

-- Text used by Module:Convert, for th.wikipedia.org (Thai). -- ข้อความในมอดูลนี้ใช้โดยมอดูล:convert สำหรับวิกิพีเดียภาษาไทย -- หน้านี้เป็นมอดูลแยกสำหรับการจัดการการแปลภาษาสำหรับแสดงผล -- ดูที่ [[:en:Template:Convert/Transwiki guide]] สำหรับคู่มือ -- ของสิ่งที่จำเป็นในการปรับมอดูลให้เข้ากับท้องถิ่น  local translation_table = {  per_word = 'ต่อ', -- for units like "liters per kilometer"  plural_suffix = '', -- disable plural unit name. }   -- Some units accept an SI prefix before the unit code, such as "kg" for kilogram. local SIprefixes = {  -- The prefix field is what the prefix should be, if different from the prefix used.  ['Y'] = { exponent = 24, name = 'ยอตตะ', },  ['Z'] = { exponent = 21, name = 'เซตตะ', },  ['E'] = { exponent = 18, name = 'เอกซะ', },  ['P'] = { exponent = 15, name = 'เพตะ', },  ['T'] = { exponent = 12, name = 'เทระ', },  ['G'] = { exponent = 9, name = 'กิกะ', },  ['M'] = { exponent = 6, name = 'เมกะ', },  ['k'] = { exponent = 3, name = 'กิโล', },  ['ก'] = { exponent = 3, name = 'กิโล' , },  ['h'] = { exponent = 2, name = 'เฮกโต', },  ['da']= { exponent = 1, name = 'เดคา' , },  ['d'] = { exponent = -1, name = 'เดซิ' , },  ['c'] = { exponent = -2, name = 'เซนติ' , prefix = 'ซ' },  ['ซ'] = { exponent = -2, name = 'เซนติ' , },  ['m'] = { exponent = -3, name = 'มิลลิ' , },  ['ม'] = { exponent = -3, name = 'มิลลิ' , },  ['μ'] = { exponent = -6, name = 'ไมโคร', prefix = 'µ' }, -- key = 'GREEK SMALL LETTER MU' (U+03BC) utf-8 CE BC  ['µ'] = { exponent = -6, name = 'ไมโคร', }, -- key = 'MICRO SIGN' (U+00B5) utf-8 C2 B5  ['u'] = { exponent = -6, name = 'ไมโคร', prefix = 'µ' }, -- not an SI prefix, but allow for people typing this  ['n'] = { exponent = -9, name = 'นาโน' , },  ['p'] = { exponent =-12, name = 'พิโก' , },  ['f'] = { exponent =-15, name = 'เฟมโต', },  ['a'] = { exponent =-18, name = 'อัตโต' , },  ['z'] = { exponent =-21, name = 'เซปโต', },  ['y'] = { exponent =-24, name = 'ยอกโต', }, }  -- Some units can be qualified with one of the following prefixes, when linked. local customary_units = {  { "US", link = "United States customary units" },  { "U.S.", link = "United States customary units" },  { "imperial", link = "หน่วยวัดแบบอังกฤษ" },  { "imp", link = "หน่วยวัดแบบอังกฤษ" },  { "thai", link = "หน่วยวัดแบบไทย" }, }  -- Names when using engineering notation (a prefix of "eN" where N is a number; example "e6km"). -- key = { "name", link = "article title", exponent = numeric_key_value } -- If lk=on and link is defined, the name of the number will appear as a link. local eng_scales = {  ["3"] = { "พัน", exponent = 3 },  ["6"] = { "ล้าน", exponent = 6 },  ["9"] = { "พันล้าน", link = "1000000000", exponent = 9 },  ["12"] = { "ล้านล้าน", link = "1000000000000", exponent = 12 },  ["15"] = { "พันล้านล้าน", link = "1000000000000000", exponent = 15 }, }  -- One of the following categories is included in the text of each message. local all_categories = {  unit = "[[หมวดหมู่:การใช้หน่วยกับแม่แบบ Convert ที่ไม่ถูกต้อง]]",  option = "[[หมวดหมู่:การใช้แม่แบบ Convert ที่ใช้ตัวเลือกไม่ถูกต้อง]]", }  -- For some error messages, the following puts the wanted style around -- each unit code marked like '...%{ft%}...'. local unitcode_regex = '%%([{}])' local unitcode_replace = { ['{'] = '"', ['}'] = '"' } -- no longer need the more elaborate substitute used before 2013-09-28  -- All messages that may be displayed if a problem occurs. local all_messages = {  -- Message format string, %s parameters: anchor, title, text, category.  -- Each displayed message starts with "Convert:" so can easily locate by searching article.  cvt_format = '<sup class="noprint Inline-Template" style="white-space:nowrap;">[<i>[[Help:Convert messages#%s|<span title="Convert: %s">convert: %s</span>]]</i>]</sup>%s',  -- Each of following messages is a table:  -- { [1] = 'title', -- mouseover title text  -- [2] = 'text', -- link text displayed in article  -- [3] = 'category key', -- key to lookup category in all_categories  -- [4] = 'anchor', -- anchor for link to relevant section on help page  -- regex = gsub_regex,  -- replace = gsub_table,  -- } Mouseover title text Link text CatKey Anchor  cvt_bad_num = { 'ค่า "%s" ต้องเป็นตัวเลข' , 'invalid number' , 'option', 'invalid_number' },  cvt_big_prec = { 'Precision "%s" is too large' , 'precision too large' , 'option', 'precision_too_large' },  cvt_invalid_num = { 'Number has overflowed' , 'number overflow' , 'option', 'number_overflow' },  cvt_no_num = { 'Needs the number to be converted' , 'needs a number' , 'option', 'needs_number' },  cvt_no_num2 = { 'Needs another number for a range' , 'needs another number', 'option', 'needs_another_number' },  cvt_bad_frac = { 'frac "%s" must be an integer above 1' , 'invalid fraction' , 'option', 'invalid_fraction' },  cvt_bad_prec = { 'Precision "%s" must be an integer' , 'invalid precision' , 'option', 'invalid_precision' },  cvt_bad_sigfig = { 'sigfig "%s" must be a positive integer' , 'invalid sigfig' , 'option', 'invalid_sigfig' },  cvt_empty_option = { 'Ignored empty option "%s"' , 'empty option' , 'option', 'empty_option' },  cvt_no_spell = { 'Spelling is not available' , 'bug, ask for help' , 'option', 'ask_for_help' },  cvt_unknown_option = { 'Ignored invalid option "%s"' , 'invalid option' , 'option', 'invalid_option' },  cvt_bad_default = { 'Unit "%s" has an invalid default' , 'bug, ask for help' , 'unit' , 'ask_for_help' },  cvt_bad_unit = { 'Unit "%s" is invalid here' , 'unit invalid here' , 'unit' , 'unit_invalid_here' },  cvt_no_default = { 'Unit "%s" has no default output unit' , 'bug, ask for help' , 'unit' , 'ask_for_help' },  cvt_no_unit = { 'Needs name of unit' , 'needs unit name' , 'unit' , 'needs_unit_name' },  cvt_unknown = { 'Unit name "%s" is not known' , 'unknown unit' , 'unit' , 'unknown_unit' },  cvt_should_be = { '%s' , 'ambiguous unit' , 'unit' , 'ambiguous_unit', regex = unitcode_regex, replace = unitcode_replace },  cvt_mismatch = { 'Cannot convert "%s" to "%s"' , 'unit mismatch' , 'unit' , 'unit_mismatch' },  cvt_bug_convert = { 'Bug: Cannot convert between specified units', 'bug, ask for help' , 'unit' , 'ask_for_help' },  cvt_lookup = { 'Unit "%s" is incorrectly defined' , 'bug, ask for help' , 'unit' , 'ask_for_help' }, }  -- Text to join input value/unit with output value/unit. local disp_joins = {  -- Position: before after between (wrt output; "between" is for a combination; default "; ").  ["or"] = { " หรือ " , "" , " หรือ " },  ["sqbr-sp"] = { " [" , "]" },  ["sqbr-nbsp"] = { "&nbsp;[" , "]" },  ["comma"] = { ", " , "" },  ["slash-sp"] = { " / " , "" },  ["slash-nbsp"] = { "&nbsp;/ ", "" },  ["slash-nosp"] = { "/" , "" },  ["b"] = { " (" , ")" },  ["(or)"] = { " (" , ")", " หรือ " },  ["br"] = { "<br/>" , "" }, }  -- Text to separate values in a range. local range_types = {  -- Specifying a table requires "off" and "on" values (for "abbr=off" and "abbr=on");  -- other fields are optional.  -- When "adj=on|abbr=off" applies, spaces in range text are replaced with hyphens.  -- With "exception = true", that also occurs with "adj=on|abbr=on".  -- If "adj" is defined here, that text (unchanged) is used with "adj=on".  ["+"] = " + ",  [","] = ",&nbsp;",  [", and"] = ", และ ",  [", or"] = ", หรือ ",  ["by"] = " โดย ",  ["-"] = "–",  ["to about"] = " ถึงประมาณ ",  ["and"] = { off = " และ ", on = " และ ", exception = true },  ["and(-)"] = { off = " และ ", on = "–" },  ["or"] = { off = " หรือ " , on = " หรือ " , exception = true },  ["to"] = { off = " ถึง " , on = " ถึง " , exception = true },  ["to(-)"] = { off = "&nbsp;ถึง ", on = "–" },  ["+/-"] = { off = "&nbsp;±&nbsp;", on = "&nbsp;±&nbsp;", adj = "&nbsp;±&nbsp;", is_range_change = true },  ["x"] = { off = " โดย ", on = " ×&nbsp;", is_range_x = true },  ["xx"] = "&nbsp;×&nbsp;",  ["*"] = "×", -- use "*" to replace "x" in {{convert/2}} which is different from "x" in old {{convert}} }  local range_aliases = {  -- ["alternative name for a range"] = "standard range name"  ["&"] = "and",  ["–"] = "-",  ["&ndash;"] = "-",  ["to-"] = "to(-)",  ["×"] = "x",  ["&times;"] = "x",  ["±"] = "+/-",  ["&plusmn;"] = "+/-",  ["และ"] = "and",  ["หรือ"] = "or",  ["ถึง"] = "to", }  -- The following "words" are accepted to make a simple range, for example, {{convert|1-2|ft}}. -- Words must be in correct order for searching, for example, '-' after '+/-' and 'x' after 'xx'. -- Put '-' last so can have a simple range with negative values as in {{convert|-5 to -1|C}}. local range_words = { '+/-', 'to(-)', 'xx', 'x', '*', 'to', 'or', 'by', '–' , '-' }  local ranges = {  types = range_types,  aliases = range_aliases,  words = range_words, }  -- Valid option names. local en_option_name = {  -- ["local text for option name"] = "en name used in this module"  ["abbr"] = "abbr",  ["adj"] = "adj",  ["comma"] = "comma",  ["debug"] = "debug",  ["disp"] = "disp",  ["frac"] = "frac",  ["lang"] = "lang",  ["lk"] = "lk",  ["near"] = "near",  ["order"] = "order",  ["round"] = "round",  ["sigfig"] = "sigfig",  ["sing"] = "adj", -- "sing" is an old alias for "adj"  ["sortable"] = "sortable",  ["sp"] = "sp",  ["spell"] = "spell", }  -- Valid option values. -- Convention: parms.opt_xxx refers to an option that is set here -- (not intended to be set by the template which invokes this module). -- Example: At en.wiki, "abbr" includes: -- ["comma"] = "opt_nocomma" -- As a result, if the template uses abbr=comma, this script sets: -- parms["opt_nocomma"] = true -- parms["abbr"] = nil -- Therefore parms.abbr will be nil, or will have one of the listed values -- that do not start with "opt_". local en_option_value = {  ["abbr"] = {  -- ["local text for option value"] = "en value used in this module"  ["comma"] = "opt_nocomma", -- no numsep in input or output numbers  ["def"] = "", -- ignored (some wrapper templates call convert with "abbr=def" to mean "default abbreviation")  ["h"] = "on", -- abbr=on + use "h" for hand unit (default)  ["hh"] = "opt_hand_hh", -- abbr=on + use "hh" for hand unit  ["in"] = "in", -- use symbol for LHS unit  ["mos"] = "mos", -- in a range, repeat the input unit (no longer used)  ["none"] = "off", -- old name for "off"  ["off"] = "off", -- use name for all units  ["on"] = "on", -- use symbol for all units  ["out"] = "out", -- use symbol for RHS unit (default)  ["values"] = "opt_values", -- show only input and output numbers, not units  ["~"] = "opt_also_symbol", -- show input unit symbol as well as name  },  ["adj"] = {  ["1"] = "opt_singular", -- unit name is singular when value satisfies: (-1 <= v and v < 0) or (0 < v and v <= 1)  ["flip"] = "opt_flip", -- reverse order of input/output  ["j"] = "opt_use_nbsp", -- "join": use "&nbsp;" instead of " " between value and unit name  ["mid"] = "opt_adjectival, opt_adj_mid", -- adj=on with user-specified text after input unit (between input and output)  ["nocomma"] = "opt_nocomma", -- no numsep in input or output numbers  ["off"] = "", -- ignored (off is the default)  ["on"] = "opt_adjectival", -- unit name is singular and hyphenated  ["pre"] = "opt_one_preunit", -- user-specified text before input unit  ["ri0"] = "ri0", -- round input with precision = 0  ["ri1"] = "ri1", -- round input with precision = 1  ["ri2"] = "ri2", -- round input with precision = 2  ["ri3"] = "ri3", -- round input with precision = 3  },  ["comma"] = {  ["5"] = "opt_comma5", -- only use numsep grouping if 5 or more digits  ["gaps"] = "opt_gaps", -- use gaps, not numsep, to separate groups of digits  ["gaps5"] = "opt_gaps, opt_comma5", -- opt_gaps + opt_comma5  },  ["debug"] = {  ["yes"] = "opt_sortable_debug", -- make the normally hidden sort key visible  },  ["disp"] = {  ["/"] = "slash", -- join: '/'  ["2"] = "opt_output_only", -- display only output value and symbol/name (not input)  ["5"] = "opt_round5", -- round output value to nearest 5  ["b"] = "b", -- join: '(...)'  ["(or)"] = "(or)", -- join: '(...)' with 'or' between outputs in a combination  ["br"] = "br", -- join: '<br/>'  ["comma"] = "comma", -- join: ','  ["flip"] = "opt_flip", -- reverse order of input/output  ["flip5"] = "opt_flip, opt_round5", -- disp=flip + disp=5  ["nocomma"] = "opt_nocomma", -- no numsep in input or output numbers  ["number"] = "opt_output_number_only", -- display output value (not input, and not output symbol/name)  ["or"] = "or", -- join: 'or'  ["out"] = "opt_output_only",  ["output number only"] = "opt_output_number_only",  ["output only"] = "opt_output_only",  ["preunit"] = "opt_two_preunits", -- user-specified text before input and output units  ["s"] = "slash", -- join: '/'  ["slash"] = "slash", -- join: '/'  ["sqbr"] = "sqbr", -- join: '[...]'  ["table"] = "opt_table", -- output is suitable for a table cell with align="right"  ["tablecen"] = "opt_tablecen", -- output is suitable for a table cell with align="center"  ["u2"] = "opt_output_unit_only", -- display output symbol/name (not input, and not output value)  ["unit"] = "opt_input_unit_only", -- display input symbol/name (not output, and not input value)  ["unit or text"] = "opt_input_unit_only, opt_ignore_error", -- display input symbol/name, or given unit code if not known  ["unit2"] = "opt_output_unit_only",  ["x"] = "x", -- join: <first>...<second> (user-specified text)  },  -- frac=x is handled as a special case: x must be an integer (possibly in local language) = 2 or more  ["lang"] = { -- language for output digits (both en and local digits are always accepted for input)  ["en"] = "opt_lang_en", -- use en digits for numbers, regardless of local language  ["local"] = "opt_lang_local", -- use local digits for numbers (default, although config can change default to en)  },  ["lk"] = {  ["in"] = "in", -- link LHS unit name or symbol  ["off"] = "off", -- do not link: same as default except for hand unit  ["on"] = "on", -- link all unit names or symbols (but not twice for the same unit)  ["out"] = "out", -- link RHS unit name or symbol  },  ["near"] = {  ["5"] = "opt_round5", -- round output value to nearest 5  },  ["order"] = {  ["flip"] = "opt_flip", -- reverse order of input/output  },  ["round"] = {  ["5"] = "opt_round5", -- round output value to nearest 5  ["25"] = "opt_round25", -- round output value to nearest 25  ["each"] = "opt_round_each", -- using default precision in a range, round each output separately (default uses highest precision of each item in range)  },  -- sigfig=x is handled as a special case: x must be an integer (possibly in local language) = 1 or more  ["sortable"] = {  ["off"] = "", -- ignored (off is the default)  ["in"] = "opt_sortable_in", -- output numeric hidden sort field for use in a sortable table, based on input  ["on"] = "opt_sortable_in", -- same  ["out"] = "opt_sortable_out", -- same, based on output  },  ["sp"] = {  },  ["spell"] = { -- only English spelling is supported; not scientific notation; only some fractions  ["in"] = "opt_spell_in", -- spell input value in words  ["In"] = "opt_spell_in, opt_spell_upper", -- spell input value in words with first letter uppercase  ["on"] = "opt_spell_in, opt_spell_out", -- spell input and output values in words  ["On"] = "opt_spell_in, opt_spell_out, opt_spell_upper", -- same, with first letter of first word in result uppercase  }, }  return {  SIprefixes = SIprefixes,  all_categories = all_categories,  all_messages = all_messages,  currency = { ['$'] = true, ['£'] = true, ['฿'] = true },  customary_units = customary_units,  disp_joins = disp_joins,  en_option_name = en_option_name,  en_option_value = en_option_value,  eng_scales = eng_scales,  ranges = ranges,  translation_table = translation_table, } 

มอด, convert, text, sandbox, อหน, ากระบะทรายมอด, ลของ, มอด, convert, text, ความแตกต, าง, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, แก, ความแตกต, าง, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมว. nikhuxhnakrabathraymxdulkhxng mxdul Convert text dukhwamaetktang khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray aek dukhwamaetktang aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulni Text used by Module Convert for th wikipedia org Thai khxkhwaminmxdulniichodymxdul convert sahrbwikiphiediyphasaithy hnaniepnmxdulaeyksahrbkarcdkarkaraeplphasasahrbaesdngphl duthi en Template Convert Transwiki guide sahrbkhumux khxngsingthicaepninkarprbmxdulihekhakbthxngthin local translation table per word tx for units like liters per kilometer plural suffix disable plural unit name Some units accept an SI prefix before the unit code such as kg for kilogram local SIprefixes The prefix field is what the prefix should be if different from the prefix used Y exponent 24 name yxtta Z exponent 21 name estta E exponent 18 name exksa P exponent 15 name ephta T exponent 12 name ethra G exponent 9 name kika M exponent 6 name emka k exponent 3 name kiol k exponent 3 name kiol h exponent 2 name ehkot da exponent 1 name edkha d exponent 1 name edsi c exponent 2 name esnti prefix s s exponent 2 name esnti m exponent 3 name milli m exponent 3 name milli m exponent 6 name imokhr prefix µ key GREEK SMALL LETTER MU U 03BC utf 8 CE BC µ exponent 6 name imokhr key MICRO SIGN U 00B5 utf 8 C2 B5 u exponent 6 name imokhr prefix µ not an SI prefix but allow for people typing this n exponent 9 name naon p exponent 12 name phiok f exponent 15 name efmot a exponent 18 name xtot z exponent 21 name espot y exponent 24 name yxkot Some units can be qualified with one of the following prefixes when linked local customary units US link United States customary units U S link United States customary units imperial link hnwywdaebbxngkvs imp link hnwywdaebbxngkvs thai link hnwywdaebbithy Names when using engineering notation a prefix of eN where N is a number example e6km key name link article title exponent numeric key value If lk on and link is defined the name of the number will appear as a link local eng scales 3 phn exponent 3 6 lan exponent 6 9 phnlan link 1000000000 exponent 9 12 lanlan link 1000000000000 exponent 12 15 phnlanlan link 1000000000000000 exponent 15 One of the following categories is included in the text of each message local all categories unit hmwdhmu karichhnwykbaemaebb Convert thiimthuktxng option hmwdhmu karichaemaebb Convert thiichtweluxkimthuktxng For some error messages the following puts the wanted style around each unit code marked like ft local unitcode regex local unitcode replace no longer need the more elaborate substitute used before 2013 09 28 All messages that may be displayed if a problem occurs local all messages Message format string s parameters anchor title text category Each displayed message starts with Convert so can easily locate by searching article cvt format lt sup class noprint Inline Template style white space nowrap gt lt i gt Help Convert messages s lt span title Convert s gt convert s lt span gt lt i gt lt sup gt s Each of following messages is a table 1 title mouseover title text 2 text link text displayed in article 3 category key key to lookup category in all categories 4 anchor anchor for link to relevant section on help page regex gsub regex replace gsub table Mouseover title text Link text CatKey Anchor cvt bad num kha s txngepntwelkh invalid number option invalid number cvt big prec Precision s is too large precision too large option precision too large cvt invalid num Number has overflowed number overflow option number overflow cvt no num Needs the number to be converted needs a number option needs number cvt no num2 Needs another number for a range needs another number option needs another number cvt bad frac frac s must be an integer above 1 invalid fraction option invalid fraction cvt bad prec Precision s must be an integer invalid precision option invalid precision cvt bad sigfig sigfig s must be a positive integer invalid sigfig option invalid sigfig cvt empty option Ignored empty option s empty option option empty option cvt no spell Spelling is not available bug ask for help option ask for help cvt unknown option Ignored invalid option s invalid option option invalid option cvt bad default Unit s has an invalid default bug ask for help unit ask for help cvt bad unit Unit s is invalid here unit invalid here unit unit invalid here cvt no default Unit s has no default output unit bug ask for help unit ask for help cvt no unit Needs name of unit needs unit name unit needs unit name cvt unknown Unit name s is not known unknown unit unit unknown unit cvt should be s ambiguous unit unit ambiguous unit regex unitcode regex replace unitcode replace cvt mismatch Cannot convert s to s unit mismatch unit unit mismatch cvt bug convert Bug Cannot convert between specified units bug ask for help unit ask for help cvt lookup Unit s is incorrectly defined bug ask for help unit ask for help Text to join input value unit with output value unit local disp joins Position before after between wrt output between is for a combination default or hrux hrux sqbr sp sqbr nbsp amp nbsp comma slash sp slash nbsp amp nbsp slash nosp b or hrux br lt br gt Text to separate values in a range local range types Specifying a table requires off and on values for abbr off and abbr on other fields are optional When adj on abbr off applies spaces in range text are replaced with hyphens With exception true that also occurs with adj on abbr on If adj is defined here that text unchanged is used with adj on amp nbsp and aela or hrux by ody to about thungpraman and off aela on aela exception true and off aela on or off hrux on hrux exception true to off thung on thung exception true to off amp nbsp thung on off amp nbsp amp nbsp on amp nbsp amp nbsp adj amp nbsp amp nbsp is range change true x off ody on amp nbsp is range x true xx amp nbsp amp nbsp use to replace x in convert 2 which is different from x in old convert local range aliases alternative name for a range standard range name amp and amp ndash to to x amp times x amp plusmn aela and hrux or thung to The following words are accepted to make a simple range for example convert 1 2 ft Words must be in correct order for searching for example after and x after xx Put last so can have a simple range with negative values as in convert 5 to 1 C local range words to xx x to or by local ranges types range types aliases range aliases words range words Valid option names local en option name local text for option name en name used in this module abbr abbr adj adj comma comma debug debug disp disp frac frac lang lang lk lk near near order order round round sigfig sigfig sing adj sing is an old alias for adj sortable sortable sp sp spell spell Valid option values Convention parms opt xxx refers to an option that is set here not intended to be set by the template which invokes this module Example At en wiki abbr includes comma opt nocomma As a result if the template uses abbr comma this script sets parms opt nocomma true parms abbr nil Therefore parms abbr will be nil or will have one of the listed values that do not start with opt local en option value abbr local text for option value en value used in this module comma opt nocomma no numsep in input or output numbers def ignored some wrapper templates call convert with abbr def to mean default abbreviation h on abbr on use h for hand unit default hh opt hand hh abbr on use hh for hand unit in in use symbol for LHS unit mos mos in a range repeat the input unit no longer used none off old name for off off off use name for all units on on use symbol for all units out out use symbol for RHS unit default values opt values show only input and output numbers not units opt also symbol show input unit symbol as well as name adj 1 opt singular unit name is singular when value satisfies 1 lt v and v lt 0 or 0 lt v and v lt 1 flip opt flip reverse order of input output j opt use nbsp join use amp nbsp instead of between value and unit name mid opt adjectival opt adj mid adj on with user specified text after input unit between input and output nocomma opt nocomma no numsep in input or output numbers off ignored off is the default on opt adjectival unit name is singular and hyphenated pre opt one preunit user specified text before input unit ri0 ri0 round input with precision 0 ri1 ri1 round input with precision 1 ri2 ri2 round input with precision 2 ri3 ri3 round input with precision 3 comma 5 opt comma5 only use numsep grouping if 5 or more digits gaps opt gaps use gaps not numsep to separate groups of digits gaps5 opt gaps opt comma5 opt gaps opt comma5 debug yes opt sortable debug make the normally hidden sort key visible disp slash join 2 opt output only display only output value and symbol name not input 5 opt round5 round output value to nearest 5 b b join or or join with or between outputs in a combination br br join lt br gt comma comma join flip opt flip reverse order of input output flip5 opt flip opt round5 disp flip disp 5 nocomma opt nocomma no numsep in input or output numbers number opt output number only display output value not input and not output symbol name or or join or out opt output only output number only opt output number only output only opt output only preunit opt two preunits user specified text before input and output units s slash join slash slash join sqbr sqbr join table opt table output is suitable for a table cell with align right tablecen opt tablecen output is suitable for a table cell with align center u2 opt output unit only display output symbol name not input and not output value unit opt input unit only display input symbol name not output and not input value unit or text opt input unit only opt ignore error display input symbol name or given unit code if not known unit2 opt output unit only x x join lt first gt lt second gt user specified text frac x is handled as a special case x must be an integer possibly in local language 2 or more lang language for output digits both en and local digits are always accepted for input en opt lang en use en digits for numbers regardless of local language local opt lang local use local digits for numbers default although config can change default to en lk in in link LHS unit name or symbol off off do not link same as default except for hand unit on on link all unit names or symbols but not twice for the same unit out out link RHS unit name or symbol near 5 opt round5 round output value to nearest 5 order flip opt flip reverse order of input output round 5 opt round5 round output value to nearest 5 25 opt round25 round output value to nearest 25 each opt round each using default precision in a range round each output separately default uses highest precision of each item in range sigfig x is handled as a special case x must be an integer possibly in local language 1 or more sortable off ignored off is the default in opt sortable in output numeric hidden sort field for use in a sortable table based on input on opt sortable in same out opt sortable out same based on output sp spell only English spelling is supported not scientific notation only some fractions in opt spell in spell input value in words In opt spell in opt spell upper spell input value in words with first letter uppercase on opt spell in opt spell out spell input and output values in words On opt spell in opt spell out opt spell upper same with first letter of first word in result uppercase return SIprefixes SIprefixes all categories all categories all messages all messages currency true true true customary units customary units disp joins disp joins en option name en option name en option value en option value eng scales eng scales ranges ranges translation table translation table ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Convert text sandbox amp oldid 9109851, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม