
มอดูล:Adjacent stations

require('Module:No globals')  local p = {}  local lang = 'en-GB' -- local default language  -- Below these comments: Internationalization table -- How to translate this module (for languages without variants): -- • Characters inside single and double quotation marks are called strings. -- The strings in this i18n table are used as output. -- • Strings within square brackets are keys. -- • Strings are concatenated (joined) with two dots. -- • Set the string after «local lang =» to your language's code. -- Change the first key after "i18n" (usually "en-GB") to the same thing. -- • For each string which is not inside a function, translate it directly. -- • Strings with keys named "format" are Lua regular expressions. -- «()» is a match; «.+» means all characters; «%s+» means all spaces. -- • For each string which is concatenated to the variable «var», -- translate the phrase assuming that «var» will be a noun. -- • Remove any unnecessary translations.  local i18n = require("Module:Adjacent stations/i18n") local function getData(system, verify)  if verify then  local title = mw.title.new('Module:Adjacent stations/' .. system -- .. '/sandbox'  )  if not (title and title.exists) then return nil end  end  return require('Module:Adjacent stations/' .. system -- .. '/sandbox'  ) end  local function getLine(data, lineN)  if lineN then  if data['aliases'] then  lineN = data['aliases'][mw.ustring.lower(lineN)] or lineN  end  local default = data['lines']['_default'] or {}  local line = data['lines'][lineN] or {}  for k, v in pairs(default) do  if v then line[k] = line[k] or v end  end  line['title'] = line['title'] and mw.ustring.gsub(line['title'], '%%1', lineN)  return line, lineN  end end  local function getColor(data, system, line, Type, frame)  if system then  if line then return frame:expandTemplate{ title = system .. ' color', args = {line, ['branch'] = Type} } end  return frame:expandTemplate{ title = system .. ' color' }  else  line = (getLine(data, line))  local default = data['lines']['_default']  if line or default then  default = default or {}  if not line then line = mw.clone(default) end  local color = line['color'] or line['background color'] or default['color'] or default['background color'] or data['system color']  local Type_value = Type and line['types'] and (line['types'][Type] and line['types'][Type]['color'])  if Type_value then color = Type_value end  return color  end  return (default and (default['color'] or default['background color']) or data['system color'] or '')  end end  local lineN, typeN  local function somethingMissing(name, key, formats)  local formatKeys = {}  for k in pairs(formats) do  table.insert(formatKeys, k)  end  return name .. ' was "' .. key .. '" but neither an entry for it nor a default was found. Choices were: ' .. table.concat(formatKeys, ', ') end  local function getStation(station, _Format)  if type(_Format) == 'table' then  local lineNformats = _Format  _Format = lineNformats[lineN] or lineNformats[1]  if not _Format then  error(somethingMissing('lineN', lineN, lineNformats))  elseif type(_Format) == 'table' then  local typeNformats = _Format  _Format = typeNformats[typeN] or typeNformats[1]  if not _Format then  error(somethingMissing('typeN', typeN, typeNformats))  end  end  end  if typeN then _Format = mw.ustring.gsub(_Format, '%%3', typeN) end  if lineN then _Format = mw.ustring.gsub(_Format, '%%2', lineN) end  return (mw.ustring.match(_Format, '%[%[.+%]%]')) and (mw.ustring.gsub(_Format, '%%1', station)) or table.concat({'[[', mw.ustring.gsub(_Format, '%%1', station), '|', station, ']]'}) end  function p._main(_args) -- Arguments are processed here instead of the main function   local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')  local trimq = require('Module:Trim quotes')._trim   local boolean = {  ['oneway-left'] = true,  ['oneway-right'] = true,  ['reverse'] = true,  ['reverse-left'] = true,  ['reverse-right'] = true  }   local args = {} -- Processed arguments  local index = {} -- A list of addresses corresponding to number suffixes in the arguments   for k, v in pairs(_args) do -- Maps each raw argument to processed arguments by string matching  _args[k] = v:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')  if _args[k] and _args[k] ~= '' then  local a = mw.ustring.match(k, '^(.*%D)%d+$') or k -- The parameter; address 1 can be omitted  local b = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(k, '^.*%D(%d+)$')) or 1 -- The address for a given argument; address 1 can be omitted   if boolean[a] then  v = yesno(v)  end   if not args[b] then  args[b] = {[a] = v}  table.insert(index, b)  elseif args[b][a] then  return error(i18n[lang]['error_duplicate'](a .. b))  else  args[b][a] = v  end  end  end  table.sort(index)   local function small(s, italic)  return italic and '<div class="isA">' .. s .. '</div>'  or '<div class="smA">' .. s .. '</div>'  end   local style = { -- Style for each cell type  ['header cell'] = 'class="hcA"|',  ['header midcell'] = 'colspan="3" class="hmA"|',  ['body cell'] = 'class="bcA"|',  ['body banner'] = 'class="bbA" style="background-color:#',  }   local Format  local function subst(var1, var2)  -- var1 is the terminus or table of termini; var2 is the key for the table of termini  return type(var1) == 'string' and getStation(var1, (Format[var1] or Format[1]))  or type(var1) == 'table' and #var1 > 0 and getStation(var1[var2], (Format[var1[var2]] or Format[1]))  or ''  end   local function station(var)  if Format then  if type(var) == 'string' then  return subst(var)  elseif type(var) == 'table' and #var > 0 then  local t = {subst(var, 1)}   for i = 2, #var - 1 do  t[i] = i18n[lang]['comma'](subst(var, i))  end   if #var > 1 then t[#var] = i18n[lang]['or'](subst(var, #var)) end  if var['via'] then  if i18n[lang]['via-first'] then  table.insert(t, 1, i18n[lang]['via'](subst(var, 'via')))  else  table.insert(t, i18n[lang]['via'](subst(var, 'via')))  end  end   return table.concat(t)  else  return ''  end  else  return var or ''  end  end   local function rgb(var)  if var:len() == 3 then  return {tonumber(var:sub(1, 1), 16) * 17, tonumber(var:sub(2, 2), 16) * 17, tonumber(var:sub(2, 2), 16) * 17}  elseif var:len() == 6 then  return {tonumber(var:sub(1, 2), 16), tonumber(var:sub(3, 4), 16), tonumber(var:sub(5, 6), 16)}  end  return {}  end   local data = {} -- A table of data modules for each address  local wikitable = {'{| class="wikitable adjacent-stations"'}   for i, v in ipairs(index) do  -- If an address has a system argument, indexes the data module  data[v] = args[v]['system'] and getData(args[v]['system'])  -- If an address has no system, the row uses data from the previous address  or data[index[i - 1]]  or error(i18n[lang]['error_unknown'](args[v]['system']))   local lang = data[v]['lang'] or lang   if args[v]['system'] then -- Header row  local stop_noun = data[v]['header stop noun'] or i18n[lang]['stop_noun']  table.insert(wikitable, table.concat({'\n|-',  '\n!', style['header cell'], i18n[lang]['preceding'](stop_noun),  '\n!', style['header midcell'], (data[v]['system icon'] and data[v]['system icon'] .. ' ' or ''), (data[v]['system title'] or ('[['.. args[v]['system'] ..']]')),  '\n!', style['header cell'], i18n[lang]['following'](stop_noun)  }))  table.insert(wikitable, '')  table.insert(wikitable, '')  table.insert(wikitable, '')  end   if args[v]['header'] then -- Subheader  table.insert(wikitable, '\n|-\n!colspan="5" class="hmA"|'.. args[v]['header'])  table.insert(wikitable, '')  table.insert(wikitable, '')  table.insert(wikitable, '')  end   if args[v]['line'] or args[v]['left'] or args[v]['right'] or args[v]['nonstop'] then  if not args[v]['line'] and i > 1 and not args[v]['system'] then  args[v]['line'] = args[index[i - 1]]['line']  end   lineN = args[v]['line'] or '_default'  typeN = args[v]['type']  if data[v]['aliases'] then  lineN = data[v]['aliases'][mw.ustring.lower(lineN)] or lineN  if typeN then typeN = data[v]['aliases'][mw.ustring.lower(typeN)] or typeN end  end   -- get the line table  local line = data[v]['lines'] and (mw.clone(data[v]['lines'][lineN]) or error(i18n[lang]['error_unknown'](args[v]['line']))) or error(i18n[lang]['error_line'])  local default = data[v]['lines']['_default'] or {}  line['title'] = line['title'] or default['title']  line['title'] = mw.ustring.gsub(line['title'], '%%1', lineN)   -- cell across row for non-stop service  if args[v]['nonstop'] then  table.insert(wikitable,  table.concat({'\n|-\n|colspan="5" ',  style['body cell'],  ((args[v]['nonstop'] == 'former') and i18n[lang]['nonstop_past'] or i18n[lang]['nonstop_present'])(p._box({data = data[v], line = lineN, Type = typeN, inline = 'yes'}))  })  )  table.insert(wikitable, '')  table.insert(wikitable, '')  table.insert(wikitable, '')  else  Format = data[v]['station format'] or i18n[lang]['error_format']   local color, background_color, circular  local Type = line['types'] and line['types'][typeN] -- get the line type table   if Type then  if Type['color'] then  -- line color is used as background if there is no background color in the line type table  background_color = Type['background color'] or line['color']  color = Type['color']  elseif Type['background color'] then  background_color = Type['background color']  color = line['color'] or default['color'] or ''  else  background_color = line['background color']  color = line['color'] or default['color'] or ''  end  if Type['circular'] then  -- Type may override the circular status of the line  circular = Type['circular']  end  else  background_color = line['background color']  color = line['color'] or default['color'] or ''  circular = line['circular']  end   -- Alternate termini can be specified based on type  local sideCell = {true, true}  for i, b in ipairs({'left', 'right'}) do  if not args[v][b] then -- If no station is given on one side, the station is assumed to be the terminus on that side  local _through = args[v]['through-' .. b] or args[v]['through']  local _through_data = getLine(data[v], _through)  if _through_data then _through = _through_data['title'] or _through end  sideCell[i] = _through and "''" .. i18n[lang]['through'](trimq(_through)) .. "''"  or "''" .. trimq((args[v]['reverse-' .. b]  or args[v]['reverse']) and i18n[lang]['reverse']  or i18n[lang]['terminus']) .. "''"  else  local terminusT  local terminusN = Type and Type[b .. ' terminus'] or line[b .. ' terminus']   -- If the terminus table has more than one numbered key or has the via key then the table shows only the default termini, since terminusN[2] cannot be used and terminusN[via] is reserved  if type(terminusN) == 'string' or (type(terminusN) == 'table' and (terminusN[2] or terminusN['via'])) then  if args[v]['to-' .. b] then  terminusT = args[v]['to-' .. b]  local _or = mw.ustring.match(terminusT, i18n[lang]['or-format'])  if _or then  terminusT = mw.ustring.gsub(terminusT, i18n[lang]['or-format'], '\127_OR_\127')  terminusT = mw.ustring.gsub(terminusT, i18n[lang]['comma-format'], '\127_OR_\127')  end  local _via = (mw.ustring.match(terminusT, i18n[lang]['via-format']))  if _via then  terminusT = mw.ustring.gsub(terminusT, i18n[lang]['via-format'], '')  terminusT = mw.text.split(terminusT, '\127_OR_\127')  terminusT['via'] = _via  elseif _or then  terminusT = mw.text.split(terminusT, '\127_OR_\127')  end  else  terminusT = terminusN  end  elseif type(terminusN) == 'table' then  terminusT = terminusN[args[v]['to-' .. b]] or terminusN[args[v]['to']] or terminusN[1]  end   local mainText = args[v]['note-' .. b] and station(args[v][b]) .. small(args[v]['note-' .. b]) or station(args[v][b])   local subText = (args[v]['oneway-' .. b] or line['oneway-' .. b]) and i18n[lang]['oneway']  or args[v][b] == terminusT and i18n[lang]['terminus']  or circular and terminusT  or i18n[lang]['towards'](station(terminusT))  subText = small(subText, true)   sideCell[i] = mainText .. subText  end  end   table.insert(wikitable, '\n|-')  table.insert(wikitable, '\n|' .. style['body cell'] .. sideCell[1])  table.insert(wikitable, table.concat({'\n|', style['body banner'], color, '"|',  '\n|', (background_color and 'class="bcA" style="background-color:rgba(' .. table.concat(rgb(background_color), ',') .. ',.2)"|' or style['body cell']), line['title'],   -- Type; table key 'types' in subpages (datatype table, with strings as keys). If table does not exist then the input is displayed as the text  (typeN and '<div>' .. (Type and Type['title'] or typeN) .. '</div>' or ''),   -- Note-mid; table key 'note-mid' in subpages. Overridden by user input  ((args[v]['note-mid'] and small(args[v]['note-mid'])) or (Type and Type['note-mid'] and small(Type['note-mid'])) or (line['note-mid'] and small(line['note-mid'])) or ''),   -- Transfer; uses system's station link table  (args[v]['transfer'] and small('transfer at ' .. station(args[v]['transfer']), true) or ''),   '\n|', style['body banner'], color, '"|'}))  table.insert(wikitable, '\n|' .. style['body cell'] .. sideCell[2])  end  end   if args[v]['note-row'] then -- Note  table.insert(wikitable, '\n|-\n|colspan="5" ' .. style['body cell'] .. args[v]['note-row'])  table.insert(wikitable, '')  table.insert(wikitable, '')  table.insert(wikitable, '')  end  end   local function combine(t, n)  if t[n + 4] ~= '' and t[n + 4] == t[n] then  t[n + 4] = '' -- The cell in the next row is deleted  local rowspan = 2  while t[n + rowspan * 4] == t[n] do  t[n + rowspan * 4] = ''  rowspan = rowspan + 1  end  t[n] = mw.ustring.gsub(t[n], '\n|class="', '\n|rowspan="' .. rowspan .. '" class="')  end  end   local M = #wikitable  for i = 3, M, 4 do combine(wikitable, i) end  for i = 4, M, 4 do combine(wikitable, i) end  for i = 5, M, 4 do combine(wikitable, i) end   table.insert(wikitable, '\n|}')   return table.concat(wikitable) end  local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs  local function makeInvokeFunction(funcName)  -- makes a function that can be returned from #invoke, using  -- [[Module:Arguments]]  return function (frame)  local args = getArgs(frame, {parentOnly = true})  return p[funcName](args, frame)  end end  p.main = makeInvokeFunction('_main')  function p._color(args, frame)  local data = args.data  if args[1] or data then  data = data or getData(args[1], true)  if not data then return getColor(nil, args[1], args[2], args[3], frame) end  return getColor(data, nil, args[2], args[3])  end end  p.color = makeInvokeFunction('_color')  function p._box(args, frame)  local system = args[1] or args.system  lineN = args[2] or args.line  if not (system or lineN) then return '' end  local line, Type, line_data  local inline = args[3] or args.inline  typeN = args.type  local data = args.data  if system or data then  data = data or getData(system, true)  local color  if data then  local default = data['lines']['_default'] or {}  line, lineN = getLine(data, lineN)  if typeN then  typeN = data['aliases'] and data['aliases'][mw.ustring.lower(typeN)] or typeN  Type = line['types'] and line['types'][typeN] and line['types'][typeN]['title'] or typeN  end  color = getColor(data, nil, lineN, typeN)  if inline ~= 'box' then  line_data = line or error(i18n[lang]['error_unknown'](lineN))  line = line_data['title'] or default['title'] or error(i18n[lang]['error_missing']('title'))  line = mw.ustring.gsub(line, '%%1', lineN)  end  else  color = getColor(nil, system, lineN, typeN, frame)  if inline ~= 'box' then  line = frame:expandTemplate{ title = system .. ' lines', args = {lineN, ['branch'] = typeN} }  if mw.text.trim(line) == '' then return error(i18n[lang]['error_unknown'](lineN)) end  end  Type = typeN  end   local result   if Type and Type ~= '' and inline ~= 'box' then  if line == '' then  line = Type  else  result = ' – ' .. Type  end  end  if args.note then result = (result or '') .. ' ' .. args.note end  result = result or ''   if not inline then -- [[Template:Legend]]  result = '<div class="legend" style="-webkit-column-break-inside:avoid;page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block;width:1.5em;height:1.5em;margin:1px 0;border:1px solid black;background-color:#' .. color .. '"> </span> ' .. line .. result .. '</div>'  elseif inline == 'yes' then  result = '<span style="background-color:#' .. color .. ';border:1px solid #000">    </span> ' .. line .. result  elseif inline == 'box' then  result = '<span style="background-color:#' .. color .. ';border:1px solid #000">    </span>' .. result  elseif inline == 'link' then  local link = args.link or mw.ustring.match(line, '%[%[([^%[:|%]]+)[|%]]')  if link then  result = '[[' .. link .. '|<span style="background-color:#' .. color .. ';border:1px solid #000">    </span>]]' .. result  else  result = '<span style="background-color:#' .. color .. ';border:1px solid #000">    </span>' .. result  end  elseif inline == 'square' then  result = '<span style="color:#' .. color .. ';line-height:initial">■</span> ' .. line .. result  elseif inline == 'lsquare' then  local link = args.link or mw.ustring.match(line, '%[%[([^%[:|%]]+)[|%]]')  if link then  result = '[[' .. link .. '|<span style="color:#' .. color .. ';line-height:initial">■</span>]]'  else  result = '<span style="color:#' .. color .. ';line-height:initial">■</span>'  end  elseif inline == 'dot' then  result = '<span style="color:#' .. color .. ';line-height:initial">●</span> ' .. line .. result  elseif inline == 'ldot' then  local link = args.link or mw.ustring.match(line, '%[%[([^%[:|%]]+)[|%]]')  if link then  result = '[[' .. link .. '|<span style="color:#' .. color .. ';line-height:initial">●</span>]]'  else  result = '<span style="color:#' .. color .. ';line-height:initial">●</span>'  end  elseif inline == 'small' then  result = '<span style="background-color:#' .. color .. '"> </span>' .. ' ' .. line .. result  else  local yesno = require("Module:Yesno")  local link = args.link or mw.ustring.match(line, '%[%[([^%[:|%]]+)[|%]]')  local border_color, text_color  if line_data then  if line_data['types'] and line_data['types'][typeN] then  local Type_data = line_data['types'][typeN]  border_color = Type_data['border color'] or line_data['border color'] or color  text_color = Type_data['text color'] or line_data['text color']  lineN = Type_data['short name'] or line_data['short name'] or lineN  else  border_color = line_data['border color'] or color  text_color = line_data['text color']  lineN = line_data['short name'] or lineN  end  else  border_color = color  end  local greatercontrast = require('Module:Color contrast')._greatercontrast  text_color = text_color and '#' .. text_color or greatercontrast{color}  local bold = (yesno(args.bold) == false) or ';font-weight:bold'  if inline == 'route' then -- [[Template:RouteBox]]  if link then  result = '<span style="background-color:#' .. color .. ';border:.075em solid #' .. border_color .. ';padding:0 .3em">[[' .. link .. '|<span style="color:' .. text_color .. bold .. ';font-size:inherit;white-space:nowrap">' .. lineN .. '</span>]]</span>'  else  result = '<span style="background-color:#' .. color .. ';border:.075em solid #' .. border_color .. ';padding:0 .3em;color:' .. text_color .. bold .. ';font-size:inherit;white-space:nowrap">' .. lineN .. '</span>'  end  elseif inline == 'croute' then -- [[Template:Bahnlinie]]  if link then  result = '<span style="background-color:#' .. color .. ';border:.075em solid #' .. border_color .. ';border-radius:.5em;padding:0 .3em">[[' .. link .. '|<span style="color:' .. text_color .. bold .. ';font-size:inherit;white-space:nowrap">' .. lineN .. '</span>]]</span>'  else  result = '<span style="background-color:#' .. color .. ';border:.075em solid #' .. border_color .. ';border-radius:.5em;padding:0 .3em;color:' .. text_color .. bold .. ';font-size:inherit;white-space:nowrap">' .. lineN .. '</span>'  end  elseif inline == 'xroute' then -- [[Template:Bahnlinie]]  if link then  result = '<span style="border:.075em solid #' .. border_color .. ';border-radius:.5em;padding:0 .3em">[[' .. link .. '|<span style="color:#' .. color .. bold .. ';font-size:inherit;white-space:nowrap">' .. lineN .. '</span>]]</span>'  else  result = '<span style="border:.075em solid #' .. border_color .. ';border-radius:.5em;padding:0 .3em;color:#' .. color .. bold .. ';font-size:inherit;white-space:nowrap">' .. lineN .. '</span>'  end  else -- [[Template:Legend]] (fallback; duplication to simplify logic)  result = '<div class="legend" style="-webkit-column-break-inside:avoid;page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block;width:1.5em;height:1.5em;margin:1px 0;border:1px solid black;background-color:#' .. color .. '"> </span> ' .. line .. result .. '</div>'  end  end   result = mw.ustring.gsub(result, ':%s*#transparent', ':transparent')   return result  end end  p.box = makeInvokeFunction('_box')  function p._icon(args, frame)  local system = args[1] or args.system  local line = args[2] or args.line  local Type = args[3] or args.type  local data = args.data  if system or data then  data = data or getData(system)   local icon, Format   line = (getLine(data, line))   if line then  if Type then  Type = data['aliases'] and data['aliases'][mw.ustring.lower(Type)] or Type  Type = line['types'] and line['types'][Type] -- If there's no type table or entry for this type, then it can't have its own icon  Format = Type['icon format'] or data['type icon format']  icon = Type['icon']  end  if not (Format or icon) then  Format = line['icon format'] or data['line icon format']  icon = line['icon']  end  end  if not (Format or icon) then  Format = data['system icon format']  icon = data['system icon']  end   if Format then  if Format ~= 'image' then return p._box({data = data, [2] = (args[2] or args.line), [3] = Format, type = (args[3] or args.type), bold = args.bold, link = args.link}, frame) end  end   local size = args.size  if size then  if mw.ustring.match(size, '%d$') then  size = '|' .. size .. 'px'  else  size = '|' .. size  end  -- Upright values are to be disabled until there is use of upright scaling in subpages; doesn't seem to work anyway as of 2018-08-10  local tmp = {  '|%s*%d*x?%d+px%s*([%]|])', -- '|%s*upright=%d+%.?%d*%s*([%]|])', '|%s*upright%s*([%]|])'  }  if mw.ustring.match(icon, tmp[1]) then  icon = mw.ustring.gsub(icon, tmp[1], size .. '%1')  -- elseif mw.ustring.match(icon, tmp[2]) then  -- icon = gsub(icon, tmp[2], size .. '%1')  -- elseif mw.ustring.match(icon, tmp[3]) then  -- icon = gsub(icon, tmp[3], size .. '%1')  else  icon = mw.ustring.gsub(icon, '(%[%[[^%]|]+)([%]|])', '%1' .. size .. '%2')  end  end   local link = args.link  if link then  if mw.ustring.match(icon, '|%s*link=[^%]|]*[%]|]') then  icon = mw.ustring.gsub(icon, '|%s*link=[^%]|]*([%]|])', '|link=' .. link .. '%1')  else  icon = mw.ustring.gsub(icon, '(%[%[[^%]|]+)([%]|])', '%1|link=' .. link .. '%2')  end  end   local alt = args.alt or link  if alt then  if mw.ustring.match(icon, '|%s*alt=[^%]|]*[%]|]') then  icon = mw.ustring.gsub(icon, '|%s*alt=[^%]|]*([%]|])', '|alt=' .. alt .. '%1')  else  icon = mw.ustring.gsub(icon, '(%[%[[^%]|]+)([%]|])', '%1|alt=' .. alt .. '%2')  end  end   return icon  end end  p.icon = makeInvokeFunction('_icon')  function p._line(args, frame)  local system = args[1] or args.system  local line = args[2] or args.line  if not line then return '' end  local Type = args[3] or args.type  local data = args.data  if system or data then  data = data or getData(system, true)  if data then  line = (getLine(data, line)) or error(i18n[lang]['error_unknown'](line))  if Type then  Type = data['aliases'] and data['aliases'][mw.ustring.lower(Type)] or Type  Type = line['types'] and line['types'][Type] and line['types'][Type]['title'] or Type  end  line = line['title'] or error(i18n[lang]['error_missing']('title'))  else  line = frame:expandTemplate{ title = system .. ' lines', args = {line, ['branch'] = Type} }  if mw.text.trim(line) == '' then return error(i18n[lang]['error_unknown'](lineN)) end  end   if Type then  if line == '' then  line = Type  else  line = line .. ' – ' .. Type  end  end  return line  end end  p.line = makeInvokeFunction('_line')  function p._station(args, frame)  local system = args[1] or args.system  local station = args[2] or args.station  if not station then return '' end  lineN = args[3] or args.line  typeN = args[4] or args.type  local data = args.data  if system or data then  data = data or getData(system, true)  if data then  local _Format = data['station format'][station] or data['station format'][1]  if _Format then  if data['aliases'] then  if lineN then  lineN = data['aliases'][mw.ustring.lower(lineN)] or lineN  end  if typeN then  typeN = data['aliases'][mw.ustring.lower(typeN)] or typeN  end  end  station = getStation(station, _Format)  else  station = station or ''  end  else  station = frame:expandTemplate{ title = system .. ' stations', args = {['station'] = station, ['line'] = lineN, ['branch'] = typeN} }  end   return station  end end  p.station = makeInvokeFunction('_station')  function p._style(args, frame)  local style = args[1] or args.style  local system = args[2] or args.system  local line = args[3] or args.line  local station = args[4] or args.station  local result = {}  local data = args.data  local default = 'background-color:#efefef' -- Default background color for {{Infobox station}}  if system or data then  data = data or getData(system, true)  end  if data then  local function getValue(var)  if type(var) == 'table' then  var = var[line] or var[1]  if type(var) == 'table' then  var = var[station] or var[1]  end  end  if var ~= '' then return var end  end   if style == 'header' then  local tmp = data['name format'] and getValue(data['name format'])  if tmp then table.insert(result, tmp) end  elseif style == 'subheader' then  local tmp = data['header background color'] and getValue(data['header background color'])  if tmp then  table.insert(result, 'background-color:#' .. tmp)  local color = data['header text color'] and getValue(data['header text color'])  if color then  table.insert(result, 'color:#' .. color)  else  local greatercontrast = require('Module:Color contrast')._greatercontrast  if greatercontrast{tmp} == '#FFFFFF' then table.insert(result, 'color:#FFFFFF') end  end  else  table.insert(result, default)  local color = data['header text color'] and getValue(data['header text color'])  if color then table.insert(result, 'color:#' .. color) end  end  end  result = table.concat(result, ';')  elseif system then  local title = 'Template:' .. system .. ' style'  local titleObj = mw.title.new(title)  if titleObj and titleObj.exists then  local tmp  if style == 'header' then  tmp = frame:expandTemplate{ title = title, args = {'name_format', line, station} }  if tmp ~= '' then table.insert(result, tmp) end  elseif style == 'subheader' then  tmp = frame:expandTemplate{ title = title, args = {'thbgcolor', line, station} }  if tmp ~= '' then  table.insert(result, 'background-color:#' .. tmp)  local color = frame:expandTemplate{ title = title, args = {'thcolor', line, station} }  if color ~= '' then  table.insert(result, 'color:#' .. color)  else  local ratio = require('Module:Color contrast')._ratio  if ratio{tmp, '222222'} < 4.5 then table.insert(result, 'color:#FFFFFF') end -- 222222 is the default text color in Vector  end  else  table.insert(result, default)  tmp = frame:expandTemplate{ title = title, args = {'thcolor', line, station} }  if tmp ~= '' then  table.insert(result, 'color:#' .. tmp)  end  end  end  result = table.concat(result, ';')  else  if style == 'subheader' then  result = default  else  result = ''  end  end  else  if style == 'subheader' then  result = default  else  result = ''  end  end   return result end  function p.style(frame)  local args = getArgs(frame, {frameOnly = true})  return p._style(args, frame) end  function p.convert(frame)  local args = frame.args  local code = mw.text.split(mw.ustring.gsub(args[1], '^%s*{{(.*)}}%s*$', '%1'), '%s*}}%s*{{%s*')  local system  local group = 0  local delete = {  ['s-rail'] = true,  ['s-rail-next'] = true,  ['s-rail-national'] = true,  ['s-start'] = true,  ['s-rail-start'] = true,  ['start'] = true,  ['s-end'] = true,  ['end'] = true  }  local order = {  'line', 'left', 'right', 'to-left', 'to-right',  'oneway-left', 'oneway-right', 'through-left', 'through-right',  'reverse', 'reverse-left', 'reverse-right',  'note-left', 'note-mid', 'note-right', 'transfer'  -- circular: use module subpage  -- state: not implemented  }  local replace = {  ['previous'] = 'left',  ['next'] = 'right',  ['type'] = 'to-left',  ['type2'] = 'to-right',  ['branch'] = 'type',  ['note'] = 'note-left',  ['notemid'] = 'note-mid',  ['note2'] = 'note-right',  ['oneway1'] = 'oneway-left',  ['oneway2'] = 'oneway-right',  ['through1'] = 'through-left',  ['through2'] = 'through-right'  }  local remove_rows = {}  local data = {}  for i, v in ipairs(code) do  code[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(code[i], '\n', ' ')  local template = mw.ustring.lower(mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.match(code[i], '^[^|]+')))  code[i] = mw.ustring.match(code[i], '(|.+)$')  if template == 's-line' then  data[i] = {}  local this_system = mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.match(code[i], '|%s*system%s*=([^|]+)'))  code[i] = mw.text.split(code[i], '%s*|%s*')  for m, n in ipairs(code[i]) do  local tmp = mw.text.split(n, '%s*=%s*')  if tmp[3] then  tmp[2] = mw.ustring.gsub(n, '^.-%s*=', '')  end  tmp[1] = replace[tmp[1]] or tmp[1]  if tmp[2] then  -- checks for matching brackets  local curly = select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(tmp[2], "{", ""))-select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(tmp[2], "}", ""))  local square = select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(tmp[2], "%[", ""))-select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(tmp[2], "%]", ""))  if not (curly == 0 and square == 0) then  local count = mw.clone(m)+1  while not (curly == 0 and square == 0) do  tmp[2] = tmp[2]..'|'..code[i][count]  curly = curly+select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(code[i][count], "{", ""))-select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(code[i][count], "}", ""))  square = square+select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(code[i][count], "%[", ""))-select(2, mw.ustring.gsub(code[i][count], "%]", ""))  code[i][count] = ''  count = count+1  end  end  data[i][tmp[1]] = tmp[2]  end  end  if (this_system ~= system) or (not system) then  system = this_system  data[i]['system'] = system  else  data[i]['system'] = nil  end  local last = data[i-1] or data[i-2] or data[i-3]  if last then  for r, s in pairs({  ['hide1'] = {'left', 'to-left', 'note-left', 'oneway-left'},  ['hide2'] = {'right', 'to-right', 'note-right', 'oneway-right'},  ['hidemid'] = {'type', 'note-mid'}  }) do  if data[i][r] then  for m, n in ipairs(s) do  if not data[i][n] then  data[i][n] = last[n]  end  end  end  end  end  code[i] = {}  local X = '|'  local Y = (i+group)..'='  if data[i]['system'] then  table.insert(code[i], '|system')  table.insert(code[i], Y)  table.insert(code[i], data[i]['system'])  table.insert(code[i], '\n')  end  for m, n in ipairs(order) do  if data[i][n] then  table.insert(code[i], X)  table.insert(code[i], n)  table.insert(code[i], Y)  table.insert(code[i], data[i][n])  end  end  code[i] = table.concat(code[i])  elseif template == 's-note' then  code[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(code[i], '|%s*text%s*=', '|header'..i+group..'=')  code[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(code[i], '|%s*wide%s*=[^|]*', '')  elseif template == 's-text' then  code[i] = mw.ustring.gsub(code[i], '|%s*text%s*=', '|note-row'..i+group..'=')  elseif delete[template] then  code[i] = ''  table.insert(remove_rows, 1, i) -- at the start, so that the rows are deleted in reverse order  group = group-1  end  end  for i, v in ipairs(remove_rows) do  table.remove(code, v)  end  code = table.concat(code, '\n')  local t = {'{{Adjacent stations', '\n}}'}  system = mw.ustring.match(code, '|system(%d*)=')  code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '\n\n+', '\n')  if tonumber(system) > 1 then  -- If s-line isn't the first template then the system will have to be moved to the top  system = mw.ustring.match(code, '|system%d*=([^|]*[^|\n])')  code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|system%d*=[^|]*', '')  code = '\n|system1='..system..code  elseif not mw.ustring.match(code, '^[^{%[]*|[^=|]+2=') then  -- If there's only one parameter group then there's no need to have line breaks  code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '\n', '')  code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '(|[^=|]+)1=', '%1=')  t[2] = '}}'  if not mw.ustring.match(code, '[%[{]') then  code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*=$', '')  code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*$', '')  end  end  if not mw.ustring.match(code, '[%[{]') then  code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*=|', '|')  code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*|', '|')  code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*=\n', '\n')  code = mw.ustring.gsub(code, '|[^=|]*\n', '\n')  end  return t[1]..code..t[2] end  return p 

มอด, adjacent, stations, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, require, module, globals. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulnirequire Module No globals local p local lang en GB local default language Below these comments Internationalization table How to translate this module for languages without variants Characters inside single and double quotation marks are called strings The strings in this i18n table are used as output Strings within square brackets are keys Strings are concatenated joined with two dots Set the string after local lang to your language s code Change the first key after i18n usually en GB to the same thing For each string which is not inside a function translate it directly Strings with keys named format are Lua regular expressions is a match means all characters s means all spaces For each string which is concatenated to the variable var translate the phrase assuming that var will be a noun Remove any unnecessary translations local i18n require Module Adjacent stations i18n local function getData system verify if verify then local title mw title new Module Adjacent stations system sandbox if not title and title exists then return nil end end return require Module Adjacent stations system sandbox end local function getLine data lineN if lineN then if data aliases then lineN data aliases mw ustring lower lineN or lineN end local default data lines default or local line data lines lineN or for k v in pairs default do if v then line k line k or v end end line title line title and mw ustring gsub line title 1 lineN return line lineN end end local function getColor data system line Type frame if system then if line then return frame expandTemplate title system color args line branch Type end return frame expandTemplate title system color else line getLine data line local default data lines default if line or default then default default or if not line then line mw clone default end local color line color or line background color or default color or default background color or data system color local Type value Type and line types and line types Type and line types Type color if Type value then color Type value end return color end return default and default color or default background color or data system color or end end local lineN typeN local function somethingMissing name key formats local formatKeys for k in pairs formats do table insert formatKeys k end return name was key but neither an entry for it nor a default was found Choices were table concat formatKeys end local function getStation station Format if type Format table then local lineNformats Format Format lineNformats lineN or lineNformats 1 if not Format then error somethingMissing lineN lineN lineNformats elseif type Format table then local typeNformats Format Format typeNformats typeN or typeNformats 1 if not Format then error somethingMissing typeN typeN typeNformats end end end if typeN then Format mw ustring gsub Format 3 typeN end if lineN then Format mw ustring gsub Format 2 lineN end return mw ustring match Format and mw ustring gsub Format 1 station or table concat mw ustring gsub Format 1 station station end function p main args Arguments are processed here instead of the main function local yesno require Module Yesno local trimq require Module Trim quotes trim local boolean oneway left true oneway right true reverse true reverse left true reverse right true local args Processed arguments local index A list of addresses corresponding to number suffixes in the arguments for k v in pairs args do Maps each raw argument to processed arguments by string matching args k v match s s if args k and args k then local a mw ustring match k D d or k The parameter address 1 can be omitted local b tonumber mw ustring match k D d or 1 The address for a given argument address 1 can be omitted if boolean a then v yesno v end if not args b then args b a v table insert index b elseif args b a then return error i18n lang error duplicate a b else args b a v end end end table sort index local function small s italic return italic and lt div class isA gt s lt div gt or lt div class smA gt s lt div gt end local style Style for each cell type header cell class hcA header midcell colspan 3 class hmA body cell class bcA body banner class bbA style background color local Format local function subst var1 var2 var1 is the terminus or table of termini var2 is the key for the table of termini return type var1 string and getStation var1 Format var1 or Format 1 or type var1 table and var1 gt 0 and getStation var1 var2 Format var1 var2 or Format 1 or end local function station var if Format then if type var string then return subst var elseif type var table and var gt 0 then local t subst var 1 for i 2 var 1 do t i i18n lang comma subst var i end if var gt 1 then t var i18n lang or subst var var end if var via then if i18n lang via first then table insert t 1 i18n lang via subst var via else table insert t i18n lang via subst var via end end return table concat t else return end else return var or end end local function rgb var if var len 3 then return tonumber var sub 1 1 16 17 tonumber var sub 2 2 16 17 tonumber var sub 2 2 16 17 elseif var len 6 then return tonumber var sub 1 2 16 tonumber var sub 3 4 16 tonumber var sub 5 6 16 end return end local data A table of data modules for each address local wikitable class wikitable adjacent stations for i v in ipairs index do If an address has a system argument indexes the data module data v args v system and getData args v system If an address has no system the row uses data from the previous address or data index i 1 or error i18n lang error unknown args v system local lang data v lang or lang if args v system then Header row local stop noun data v header stop noun or i18n lang stop noun table insert wikitable table concat n n style header cell i18n lang preceding stop noun n style header midcell data v system icon and data v system icon or data v system title or args v system n style header cell i18n lang following stop noun table insert wikitable table insert wikitable table insert wikitable end if args v header then Subheader table insert wikitable n n colspan 5 class hmA args v header table insert wikitable table insert wikitable table insert wikitable end if args v line or args v left or args v right or args v nonstop then if not args v line and i gt 1 and not args v system then args v line args index i 1 line end lineN args v line or default typeN args v type if data v aliases then lineN data v aliases mw ustring lower lineN or lineN if typeN then typeN data v aliases mw ustring lower typeN or typeN end end get the line table local line data v lines and mw clone data v lines lineN or error i18n lang error unknown args v line or error i18n lang error line local default data v lines default or line title line title or default title line title mw ustring gsub line title 1 lineN cell across row for non stop service if args v nonstop then table insert wikitable table concat n n colspan 5 style body cell args v nonstop former and i18n lang nonstop past or i18n lang nonstop present p box data data v line lineN Type typeN inline yes table insert wikitable table insert wikitable table insert wikitable else Format data v station format or i18n lang error format local color background color circular local Type line types and line types typeN get the line type table if Type then if Type color then line color is used as background if there is no background color in the line type table background color Type background color or line color color Type color elseif Type background color then background color Type background color color line color or default color or else background color line background color color line color or default color or end if Type circular then Type may override the circular status of the line circular Type circular end else background color line background color color line color or default color or circular line circular end Alternate termini can be specified based on type local sideCell true true for i b in ipairs left right do if not args v b then If no station is given on one side the station is assumed to be the terminus on that side local through args v through b or args v through local through data getLine data v through if through data then through through data title or through end sideCell i through and i18n lang through trimq through or trimq args v reverse b or args v reverse and i18n lang reverse or i18n lang terminus else local terminusT local terminusN Type and Type b terminus or line b terminus If the terminus table has more than one numbered key or has the via key then the table shows only the default termini since terminusN 2 cannot be used and terminusN via is reserved if type terminusN string or type terminusN table and terminusN 2 or terminusN via then if args v to b then terminusT args v to b local or mw ustring match terminusT i18n lang or format if or then terminusT mw ustring gsub terminusT i18n lang or format 127 OR 127 terminusT mw ustring gsub terminusT i18n lang comma format 127 OR 127 end local via mw ustring match terminusT i18n lang via format if via then terminusT mw ustring gsub terminusT i18n lang via format terminusT mw text split terminusT 127 OR 127 terminusT via via elseif or then terminusT mw text split terminusT 127 OR 127 end else terminusT terminusN end elseif type terminusN table then terminusT terminusN args v to b or terminusN args v to or terminusN 1 end local mainText args v note b and station args v b small args v note b or station args v b local subText args v oneway b or line oneway b and i18n lang oneway or args v b terminusT and i18n lang terminus or circular and terminusT or i18n lang towards station terminusT subText small subText true sideCell i mainText subText end end table insert wikitable n table insert wikitable n style body cell sideCell 1 table insert wikitable table concat n style body banner color n background color and class bcA style background color rgba table concat rgb background color 2 or style body cell line title Type table key types in subpages datatype table with strings as keys If table does not exist then the input is displayed as the text typeN and lt div gt Type and Type title or typeN lt div gt or Note mid table key note mid in subpages Overridden by user input args v note mid and small args v note mid or Type and Type note mid and small Type note mid or line note mid and small line note mid or Transfer uses system s station link table args v transfer and small transfer at station args v transfer true or n style body banner color table insert wikitable n style body cell sideCell 2 end end if args v note row then Note table insert wikitable n n colspan 5 style body cell args v note row table insert wikitable table insert wikitable table insert wikitable end end local function combine t n if t n 4 and t n 4 t n then t n 4 The cell in the next row is deleted local rowspan 2 while t n rowspan 4 t n do t n rowspan 4 rowspan rowspan 1 end t n mw ustring gsub t n n class n rowspan rowspan class end end local M wikitable for i 3 M 4 do combine wikitable i end for i 4 M 4 do combine wikitable i end for i 5 M 4 do combine wikitable i end table insert wikitable n return table concat wikitable end local getArgs require Module Arguments getArgs local function makeInvokeFunction funcName makes a function that can be returned from invoke using Module Arguments return function frame local args getArgs frame parentOnly true return p funcName args frame end end p main makeInvokeFunction main function p color args frame local data args data if args 1 or data then data data or getData args 1 true if not data then return getColor nil args 1 args 2 args 3 frame end return getColor data nil args 2 args 3 end end p color makeInvokeFunction color function p box args frame local system args 1 or args system lineN args 2 or args line if not system or lineN then return end local line Type line data local inline args 3 or args inline typeN args type local data args data if system or data then data data or getData system true local color if data then local default data lines default or line lineN getLine data lineN if typeN then typeN data aliases and data aliases mw ustring lower typeN or typeN Type line types and line types typeN and line types typeN title or typeN end color getColor data nil lineN typeN if inline box then line data line or error i18n lang error unknown lineN line line data title or default title or error i18n lang error missing title line mw ustring gsub line 1 lineN end else color getColor nil system lineN typeN frame if inline box then line frame expandTemplate title system lines args lineN branch typeN if mw text trim line then return error i18n lang error unknown lineN end end Type typeN end local result if Type and Type and inline box then if line then line Type else result Type end end if args note then result result or args note end result result or if not inline then Template Legend result lt div class legend style webkit column break inside avoid page break inside avoid break inside avoid column gt lt span class legend color style display inline block width 1 5em height 1 5em margin 1px 0 border 1px solid black background color color gt lt span gt line result lt div gt elseif inline yes then result lt span style background color color border 1px solid 000 gt lt span gt line result elseif inline box then result lt span style background color color border 1px solid 000 gt lt span gt result elseif inline link then local link args link or mw ustring match line if link then result link lt span style background color color border 1px solid 000 gt lt span gt result else result lt span style background color color border 1px solid 000 gt lt span gt result end elseif inline square then result lt span style color color line height initial gt lt span gt line result elseif inline lsquare then local link args link or mw ustring match line if link then result link lt span style color color line height initial gt lt span gt else result lt span style color color line height initial gt lt span gt end elseif inline dot then result lt span style color color line height initial gt lt span gt line result elseif inline ldot then local link args link or mw ustring match line if link then result link lt span style color color line height initial gt lt span gt else result lt span style color color line height initial gt lt span gt end elseif inline small then result lt span style background color color gt lt span gt line result else local yesno require Module Yesno local link args link or mw ustring match line local border color text color if line data then if line data types and line data types typeN then local Type data line data types typeN border color Type data border color or line data border color or color text color Type data text color or line data text color lineN Type data short name or line data short name or lineN else border color line data border color or color text color line data text color lineN line data short name or lineN end else border color color end local greatercontrast require Module Color contrast greatercontrast text color text color and text color or greatercontrast color local bold yesno args bold false or font weight bold if inline route then Template RouteBox if link then result lt span style background color color border 075em solid border color padding 0 3em gt link lt span style color text color bold font size inherit white space nowrap gt lineN lt span gt lt span gt else result lt span style background color color border 075em solid border color padding 0 3em color text color bold font size inherit white space nowrap gt lineN lt span gt end elseif inline croute then Template Bahnlinie if link then result lt span style background color color border 075em solid border color border radius 5em padding 0 3em gt link lt span style color text color bold font size inherit white space nowrap gt lineN lt span gt lt span gt else result lt span style background color color border 075em solid border color border radius 5em padding 0 3em color text color bold font size inherit white space nowrap gt lineN lt span gt end elseif inline xroute then Template Bahnlinie if link then result lt span style border 075em solid border color border radius 5em padding 0 3em gt link lt span style color color bold font size inherit white space nowrap gt lineN lt span gt lt span gt else result lt span style border 075em solid border color border radius 5em padding 0 3em color color bold font size inherit white space nowrap gt lineN lt span gt end else Template Legend fallback duplication to simplify logic result lt div class legend style webkit column break inside avoid page break inside avoid break inside avoid column gt lt span class legend color style display inline block width 1 5em height 1 5em margin 1px 0 border 1px solid black background color color gt lt span gt line result lt div gt end end result mw ustring gsub result s transparent transparent return result end end p box makeInvokeFunction box function p icon args frame local system args 1 or args system local line args 2 or args line local Type args 3 or args type local data args data if system or data then data data or getData system local icon Format line getLine data line if line then if Type then Type data aliases and data aliases mw ustring lower Type or Type Type line types and line types Type If there s no type table or entry for this type then it can t have its own icon Format Type icon format or data type icon format icon Type icon end if not Format or icon then Format line icon format or data line icon format icon line icon end end if not Format or icon then Format data system icon format icon data system icon end if Format then if Format image then return p box data data 2 args 2 or args line 3 Format type args 3 or args type bold args bold link args link frame end end local size args size if size then if mw ustring match size d then size size px else size size end Upright values are to be disabled until there is use of upright scaling in subpages doesn t seem to work anyway as of 2018 08 10 local tmp s d x d px s s upright d d s s upright s if mw ustring match icon tmp 1 then icon mw ustring gsub icon tmp 1 size 1 elseif mw ustring match icon tmp 2 then icon gsub icon tmp 2 size 1 elseif mw ustring match icon tmp 3 then icon gsub icon tmp 3 size 1 else icon mw ustring gsub icon 1 size 2 end end local link args link if link then if mw ustring match icon s link then icon mw ustring gsub icon s link link link 1 else icon mw ustring gsub icon 1 link link 2 end end local alt args alt or link if alt then if mw ustring match icon s alt then icon mw ustring gsub icon s alt alt alt 1 else icon mw ustring gsub icon 1 alt alt 2 end end return icon end end p icon makeInvokeFunction icon function p line args frame local system args 1 or args system local line args 2 or args line if not line then return end local Type args 3 or args type local data args data if system or data then data data or getData system true if data then line getLine data line or error i18n lang error unknown line if Type then Type data aliases and data aliases mw ustring lower Type or Type Type line types and line types Type and line types Type title or Type end line line title or error i18n lang error missing title else line frame expandTemplate title system lines args line branch Type if mw text trim line then return error i18n lang error unknown lineN end end if Type then if line then line Type else line line Type end end return line end end p line makeInvokeFunction line function p station args frame local system args 1 or args system local station args 2 or args station if not station then return end lineN args 3 or args line typeN args 4 or args type local data args data if system or data then data data or getData system true if data then local Format data station format station or data station format 1 if Format then if data aliases then if lineN then lineN data aliases mw ustring lower lineN or lineN end if typeN then typeN data aliases mw ustring lower typeN or typeN end end station getStation station Format else station station or end else station frame expandTemplate title system stations args station station line lineN branch typeN end return station end end p station makeInvokeFunction station function p style args frame local style args 1 or args style local system args 2 or args system local line args 3 or args line local station args 4 or args station local result local data args data local default background color efefef Default background color for Infobox station if system or data then data data or getData system true end if data then local function getValue var if type var table then var var line or var 1 if type var table then var var station or var 1 end end if var then return var end end if style header then local tmp data name format and getValue data name format if tmp then table insert result tmp end elseif style subheader then local tmp data header background color and getValue data header background color if tmp then table insert result background color tmp local color data header text color and getValue data header text color if color then table insert result color color else local greatercontrast require Module Color contrast greatercontrast if greatercontrast tmp FFFFFF then table insert result color FFFFFF end end else table insert result default local color data header text color and getValue data header text color if color then table insert result color color end end end result table concat result elseif system then local title Template system style local titleObj mw title new title if titleObj and titleObj exists then local tmp if style header then tmp frame expandTemplate title title args name format line station if tmp then table insert result tmp end elseif style subheader then tmp frame expandTemplate title title args thbgcolor line station if tmp then table insert result background color tmp local color frame expandTemplate title title args thcolor line station if color then table insert result color color else local ratio require Module Color contrast ratio if ratio tmp 222222 lt 4 5 then table insert result color FFFFFF end 222222 is the default text color in Vector end else table insert result default tmp frame expandTemplate title title args thcolor line station if tmp then table insert result color tmp end end end result table concat result else if style subheader then result default else result end end else if style subheader then result default else result end end return result end function p style frame local args getArgs frame frameOnly true return p style args frame end function p convert frame local args frame args local code mw text split mw ustring gsub args 1 s s 1 s s s local system local group 0 local delete s rail true s rail next true s rail national true s start true s rail start true start true s end true end true local order line left right to left to right oneway left oneway right through left through right reverse reverse left reverse right note left note mid note right transfer circular use module subpage state not implemented local replace previous left next right type to left type2 to right branch type note note left notemid note mid note2 note right oneway1 oneway left oneway2 oneway right through1 through left through2 through right local remove rows local data for i v in ipairs code do code i mw ustring gsub code i n local template mw ustring lower mw text trim mw ustring match code i code i mw ustring match code i if template s line then data i local this system mw text trim mw ustring match code i s system s code i mw text split code i s s for m n in ipairs code i do local tmp mw text split n s s if tmp 3 then tmp 2 mw ustring gsub n s end tmp 1 replace tmp 1 or tmp 1 if tmp 2 then checks for matching brackets local curly select 2 mw ustring gsub tmp 2 select 2 mw ustring gsub tmp 2 local square select 2 mw ustring gsub tmp 2 select 2 mw ustring gsub tmp 2 if not curly 0 and square 0 then local count mw clone m 1 while not curly 0 and square 0 do tmp 2 tmp 2 code i count curly curly select 2 mw ustring gsub code i count select 2 mw ustring gsub code i count square square select 2 mw ustring gsub code i count select 2 mw ustring gsub code i count code i count count count 1 end end data i tmp 1 tmp 2 end end if this system system or not system then system this system data i system system else data i system nil end local last data i 1 or data i 2 or data i 3 if last then for r s in pairs hide1 left to left note left oneway left hide2 right to right note right oneway right hidemid type note mid do if data i r then for m n in ipairs s do if not data i n then data i n last n end end end end end code i local X local Y i group if data i system then table insert code i system table insert code i Y table insert code i data i system table insert code i n end for m n in ipairs order do if data i n then table insert code i X table insert code i n table insert code i Y table insert code i data i n end end code i table concat code i elseif template s note then code i mw ustring gsub code i s text s header i group code i mw ustring gsub code i s wide s elseif template s text then code i mw ustring gsub code i s text s note row i group elseif delete template then code i table insert remove rows 1 i at the start so that the rows are deleted in reverse order group group 1 end end for i v in ipairs remove rows do table remove code v end code table concat code n local t Adjacent stations n system mw ustring match code system d code mw ustring gsub code n n n if tonumber system gt 1 then If s line isn t the first template then the system will have to be moved to the top system mw ustring match code system d n code mw ustring gsub code system d code n system1 system code elseif not mw ustring match code 2 then If there s only one parameter group then there s no need to have line breaks code mw ustring gsub code n code mw ustring gsub code 1 1 t 2 if not mw ustring match code then code mw ustring gsub code code mw ustring gsub code end end if not mw ustring match code then code mw ustring gsub code code mw ustring gsub code code mw ustring gsub code n n code mw ustring gsub code n n end return t 1 code t 2 end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Adjacent stations amp oldid 9269760, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม