
มอดูล:Find sources/autodoc

-- Define constants local ROOT_PAGE = 'Module:Find sources' local TEMPLATE_LIST = ROOT_PAGE .. '/templates' -- template config module list local TEMPLATE_ROOT = TEMPLATE_LIST .. '/' -- template config module prefix local LINK_LIST = ROOT_PAGE .. '/links' -- link config module list local LINK_ROOT = LINK_LIST .. '/' -- link config module prefix local AUTODOC_SUFFIX = '/autodoc'  -- Load necessary modules. local mFindSources = require('Module:Find sources') local cfg = mw.loadData('Module:Find sources/autodoc/config')  local p = {}  local function maybeLoadData(page)  local success, data = pcall(mw.loadData, page)  return success and data end  local function substituteParams(msg, ...)  return mw.message.newRawMessage(msg, ...):plain() end  local function sortKeys(t)  local ret = {}  for k in pairs(t) do  ret[#ret + 1] = k  end  table.sort(ret)  return ret end  local function isValidLinkCfg(linkCfg)  if type(linkCfg) ~= 'table' then  return false  end  for _, s in ipairs{'url', 'display'} do  if type(linkCfg[s]) ~= 'string' then  return false  end  end  for _, s in ipairs{'separator'} do  if linkCfg[s] ~= nil and type(linkCfg[s]) ~= 'string' then  return false  end  end  return true end  local function isValidLink(code)  if type(code) ~= 'string' or code == '' then  return false  end  local linkCfg = maybeLoadData(LINK_ROOT .. code)  return isValidLinkCfg(linkCfg) end  local function isValidTemplateCfg(templateCfg)  if type(templateCfg) ~= 'table' then  return false  end  for _, s in ipairs{'blurb'} do  if type(templateCfg[s]) ~= 'string' then  return false  end  end  for _, s in ipairs{'separator', 'class', 'style'} do  if templateCfg[s] ~= nil and type(templateCfg[s]) ~= 'string' then  return false  end  end  if templateCfg.isUsedInMainspace and templateCfg.isUsedInMainspace ~= true then  return false  end  if type(templateCfg.links) ~= 'table' then  return false  end   local function isValidLinkTable(t)  if type(t) ~= 'table' then  return false  end  if type(t.code) ~= 'string' then  return false  end  if t.display and type(t.display) ~= 'string' then  return false  end  return true  end   if templateCfg.introLink and not isValidLinkTable(templateCfg.introLink) then  return false  end  for _, t in ipairs(templateCfg.links) do  if not isValidLinkTable(t) then  return false  end  end   return true end  local function isValidTemplate(template)  if type(template) ~= 'string' or template == '' then  return false  end  local templateCfg = maybeLoadData(TEMPLATE_ROOT .. template)  return isValidTemplateCfg(templateCfg) end  local function isValidLinkAutdocCfg(t)  if type(t) ~= 'table' then  return false  end  for _, s in ipairs{'description', 'notes'} do  if t[s] and type(t[s]) ~= 'string' then  return false  end  end  return true end  local function isValidTemplateAutdocCfg(t)  if type(t) ~= 'table' then  return false  end  for _, s in ipairs{'description', 'docIntro'} do  if t[s] and type(t[s]) ~= 'string' then  return false  end  end  if t.shortcuts and type(t.shortcuts) ~= 'table' then  return false  elseif t.shortcuts then  for _, s in ipairs(t.shortcuts) do  if type(s) ~= 'string' then  return false  end  end  end  return true end  local function makeWikitable(headers, rows)  local ret = {}   -- Table start  ret[#ret + 1] = '{| class="wikitable"'   -- Headers  ret[#ret + 1] = '|-'  for i, header in ipairs(headers) do  ret[#ret + 1] = '! ' .. header  end   -- Rows  for i, row in ipairs(rows) do  ret[#ret + 1] = '|-'  for j, cell in ipairs(row) do  ret[#ret + 1] = '| ' .. cell  end  end   -- Table end  ret[#ret + 1] = '|}'   return table.concat(ret, '\n') end  local function grey(s)  return string.format('<span style="color: gray;">%s</span>', s) end  local function bold(s)  return string.format("'''%s'''", s) end  local function colspan(s, n)  return string.format('colspan="%d" | %s', n, s) end  local function makeWikitextError(msg)  return string.format('<strong class="error">%s</strong>', msg) end  local function makeWikilink(page, display)  if display then  return string.format('[[%s|%s]]', page, display)  else  return string.format('[[%s]]', page)  end end  function p.linkTable()  local codes = sortKeys(require(LINK_LIST))  local headers = {  cfg['link-table-code-header'],  cfg['link-table-description-header'],  cfg['link-table-example-header'],  cfg['link-table-config-header'],  cfg['link-table-notes-header']  }  local rows = {}  for i, code in ipairs(codes) do  if isValidLink(code) then  local configPage = LINK_ROOT .. code  local autodocConfigPage = configPage .. AUTODOC_SUFFIX  local linkData = maybeLoadData(autodocConfigPage)  if not isValidLinkAutdocCfg(linkData) then  linkData = {}  end   -- Make the example link.  local success, link = pcall(  mFindSources._renderLink,  code,  {cfg['example-search-term']}  )  if not success then  link = makeWikitextError(link)  end   -- Build the row.  local row = {  bold(code),  linkData.description or grey("''No description available''"),  link,  table.concat({  makeWikilink(configPage, cfg['link-table-main-config-link-display']),  makeWikilink(autodocConfigPage, cfg['link-table-autodoc-config-link-display'])  }, cfg['table-config-separator']),  linkData.notes or ''  }  rows[i] = row  else  local msg = substituteParams(  cfg['invalid-link-config-error'],  LINK_ROOT .. code  )  msg = makeWikitextError(msg)  msg = colspan(msg, 5)  rows[i] = {msg}  end  end  return makeWikitable(headers, rows) end  function p.templateTable()  local templates = sortKeys(require(TEMPLATE_LIST))  local headers = {  cfg['template-table-template-header'],  cfg['template-table-description-header'],  cfg['template-table-example-header'],  cfg['template-table-config-header'],  }  local rows = {}  for i, template in ipairs(templates) do  if isValidTemplate(template) then  local configPage = TEMPLATE_ROOT .. template  local autodocConfigPage = configPage .. AUTODOC_SUFFIX  local templateData = maybeLoadData(autodocConfigPage)  if not isValidTemplateAutdocCfg(templateData) then  templateData = {}  end   -- Make the example text  local success, example = pcall(  mFindSources._main,  template,  {cfg['example-search-term']}  )  if not success then  example = makeWikitextError(example)  end   -- Build the row.  local row = {  bold(makeWikilink(mw.site.namespaces[10].name .. ':' .. template, template)),  templateData.description or grey("''No description available''"),  example,  table.concat({  makeWikilink(configPage, cfg['template-table-main-config-link-display']),  makeWikilink(autodocConfigPage, cfg['template-table-autodoc-config-link-display'])  }, cfg['table-config-separator'])  }  rows[i] = row  else  local msg = substituteParams(  cfg['invalid-template-config-error'],  TEMPLATE_ROOT .. template  )  msg = makeWikitextError(msg)  msg = colspan(msg, 4)  rows[i] = {msg}  end  end  return makeWikitable(headers, rows) end  local function documentation(template)  -- This function makes documentation for the template specified in  -- the template parameter. The template should be without the "Template:"  -- prefix.   -- Load necessary modules  local mDocumentation = require('Module:Documentation')  local mList = require('Module:List')  local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()   -- Load the config files  local templateCfg = maybeLoadData(TEMPLATE_ROOT .. template)  if not isValidTemplateCfg(templateCfg) then  error(substituteParams(  cfg['invalid-template-name-error'],  template,  TEMPLATE_ROOT .. template  ))  end  local autodocCfg = maybeLoadData(TEMPLATE_ROOT .. template .. AUTODOC_SUFFIX)  if not isValidTemplateAutdocCfg(autodocCfg) then  autodocCfg = {}  end   -- Get the documentation content  local content  do  -- Shortcuts  local shortcuts  if autodocCfg.shortcuts then  shortcuts = frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Template shortcut', args = autodocCfg.shortcuts}  end   -- Link descriptions  local codes = {}  if templateCfg.introLink then  codes[#codes + 1] = templateCfg.introLink.code  end  for _, t in ipairs(templateCfg.links) do  codes[#codes + 1] = t.code  end  for i, code in ipairs(codes) do  local linkAutodocCfg = maybeLoadData(LINK_ROOT .. code .. AUTODOC_SUFFIX)  if not isValidLinkAutdocCfg(linkAutodocCfg) then  linkAutodocCfg = {}  end  codes[i] = linkAutodocCfg.description or code  end  local linkDescriptions = mList.bulleted(codes)   -- Build the content.  content = frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Find sources documentation', args = {  template = template,  shortcuts = shortcuts,  docIntro = autodocCfg.docIntro,  isUsedInMainspace = templateCfg.isUsedInMainspace and 'yes' or nil,  linkDescriptions = linkDescriptions  }}  end   return mDocumentation.main{content = content, ['link box'] = cfg['end-box-blurb']} end  setmetatable(p, { __index = function(t, template)  return function()  return documentation(template)  end end})  return p 

มอด, find, sources, autodoc, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, define, constants, l. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulni Define constants local ROOT PAGE Module Find sources local TEMPLATE LIST ROOT PAGE templates template config module list local TEMPLATE ROOT TEMPLATE LIST template config module prefix local LINK LIST ROOT PAGE links link config module list local LINK ROOT LINK LIST link config module prefix local AUTODOC SUFFIX autodoc Load necessary modules local mFindSources require Module Find sources local cfg mw loadData Module Find sources autodoc config local p local function maybeLoadData page local success data pcall mw loadData page return success and data end local function substituteParams msg return mw message newRawMessage msg plain end local function sortKeys t local ret for k in pairs t do ret ret 1 k end table sort ret return ret end local function isValidLinkCfg linkCfg if type linkCfg table then return false end for s in ipairs url display do if type linkCfg s string then return false end end for s in ipairs separator do if linkCfg s nil and type linkCfg s string then return false end end return true end local function isValidLink code if type code string or code then return false end local linkCfg maybeLoadData LINK ROOT code return isValidLinkCfg linkCfg end local function isValidTemplateCfg templateCfg if type templateCfg table then return false end for s in ipairs blurb do if type templateCfg s string then return false end end for s in ipairs separator class style do if templateCfg s nil and type templateCfg s string then return false end end if templateCfg isUsedInMainspace and templateCfg isUsedInMainspace true then return false end if type templateCfg links table then return false end local function isValidLinkTable t if type t table then return false end if type t code string then return false end if t display and type t display string then return false end return true end if templateCfg introLink and not isValidLinkTable templateCfg introLink then return false end for t in ipairs templateCfg links do if not isValidLinkTable t then return false end end return true end local function isValidTemplate template if type template string or template then return false end local templateCfg maybeLoadData TEMPLATE ROOT template return isValidTemplateCfg templateCfg end local function isValidLinkAutdocCfg t if type t table then return false end for s in ipairs description notes do if t s and type t s string then return false end end return true end local function isValidTemplateAutdocCfg t if type t table then return false end for s in ipairs description docIntro do if t s and type t s string then return false end end if t shortcuts and type t shortcuts table then return false elseif t shortcuts then for s in ipairs t shortcuts do if type s string then return false end end end return true end local function makeWikitable headers rows local ret Table start ret ret 1 class wikitable Headers ret ret 1 for i header in ipairs headers do ret ret 1 header end Rows for i row in ipairs rows do ret ret 1 for j cell in ipairs row do ret ret 1 cell end end Table end ret ret 1 return table concat ret n end local function grey s return string format lt span style color gray gt s lt span gt s end local function bold s return string format s s end local function colspan s n return string format colspan d s n s end local function makeWikitextError msg return string format lt strong class error gt s lt strong gt msg end local function makeWikilink page display if display then return string format s s page display else return string format s page end end function p linkTable local codes sortKeys require LINK LIST local headers cfg link table code header cfg link table description header cfg link table example header cfg link table config header cfg link table notes header local rows for i code in ipairs codes do if isValidLink code then local configPage LINK ROOT code local autodocConfigPage configPage AUTODOC SUFFIX local linkData maybeLoadData autodocConfigPage if not isValidLinkAutdocCfg linkData then linkData end Make the example link local success link pcall mFindSources renderLink code cfg example search term if not success then link makeWikitextError link end Build the row local row bold code linkData description or grey No description available link table concat makeWikilink configPage cfg link table main config link display makeWikilink autodocConfigPage cfg link table autodoc config link display cfg table config separator linkData notes or rows i row else local msg substituteParams cfg invalid link config error LINK ROOT code msg makeWikitextError msg msg colspan msg 5 rows i msg end end return makeWikitable headers rows end function p templateTable local templates sortKeys require TEMPLATE LIST local headers cfg template table template header cfg template table description header cfg template table example header cfg template table config header local rows for i template in ipairs templates do if isValidTemplate template then local configPage TEMPLATE ROOT template local autodocConfigPage configPage AUTODOC SUFFIX local templateData maybeLoadData autodocConfigPage if not isValidTemplateAutdocCfg templateData then templateData end Make the example text local success example pcall mFindSources main template cfg example search term if not success then example makeWikitextError example end Build the row local row bold makeWikilink mw site namespaces 10 name template template templateData description or grey No description available example table concat makeWikilink configPage cfg template table main config link display makeWikilink autodocConfigPage cfg template table autodoc config link display cfg table config separator rows i row else local msg substituteParams cfg invalid template config error TEMPLATE ROOT template msg makeWikitextError msg msg colspan msg 4 rows i msg end end return makeWikitable headers rows end local function documentation template This function makes documentation for the template specified in the template parameter The template should be without the Template prefix Load necessary modules local mDocumentation require Module Documentation local mList require Module List local frame mw getCurrentFrame Load the config files local templateCfg maybeLoadData TEMPLATE ROOT template if not isValidTemplateCfg templateCfg then error substituteParams cfg invalid template name error template TEMPLATE ROOT template end local autodocCfg maybeLoadData TEMPLATE ROOT template AUTODOC SUFFIX if not isValidTemplateAutdocCfg autodocCfg then autodocCfg end Get the documentation content local content do Shortcuts local shortcuts if autodocCfg shortcuts then shortcuts frame expandTemplate title Template shortcut args autodocCfg shortcuts end Link descriptions local codes if templateCfg introLink then codes codes 1 templateCfg introLink code end for t in ipairs templateCfg links do codes codes 1 t code end for i code in ipairs codes do local linkAutodocCfg maybeLoadData LINK ROOT code AUTODOC SUFFIX if not isValidLinkAutdocCfg linkAutodocCfg then linkAutodocCfg end codes i linkAutodocCfg description or code end local linkDescriptions mList bulleted codes Build the content content frame expandTemplate title Find sources documentation args template template shortcuts shortcuts docIntro autodocCfg docIntro isUsedInMainspace templateCfg isUsedInMainspace and yes or nil linkDescriptions linkDescriptions end return mDocumentation main content content link box cfg end box blurb end setmetatable p index function t template return function return documentation template end end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Find sources autodoc amp oldid 7380154, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม