

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs  local p = {} ---------- Config data ---------- local namedColours = mw.loadData( 'Module:Box-header/colours' ) local modes = {  lightest = { sat=0.10, val=1.00 },  light = { sat=0.15, val=0.95 },  normal = { sat=0.40, val=0.85 },  dark = { sat=0.90, val=0.70 },  darkest = { sat=1.00, val=0.45 },  content = { sat=0.04, val=1.00 },  grey = { sat=0.00 } } local min_contrast_ratio_normal_text = 7 -- i.e 7:1 local min_contrast_ratio_large_text = 4.5 -- i.e. 4.5:1  -- Template parameter aliases -- Specify each as either a single value, or a table of values -- Aliases are checked left-to-right, i.e. `['one'] = { 'two', 'three' }` is equivalent to using `{{{one| {{{two| {{{three|}}} }}} }}}` in a template local parameterAliases = {  ['1'] = 1,  ['2'] = 2,  ['colour'] = 'color' }  ---------- Dependecies ---------- local colourContrastModule = require('Module:Color contrast') local hex = require( 'luabit.hex' )  ---------- Utility functions ---------- local function getParam(args, parameter)  if args[parameter] then  return args[parameter]  end  local aliases = parameterAliases[parameter]  if not aliases then  return nil  end  if type(aliases) ~= 'table' then  return args[aliases]  end  for _, alias in ipairs(aliases) do  if args[alias] then  return args[alias]  end  end  return nil end  local function setCleanArgs(argsTable)  local cleanArgs = {}  for key, val in pairs(argsTable) do  if type(val) == 'string' then  val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')  if val ~= '' then  cleanArgs[key] = val  end  else  cleanArgs[key] = val  end  end  return cleanArgs end  -- Merge two tables into a new table. If the are any duplicate keys, the values from the second overwrite the values from the first. local function mergeTables(first, second)  local merged = {}  for key, val in pairs(first) do  merged[key] = val  end  for key, val in pairs(second) do  merged[key] = val  end  return merged end  local function toOpenTagString(selfClosedHtmlObject)  local closedTagString = tostring(selfClosedHtmlObject)  local openTagString = mw.ustring.gsub(closedTagString, ' />$', '>')  return openTagString end  local function normaliseHexTriplet(hexString)  if not hexString then return nil end  local hexComponent = mw.ustring.match(hexString, '^#(%x%x%x)$') or mw.ustring.match(hexString, '^#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)$')  if hexComponent and #hexComponent == 6 then  return mw.ustring.upper(hexString)  end  if hexComponent and #hexComponent == 3 then  local r = mw.ustring.rep(mw.ustring.sub(hexComponent, 1, 1), 2)  local g = mw.ustring.rep(mw.ustring.sub(hexComponent, 2, 2), 2)  local b = mw.ustring.rep(mw.ustring.sub(hexComponent, 3, 3), 2)  return '#' .. mw.ustring.upper(r .. g .. b)  end  return nil end  ---------- Conversions ---------- local function decimalToPaddedHex(number)  local prefixedHex = hex.to_hex(tonumber(number)) -- prefixed with '0x'  local padding = #prefixedHex == 3 and '0' or ''  return mw.ustring.gsub(prefixedHex, '0x', padding) end local function hexToDecimal(hexNumber)  return tonumber(hexNumber, 16) end local function RGBtoHexTriplet(R, G, B)  return '#' .. decimalToPaddedHex(R) .. decimalToPaddedHex(G) .. decimalToPaddedHex(B) end local function hexTripletToRGB(hexTriplet)  local R_hex, G_hex, B_hex = string.match(hexTriplet, '(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)')  return hexToDecimal(R_hex), hexToDecimal(G_hex), hexToDecimal(B_hex) end local function HSVtoRGB(H, S, V) -- per [[HSL and HSV#Converting_to_RGB]]  local C = V * S  local H_prime = H / 60  local X = C * ( 1 - math.abs(math.fmod(H_prime, 2) - 1) )  local R1, G1, B1  if H_prime <= 1 then  R1 = C  G1 = X  B1 = 0  elseif H_prime <= 2 then  R1 = X  G1 = C  B1 = 0  elseif H_prime <= 3 then  R1 = 0  G1 = C  B1 = X  elseif H_prime <= 4 then  R1 = 0  G1 = X  B1 = C  elseif H_prime <= 5 then  R1 = X  G1 = 0  B1 = C  elseif H_prime <= 6 then  R1 = C  G1 = 0  B1 = X  end  local m = V - C  local R = R1 + m  local G = G1 + m  local B = B1 + m   local R_255 = math.floor(R*255)  local G_255 = math.floor(G*255)  local B_255 = math.floor(B*255)  return R_255, G_255, B_255 end local function RGBtoHue(R_255, G_255, B_255) -- per [[HSL and HSV#Hue and chroma]]  local R = R_255/255  local G = G_255/255  local B = B_255/255   local M = math.max(R, G, B)  local m = math.min(R, G, B)  local C = M - m  local H_prime  if C == 0 then  return null  elseif M == R then  H_prime = math.fmod(((G - B)/C + 6), 6) -- adding six before taking mod ensures positive value  elseif M == G then  H_prime = (B - R)/C + 2  elseif M == B then  H_prime = (R - G)/C + 4  end  local H = 60 * H_prime  return H end local function nameToHexTriplet(name)  if not name then return nil end  local codename = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.lower(name), ' ', '')  return namedColours[codename] end  ---------- Choose colours ---------- local function calculateColours(H, S, V, minContrast)  local bgColour = RGBtoHexTriplet(HSVtoRGB(H, S, V))  local textColour = colourContrastModule._greatercontrast({bgColour})  local contrast = colourContrastModule._ratio({ bgColour, textColour })  if contrast >= minContrast then  return bgColour, textColour  elseif textColour == '#FFFFFF' then  -- make the background darker and slightly increase the saturation  return calculateColours(H, math.min(1, S+0.005), math.max(0, V-0.03), minContrast)  else  -- make the background lighter and slightly decrease the saturation  return calculateColours(H, math.max(0, S-0.005), math.min(1, V+0.03), minContrast)  end end  local function makeColours(hue, modeName)  local mode = modes[modeName]  local isGrey = not(hue)  if isGrey then hue = 0 end   local borderSat = isGrey and modes.grey.sat or 0.15  local border = RGBtoHexTriplet(HSVtoRGB(hue, borderSat, 0.75))   local titleSat = isGrey and modes.grey.sat or mode.sat  local titleBackground, titleForeground = calculateColours(hue, titleSat, mode.val, min_contrast_ratio_large_text)   local contentSat = isGrey and modes.grey.sat or modes.content.sat  local contentBackground, contentForeground = calculateColours(hue, contentSat, modes.content.val, min_contrast_ratio_normal_text)   return border, titleForeground, titleBackground, contentForeground, contentBackground end  local function findHue(colour)  local colourAsNumber = tonumber(colour)  if colourAsNumber and ( -1 < colourAsNumber ) and ( colourAsNumber < 360) then  return colourAsNumber  end   local colourAsHexTriplet = normaliseHexTriplet(colour) or nameToHexTriplet(colour)  if colourAsHexTriplet then  return RGBtoHue(hexTripletToRGB(colourAsHexTriplet))  end   return null end  local function normaliseMode(mode)  if not mode or not modes[mw.ustring.lower(mode)] or mw.ustring.lower(mode) == 'grey' then  return 'normal'  end  return mw.ustring.lower(mode) end ---------- Build output ---------- local function boxHeaderOuter(args)  local baseStyle = {  clear = 'both',  ['box-sizing'] = 'border-box',  border = ( getParam(args, 'border-type') or 'solid' ) .. ' ' .. ( getParam(args, 'titleborder') or getParam(args, 'border') or '#ababab' ),  background = getParam(args, 'titlebackground') or '#bcbcbc',  color = getParam(args, 'titleforeground') or '#000',  padding = getParam(args, 'padding') or '.1em',  ['text-align'] = getParam(args, 'title-align') or 'center',  ['font-family'] = getParam(args, 'font-family') or 'sans-serif',  ['font-size'] = getParam(args, 'titlefont-size') or '100%',  ['margin-bottom'] = '0px',  }    local tag = mw.html.create('div', {selfClosing = true})  :addClass('box-header-title-container')  :addClass('flex-columns-noflex')  :css(baseStyle)  :css('border-width', ( getParam(args, 'border-top') or getParam(args, 'border-width') or '1' ) .. 'px ' .. ( getParam(args, 'border-width') or '1' ) .. 'px 0')  :css('padding-top', getParam(args, 'padding-top') or '.1em')  :css('padding-left', getParam(args, 'padding-left') or '.1em')  :css('padding-right', getParam(args, 'padding-right') or '.1em')  :css('padding-bottom', getParam(args, 'padding-bottom') or '.1em')  :css('moz-border-radius', getParam(args, 'title-border-radius') or '0')  :css('webkit-border-radius', getParam(args, 'title-border-radius') or '0')  :css('border-radius', getParam(args, 'title-border-radius') or '0')  return toOpenTagString(tag) end  local function boxHeaderTopLinks(args)  local style = {  float = 'right',  ['margin-bottom'] = '.1em',  ['font-size'] = getParam(args, 'font-size') or '80%',  color = getParam(args, 'titleforeground') or '#000'  }  local tag = mw.html.create('div', {selfClosing = true})  :addClass('plainlinks noprint' )  :css(style)  return toOpenTagString(tag) end  local function boxHeaderEditLink(args)  local page = getParam(args, 'editpage')  if not page or page == '{{{2}}}'  then  return ''  end  local style = {  color = getParam(args, 'titleforeground') or '#000'  }  local tag = mw.html.create('span')  :css(style)  :wikitext('แก้ไข')  local linktext = tostring(tag)  local linktarget = tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl(page, {action='edit', section=getParam(args, 'section')}))  return '[' .. linktarget .. ' ' .. linktext .. ']&nbsp;' end  local function boxHeaderViewLink(args)  local style = {  color = getParam(args, 'titleforeground') or '#000'  }  local tag = mw.html.create('span')  :css(style)  :wikitext('view')  local linktext = tostring(tag)  local linktarget = ':' .. getParam(args, 'viewpage')  return "<b>·</b>&nbsp;[[" .. linktarget .. '|' .. linktext .. ']]&nbsp;' end  local function boxHeaderTitle(args)  local baseStyle = {  ['font-family'] = getParam(args, 'title-font-family') or 'sans-serif',  ['font-size'] = getParam(args, 'title-font-size') or '100%',  ['font-weight'] = getParam(args, 'title-font-weight') or 'bold',  border = 'none',  margin = '0',  padding = '0',  color = getParam(args, 'titleforeground') or '#000';  }  local tagName = getParam(args, 'SPAN') and 'span' or 'h2'  local tag = mw.html.create(tagName)  :css(baseStyle)  :css('padding-bottom', '.1em')  :wikitext(getParam(args, 'title'))  if getParam(args, 'extra') then  local rules = mw.text.split(getParam(args, 'extra'), ';', true)  for _, rule in pairs(rules) do  local parts = mw.text.split(rule, ':', true)  local prop = parts[1]  local val = parts[2]  if prop and val then  tag:css(prop, val)  end  end  end  return tostring(tag) end  local function boxBody(args)  local baseStyle = {  ['box-sizing'] = 'border-box',  border = ( getParam(args, 'border-width') or '1' ) .. 'px solid ' .. ( getParam(args, 'border') or '#ababab'),  ['vertical-align'] = 'top';  background = getParam(args, 'background') or '#fefeef',  opacity = getParam(args, 'background-opacity') or '1',  color = getParam(args, 'foreground') or '#000',  ['text-align'] = getParam(args, 'text-align') or 'left',  margin = '0 0 10px',  padding = getParam(args, 'padding') or '1em',  }  local tag = mw.html.create('div', {selfClosing = true})  :css(baseStyle)  :css('border-top-width', ( getParam(args, 'border-top') or '1' ) .. 'px')  :css('padding-top', getParam(args, 'padding-top') or '.3em')  :css('border-radius', getParam(args, 'border-radius') or '0')  return toOpenTagString(tag) end  local function contrastCategories(args)  local cats = ''   local titleText = nameToHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'titleforeground')) or normaliseHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'titleforeground')) or '#000000'  local titleBackground = nameToHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'titlebackground')) or normaliseHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'titlebackground')) or '#bcbcbc'  local titleContrast = colourContrastModule._ratio({titleBackground, titleText})  local insufficientTitleContrast = type(titleContrast) == 'number' and ( titleContrast < min_contrast_ratio_large_text )   local bodyText = nameToHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'foreground')) or normaliseHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'foreground')) or '#000000'  local bodyBackground = nameToHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'background')) or normaliseHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'background')) or '#fefeef'  local bodyContrast = colourContrastModule._ratio({bodyBackground, bodyText})  local insufficientBodyContrast = type(bodyContrast) == 'number' and ( bodyContrast < min_contrast_ratio_normal_text )   if insufficientTitleContrast and insufficientBodyContrast then  return '[[Category:Box-header with insufficient title contrast]][[Category:Box-header with insufficient body contrast]]'  elseif insufficientTitleContrast then  return '[[Category:Box-header with insufficient title contrast]]'  elseif insufficientBodyContrast then  return '[[Category:Box-header with insufficient body contrast]]'  else  return ''  end end  ---------- Main functions / entry points ----------  -- Entry point for templates (manually-specified colours) function p.boxHeader(frame)  local args = getArgs(frame)  local page = args.editpage  if not args.editpage or args.editpage == '' then  page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText  end  local output = p._boxHeader(args, page)  if mw.ustring.find(output, '{') then  return frame:preprocess(output)  end  return output end  -- Entry point for modules (manually-specified colours) function p._boxHeader(_args, page)  local args = setCleanArgs(_args)  if page and not args.editpage then  args.editpage = page  end  if not args.title then  args.title = '{{{title}}}'  end  local output = {}  table.insert(output, boxHeaderOuter(args))  if not getParam(args, 'EDITLINK') then  table.insert(output, boxHeaderTopLinks(args))  if not getParam(args, 'noedit') then  table.insert(output, boxHeaderEditLink(args))  end  if getParam(args, 'viewpage') then  table.insert(output, boxHeaderViewLink(args))  end  if getParam(args, 'top') then  table.insert(output, getParam(args, 'top') .. '&nbsp;')  end  table.insert(output, '</div>')  end  table.insert(output, boxHeaderTitle(args))  table.insert(output, '</div>')  table.insert(output, boxBody(args))  if not getParam(args, 'TOC') then  table.insert(output, '__NOTOC__')  end  if not getParam(args, 'EDIT') then  table.insert(output, '__NOEDITSECTION__')  end  table.insert(output, contrastCategories(args))   return table.concat(output) end  -- Entry point for templates (automatically calculated colours) function p.autoColour(frame)  local args = getArgs(frame)  local colourParam = getParam(args, 'colour')  local generatedColour = nil  if not colourParam or colourParam == '' then  -- convert the root page name into a number and use that  local root = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().rootPageTitle.prefixedText  local rootStart = mw.ustring.sub(root, 1, 12)  local digitsFromRootStart = mw.ustring.gsub(rootStart, ".", function(s) return math.fmod(string.byte(s, 2) or string.byte(s, 1), 10) end)  local numberFromRoot = tonumber(digitsFromRootStart, 10)  generatedColour = math.fmod(numberFromRoot, 360)  end  local output = p._autoColour(args, generatedColour)  if mw.ustring.find(output, '{') then  return frame:preprocess(output)  end  return output end  -- Entry point for modules (automatically calculated colours) function p._autoColour(_args, generatedColour)  local args = setCleanArgs(_args)  local hue = generatedColour or findHue(getParam(args, 'colour'))  local mode = normaliseMode(getParam(args, 'mode'))  local border, titleForeground, titleBackground, contentForeground, contentBackground = makeColours(hue, mode)  local boxTemplateArgs = mergeTables(args, {  title = getParam(args, '1') or '{{{1}}}',  editpage = getParam(args, '2') or '',  noedit = getParam(args, '2') and '' or 'yes',  border = border,  titleforeground = titleForeground,  titlebackground = titleBackground,  foreground = contentForeground,  background = contentBackground  })  return p._boxHeader(boxTemplateArgs) end  return p 

มอด, header, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, local, getargs, require, module, arg. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulnilocal getArgs require Module Arguments getArgs local p Config data local namedColours mw loadData Module Box header colours local modes lightest sat 0 10 val 1 00 light sat 0 15 val 0 95 normal sat 0 40 val 0 85 dark sat 0 90 val 0 70 darkest sat 1 00 val 0 45 content sat 0 04 val 1 00 grey sat 0 00 local min contrast ratio normal text 7 i e 7 1 local min contrast ratio large text 4 5 i e 4 5 1 Template parameter aliases Specify each as either a single value or a table of values Aliases are checked left to right i e one two three is equivalent to using one two three in a template local parameterAliases 1 1 2 2 colour color Dependecies local colourContrastModule require Module Color contrast local hex require luabit hex Utility functions local function getParam args parameter if args parameter then return args parameter end local aliases parameterAliases parameter if not aliases then return nil end if type aliases table then return args aliases end for alias in ipairs aliases do if args alias then return args alias end end return nil end local function setCleanArgs argsTable local cleanArgs for key val in pairs argsTable do if type val string then val val match s s if val then cleanArgs key val end else cleanArgs key val end end return cleanArgs end Merge two tables into a new table If the are any duplicate keys the values from the second overwrite the values from the first local function mergeTables first second local merged for key val in pairs first do merged key val end for key val in pairs second do merged key val end return merged end local function toOpenTagString selfClosedHtmlObject local closedTagString tostring selfClosedHtmlObject local openTagString mw ustring gsub closedTagString gt gt return openTagString end local function normaliseHexTriplet hexString if not hexString then return nil end local hexComponent mw ustring match hexString x x x or mw ustring match hexString x x x x x x if hexComponent and hexComponent 6 then return mw ustring upper hexString end if hexComponent and hexComponent 3 then local r mw ustring rep mw ustring sub hexComponent 1 1 2 local g mw ustring rep mw ustring sub hexComponent 2 2 2 local b mw ustring rep mw ustring sub hexComponent 3 3 2 return mw ustring upper r g b end return nil end Conversions local function decimalToPaddedHex number local prefixedHex hex to hex tonumber number prefixed with 0x local padding prefixedHex 3 and 0 or return mw ustring gsub prefixedHex 0x padding end local function hexToDecimal hexNumber return tonumber hexNumber 16 end local function RGBtoHexTriplet R G B return decimalToPaddedHex R decimalToPaddedHex G decimalToPaddedHex B end local function hexTripletToRGB hexTriplet local R hex G hex B hex string match hexTriplet x x x x x x return hexToDecimal R hex hexToDecimal G hex hexToDecimal B hex end local function HSVtoRGB H S V per HSL and HSV Converting to RGB local C V S local H prime H 60 local X C 1 math abs math fmod H prime 2 1 local R1 G1 B1 if H prime lt 1 then R1 C G1 X B1 0 elseif H prime lt 2 then R1 X G1 C B1 0 elseif H prime lt 3 then R1 0 G1 C B1 X elseif H prime lt 4 then R1 0 G1 X B1 C elseif H prime lt 5 then R1 X G1 0 B1 C elseif H prime lt 6 then R1 C G1 0 B1 X end local m V C local R R1 m local G G1 m local B B1 m local R 255 math floor R 255 local G 255 math floor G 255 local B 255 math floor B 255 return R 255 G 255 B 255 end local function RGBtoHue R 255 G 255 B 255 per HSL and HSV Hue and chroma local R R 255 255 local G G 255 255 local B B 255 255 local M math max R G B local m math min R G B local C M m local H prime if C 0 then return null elseif M R then H prime math fmod G B C 6 6 adding six before taking mod ensures positive value elseif M G then H prime B R C 2 elseif M B then H prime R G C 4 end local H 60 H prime return H end local function nameToHexTriplet name if not name then return nil end local codename mw ustring gsub mw ustring lower name return namedColours codename end Choose colours local function calculateColours H S V minContrast local bgColour RGBtoHexTriplet HSVtoRGB H S V local textColour colourContrastModule greatercontrast bgColour local contrast colourContrastModule ratio bgColour textColour if contrast gt minContrast then return bgColour textColour elseif textColour FFFFFF then make the background darker and slightly increase the saturation return calculateColours H math min 1 S 0 005 math max 0 V 0 03 minContrast else make the background lighter and slightly decrease the saturation return calculateColours H math max 0 S 0 005 math min 1 V 0 03 minContrast end end local function makeColours hue modeName local mode modes modeName local isGrey not hue if isGrey then hue 0 end local borderSat isGrey and modes grey sat or 0 15 local border RGBtoHexTriplet HSVtoRGB hue borderSat 0 75 local titleSat isGrey and modes grey sat or mode sat local titleBackground titleForeground calculateColours hue titleSat mode val min contrast ratio large text local contentSat isGrey and modes grey sat or modes content sat local contentBackground contentForeground calculateColours hue contentSat modes content val min contrast ratio normal text return border titleForeground titleBackground contentForeground contentBackground end local function findHue colour local colourAsNumber tonumber colour if colourAsNumber and 1 lt colourAsNumber and colourAsNumber lt 360 then return colourAsNumber end local colourAsHexTriplet normaliseHexTriplet colour or nameToHexTriplet colour if colourAsHexTriplet then return RGBtoHue hexTripletToRGB colourAsHexTriplet end return null end local function normaliseMode mode if not mode or not modes mw ustring lower mode or mw ustring lower mode grey then return normal end return mw ustring lower mode end Build output local function boxHeaderOuter args local baseStyle clear both box sizing border box border getParam args border type or solid getParam args titleborder or getParam args border or ababab background getParam args titlebackground or bcbcbc color getParam args titleforeground or 000 padding getParam args padding or 1em text align getParam args title align or center font family getParam args font family or sans serif font size getParam args titlefont size or 100 margin bottom 0px local tag mw html create div selfClosing true addClass box header title container addClass flex columns noflex css baseStyle css border width getParam args border top or getParam args border width or 1 px getParam args border width or 1 px 0 css padding top getParam args padding top or 1em css padding left getParam args padding left or 1em css padding right getParam args padding right or 1em css padding bottom getParam args padding bottom or 1em css moz border radius getParam args title border radius or 0 css webkit border radius getParam args title border radius or 0 css border radius getParam args title border radius or 0 return toOpenTagString tag end local function boxHeaderTopLinks args local style float right margin bottom 1em font size getParam args font size or 80 color getParam args titleforeground or 000 local tag mw html create div selfClosing true addClass plainlinks noprint css style return toOpenTagString tag end local function boxHeaderEditLink args local page getParam args editpage if not page or page 2 then return end local style color getParam args titleforeground or 000 local tag mw html create span css style wikitext aekikh local linktext tostring tag local linktarget tostring mw uri fullUrl page action edit section getParam args section return linktarget linktext amp nbsp end local function boxHeaderViewLink args local style color getParam args titleforeground or 000 local tag mw html create span css style wikitext view local linktext tostring tag local linktarget getParam args viewpage return lt b gt lt b gt amp nbsp linktarget linktext amp nbsp end local function boxHeaderTitle args local baseStyle font family getParam args title font family or sans serif font size getParam args title font size or 100 font weight getParam args title font weight or bold border none margin 0 padding 0 color getParam args titleforeground or 000 local tagName getParam args SPAN and span or h2 local tag mw html create tagName css baseStyle css padding bottom 1em wikitext getParam args title if getParam args extra then local rules mw text split getParam args extra true for rule in pairs rules do local parts mw text split rule true local prop parts 1 local val parts 2 if prop and val then tag css prop val end end end return tostring tag end local function boxBody args local baseStyle box sizing border box border getParam args border width or 1 px solid getParam args border or ababab vertical align top background getParam args background or fefeef opacity getParam args background opacity or 1 color getParam args foreground or 000 text align getParam args text align or left margin 0 0 10px padding getParam args padding or 1em local tag mw html create div selfClosing true css baseStyle css border top width getParam args border top or 1 px css padding top getParam args padding top or 3em css border radius getParam args border radius or 0 return toOpenTagString tag end local function contrastCategories args local cats local titleText nameToHexTriplet getParam args titleforeground or normaliseHexTriplet getParam args titleforeground or 000000 local titleBackground nameToHexTriplet getParam args titlebackground or normaliseHexTriplet getParam args titlebackground or bcbcbc local titleContrast colourContrastModule ratio titleBackground titleText local insufficientTitleContrast type titleContrast number and titleContrast lt min contrast ratio large text local bodyText nameToHexTriplet getParam args foreground or normaliseHexTriplet getParam args foreground or 000000 local bodyBackground nameToHexTriplet getParam args background or normaliseHexTriplet getParam args background or fefeef local bodyContrast colourContrastModule ratio bodyBackground bodyText local insufficientBodyContrast type bodyContrast number and bodyContrast lt min contrast ratio normal text if insufficientTitleContrast and insufficientBodyContrast then return Category Box header with insufficient title contrast Category Box header with insufficient body contrast elseif insufficientTitleContrast then return Category Box header with insufficient title contrast elseif insufficientBodyContrast then return Category Box header with insufficient body contrast else return end end Main functions entry points Entry point for templates manually specified colours function p boxHeader frame local args getArgs frame local page args editpage if not args editpage or args editpage then page mw title getCurrentTitle prefixedText end local output p boxHeader args page if mw ustring find output then return frame preprocess output end return output end Entry point for modules manually specified colours function p boxHeader args page local args setCleanArgs args if page and not args editpage then args editpage page end if not args title then args title title end local output table insert output boxHeaderOuter args if not getParam args EDITLINK then table insert output boxHeaderTopLinks args if not getParam args noedit then table insert output boxHeaderEditLink args end if getParam args viewpage then table insert output boxHeaderViewLink args end if getParam args top then table insert output getParam args top amp nbsp end table insert output lt div gt end table insert output boxHeaderTitle args table insert output lt div gt table insert output boxBody args if not getParam args TOC then table insert output NOTOC end if not getParam args EDIT then table insert output NOEDITSECTION end table insert output contrastCategories args return table concat output end Entry point for templates automatically calculated colours function p autoColour frame local args getArgs frame local colourParam getParam args colour local generatedColour nil if not colourParam or colourParam then convert the root page name into a number and use that local root mw title getCurrentTitle rootPageTitle prefixedText local rootStart mw ustring sub root 1 12 local digitsFromRootStart mw ustring gsub rootStart function s return math fmod string byte s 2 or string byte s 1 10 end local numberFromRoot tonumber digitsFromRootStart 10 generatedColour math fmod numberFromRoot 360 end local output p autoColour args generatedColour if mw ustring find output then return frame preprocess output end return output end Entry point for modules automatically calculated colours function p autoColour args generatedColour local args setCleanArgs args local hue generatedColour or findHue getParam args colour local mode normaliseMode getParam args mode local border titleForeground titleBackground contentForeground contentBackground makeColours hue mode local boxTemplateArgs mergeTables args title getParam args 1 or 1 editpage getParam args 2 or noedit getParam args 2 and or yes border border titleforeground titleForeground titlebackground titleBackground foreground contentForeground background contentBackground return p boxHeader boxTemplateArgs end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Box header amp oldid 10379774, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม