
มอดูล:Historical populations

-- -- This template implements {{Historical populations}} -- local p = {} local lang = mw.getContentLanguage() local Date -- lazy initialization  local function ifexist(page)  if not page then return false end  if mw.title.new(page).exists then return true end  return false end  local function isempty( s )  return not s or s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) == '' end  local function splitnumandref( s )  s = s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' )  local t1 = mw.text.unstrip(s)  local t2 = s:match( '^([%d][%d,]*)' )  if( t1 == t2 ) then  local t3 = s:match( '^[%d][%d,]*(.-)$' )  return t1, t3  else  return s, ''  end end  local function formatnumR(num)  return tonumber(lang:parseFormattedNumber(num)) end  local function formatnum(num)  return lang:parseFormattedNumber(num) and lang:formatNum(lang:parseFormattedNumber(num)) or num end  -- this function creates an array with the {year, population, percent change} local function getpoprow(year, popstr, pyear, ppopstr, linktype, percentages, current_year)  local pop, popref = splitnumandref( popstr or '')  local ppop, ppopref = splitnumandref( ppopstr or '')  local percent = ''  local yearnum = formatnumR(mw.ustring.gsub(year or '', '^%s*([%d][%d][%.%d]+).*$', '%1') or '')  local pyearnum = formatnumR(mw.ustring.gsub(pyear or '', '^%s*([%d][%d][%.%d]+).*$', '%1') or '')  local popnum = formatnumR(pop)  local ppopnum = formatnumR(ppop)  if( linktype == 'US' or linktype == 'USA' ) then  if( (yearnum or 0) >= 1790 and yearnum <= current_year and math.fmod(math.floor(yearnum), 10) == 0) then  if( yearnum < current_year ) then  year = '[[' .. tostring(yearnum) .. ' United States Census|' .. year .. ']]'  elseif( ifexist(tostring(yearnum) .. ' United States Census') ) then  year = '[[' .. tostring(yearnum) .. ' United States Census|' .. year .. ']]'  end  end  end  if(percentages ~= 'off') then  local pstr = '—&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'  if(popnum ~= nil and ppopnum ~= nil and (ppopnum > 0)) then  if(percentages == 'pagr') then  pstr = mw.ustring.format('%.2f', 100*math.abs(math.pow(popnum/ppopnum,1/(yearnum-pyearnum)) - 1))  elseif(percentages == 'monthly') then  if Date == nil then Date = require('Module:Date')._Date end  local date1 = Date(year)  local date2 = Date(pyear)  local diff = date1 - date2  local months = (diff.age_days/(365.25/12))  pstr = mw.ustring.format('%.2f', 100*math.abs(math.pow(popnum/ppopnum,1/months) - 1))  else  pstr = mw.ustring.format('%.1f', 100*math.abs(popnum/ppopnum - 1))  end  if( popnum < ppopnum ) then  pstr = '−' .. pstr .. '%'  else  pstr = '+' .. pstr .. '%'  end  elseif(popnum ~= nil and ppopnum ~= nil and (ppopnum == popnum)) then  pstr = mw.ustring.format('%.2f', 0) .. '%'  end  percent = pstr  end  -- strip the fractional part of the year, if there is one  year = mw.ustring.gsub(year or '', '^%s*([%d][%d][%d]+)%.[%d]*', '%1')   return {year, formatnum(pop) .. popref, percent } end  -- this function creates an array with table header labels local function getheadrow(percentages, popname, yearname, percentname)  -- year cell   if(yearname == '') then  yearname = 'ปี'  end  -- population cell  if(popname == '') then  popname = 'ประชากร'  end   -- percentages cell  if( percentages ~= 'off' and percentname == '') then  if( percentages == 'pagr' ) then  percentname = '<abbr title="อัตราเติบโตต่อปี">±% p.a.</abbr>'  elseif( percentages == 'monthly' ) then  percentname = '<abbr title="อัตราเติบโตต่อเดือน">±% p.m.</abbr>'  else  percentname = '<abbr title="การเปลี่ยนแปลงร้อยละ">±%</abbr>'  end  end  return {yearname, popname, percentname} end  -- this function renders the population table in a vertical format local function rendervertical(data, head, title, footnote, alignfn, class, style, width, shading, percol, cols)  -- define a couple helper functions  local function addrowcell(trow, tag, text, align, shading, style)  cell = trow:tag(tag)  cell  :css('text-align', align)  :css('padding', '1px')  :wikitext(text)  :css('border-bottom', shading ~= 'off' and '1px solid #bbbbbb' or nil)  :cssText(style)  end  local function addheadcell(trow, text, align, width, pad)  cell = trow:tag('th')  cell  :css('border-bottom', '1px solid black')  :css('padding', pad and ('1px ' .. pad) or '1px')  :css('text-align', align)  :css('width', width)  :wikitext(text)  end   local colspan = 3  local yearcount = #data  local argcount = 2*yearcount   if( isempty(width) ) then  width = '15em'  end   -- override the value of cols if percol has been specified  if( percol > 0 ) then  cols = math.floor( (yearcount - 1) / percol ) + 1  end   -- compute the number of rows per col  local rowspercol = math.floor( (yearcount - 1) / cols ) + 1   -- specify the colspan for the title and footer lines  if( cols > 1 ) then  colspan = cols  else  if (head[3] == '') then  colspan = 2  else  colspan = 3  end  end   -- compute outer table width  local twidth = width  if( (cols > 1) and width:match('^%s*[%d]+[%w]+%s*$') ) then  local widthnum = mw.ustring.gsub( width, '^%s*([%d]+)([%w]+)%s*$', '%1' )  local widthunit = mw.ustring.gsub( width, '^%s*([%d]+)([%w]+)%s*$', '%2' )  twidth = tostring(widthnum*cols) .. widthunit  end   -- create the outer table  local root = mw.html.create('table')  root  :addClass(class)  :css('width', twidth)  :css('border-top-width', '0')  :cssText(style['table'])  -- add title  local caption = root:tag('caption')  caption  :css('border-top', '1px #aaa solid')  :css('border-left', '1px #aaa solid')  :css('border-right', '1px #aaa solid')  :css('background-color', 'lavender')  :css('padding', '0.25em')  :css('font-weight', 'bold')  :wikitext(title)   -- loop over columns and rows within columns  local offset = 1  local t = root  for c = 1,cols do  -- add inner tables if we are rendering more than one column  if( cols > 1) then  if (c == 1) then  row = root:tag('tr')  row:attr('valign', 'top')  cell = row:tag('td')  cell:css('padding', '0 0.5em')  else  cell = row:tag('td')  cell  :css('padding', '0 0.5em')  :css('border-left', 'solid 1px #aaa')  end  t = cell:tag('table')  t  :css('border-spacing', '0')  :css('width', width)  end  -- start column headers  local hrow = t:tag('tr')  hrow:css('font-size', '95%')  -- year header  addheadcell(hrow, head[1], nil, head[3] ~= '' and '3em' or 'auto', nil, nil)  -- population header  addheadcell(hrow, head[2], 'right', nil, '2px')  -- percentages header  if( head[3] ~= '' ) then  addheadcell(hrow, head[3], 'right', nil, nil)  end  -- end column headers  -- start population rows  for r = 1,rowspercol do  -- generate the row if we have not exceeded the rowcount  -- shade every fifth row, unless shading = off  local s = 'off'  if( math.fmod((c - 1)*rowspercol + r, 5) == 0 and r ~= rowspercol) then  s = shading  end  if(offset <= yearcount) then  -- start population row  local prow = t:tag('tr')  -- year cell  addrowcell(prow, 'th', data[offset][1], 'center', s, style['year'])  -- population cell  addrowcell(prow, 'td', data[offset][2], 'right', s, style['pop'])  -- percentage cell  if( not isempty(head[3]) ) then  addrowcell(prow, 'td', data[offset][3], 'right', s, style['pct'])  end  -- end population row  offset = offset + 1  end  end  end   -- add the footnote line   if( footnote ~= '') then  row = root:tag('tr')  cell = row:tag('td')  cell  :attr('colspan', colspan)  :css('border-top', '1px solid black')  :css('font-size', '85%')  :css('text-align', alignfn)  :wikitext(footnote)  end   return tostring(root) end  -- this function renders the population table in a horizontal format local function renderhorizontal(data, head, title, footnote, alignfn, class, style, width, shading, perrow, rows)  local row  local cell  local yearcount = #data  local argcount = 2*yearcount   -- override the value of rows if perrow has been specified  if( perrow > 0 ) then  rows = math.floor( (yearcount - 1) / perrow ) + 1  end   -- compute the number of cols per row  local colsperrow = math.floor( (yearcount - 1) / rows ) + 1   -- create the outer table  local root = mw.html.create('table')  root  :addClass(class)  :css('font-size', '90%')  :cssText(style['table'])  -- create title row  row = root:tag('tr')  cell = row:tag('th')  cell  :css('padding', '0.25em')  :attr('colspan', colsperrow + 1)  :wikitext(title)   -- loop over rows and columns within rows  local offset = 1  for r = 1,rows do  local rowoffset = offset  -- render the years  row = root:tag('tr')  cell = row:tag('th')  cell:wikitext(head[1])  :css('border-top', r > 1 and '2px solid #000' or nil)  for c = 1,colsperrow do  cell = row:tag('td')  if(offset <= yearcount) then  cell:wikitext(data[offset][1])  :css('text-align', 'center')  :css('border-top', r > 1 and '2px solid #000' or nil)  :cssText(style['year'])  else  cell:css('border-width', r > 1 and '2px 0 0 0' or 0)  :css('border-top', r > 1 and '2px solid #000' or nil)  end  offset = offset + 1  end  -- render the pop  offset = rowoffset  row = root:tag('tr')  cell = row:tag('th')  cell:wikitext(head[2])  for c = 1,colsperrow do  cell = row:tag('td')  if(offset <= yearcount) then  cell:wikitext(data[offset][2])  :css('text-align', 'right')  :css('padding-right', '2px')  :cssText(style['pop'])  else  cell:css('border-width', 0)  end  offset = offset + 1  end  -- render the percentages  if(head[3] ~= '') then  offset = rowoffset  row = root:tag('tr')  cell = row:tag('th')  cell:wikitext(head[3])  for c = 1,colsperrow do  cell = row:tag('td')  if(offset <= yearcount) then  cell:wikitext(data[offset][3])  :css('text-align', 'right')  :css('padding-right', '2px')  :cssText(style['pct'])  else  cell:css('border-width', 0)  end  offset = offset + 1  end  end  end   -- add the footnote line   if( footnote ~= '') then  row = root:tag('tr')  cell = row:tag('td')  cell  :css('border-top', '2px solid black')  :css('font-size', '85%')  :css('text-align', alignfn)  :attr('colspan', colsperrow + 1)  :wikitext(footnote)  end   return tostring(root) end  -- this is the main function function p.poptable(frame)  local data = {}  local style = {}  local args = frame.args[1] and frame.args or frame:getParent().args   local title = args['title'] or ''  local align = args['align'] or ''  local clear = args['clear'] or ''  local direction = args['direction'] or ''  local percentages = args['percentages'] or ''  local state = args['state'] or ''  local linktype = args['type'] or ''  local shading = args['shading'] or 'on'  local width = args['width'] or ''  local subbox = args['subbox'] or ''  local popname = args['pop_name'] or ''  local yearname = args['year_name'] or ''  local percentname = args['percent_name'] or ''  local footnote = args['footnote'] or ''  local alignfn = args['align-fn'] or ''  local source = args['source'] or ''  local percol = tonumber(args['percol']) or 0  local cols = tonumber(args['cols']) or 1  local perrow = tonumber(args['perrow']) or 0  local rows = tonumber(args['rows']) or 1  style['year'] = args['year_style']  style['pop'] = args['pop_style']  style['pct'] = args['pct_style']   -- setup classes and styling for outer table  local class = direction == 'horizontal' and 'wikitable' or 'toccolours'  if( state == 'collapsed' ) then  class = class .. ' collapsible collapsed'  end   if( isempty(title) ) then  title = 'ประวัติจำนวนประชากร'  end   if( isempty(align) ) then  align = direction ~= 'horizontal' and 'right' or 'center'  end   if( isempty(alignfn) ) then  alignfn = 'left'  end   if( isempty(clear) ) then  clear = align == 'center' and '' or align  end   local margin = '0.5em 0 1em 0.5em'  if( align == 'left' ) then  margin = '0.5em 1em 0.5em 0'  elseif( align == 'none' ) then  margin = '0.5em 1em 0.5em 0'  elseif( align == 'center' ) then  margin = '0.5em auto'  align = ''  end   if( isempty(subbox) ) then  style['table'] =  'border-spacing: 0;' ..  (align ~= '' and 'float:' .. align .. ';' or '') ..  (clear ~= '' and 'clear:' .. clear .. ';' or '') ..  'margin:' .. margin .. ';'  else  style['table'] =  'margin:0;' ..  'border-collapse:collapse;' ..  'border:none;'  end   -- setup the footer text  if( source ~= '' ) then  source = 'ที่มา: ' .. source  if( footnote ~= '' ) then  footnote = footnote .. '<br/>'  end  end  footnote = footnote .. source   -- setup the data header cols/rows  local head = getheadrow(percentages, popname, yearname, percentname)   -- count the total number of population rows  local argcount = 0  local rowcount = 0  for k, v in pairs( args ) do  if ( (type( k ) == 'number') and (not isempty(args[k])) ) then  if( k >= 1 and math.floor(k) == k and k > argcount) then  argcount = k  end  if( math.fmod(k - 1, 2) == 0 ) then  rowcount = rowcount + 1  end  end  end   -- here is where we build all the data for the table  -- loop over columns and rows within columns  local pyear = ''  local ppop = ''  local offset = 1  local current_year = tonumber(os.date("%Y", os.time()))  for r = 1,rowcount do  -- skip blank rows  while(isempty(args[offset]) and offset <= argcount) do  offset = offset + 2  end  -- generate the row if we have not exceeded the rowcount  if(offset <= argcount) then  table.insert(data, getpoprow(args[offset], args[offset + 1] or '', pyear, ppop,  linktype, percentages, current_year) )  pyear = args[offset]  ppop = args[offset+1] or ''  offset = offset + 2  end  end   -- now that we have the data for the table, render it in the requested format  if (direction == 'horizontal') then  return renderhorizontal(data, head, title, footnote, alignfn, class, style, width, shading, perrow, rows)  else  return rendervertical(data, head, title, footnote, alignfn, class, style, width, shading, percol, cols)  end end  return p 

มอด, historical, populations, เป, นมอด, ลท, กป, องก, นถาวรเน, องจากม, ความเส, ยงส, งกร, ณาอภ, ปรายการเปล, ยนแปลงใด, ทางหน, าค, ณอาจส, งคำขอแก, ไข, ไปย, งผ, แลระบบเพ, อให, แก, ไขได, หากเป, นการแก, ไขท, ไม, การค, ดค, านหร, อม, ความเห, นพ, องสน, บสน, ณย, งสามารถข. niepnmxdulthithukpxngknthawrenuxngcakmikhwamesiyngsungkrunaxphipraykarepliynaeplngid thanghnakhuy khunxacsngkhakhxaekikh ipyngphuduaelrabbephuxihaekikhidhakepnkaraekikhthiimmikarkhdkhanhruxmikhwamehnphxngsnbsnun khunyngsamarthkhxihelikpxngknhnaidkhumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulni This template implements Historical populations local p local lang mw getContentLanguage local Date lazy initialization local function ifexist page if not page then return false end if mw title new page exists then return true end return false end local function isempty s return not s or s match s s end local function splitnumandref s s s match s s local t1 mw text unstrip s local t2 s match d d if t1 t2 then local t3 s match d d return t1 t3 else return s end end local function formatnumR num return tonumber lang parseFormattedNumber num end local function formatnum num return lang parseFormattedNumber num and lang formatNum lang parseFormattedNumber num or num end this function creates an array with the year population percent change local function getpoprow year popstr pyear ppopstr linktype percentages current year local pop popref splitnumandref popstr or local ppop ppopref splitnumandref ppopstr or local percent local yearnum formatnumR mw ustring gsub year or s d d d 1 or local pyearnum formatnumR mw ustring gsub pyear or s d d d 1 or local popnum formatnumR pop local ppopnum formatnumR ppop if linktype US or linktype USA then if yearnum or 0 gt 1790 and yearnum lt current year and math fmod math floor yearnum 10 0 then if yearnum lt current year then year tostring yearnum United States Census year elseif ifexist tostring yearnum United States Census then year tostring yearnum United States Census year end end end if percentages off then local pstr amp nbsp amp nbsp amp nbsp amp nbsp if popnum nil and ppopnum nil and ppopnum gt 0 then if percentages pagr then pstr mw ustring format 2f 100 math abs math pow popnum ppopnum 1 yearnum pyearnum 1 elseif percentages monthly then if Date nil then Date require Module Date Date end local date1 Date year local date2 Date pyear local diff date1 date2 local months diff age days 365 25 12 pstr mw ustring format 2f 100 math abs math pow popnum ppopnum 1 months 1 else pstr mw ustring format 1f 100 math abs popnum ppopnum 1 end if popnum lt ppopnum then pstr pstr else pstr pstr end elseif popnum nil and ppopnum nil and ppopnum popnum then pstr mw ustring format 2f 0 end percent pstr end strip the fractional part of the year if there is one year mw ustring gsub year or s d d d d 1 return year formatnum pop popref percent end this function creates an array with table header labels local function getheadrow percentages popname yearname percentname year cell if yearname then yearname pi end population cell if popname then popname prachakr end percentages cell if percentages off and percentname then if percentages pagr then percentname lt abbr title xtraetibottxpi gt p a lt abbr gt elseif percentages monthly then percentname lt abbr title xtraetibottxeduxn gt p m lt abbr gt else percentname lt abbr title karepliynaeplngrxyla gt lt abbr gt end end return yearname popname percentname end this function renders the population table in a vertical format local function rendervertical data head title footnote alignfn class style width shading percol cols define a couple helper functions local function addrowcell trow tag text align shading style cell trow tag tag cell css text align align css padding 1px wikitext text css border bottom shading off and 1px solid bbbbbb or nil cssText style end local function addheadcell trow text align width pad cell trow tag th cell css border bottom 1px solid black css padding pad and 1px pad or 1px css text align align css width width wikitext text end local colspan 3 local yearcount data local argcount 2 yearcount if isempty width then width 15em end override the value of cols if percol has been specified if percol gt 0 then cols math floor yearcount 1 percol 1 end compute the number of rows per col local rowspercol math floor yearcount 1 cols 1 specify the colspan for the title and footer lines if cols gt 1 then colspan cols else if head 3 then colspan 2 else colspan 3 end end compute outer table width local twidth width if cols gt 1 and width match s d w s then local widthnum mw ustring gsub width s d w s 1 local widthunit mw ustring gsub width s d w s 2 twidth tostring widthnum cols widthunit end create the outer table local root mw html create table root addClass class css width twidth css border top width 0 cssText style table add title local caption root tag caption caption css border top 1px aaa solid css border left 1px aaa solid css border right 1px aaa solid css background color lavender css padding 0 25em css font weight bold wikitext title loop over columns and rows within columns local offset 1 local t root for c 1 cols do add inner tables if we are rendering more than one column if cols gt 1 then if c 1 then row root tag tr row attr valign top cell row tag td cell css padding 0 0 5em else cell row tag td cell css padding 0 0 5em css border left solid 1px aaa end t cell tag table t css border spacing 0 css width width end start column headers local hrow t tag tr hrow css font size 95 year header addheadcell hrow head 1 nil head 3 and 3em or auto nil nil population header addheadcell hrow head 2 right nil 2px percentages header if head 3 then addheadcell hrow head 3 right nil nil end end column headers start population rows for r 1 rowspercol do generate the row if we have not exceeded the rowcount shade every fifth row unless shading off local s off if math fmod c 1 rowspercol r 5 0 and r rowspercol then s shading end if offset lt yearcount then start population row local prow t tag tr year cell addrowcell prow th data offset 1 center s style year population cell addrowcell prow td data offset 2 right s style pop percentage cell if not isempty head 3 then addrowcell prow td data offset 3 right s style pct end end population row offset offset 1 end end end add the footnote line if footnote then row root tag tr cell row tag td cell attr colspan colspan css border top 1px solid black css font size 85 css text align alignfn wikitext footnote end return tostring root end this function renders the population table in a horizontal format local function renderhorizontal data head title footnote alignfn class style width shading perrow rows local row local cell local yearcount data local argcount 2 yearcount override the value of rows if perrow has been specified if perrow gt 0 then rows math floor yearcount 1 perrow 1 end compute the number of cols per row local colsperrow math floor yearcount 1 rows 1 create the outer table local root mw html create table root addClass class css font size 90 cssText style table create title row row root tag tr cell row tag th cell css padding 0 25em attr colspan colsperrow 1 wikitext title loop over rows and columns within rows local offset 1 for r 1 rows do local rowoffset offset render the years row root tag tr cell row tag th cell wikitext head 1 css border top r gt 1 and 2px solid 000 or nil for c 1 colsperrow do cell row tag td if offset lt yearcount then cell wikitext data offset 1 css text align center css border top r gt 1 and 2px solid 000 or nil cssText style year else cell css border width r gt 1 and 2px 0 0 0 or 0 css border top r gt 1 and 2px solid 000 or nil end offset offset 1 end render the pop offset rowoffset row root tag tr cell row tag th cell wikitext head 2 for c 1 colsperrow do cell row tag td if offset lt yearcount then cell wikitext data offset 2 css text align right css padding right 2px cssText style pop else cell css border width 0 end offset offset 1 end render the percentages if head 3 then offset rowoffset row root tag tr cell row tag th cell wikitext head 3 for c 1 colsperrow do cell row tag td if offset lt yearcount then cell wikitext data offset 3 css text align right css padding right 2px cssText style pct else cell css border width 0 end offset offset 1 end end end add the footnote line if footnote then row root tag tr cell row tag td cell css border top 2px solid black css font size 85 css text align alignfn attr colspan colsperrow 1 wikitext footnote end return tostring root end this is the main function function p poptable frame local data local style local args frame args 1 and frame args or frame getParent args local title args title or local align args align or local clear args clear or local direction args direction or local percentages args percentages or local state args state or local linktype args type or local shading args shading or on local width args width or local subbox args subbox or local popname args pop name or local yearname args year name or local percentname args percent name or local footnote args footnote or local alignfn args align fn or local source args source or local percol tonumber args percol or 0 local cols tonumber args cols or 1 local perrow tonumber args perrow or 0 local rows tonumber args rows or 1 style year args year style style pop args pop style style pct args pct style setup classes and styling for outer table local class direction horizontal and wikitable or toccolours if state collapsed then class class collapsible collapsed end if isempty title then title prawticanwnprachakr end if isempty align then align direction horizontal and right or center end if isempty alignfn then alignfn left end if isempty clear then clear align center and or align end local margin 0 5em 0 1em 0 5em if align left then margin 0 5em 1em 0 5em 0 elseif align none then margin 0 5em 1em 0 5em 0 elseif align center then margin 0 5em auto align end if isempty subbox then style table border spacing 0 align and float align or clear and clear clear or margin margin else style table margin 0 border collapse collapse border none end setup the footer text if source then source thima source if footnote then footnote footnote lt br gt end end footnote footnote source setup the data header cols rows local head getheadrow percentages popname yearname percentname count the total number of population rows local argcount 0 local rowcount 0 for k v in pairs args do if type k number and not isempty args k then if k gt 1 and math floor k k and k gt argcount then argcount k end if math fmod k 1 2 0 then rowcount rowcount 1 end end end here is where we build all the data for the table loop over columns and rows within columns local pyear local ppop local offset 1 local current year tonumber os date Y os time for r 1 rowcount do skip blank rows while isempty args offset and offset lt argcount do offset offset 2 end generate the row if we have not exceeded the rowcount if offset lt argcount then table insert data getpoprow args offset args offset 1 or pyear ppop linktype percentages current year pyear args offset ppop args offset 1 or offset offset 2 end end now that we have the data for the table render it in the requested format if direction horizontal then return renderhorizontal data head title footnote alignfn class style width shading perrow rows else return rendervertical data head title footnote alignfn class style width shading percol cols end end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Historical populations amp oldid 9322102, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม