
มอดูล:Football box

-- Implements [[Template:Football box]] local p = {} local lang = nil local delink = require('Module:Delink')._delink local eventschema = "http://schema.org/SportsEvent" local teamschema = "http://schema.org/SportsTeam" local placeschema = "http://schema.org/Place" local penalties = '[[การยิงลูกโทษ|ลูกโทษ]]' local aet = '[[หลังต่อเวลาพิเศษ|ต่อเวลาพิเศษ]]' local asdet = '[[Sudden death (sport)#Association football|a.s.d.e.t.]]' local agget = '[[หลังต่อเวลาพิเศษ|ต่อเวลาพิเศษ]]/[[โกลเดนโกล]]' local asget = '[[หลังต่อเวลาพิเศษ|ต่อเวลาพิเศษ]]/[[ซิลเวอร์โกล]]' local attendance = 'ผู้ชม:' local referee = 'ผู้ตัดสิน:' local templatestyles = 'Module:Football box/styles.css'  local tracking, preview  local function checkarg(k,v)  if not k or type(k) ~= 'string' then return end   if k == 'assistantreferees2' then  table.insert(tracking, '[[Category:Pages using football box with assistantreferees|2]]')  elseif k == 'aggregatescore' or k == 'assistantreferees' or  k == 'fourthofficial' or k == 'game' or k == 'motm' or  k == 'nobars' or k == 'note' or k == 'result' then  -- valid and tracked  table.insert(tracking, '[[Category:Pages using football box with ' .. k .. ']]')  elseif k == 'size' or k == 'bg' or k == 'id' or k == 'event' or  k == 'date' or k == 'time' or k == 'round' or k == 'team1' or  k == 'team2' or k == 'score1' or k == 'score2' or k == 'score' or k == 'scorenote' or  k == 'aet' or k == 'asdet' or k == 'agget' or k == 'asget' or k == 'goals1' or k == 'report' or k == 'goals2' or  k == 'penaltyscore' or k == 'penalties1' or k == 'penalties2' or  k == 'stadium' or k == 'location' or k == 'attendance' or  k == 'referee' or k == 'stack' then  -- valid and not tracked  else  -- invalid  local vlen = mw.ustring.len(k)  k = mw.ustring.sub(k, 1, (vlen < 25) and vlen or 25)  k = mw.ustring.gsub(k, '[^%w\-_ ]', '?')  table.insert(tracking, '[[Category:Pages using football box with unknown parameters|' .. k .. ']]')  table.insert(preview, '"' .. k .. '"')  end end  local function timestamp(d, t)  if not d then return nil end   lang = lang or mw.language.getContentLanguage() -- lazy initialize  local success, timestamp = pcall(lang.formatDate, lang, 'c', delink({d .. ' ' .. (t or '')}))  if success then  return timestamp  else  return nil  end end  local function fmtlist(s)  s = mw.ustring.gsub(s or '', '%[%[ *([%?-]) *%]%]', '%1')  s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '%[%[ *[%?-] *| *(.-) *%]%]', '%1')  if mw.ustring.sub(s, 1, 1) == '*' then  return tostring(mw.html.create('div'):addClass('plainlist'):newline():wikitext(s))  end  return s end  local function makelink(s,t)  if s:match('^http') then  return '[' .. s .. ' ' .. t .. ']'  end  return s end  local function trim(s)  return s:match('^[\'"%s]*(.-)[\'"%s]*$') end  local function getid(s)  s = trim(s or '')  if s and s ~= '' then  return s  end  return nil end  function p.main(frame)  local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame)  local id = getid(args['id'])  local d = timestamp(args['date'], args['time'])  local block   tracking, preview = {}, {}  for k, v in pairs(args) do  if v ~= '' then  checkarg(k,v)  end  end   local score = 'v'  if args['score1'] or args['score2'] then  score = (args['score1'] or '0') .. '&ndash;' .. (args['score2'] or '0')  elseif args['score'] and args['score'] ~= '' then  score = args['score']  end  if args['aet'] then  score = score .. ' (' .. aet .. ')'  elseif args['asdet'] then  score = score .. ' (' .. asdet .. ')'  elseif args['agget'] then  score = score .. ' (' .. agget .. ')'  elseif args['asget'] then  score = score .. ' (' .. asget .. ')'  end  if args['scorenote'] then  score = score .. '<br>' .. args['scorenote']  end   -- Start box  local root =  mw.html.create('div')  :attr('itemscope', '')  :attr('itemtype', eventschema)  :addClass('footballbox')  :css('width', args['size'])  :css('background-color', args['bg'])  :attr('id', id)  root:newline()   if args['event'] then  root:tag('div')  :addClass('ftitle')  :wikitext(args['event'])  end   -- Start left block  block = root:tag('div')  :addClass('fleft')   local timetag = block:tag('time')  :attr('itemprop', d and 'startDate' or nil)  :attr('datetime', d)   timetag:tag('div')  :addClass('fdate')  :wikitext(args['date'])   if args['time'] then  timetag:tag('div')  :addClass('ftime')  :wikitext(args['time'])  end   if args['round'] then  block:tag('div')  :addClass('frnd')  :wikitext(args['round'])  end  -- End block   -- Start table  local rtable = root:tag('table')  :addClass('fevent')  local row = rtable:tag('tr')  :attr('itemprop', 'name')  row:newline()  row:tag('th')  :addClass('fhome')  :attr('itemprop', 'homeTeam')  :attr('itemscope', '')  :attr('itemtype', teamschema)  :tag('span')  :attr('itemprop', 'name')  :wikitext(args['team1'])  row:tag('th')  :addClass('fscore')  :wikitext(score)  row:tag('th')  :addClass('faway')  :attr('itemprop', 'awayTeam')  :attr('itemscope', '')  :attr('itemtype', teamschema)  :tag('span')  :attr('itemprop', 'name')  :wikitext(args['team2'])   row = rtable:tag('tr')  :addClass('fgoals')  :newline()  row:tag('td')  :addClass('fhgoal')  :wikitext(fmtlist(args['goals1']))  row:newline()  row:tag('td')  :wikitext(makelink(args['report'] or '', 'Report'))  row:newline()  row:tag('td')  :addClass('fagoal')  :wikitext(fmtlist(args['goals2']))  row:newline()   if args['penaltyscore'] then  rtable  :tag('tr')  :tag('th')  :attr('colspan', 3)  :wikitext(penalties)  row = rtable:tag('tr')  :addClass('fgoals')  row:newline()  row:tag('td')  :addClass('fhgoal')  :wikitext(fmtlist(args['penalties1']))  row:newline()  row:tag('th')  :wikitext(args['penaltyscore'])  row:newline()  row:tag('td')  :addClass('fagoal')  :wikitext(fmtlist(args['penalties2']))  row:newline()  end  -- End table   -- Start right block  block = root:tag('div')  :addClass('fright')   if args['stadium'] then  local sdiv = block:tag('div')  :attr('itemprop', 'location')  :attr('itemscope', '')  :attr('itemtype', placeschema)  if args['location'] then  sdiv:tag('span')  :attr('itemprop', 'name')  :wikitext(args['stadium'])  sdiv:wikitext(', ')  sdiv:tag('span')  :attr('itemprop', 'address')  :wikitext(args['location'])  else  sdiv:tag('span')  :attr('itemprop', 'name address')  :wikitext(args['stadium'])  end  end   if args['attendance'] then  block:tag('div'):wikitext(attendance ..' ' .. args['attendance'])  end  if args['referee'] then  block:tag('div'):wikitext(referee .. ' ' .. args['referee'])  end   local trackstr = (#tracking > 0) and table.concat(tracking, '') or ''  if #preview > 0 and frame:preprocess( "{{REVISIONID}}" ) == "" then  trackstr = tostring(mw.html.create('div')  :addClass('hatnote')  :css('color','red')  :tag('strong'):wikitext('Warning:'):done()  :wikitext('Unknown parameters: ' .. table.concat(preview, '; ')))  end   return frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = templatestyles} } .. tostring(root) .. trackstr end  return p 

มอด, football, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, implements, template, football, lo. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulni Implements Template Football box local p local lang nil local delink require Module Delink delink local eventschema http schema org SportsEvent local teamschema http schema org SportsTeam local placeschema http schema org Place local penalties karyinglukoths lukoths local aet hlngtxewlaphiess txewlaphiess local asdet Sudden death sport Association football a s d e t local agget hlngtxewlaphiess txewlaphiess oklednokl local asget hlngtxewlaphiess txewlaphiess silewxrokl local attendance phuchm local referee phutdsin local templatestyles Module Football box styles css local tracking preview local function checkarg k v if not k or type k string then return end if k assistantreferees2 then table insert tracking Category Pages using football box with assistantreferees 2 elseif k aggregatescore or k assistantreferees or k fourthofficial or k game or k motm or k nobars or k note or k result then valid and tracked table insert tracking Category Pages using football box with k elseif k size or k bg or k id or k event or k date or k time or k round or k team1 or k team2 or k score1 or k score2 or k score or k scorenote or k aet or k asdet or k agget or k asget or k goals1 or k report or k goals2 or k penaltyscore or k penalties1 or k penalties2 or k stadium or k location or k attendance or k referee or k stack then valid and not tracked else invalid local vlen mw ustring len k k mw ustring sub k 1 vlen lt 25 and vlen or 25 k mw ustring gsub k w table insert tracking Category Pages using football box with unknown parameters k table insert preview k end end local function timestamp d t if not d then return nil end lang lang or mw language getContentLanguage lazy initialize local success timestamp pcall lang formatDate lang c delink d t or if success then return timestamp else return nil end end local function fmtlist s s mw ustring gsub s or 1 s mw ustring gsub s 1 if mw ustring sub s 1 1 then return tostring mw html create div addClass plainlist newline wikitext s end return s end local function makelink s t if s match http then return s t end return s end local function trim s return s match s s end local function getid s s trim s or if s and s then return s end return nil end function p main frame local args require Module Arguments getArgs frame local id getid args id local d timestamp args date args time local block tracking preview for k v in pairs args do if v then checkarg k v end end local score v if args score1 or args score2 then score args score1 or 0 amp ndash args score2 or 0 elseif args score and args score then score args score end if args aet then score score aet elseif args asdet then score score asdet elseif args agget then score score agget elseif args asget then score score asget end if args scorenote then score score lt br gt args scorenote end Start box local root mw html create div attr itemscope attr itemtype eventschema addClass footballbox css width args size css background color args bg attr id id root newline if args event then root tag div addClass ftitle wikitext args event end Start left block block root tag div addClass fleft local timetag block tag time attr itemprop d and startDate or nil attr datetime d timetag tag div addClass fdate wikitext args date if args time then timetag tag div addClass ftime wikitext args time end if args round then block tag div addClass frnd wikitext args round end End block Start table local rtable root tag table addClass fevent local row rtable tag tr attr itemprop name row newline row tag th addClass fhome attr itemprop homeTeam attr itemscope attr itemtype teamschema tag span attr itemprop name wikitext args team1 row tag th addClass fscore wikitext score row tag th addClass faway attr itemprop awayTeam attr itemscope attr itemtype teamschema tag span attr itemprop name wikitext args team2 row rtable tag tr addClass fgoals newline row tag td addClass fhgoal wikitext fmtlist args goals1 row newline row tag td wikitext makelink args report or Report row newline row tag td addClass fagoal wikitext fmtlist args goals2 row newline if args penaltyscore then rtable tag tr tag th attr colspan 3 wikitext penalties row rtable tag tr addClass fgoals row newline row tag td addClass fhgoal wikitext fmtlist args penalties1 row newline row tag th wikitext args penaltyscore row newline row tag td addClass fagoal wikitext fmtlist args penalties2 row newline end End table Start right block block root tag div addClass fright if args stadium then local sdiv block tag div attr itemprop location attr itemscope attr itemtype placeschema if args location then sdiv tag span attr itemprop name wikitext args stadium sdiv wikitext sdiv tag span attr itemprop address wikitext args location else sdiv tag span attr itemprop name address wikitext args stadium end end if args attendance then block tag div wikitext attendance args attendance end if args referee then block tag div wikitext referee args referee end local trackstr tracking gt 0 and table concat tracking or if preview gt 0 and frame preprocess REVISIONID then trackstr tostring mw html create div addClass hatnote css color red tag strong wikitext Warning done wikitext Unknown parameters table concat preview end return frame extensionTag name templatestyles args src templatestyles tostring root trackstr end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Football box amp oldid 9891695, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม