
มอดูล:Bar box

local getArgs = require('มอดูล:Arguments').getArgs local yesno = require('มอดูล:Yesno')  local function is(v)  return (v or '') ~= '' end  local function widths(w,d)  local width = is(w) and w or d  if tonumber(width) then width = width .. 'px' end  return width end  local p = {}  function p._box(args)  local width = widths(args.width,'auto')   local class = 'barbox'  if args.float == 'left' or args.float == 'right' or args.float == 'none' then  class = 'barbox t' .. args.float  elseif args.float == 'center' then  class = 'barbox tnone'  end   local output = {}   output[1] = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = {src='Module:Bar box/styles.css'} }   output[2] = is(args.css) and (mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = {src=args.css} }) or ''   if (args.float == 'left') or (args.float == 'right') then  output[3], output[15] = '', ''  else  output[3] =  '<table style="margin:' .. ( (args.float == 'center') and '0 auto' or '0' ) .. '; border:none;">' ..  '<tr>' ..  '<td style="border:none; padding:0;">'  output[15] = '</td>' ..  '</tr>' ..  '</table>' ..  '[[Category:Pages using bar box without float left or float right|' .. ( (width == 'auto') and 'Ω' or '' ) .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text .. ']]'  end   output[4] =  '<div class="' .. class .. '" style="overflow-x: auto;' .. (args.style or '') .. '">\n' ..  '<div style="border:' .. (args.border_width or '1') .. 'px solid silver; font-size:88%; padding:0.4em; width:' .. width .. '; background: ' .. (args['background-color'] or 'white') .. ';">\n' ..  '<table style="text-align:left; border-collapse:collapse; width:100%;">\n'  output[5] = ( is(args.title) and (  '<tr style="background:' .. (args.titlebar or 'none') .. '">' ..  '<th style="text-align:center;" colspan="5">' .. args.title .. '</th>' ..  '</tr>\n') or '')  output[6] =  '<tr style="font-size:88%; height:4px;">\n'  output[7] =  '<td ' .. (args.left2 and '' or 'colspan="2"') .. ' style="padding:0 4px; text-align:left;">' ..  (args.left1 or '') ..  '</td>\n'  output[8] = ( is(args.left2) and (  '<td style="padding:0 4px; text-align:right;">' .. args.left2 .. '</td>\n') or '')  output[9] =  '<td style="width:' .. widths(args.barwidth,'100px') .. '; text-align:left;"></td>\n' ..  '<td ' .. (args.right2 and '' or 'colspan="2"') .. ' style="padding:0 4px; width:1em; text-align:right;">' ..  (args.right1 or '') ..  '</td>\n'  output[10] = ( is(args.right2) and (  '<td style="padding:0 4px; text-align:right;">' .. args.right2 .. '</td>\n') or '')  output[11] =  '</tr>\n'  output[12] =  args.bars or ''  output[13] = ( is(args.caption) and (  '<tr><td colspan="5" style="padding:5px; text-align:left;">' ..  args.caption ..  '</td></tr>\n') or '')  output[14] =  '</table>\n</div>\n</div>\n'  -- output[15] defined above   return table.concat(output) end  function p._percent(args)  local output = {}  local background = is(args.bg) and ('background:' .. args.bg .. ';') or ''  local percentage = ( is(args[3]) and args[3] or '0' ) .. '%'  local rowStyle = is(args.rowstyle) and (' style="' .. args.rowstyle .. '"') or ''   output[1] = '<tr' .. rowStyle .. '>\n'  output[2] = '<td colspan="2" class="bb-4em" style="min-width:8em;' .. background .. '">' .. (args[1] or '') .. '</td>\n'  output[3] = '<td class="bb-lr" style="width:' .. widths(args.barwidth,'100px') .. ';' .. background .. '">'  output[4] = '<div style="background:' .. ( is(args[2]) and args[2] or 'gray' ) .. ';width:' .. percentage .. ';overflow:hidden;">&thinsp;</div>'  output[5] = '</td>\n'  output[6] = '<td colspan="' .. ( is(args.note) and '1' or '2' ) .. '" class="bb-4emr" style="' .. background .. '">' .. ( is(args[4]) and args[4] or percentage ) .. '</td>\n'  output[7] = ( is(args.note) and ('<td class=bb-4emr" style="' .. background .. '">' .. args.note .. '</td>\n') or '' )  output[8] = '</tr>'   return table.concat(output) end  function p._pixel(args)  local output = {}  local background = ( is(args[2]) and args[2] or 'gray' )  local width = ( is(args[3]) and args[3] or '0' )  local note = ( is(args.note) and '1' or '2' )  local rowStyle = is(args.rowstyle) and (' style="' .. args.rowstyle .. '"') or ''   output[1] =  '<tr' .. rowStyle .. '>\n'  output[2] =  '<td colspan="2" class="bb-4em">' .. (args[1] or '') .. '</td>\n'  output[3] =  '<td class-"bb-lr">' ..  '<div style="background:' .. background .. '; width:' .. width .. 'px; overflow:hidden">' ..  '&emsp;' ..  '</div>' ..  '</td>\n'  output[4] =  '<td colspan="' .. note .. '" class="bb-min3">' ..  ( is(args[5]) and args[5] or (width .. (args[4] or '')) ) ..  '</td>\n'  output[5] = ( is(args.note) and (  '<td class="bb-4emr">' ..  args.note ..  '</td>\n') or '' )  output[6] =  '</tr>'   return table.concat(output) end  function p._stacked(args)  local function _align(n, default)  if (args.align or '') ~= '' then  local a = mw.ustring.sub(args.align,n,n)  if a == 'l' then  return 'left'  elseif a == 'c' then  return 'center'  elseif a == 'r' then  return 'right'  elseif a == 'd' then  return default  end  end   return default  end   local output = {}   local rowStyle = is(args.rowstyle) and (' style="' .. args.rowstyle .. '"') or ''  output[1] = ( is(args.id) and (  '<tr class="mw-collapsible' .. ( yesno(args.collapsed) and ' mw-collapsed' or '') ..  '" id="mw-customcollapsible-' .. args.id .. '"' .. rowStyle .. '>\n') or ('<tr' .. rowStyle .. '>\n') )  output[2] =  '<td ' .. (args.note1 and '' or 'colspan="2" ') ..  'style="text-align:' .. _align(1,'left') .. '" class="bb-04em">' ..  mw.text.trim(args[1] or '') ..  '</td>\n'  output[3] = ( is(args.note1) and (  '<td style="text-align:' .. _align(2,'right') .. '" class="bb-04em">' ..  args.note1 ..  '</td>\n') or '')  output[4] =  '<td class="bb-lr">\n'   local maxn = 4  for k in pairs(args) do  local kn = tonumber(k) or 0  if kn > maxn then maxn = kn end  end   for i=1,(( maxn - 2 )/2),1 do  local width = ( mw.text.trim(args[(2*i) + 2] or 0) )  width = (is(width) and width or 0)  width = tonumber( mw.ustring.format("%.2f", width) )  if width == 0 then  output[i+4] = ''  else  local title = ( (args['title' .. i] or '') ~= '' ) and ( ' title=' .. args['title' .. i] ) or ''  local background = ( (args[(2*i) + 1] or '') ~= '' ) and args[(2*i) + 1] or 'gray'   output[i+4] =  '<div' .. title .. ' style="background:' .. background .. ';width:' .. width .. 'px" class="bb-fl">' ..  '&#8203;' ..  '</div>\n'  end  end   output[#output+1] =  '</td>\n'  output[#output+1] =  '<td ' .. (args.note2 and '' or 'colspan="2" ') ..  'style="text-align:' .. _align(3,'left') .. '" class="bb-04em">' ..  mw.text.trim(args[2] or '') ..  '</td>\n'  output[#output+1] = ( is(args.note2) and (  '<td style="text-align:' .. _align(4,'right') .. '" class="bb-04em">' ..  args.note2 ..  '</td>\n') or '')  output[#output+1] =  '</tr>\n'   return table.concat(output) end  function p._gap(args)  local output = {}  local rowStyle = is(args.rowstyle) and (' style="' .. args.rowstyle .. '"') or ''  local height = '10px'  if (args.height or '') ~= '' then  height = (tonumber(args.height) and (args.height .. 'px') or args.height)  end   output[1] =  '<tr' .. rowStyle .. '>\n'  output[2] =  '<td colspan="5" style="height:'.. height .. '">' .. (args[1] or '') .. '</td>\n'  output[3] =  '</tr>\n'   return table.concat(output) end  function p.box(frame)  local args = getArgs(frame, {  valueFunc = function (key, value)  if value then  value = mw.text.trim(value)  if (key == 'width') or (key == 'float') then  value = mw.ustring.lower(value)  end  if value ~= '' then  return value  end  end  return nil  end  })  return p._box(args) end  function p.percent(frame)  local args = getArgs(frame, {  valueFunc = function (key, value)  if value then  value = mw.text.trim(value)  if value ~= '' then  return value  end  end  return nil  end  })  return p._percent(args) end  function p.pixel(frame)  local args = getArgs(frame, {  valueFunc = function (key, value)  if value then  value = mw.text.trim(value)  if value ~= '' then  return value  end  end  return nil  end  })  return p._pixel(args) end  function p.gap(frame)  local args = getArgs(frame, {  valueFunc = function (key, value)  if value then  value = mw.text.trim(value)  if value ~= '' then  return value  end  end  return nil  end  })  return p._gap(args) end  function p.stacked(frame)  local args = getArgs(frame, {  valueFunc = function (key, value)  if value then  value = mw.text.trim(value)  if (key == 'collapsed') or (key == 'align') then  value = mw.ustring.lower(value)  end  if value ~= '' then  return value  end  end  return nil  end  })  return p._stacked(args) end  return p 

มอด, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, local, getargs, require, มอด, arguments, get. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulnilocal getArgs require mxdul Arguments getArgs local yesno require mxdul Yesno local function is v return v or end local function widths w d local width is w and w or d if tonumber width then width width px end return width end local p function p box args local width widths args width auto local class barbox if args float left or args float right or args float none then class barbox t args float elseif args float center then class barbox tnone end local output output 1 mw getCurrentFrame extensionTag name templatestyles args src Module Bar box styles css output 2 is args css and mw getCurrentFrame extensionTag name templatestyles args src args css or if args float left or args float right then output 3 output 15 else output 3 lt table style margin args float center and 0 auto or 0 border none gt lt tr gt lt td style border none padding 0 gt output 15 lt td gt lt tr gt lt table gt Category Pages using bar box without float left or float right width auto and W or mw title getCurrentTitle text end output 4 lt div class class style overflow x auto args style or gt n lt div style border args border width or 1 px solid silver font size 88 padding 0 4em width width background args background color or white gt n lt table style text align left border collapse collapse width 100 gt n output 5 is args title and lt tr style background args titlebar or none gt lt th style text align center colspan 5 gt args title lt th gt lt tr gt n or output 6 lt tr style font size 88 height 4px gt n output 7 lt td args left2 and or colspan 2 style padding 0 4px text align left gt args left1 or lt td gt n output 8 is args left2 and lt td style padding 0 4px text align right gt args left2 lt td gt n or output 9 lt td style width widths args barwidth 100px text align left gt lt td gt n lt td args right2 and or colspan 2 style padding 0 4px width 1em text align right gt args right1 or lt td gt n output 10 is args right2 and lt td style padding 0 4px text align right gt args right2 lt td gt n or output 11 lt tr gt n output 12 args bars or output 13 is args caption and lt tr gt lt td colspan 5 style padding 5px text align left gt args caption lt td gt lt tr gt n or output 14 lt table gt n lt div gt n lt div gt n output 15 defined above return table concat output end function p percent args local output local background is args bg and background args bg or local percentage is args 3 and args 3 or 0 local rowStyle is args rowstyle and style args rowstyle or output 1 lt tr rowStyle gt n output 2 lt td colspan 2 class bb 4em style min width 8em background gt args 1 or lt td gt n output 3 lt td class bb lr style width widths args barwidth 100px background gt output 4 lt div style background is args 2 and args 2 or gray width percentage overflow hidden gt amp thinsp lt div gt output 5 lt td gt n output 6 lt td colspan is args note and 1 or 2 class bb 4emr style background gt is args 4 and args 4 or percentage lt td gt n output 7 is args note and lt td class bb 4emr style background gt args note lt td gt n or output 8 lt tr gt return table concat output end function p pixel args local output local background is args 2 and args 2 or gray local width is args 3 and args 3 or 0 local note is args note and 1 or 2 local rowStyle is args rowstyle and style args rowstyle or output 1 lt tr rowStyle gt n output 2 lt td colspan 2 class bb 4em gt args 1 or lt td gt n output 3 lt td class bb lr gt lt div style background background width width px overflow hidden gt amp emsp lt div gt lt td gt n output 4 lt td colspan note class bb min3 gt is args 5 and args 5 or width args 4 or lt td gt n output 5 is args note and lt td class bb 4emr gt args note lt td gt n or output 6 lt tr gt return table concat output end function p stacked args local function align n default if args align or then local a mw ustring sub args align n n if a l then return left elseif a c then return center elseif a r then return right elseif a d then return default end end return default end local output local rowStyle is args rowstyle and style args rowstyle or output 1 is args id and lt tr class mw collapsible yesno args collapsed and mw collapsed or id mw customcollapsible args id rowStyle gt n or lt tr rowStyle gt n output 2 lt td args note1 and or colspan 2 style text align align 1 left class bb 04em gt mw text trim args 1 or lt td gt n output 3 is args note1 and lt td style text align align 2 right class bb 04em gt args note1 lt td gt n or output 4 lt td class bb lr gt n local maxn 4 for k in pairs args do local kn tonumber k or 0 if kn gt maxn then maxn kn end end for i 1 maxn 2 2 1 do local width mw text trim args 2 i 2 or 0 width is width and width or 0 width tonumber mw ustring format 2f width if width 0 then output i 4 else local title args title i or and title args title i or local background args 2 i 1 or and args 2 i 1 or gray output i 4 lt div title style background background width width px class bb fl gt amp 8203 lt div gt n end end output output 1 lt td gt n output output 1 lt td args note2 and or colspan 2 style text align align 3 left class bb 04em gt mw text trim args 2 or lt td gt n output output 1 is args note2 and lt td style text align align 4 right class bb 04em gt args note2 lt td gt n or output output 1 lt tr gt n return table concat output end function p gap args local output local rowStyle is args rowstyle and style args rowstyle or local height 10px if args height or then height tonumber args height and args height px or args height end output 1 lt tr rowStyle gt n output 2 lt td colspan 5 style height height gt args 1 or lt td gt n output 3 lt tr gt n return table concat output end function p box frame local args getArgs frame valueFunc function key value if value then value mw text trim value if key width or key float then value mw ustring lower value end if value then return value end end return nil end return p box args end function p percent frame local args getArgs frame valueFunc function key value if value then value mw text trim value if value then return value end end return nil end return p percent args end function p pixel frame local args getArgs frame valueFunc function key value if value then value mw text trim value if value then return value end end return nil end return p pixel args end function p gap frame local args getArgs frame valueFunc function key value if value then value mw text trim value if value then return value end end return nil end return p gap args end function p stacked frame local args getArgs frame valueFunc function key value if value then value mw text trim value if key collapsed or key align then value mw ustring lower value end if value then return value end end return nil end return p stacked args end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Bar box amp oldid 9342822, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม