า|<span title="' ..  msg:gsub('"', '&quot;') ..  '">คำเตือน</span>]]</sup>'  else  body = '<strong class="error">' ..  'ข้อผิดพลาดใน &#123;&#123;[[แม่แบบ:ค่า|ค่า]]&#125;&#125;: ' ..  msg ..  '</strong>'  end  return anchor .. body .. category end  local range_types = {  -- No need for '&nbsp;' because nowrap applies to all output.  [","] = ", ",  ["by"] = " โดย ",  ["-"] = "–",  ["–"] = "–",  ["and"] = " และ ",  ["or"] = " หรือ " ,  ["to"] = " ถึง " ,  ["x"] = " × ",  ["×"] = " × ",  ["/"] = "/", } local range_repeat_unit = {  -- WP:UNIT wants unit repeated when a "multiply" range is used.  ["x"] = true,  ["×"] = true, }  local function extract_item(index, numbers, arg)  -- Extract an item from arg and store the result in numbers[index].  -- If no argument or if argument is valid, return nil (no error);  -- otherwise, return an error message.  -- The stored result is:  -- * a table for a number (empty if there was no specified number); or  -- * a string for range text  -- Input like 1e3 is regarded as invalid for all except argument 1  -- which accepts e notation as an alternative to the 'e' argument.  -- Input commas are removed so 1,234 is the same as 1234.  local which = index  local function fail(msg)  local description  if which == 'e' then  description = 'พารามิเตอร์เลขชี้กำลัง (<b>e</b>)'  else  description = 'พารามิเตอร์ ' .. which  end  return description .. ' ' .. (msg or 'ไม่ใช่ตัวเลขที่ถูกต้อง') .. '.'  end  local result = {}  local range = range_types[arg]  if range then  if type(index) == 'number' and (index % 2 == 0) then  if index == 2 then  if numbers[1] and numbers[1].exp then  return fail('ไม่สามารถใช้ช่วงได้ หากพารามิเตอร์แรกมี "e"')  end  numbers.has_ranges = true  else  if not numbers.has_ranges then  return fail('ต้องการช่วงในพารามิเตอร์ 2')  end  end  numbers[index] = range  if range_repeat_unit[arg] then  -- Any "repeat" range forces unit (if any) to be repeated for all items.  numbers.isrepeat = true  end  return nil  end  return fail('ไม่ยอมรับช่วง')  end  if numbers.has_ranges and type(index) == 'number' and (index % 2 == 0) then  return fail('ควรเป็นช่วง')  end  if index == 'e' then  local e = numbers[1] and numbers[1].exp  if e then  if arg then  return fail('ไม่สามารถใช้ได้ หากพารามิเตอร์แรกมี "e"')  end  arg = e  which = 1  end  end  if arg and arg ~= '' then  arg = arg:gsub(',', '')  if arg:sub(1, 1) == '(' and arg:sub(-1) == ')' then  result.parens = true  arg = arg:sub(2, -2)  end  local a, b = arg:match('^(.+)[Ee](.+)$')  if a then  if index == 1 then  arg = a  result.exp = b  else  return fail('ไม่สามารถใช้สัญลักษณ์ e')  end  end  local isnegative, propersign, prefix  local minus = '−'  prefix, arg = arg:match('^(.-)([%d.]+)$')  local value = tonumber(arg)  if not value then  return fail()  end  if arg:sub(1, 1) == '.' then  arg = '0' .. arg  end  if prefix == '' then  -- Ignore.  elseif prefix == '±' then  -- Display for first number, ignore for others.  if index == 1 then  propersign = '±'  end  elseif prefix == '+' then  propersign = '+'  elseif prefix == '-' or prefix == minus then  propersign = minus  isnegative = true  else  return fail()  end  result.clean = arg  result.sign = propersign or ''  result.value = isnegative and -value or value  end  numbers[index] = result  return nil -- no error end  local function get_args(numbers, args)  -- Extract arguments and store the results in numbers.  -- Return nothing (no error) if ok; otherwise, return an error message.  for index = 1, 99 do  local which = index  local arg = args[which] -- has been trimmed  if not arg then  which = 'e'  arg = args[which]  end  local msg = extract_item(which, numbers, arg)  if msg then  return msg  end  if which == 'e' then  break  end  if index > 19 then  return 'พารามิเตอร์มากเกินไป'  end  end  if numbers.has_ranges and (#numbers % 2 == 0) then  return 'ต้องการตัวเลขหลังพารามิเตอร์สุดท้าย เนื่องจากเป็นช่วง'  end end  local function get_scale(text, ucode)  -- Return the value of text as a number, or throw an error.  -- This supports extremely basic expressions of the form:  -- a / b  -- a ^ b  -- where a and b are numbers or 'pi'.  local n = tonumber(text)  if n then  return n  end  n = text:gsub('pi', math.pi)  for _, op in ipairs({ '/', '^' }) do  local a, b = n:match('^(.-)' .. op .. '(.*)$')  if a then  a = tonumber(a)  b = tonumber(b)  if a and b then  if op == '/' then  return a / b  elseif op == '^' then  return a ^ b  end  end  break  end  end  error('หน่วย "' .. ucode .. '" มีมาตราส่วนที่ไม่ถูกต้อง "' .. text .. '"') end  local function get_builtin_unit(ucode, definitions)  -- Return table of information for the specified built-in unit, or nil if not known.  -- Each defined unit code must be followed by two spaces (not tab characters).  local _, pos = definitions:find('\n' .. ucode .. ' ', 1, true)  if pos then  local endline = definitions:find('%s*\n', pos)  if endline then  local result = {}  local n = 0  local text = definitions:sub(pos + 1, endline - 1):gsub('%s%s+', '\t')  for item in (text .. '\t'):gmatch('(%S.-)\t') do  if item == 'ALIAS' then  result.alias = true  elseif item == 'ANGLE' then  result.isangle = true  result.nospace = true  elseif item == 'NOSPACE' then  result.nospace = true  elseif item == 'SI' then  result.si = true  else  n = n + 1  if n == 1 then  local link, symbol = item:match('^%[%[([^|]+)|(.+)%]%]$')  if link then  result.symbol = symbol  result.link = link  n = 2  else  result.symbol = item  end  elseif n == 2 then  result.link = item  elseif n == 3 then  result.scale_text = item  result.scale = get_scale(item, ucode)  else  result.more_ignored = item  break  end  end  end  if result.si then  local s = result.symbol  if ucode == 'mc' .. s or ucode == 'mu' .. s then  result.ucode = 'µ' .. s -- unit code for convert should be this  end  end  if n >= 2 or (n >= 1 and result.alias) then  return result  end  -- Ignore invalid definition, treating it as a comment.  end  end end  local function convert_lookup(ucode, value, scaled_top, want_link, si, options)  local lookup = require(convert_module)._unit  return lookup(ucode, {  value = value,  scaled_top = scaled_top,  link = want_link,  si = si,  sort = options.sortable,  }) end  local function get_unit(ucode, value, scaled_top, options)  local want_link = options.want_link  if scaled_top then  want_link = options.want_per_link  end  local data = mw.loadData(data_module)  local result = options.want_longscale and  get_builtin_unit(ucode, data.builtin_units_long_scale) or  get_builtin_unit(ucode, data.builtin_units)  local si, use_convert  if result then  if result.alias then  ucode = result.symbol  use_convert = true  end  if result.scale then  -- Setting si means convert will use the unit as given, and the sort key  -- will be calculated from the value without any extra scaling that may  -- occur if convert found the unit code. For example, if val defines the  -- unit 'year' with a scale and if si were not set, convert would also apply  -- its own scale because convert knows that a year is 31,557,600 seconds.  si = { result.symbol, result.link }  value = value * result.scale  end  if result.si then  ucode = result.ucode or ucode  si = { result.symbol, result.link }  use_convert = true  end  else  result = {}  use_convert = true  end  local convert_unit = convert_lookup(ucode, value, scaled_top, want_link, si, options)  result.sortkey = convert_unit.sortspan  if use_convert then  result.text = convert_unit.text  result.scaled_top = convert_unit.scaled_value  else  if want_link then  result.text = '[[' .. result.link .. '|' .. result.symbol .. ']]'  else  result.text = result.symbol  end  result.scaled_top = value  end  return result end  local function makeunit(value, options)  -- Return table of information for the requested unit and options, or  -- return nil if no unit.  options = options or {}  local unit  local ucode = options.u  local percode = options.per  if ucode then  unit = get_unit(ucode, value, nil, options)  elseif percode then  unit = { nospace = true, scaled_top = value }  else  return nil  end  local text = unit.text or ''  local sortkey = unit.sortkey  if percode then  local function bracketed(code, text)  return code:find('[*./]') and '(' .. text .. ')' or text  end  local perunit = get_unit(percode, 1, unit.scaled_top, options)  text = (ucode and bracketed(ucode, text) or '') ..  '/' .. bracketed(percode, perunit.text)  sortkey = perunit.sortkey  end  if not (unit.nospace or options.nospace) then  text = '&nbsp;' .. text  end  return { text = text, isangle = unit.isangle, sortkey = sortkey } end  local function list_units(mode)  -- Return wikitext to list the built-in units.  -- A unit code should not contain wikimarkup so don't bother escaping.  local data = mw.loadData(data_module)  local definitions = data.builtin_units .. data.builtin_units_long_scale  local last_was_blank = true  local n = 0  local result = {}  local function add(line)  if line == '' then  last_was_blank = true  else  if last_was_blank and n > 0 then  n = n + 1  result[n] = ''  end  last_was_blank = false  n = n + 1  result[n] = line  end  end  local si_prefixes = {  -- These are the prefixes recognized by convert; u is accepted for micro.  y = 'y',  z = 'z',  a = 'a',  f = 'f',  p = 'p',  n = 'n',  u = 'µ',  ['µ'] = 'µ',  m = 'm',  c = 'c',  d = 'd',  da = 'da',  h = 'h',  k = 'k',  M = 'M',  G = 'G',  T = 'T',  P = 'P',  E = 'E',  Z = 'Z',  Y = 'Y',  }  local function is_valid(ucode, unit)  if unit and not unit.more_ignored then  assert(type(unit.symbol) == 'string' and unit.symbol ~= '')  if unit.alias then  if unit.link or unit.scale_text or unit.si then  return false  end  end  if unit.si then  if unit.scale_text then  return false  end  ucode = unit.ucode or ucode  local base = unit.symbol  if ucode == base then  unit.display = base  return true  end  local plen = #ucode - #base  if plen > 0 then  local prefix = si_prefixes[ucode:sub(1, plen)]  if prefix and ucode:sub(plen + 1) == base then  unit.display = prefix .. base  return true  end  end  else  unit.display = unit.symbol  return true  end  end  return false  end  local lookup = require(convert_module)._unit  local function show_convert(ucode, unit)  -- If a built-in unit defines a scale or sets the SI flag, any unit defined in  -- convert is not used (the scale or SI prefix's scale is used for a sort key).  -- If there is no scale or SI flag, and the unit is not defined in convert,  -- the sort key may not be correct; this allows such units to be identified.  if not (unit.si or unit.scale_text) then  if mode == 'แปลง' then  unit.show = not lookup(unit.alias and unit.symbol or ucode).unknown  unit.show_text = 'แปลง'  elseif mode == 'ไม่ทราบ' then  unit.show = lookup(unit.alias and unit.symbol or ucode).unknown  unit.show_text = 'ไม่ทราบ'  elseif not unit.alias then  -- Show convert's scale in square brackets ('[1]' for an unknown unit).  -- Don't show scale for an alias because it's misleading for temperature  -- and an alias is probably not useful for anything else.  local scale = lookup(ucode, {value=1, sort='on'}).scaled_value  if type(scale) == 'number' then  scale = string.format('%.5g', scale):gsub('e%+?(%-?)0*(%d+)', 'e%1%2')  else  scale = '?'  end  unit.show = true  unit.show_text = '[' .. scale .. ']'  end  end  end  for line in definitions:gmatch('([^\n]*)\n') do  local pos, _ = line:find(' ', 1, true)  if pos then  local ucode = line:sub(1, pos - 1)  local unit = get_builtin_unit(ucode, '\n' .. line .. '\n')  if is_valid(ucode, unit) then  show_convert(ucode, unit)  local flags, text  if unit.alias then  text = unit.symbol  else  text = '[[' .. unit.link .. '|' .. unit.display .. ']]'  end  if unit.isangle then  unit.nospace = nil -- don't show redundant flag  end  for _, f in ipairs({  { 'alias', 'ALIAS' },  { 'isangle', 'ANGLE' },  { 'nospace', 'NOSPACE' },  { 'si', 'SI' },  { 'scale_text', unit.scale_text },  { 'show', unit.show_text },  }) do  if unit[f[1]] then  local t = f[2]  if t:match('^%u+$') then  t = '<small>' .. t .. '</small>'  end  if flags then  flags = flags .. ' ' .. t  else  flags = t  end  end  end  if flags then  text = text .. ' • ' .. flags  end  add(ucode .. ' = ' .. text .. '<br />')  else  add(line .. ' ◆ <b>invalid definition</b><br />')  end  else  add(line)  end  end  return table.concat(result, '\n') end  local delimit_groups = require('มอดูล:Gapnum').groups local function delimit(sign, numstr, fmt)  -- Return sign and numstr (unsigned digits or '.' only) after formatting.  -- Four-digit integers are not formatted with gaps.  fmt = (fmt or ''):lower()  if fmt == 'none' or (fmt == '' and #numstr == 4 and numstr:match('^%d+$')) then  return sign .. numstr  end  -- Group number by integer and decimal parts.  -- If there is no decimal part, delimit_groups returns only one table.  local ipart, dpart = delimit_groups(numstr)  local result  if fmt == 'commas' then  result = sign .. table.concat(ipart, ',')  if dpart then  result = result .. '.' .. table.concat(dpart)  end  else  -- Delimit with a small gap by default.  local groups = {}  groups[1] = table.remove(ipart, 1)  for _, v in ipairs(ipart) do  table.insert(groups, '<span style="margin-left:.25em;">' .. v .. '</span>')  end  if dpart then  table.insert(groups, '.' .. (table.remove(dpart, 1) or ''))  for _, v in ipairs(dpart) do  table.insert(groups, '<span style="margin-left:.25em;">' .. v .. '</span>')  end  end  result = sign .. table.concat(groups)  end  return result end  local function sup_sub(sup, sub, align)  -- Return the same result as มอดูล:Su except val defaults to align=right.  if align == 'l' or align == 'left' then  align = 'left'  elseif align == 'c' or align == 'center' then  align = 'center'  else  align = 'right'  end  return '<span style="display:inline-block;margin-bottom:-0.3em;vertical-align:-0.4em;line-height:1.2em;font-size:85%;text-align:' ..  align .. ';">' .. sup .. '<br />' .. sub .. '</span>' end  local function range_text(items, unit_table, options)  local fmt = options.fmt  local nend = items.nend or ''  if items.isrepeat or unit_table.isangle then  nend = nend .. unit_table.text  end  local text = ''  for i = 1, #items do  if i % 2 == 0 then  text = text .. items[i]  else  text = text .. delimit(items[i].sign, items[i].clean, fmt) .. nend  end  end  return text end  local function uncertainty_text(uncertainty, unit_table, options)  local angle, text, need_parens  if unit_table.isangle then  angle = unit_table.text  end  local upper = uncertainty.upper or {}  local lower = uncertainty.lower or {}  local uncU = upper.clean  if uncU then  local fmt = options.fmt  local uncL = lower.clean  if uncL then  uncU = delimit('+', uncU, fmt) .. (upper.errend or '')  uncL = delimit('−', uncL, fmt) .. (lower.errend or '')  if angle then  uncU = uncU .. angle  uncL = uncL .. angle  end  text = (angle or '') ..  '<span style="margin-left:0.3em;">' ..  sup_sub(uncU, uncL, options.align) ..  '</span>'  else  if upper.parens then  text = '(' .. uncU .. ')' -- old template did not delimit  else  text = (angle or '') ..  '<span style="margin-left:0.3em;margin-right:0.15em;">±</span>' ..  delimit('', uncU, fmt)  need_parens = true  end  if uncertainty.errend then  text = text .. uncertainty.errend  end  if angle then  text = text .. angle  end  end  else  if angle then  text = angle  end  end  return text, need_parens end  local function _main(values, unit_spec, options)  if options.sandbox then  data_module = data_module .. '/sandbox'  convert_module = convert_module .. '/sandbox'  end  local action = options.action  if action then  if action == 'list' then  -- Kludge: am using the align parameter (a=xxx) for type of list.  return list_units(options.align)  end  return valerror('invalid action "' .. action .. '".', options.nocat)  end  local number = values.number or (values.numbers and values.numbers[1]) or {}  local e_10 = options.e or {}  local novalue = (number.value == nil and e_10.clean == nil)  local fmt = options.fmt  local want_sort = true  local sortable = options.sortable  if sortable == 'off' or (sortable == nil and novalue) then  want_sort = false  elseif sortable == 'debug' then  -- Same as sortable = 'on' but the sort key is displayed.  else  sortable = 'on'  end  local sort_value = 1  if want_sort then  sort_value = number.value or 1  if e_10.value and sort_value ~= 0 then  -- The 'if' avoids {{val|0|e=1234}} giving an invalid sort_value due to overflow.  sort_value = sort_value * 10^e_10.value  end  end  local unit_table = makeunit(sort_value, {  u = unit_spec.u,  want_link = unit_spec.want_link,  per = unit_spec.per,  want_per_link = unit_spec.want_per_link,  nospace = novalue,  want_longscale = unit_spec.want_longscale,  sortable = sortable,  })  local sortkey  if unit_table then  if want_sort then  sortkey = unit_table.sortkey  end  else  unit_table = { text = '' }  if want_sort then  sortkey = convert_lookup('dummy', sort_value, nil, nil, nil, { sortable = sortable }).sortspan  end  end  local final_unit = unit_table.isangle and '' or unit_table.text  local e_text, n_text, need_parens  local uncertainty = values.uncertainty  if uncertainty then  if number.clean then  n_text = delimit(number.sign, number.clean, fmt) .. (number.nend or '')  local text  text, need_parens = uncertainty_text(uncertainty, unit_table, options)  if text then  n_text = n_text .. text  end  else  n_text = ''  end  else  if values.numbers.isrepeat then  final_unit = ''  end  n_text = range_text(values.numbers, unit_table, options)  need_parens = true  end  if e_10.clean then  if need_parens then  n_text = '(' .. n_text .. ')'  end  e_text = '10<sup>' .. delimit(e_10.sign, e_10.clean, fmt) .. '</sup>'  if number.clean then  e_text = '<span style="margin-left:0.25em;margin-right:0.15em;">×</span>' .. e_text  end  else  e_text = ''  end  local result =  (sortkey or '') ..  (options.prefix or '') ..  n_text ..  e_text ..  final_unit ..  (options.suffix or '')  if result ~= '' then  result = '<span class="nowrap">' .. result .. '</span>'  end  return result .. (options.warning or '') end  local function check_parameters(args, has_ranges, nocat)  -- Return warning text for the first problem parameter found, or nothing if ok.  local whitelist = {  a = true,  action = true,  debug = true,  e = true,  ['end'] = true,  errend = true,  ['+errend'] = true,  ['-errend'] = true,  fmt = true,  ['long scale'] = true,  long_scale = true,  longscale = true,  nocategory = true,  p = true,  s = true,  sortable = true,  u = true,  ul = true,  up = true,  upl = true,  }  for k, v in pairs(args) do  if type(k) == 'string' and not whitelist[k] then  local warning = 'พารามิเตอร์ค่า "' .. k .. '=' .. v .. '" ไม่รองรับ'  return valerror(warning, nocat, true)  end  end  if not has_ranges and args[4] then  return valerror('ละเว้นพารามิเตอร์ ค่า 4', nocat, true)  end end  local function main(frame)  local getArgs = require('มอดูล:Arguments').getArgs  local args = getArgs(frame, {wrappers = { 'แม่แบบ:ค่า' }})  local nocat = args.nocategory  local numbers = {} -- table of number tables, perhaps with range text  local msg = get_args(numbers, args)  if msg then  return valerror(msg, nocat)  end  if args.u and args.ul then  return valerror('หน่วย (<b>u</b>) และหน่วยที่มีลิงก์ (<b>ul</b>) ระบุไว้ทั้งคู่ จะได้รับอนุญาตเพียงรายการเดียว', nocat)  end  if args.up and args.upl then  return valerror('หน่วยต่อ (<b>up</b>) และหน่วยต่อพร้อมลิงก์ (<b>upl</b>) ระบุไว้ทั้งคู่ จะได้รับอนุญาตเพียงรายการเดียว', nocat)  end  local values  if numbers.has_ranges then  -- Multiple values with range separators but no uncertainty.  numbers.nend = args['end']  values = {  numbers = numbers,  }  else  -- A single value with optional uncertainty.  local function setfield(i, dst, src)  local v = args[src]  if v then  if numbers[i] then  numbers[i][dst] = v  else  numbers[i] = { [dst] = v }  end  end  end  setfield(1, 'nend', 'end')  setfield(2, 'errend', '+errend')  setfield(3, 'errend', '-errend')  values = {  number = numbers[1],  uncertainty = {  upper = numbers[2],  lower = numbers[3],  errend = args.errend,  }  }  end  local unit_spec = {  u = args.ul or args.u,  want_link = args.ul ~= nil,  per = args.upl or args.up,  want_per_link = args.upl ~= nil,  want_longscale = (args.longscale or args.long_scale or args['long scale']) == 'on',  }  local options = {  action = args.action,  align = args.a,  e = numbers.e,  fmt = args.fmt,  nocat = nocat,  prefix = args.p,  sandbox = string.find(frame:getTitle(), 'sandbox', 1, true) ~= nil,  sortable = args.sortable or (args.debug == 'yes' and 'debug' or nil),  suffix = args.s,  warning = check_parameters(args, numbers.has_ranges, nocat),  }  return _main(values, unit_spec, options) end  return { main = main, _main = _main } 

มอด, อการใช, งานมอด, แก, ประว, างแคช, this, module, implements, following, modules, developed, module, main, module, module, units, definitions, units, built, sandbox, testing, example, sandbox, 1234, 5678, sandbox, 1234, 5678, sandbox, 1234, 5678, sandbox, 12. khumuxkarichnganmxdul du aek prawti langaekhch This module implements Val The following modules are developed Module Val Main module Module Val units Definitions for units built in to val Use val sandbox for testing for example val sandbox 1234 5678 23 u cm val sandbox 1234 5678 1 23 u cm val sandbox 1234 5678 1 23 4 56 u cm val sandbox 1234 5678 e 3 u cm val sandbox 1234 5678 23 e 3 u cm val sandbox 1234 5678 1 23 e 3 u cm val sandbox 1234 5678 1 23 4 56 e 3 u cm val sandbox 1234 5678 1 23 4 56 e 3 u cm end errend U errend L val sandbox 1234 5678 23 u deg val sandbox 1234 5678 1 23 u deg val sandbox 1234 5678 1 23 4 56 u deg val sandbox 1234 5678 e 3 u deg val sandbox 1234 5678 23 e 3 u deg val sandbox 1234 5678 1 23 e 3 u deg val sandbox 1234 5678 1 23 4 56 e 3 u deg val sandbox 1234 5678 1 23 4 56 e 3 u deg end errend U errend L khumuxkarichnganthipraktdanbnnidungmacak mxdul Val doc aek prawti phuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray aek dukhwamaetktang aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulni hnayxykhxngmxdulni For Template Val output a number and optional unit Format options include scientific and uncertainty notations local data module mxdul Val units local convert module mxdul Convert local function valerror msg nocat iswarning Return formatted message text for an error or warning Can append FormattingError to URL of a page with a problem to find it local anchor lt span id FormattingError gt lt span gt local body category if nocat or mw title getCurrentTitle inNamespaces 1 2 3 5 then No category in Talk User User talk or Wikipedia talk category else category hmwdhmu hnathiichaemaebbkarcdrupaebbimthuktxng end iswarning false problems are infrequent so try showing large error so editor will notice if iswarning then body lt sup class noprint Inline Template style white space nowrap gt aemaebb kha lt span title msg gsub amp quot gt khaetuxn lt span gt lt sup gt else body lt strong class error gt khxphidphladin amp 123 amp 123 aemaebb kha kha amp 125 amp 125 msg lt strong gt end return anchor body category end local range types No need for amp nbsp because nowrap applies to all output by ody and aela or hrux to thung x local range repeat unit WP UNIT wants unit repeated when a multiply range is used x true true local function extract item index numbers arg Extract an item from arg and store the result in numbers index If no argument or if argument is valid return nil no error otherwise return an error message The stored result is a table for a number empty if there was no specified number or a string for range text Input like 1e3 is regarded as invalid for all except argument 1 which accepts e notation as an alternative to the e argument Input commas are removed so 1 234 is the same as 1234 local which index local function fail msg local description if which e then description pharamietxrelkhchikalng lt b gt e lt b gt else description pharamietxr which end return description msg or imichtwelkhthithuktxng end local result local range range types arg if range then if type index number and index 2 0 then if index 2 then if numbers 1 and numbers 1 exp then return fail imsamarthichchwngid hakpharamietxraerkmi e end numbers has ranges true else if not numbers has ranges then return fail txngkarchwnginpharamietxr 2 end end numbers index range if range repeat unit arg then Any repeat range forces unit if any to be repeated for all items numbers isrepeat true end return nil end return fail imyxmrbchwng end if numbers has ranges and type index number and index 2 0 then return fail khwrepnchwng end if index e then local e numbers 1 and numbers 1 exp if e then if arg then return fail imsamarthichid hakpharamietxraerkmi e end arg e which 1 end end if arg and arg then arg arg gsub if arg sub 1 1 and arg sub 1 then result parens true arg arg sub 2 2 end local a b arg match Ee if a then if index 1 then arg a result exp b else return fail imsamarthichsylksn e end end local isnegative propersign prefix local minus prefix arg arg match d local value tonumber arg if not value then return fail end if arg sub 1 1 then arg 0 arg end if prefix then Ignore elseif prefix then Display for first number ignore for others if index 1 then propersign end elseif prefix then propersign elseif prefix or prefix minus then propersign minus isnegative true else return fail end result clean arg result sign propersign or result value isnegative and value or value end numbers index result return nil no error end local function get args numbers args Extract arguments and store the results in numbers Return nothing no error if ok otherwise return an error message for index 1 99 do local which index local arg args which has been trimmed if not arg then which e arg args which end local msg extract item which numbers arg if msg then return msg end if which e then break end if index gt 19 then return pharamietxrmakekinip end end if numbers has ranges and numbers 2 0 then return txngkartwelkhhlngpharamietxrsudthay enuxngcakepnchwng end end local function get scale text ucode Return the value of text as a number or throw an error This supports extremely basic expressions of the form a b a b where a and b are numbers or pi local n tonumber text if n then return n end n text gsub pi math pi for op in ipairs do local a b n match op if a then a tonumber a b tonumber b if a and b then if op then return a b elseif op then return a b end end break end end error hnwy ucode mimatraswnthiimthuktxng text end local function get builtin unit ucode definitions Return table of information for the specified built in unit or nil if not known Each defined unit code must be followed by two spaces not tab characters local pos definitions find n ucode 1 true if pos then local endline definitions find s n pos if endline then local result local n 0 local text definitions sub pos 1 endline 1 gsub s s t for item in text t gmatch S t do if item ALIAS then result alias true elseif item ANGLE then result isangle true result nospace true elseif item NOSPACE then result nospace true elseif item SI then result si true else n n 1 if n 1 then local link symbol item match if link then result symbol symbol result link link n 2 else result symbol item end elseif n 2 then result link item elseif n 3 then result scale text item result scale get scale item ucode else result more ignored item break end end end if result si then local s result symbol if ucode mc s or ucode mu s then result ucode µ s unit code for convert should be this end end if n gt 2 or n gt 1 and result alias then return result end Ignore invalid definition treating it as a comment end end end local function convert lookup ucode value scaled top want link si options local lookup require convert module unit return lookup ucode value value scaled top scaled top link want link si si sort options sortable end local function get unit ucode value scaled top options local want link options want link if scaled top then want link options want per link end local data mw loadData data module local result options want longscale and get builtin unit ucode data builtin units long scale or get builtin unit ucode data builtin units local si use convert if result then if result alias then ucode result symbol use convert true end if result scale then Setting si means convert will use the unit as given and the sort key will be calculated from the value without any extra scaling that may occur if convert found the unit code For example if val defines the unit year with a scale and if si were not set convert would also apply its own scale because convert knows that a year is 31 557 600 seconds si result symbol result link value value result scale end if result si then ucode result ucode or ucode si result symbol result link use convert true end else result use convert true end local convert unit convert lookup ucode value scaled top want link si options result sortkey convert unit sortspan if use convert then result text convert unit text result scaled top convert unit scaled value else if want link then result text result link result symbol else result text result symbol end result scaled top value end return result end local function makeunit value options Return table of information for the requested unit and options or return nil if no unit options options or local unit local ucode options u local percode options per if ucode then unit get unit ucode value nil options elseif percode then unit nospace true scaled top value else return nil end local text unit text or local sortkey unit sortkey if percode then local function bracketed code text return code find and text or text end local perunit get unit percode 1 unit scaled top options text ucode and bracketed ucode text or bracketed percode perunit text sortkey perunit sortkey end if not unit nospace or options nospace then text amp nbsp text end return text text isangle unit isangle sortkey sortkey end local function list units mode Return wikitext to list the built in units A unit code should not contain wikimarkup so don t bother escaping local data mw loadData data module local definitions data builtin units data builtin units long scale local last was blank true local n 0 local result local function add line if line then last was blank true else if last was blank and n gt 0 then n n 1 result n end last was blank false n n 1 result n line end end local si prefixes These are the prefixes recognized by convert u is accepted for micro y y z z a a f f p p n n u µ µ µ m m c c d d da da h h k k M M G G T T P P E E Z Z Y Y local function is valid ucode unit if unit and not unit more ignored then assert type unit symbol string and unit symbol if unit alias then if unit link or unit scale text or unit si then return false end end if unit si then if unit scale text then return false end ucode unit ucode or ucode local base unit symbol if ucode base then unit display base return true end local plen ucode base if plen gt 0 then local prefix si prefixes ucode sub 1 plen if prefix and ucode sub plen 1 base then unit display prefix base return true end end else unit display unit symbol return true end end return false end local lookup require convert module unit local function show convert ucode unit If a built in unit defines a scale or sets the SI flag any unit defined in convert is not used the scale or SI prefix s scale is used for a sort key If there is no scale or SI flag and the unit is not defined in convert the sort key may not be correct this allows such units to be identified if not unit si or unit scale text then if mode aeplng then unit show not lookup unit alias and unit symbol or ucode unknown unit show text aeplng elseif mode imthrab then unit show lookup unit alias and unit symbol or ucode unknown unit show text imthrab elseif not unit alias then Show convert s scale in square brackets 1 for an unknown unit Don t show scale for an alias because it s misleading for temperature and an alias is probably not useful for anything else local scale lookup ucode value 1 sort on scaled value if type scale number then scale string format 5g scale gsub e 0 d e 1 2 else scale end unit show true unit show text scale end end end for line in definitions gmatch n n do local pos line find 1 true if pos then local ucode line sub 1 pos 1 local unit get builtin unit ucode n line n if is valid ucode unit then show convert ucode unit local flags text if unit alias then text unit symbol else text unit link unit display end if unit isangle then unit nospace nil don t show redundant flag end for f in ipairs alias ALIAS isangle ANGLE nospace NOSPACE si SI scale text unit scale text show unit show text do if unit f 1 then local t f 2 if t match u then t lt small gt t lt small gt end if flags then flags flags t else flags t end end end if flags then text text flags end add ucode text lt br gt else add line lt b gt invalid definition lt b gt lt br gt end else add line end end return table concat result n end local delimit groups require mxdul Gapnum groups local function delimit sign numstr fmt Return sign and numstr unsigned digits or only after formatting Four digit integers are not formatted with gaps fmt fmt or lower if fmt none or fmt and numstr 4 and numstr match d then return sign numstr end Group number by integer and decimal parts If there is no decimal part delimit groups returns only one table local ipart dpart delimit groups numstr local result if fmt commas then result sign table concat ipart if dpart then result result table concat dpart end else Delimit with a small gap by default local groups groups 1 table remove ipart 1 for v in ipairs ipart do table insert groups lt span style margin left 25em gt v lt span gt end if dpart then table insert groups table remove dpart 1 or for v in ipairs dpart do table insert groups lt span style margin left 25em gt v lt span gt end end result sign table concat groups end return result end local function sup sub sup sub align Return the same result as mxdul Su except val defaults to align right if align l or align left then align left elseif align c or align center then align center else align right end return lt span style display inline block margin bottom 0 3em vertical align 0 4em line height 1 2em font size 85 text align align gt sup lt br gt sub lt span gt end local function range text items unit table options local fmt options fmt local nend items nend or if items isrepeat or unit table isangle then nend nend unit table text end local text for i 1 items do if i 2 0 then text text items i else text text delimit items i sign items i clean fmt nend end end return text end local function uncertainty text uncertainty unit table options local angle text need parens if unit table isangle then angle unit table text end local upper uncertainty upper or local lower uncertainty lower or local uncU upper clean if uncU then local fmt options fmt local uncL lower clean if uncL then uncU delimit uncU fmt upper errend or uncL delimit uncL fmt lower errend or if angle then uncU uncU angle uncL uncL angle end text angle or lt span style margin left 0 3em gt sup sub uncU uncL options align lt span gt else if upper parens then text uncU old template did not delimit else text angle or lt span style margin left 0 3em margin right 0 15em gt lt span gt delimit uncU fmt need parens true end if uncertainty errend then text text uncertainty errend end if angle then text text angle end end else if angle then text angle end end return text need parens end local function main values unit spec options if options sandbox then data module data module sandbox convert module convert module sandbox end local action options action if action then if action list then Kludge am using the align parameter a xxx for type of list return list units options align end return valerror invalid action action options nocat end local number values number or values numbers and values numbers 1 or local e 10 options e or local novalue number value nil and e 10 clean nil local fmt options fmt local want sort true local sortable options sortable if sortable off or sortable nil and novalue then want sort false elseif sortable debug then Same as sortable on but the sort key is displayed else sortable on end local sort value 1 if want sort then sort value number value or 1 if e 10 value and sort value 0 then The if avoids val 0 e 1234 giving an invalid sort value due to overflow sort value sort value 10 e 10 value end end local unit table makeunit sort value u unit spec u want link unit spec want link per unit spec per want per link unit spec want per link nospace novalue want longscale unit spec want longscale sortable sortable local sortkey if unit table then if want sort then sortkey unit table sortkey end else unit table text if want sort then sortkey convert lookup dummy sort value nil nil nil sortable sortable sortspan end end local final unit unit table isangle and or unit table text local e text n text need parens local uncertainty values uncertainty if uncertainty then if number clean then n text delimit number sign number clean fmt number nend or local text text need parens uncertainty text uncertainty unit table options if text then n text n text text end else n text end else if values numbers isrepeat then final unit end n text range text values numbers unit table options need parens true end if e 10 clean then if need parens then n text n text end e text 10 lt sup gt delimit e 10 sign e 10 clean fmt lt sup gt if number clean then e text lt span style margin left 0 25em margin right 0 15em gt lt span gt e text end else e text end local result sortkey or options prefix or n text e text final unit options suffix or if result then result lt span class nowrap gt result lt span gt end return result options warning or end local function check parameters args has ranges nocat Return warning text for the first problem parameter found or nothing if ok local whitelist a true action true debug true e true end true errend true errend true errend true fmt true long scale true long scale true longscale true nocategory true p true s true sortable true u true ul true up true upl true for k v in pairs args do if type k string and not whitelist k then local warning pharamietxrkha k v imrxngrb return valerror warning nocat true end end if not has ranges and args 4 then return valerror laewnpharamietxr kha 4 nocat true end end local function main frame local getArgs require mxdul Arguments getArgs local args getArgs frame wrappers aemaebb kha local nocat args nocategory local numbers table of number tables perhaps with range text local msg get args numbers args if msg then return valerror msg nocat end if args u and args ul then return valerror hnwy lt b gt u lt b gt aelahnwythimilingk lt b gt ul lt b gt rabuiwthngkhu caidrbxnuyatephiyngraykarediyw nocat end if args up and args upl then return valerror hnwytx lt b gt up lt b gt aelahnwytxphrxmlingk lt b gt upl lt b gt rabuiwthngkhu caidrbxnuyatephiyngraykarediyw nocat end local values if numbers has ranges then Multiple values with range separators but no uncertainty numbers nend args end values numbers numbers else A single value with optional uncertainty local function setfield i dst src local v args src if v then if numbers i then numbers i dst v else numbers i dst v end end end setfield 1 nend end setfield 2 errend errend setfield 3 errend errend values number numbers 1 uncertainty upper numbers 2 lower numbers 3 errend args errend end local unit spec u args ul or args u want link args ul nil per args upl or args up want per link args upl nil want longscale args longscale or args long scale or args long scale on local options action args action align args a e numbers e fmt args fmt nocat nocat prefix args p sandbox string find frame getTitle sandbox 1 true nil sortable args sortable or args debug yes and debug or nil suffix args s warning check parameters args numbers has ranges nocat return main values unit spec options end return main main main main ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Val amp oldid 9251098, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม