
มอดูล:Horizontal timeline

local horizontal_timeline = {};  local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local builder = mw.html.create()  local function defaultInvokeFunc(funcName)  return function (frame)  args = getArgs(frame, {  trim = true,  removeBlanks = true,  parentFirst = true  })   local from = getNotNilValue(tonumber(args['from']))  local to = getNotNilValue(tonumber(args['to']))   if not from or not to or from == to then  return ("<strong class='error'><code>from</code> and <code>to</code> cannot be <code>nil</code> or equal.</strong>")  else  return horizontal_timeline[funcName](args)  end  end end  horizontal_timeline.showTimeLine = defaultInvokeFunc('_showTimeLine') function horizontal_timeline._showTimeLine(args)  local wdth = getNotNilValue(args['width'], '100%' )  local bordr = getNotNilValue(args['border'], '1px solid rgb(170, 170, 170)' )  local bgCol = getNotNilValue(args['plot-color'], args['plot-colour'], 'transparent')  local mrgn = getNotNilValue(args['margin'], '1em')   local div_root = builder  :tag('div')  :cssText('float:left;border:'..bordr .. ';width:'..wdth)   local cntnt = div_root  :tag('div')  :cssText('text-align:left; padding:1em; font-size:95%; margin:' ..mrgn.. '; background:'..bgCol)   local rowNums = affixNums(args, 'row') -- Gets numbers for row1, row2, etc. with nil arguments removed.  for _, num in ipairs(rowNums) do  local rowType = args['row' .. num] -- Gets args.rowtype1, args.rowtype2, etc. with nil arguments removed.  if rowType == 'scale' then  cntnt:wikitext(horizontal_timeline.scaleRow(args))  elseif rowType == 'note' then  cntnt:wikitext(horizontal_timeline.noteRow(num, args))  elseif rowType == 'timeline' then  cntnt:wikitext(horizontal_timeline.timelineRow(num, args))  else  cntnt:wikitext(rowType)  end  end  if args.caption then  cntnt:tag('p')  :cssText('clear:both; text-align:center')  :wikitext(args.caption)  :done()  end  return tostring(div_root) .. "<div style='clear:left;'></div>" end  horizontal_timeline.showOneRow = defaultInvokeFunc('_showOneRow') function horizontal_timeline._showOneRow(args)  local rowNums = affixNums(args, 'row') -- Gets numbers for row1, row2, etc. with nil arguments removed.  for _, num in ipairs(rowNums) do  local rowType = args['row' .. num] -- Gets args.rowtype1, args.rowtype2, etc. with nil arguments removed.  if rowType == 'scale' then  return horizontal_timeline.scaleRow(args)  elseif rowType == 'note' then  return horizontal_timeline.noteRow(num, args)  elseif rowType == 'timeline' then  return horizontal_timeline.timelineRow(num, args)  else  return wikitext(rowType)  end  end  return "?" end  function horizontal_timeline.timelineRow(num, args)  local root = mw.html.create()   local from = getNotNilValue(tonumber(args['from']))  local to = getNotNilValue(tonumber(args['to']))   local style = getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-style'], '')  local hght = getNotNilValue (args['row' .. num .. '-height'],  args[style .. '-height'],  '2.5em')  local bordrTop = getNotNilValue (args['row' .. num .. '-bordertop'],  args[style .. '-bordertop'],  'none')  local bordrBtm = getNotNilValue (args['row' .. num .. '-borderbottom'],  args[style .. '-borderbottom'],  'none')  local txtTop = getNotNilValue (args['row' .. num .. '-texttop'],  args[style .. '-texttop'],  '0em')  local colr = getNotNilValue (args['row' .. num .. '-colour'],  args['row' .. num .. '-color'],  args[style .. '-colour'],  args[style .. '-color'],  'transparent')  local barborder = getNotNilValue (args['bar-border'], '1px solid #000')   if bordrTop ~= 'none' then  bordrTop = 'border-top:' .. bordrTop .. ';'  else  bordrTop = ''  end   if bordrBtm ~= 'none' then  bordrBtm = 'border-bottom:' .. bordrBtm .. ';'  else  bordrBtm = ''  end   local p = root  :tag('div')  :cssText("clear:both;width:100%; padding:0px; height:".. hght)  :cssText(bordrTop.. bordrBtm .. "background-color:"..colr)   local rowDat = affixNums(args, 'row'..num..'%-', '%-[a-zA-Z]*')  local lastTo = from  local firstNode = true  for _, vals in ipairs(rowDat) do   local styleL = getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-style'], style)   --These vars should be initialized every iteration. Do not move outside of loop  local bar_to = tonumber(getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-to'],  args[styleL .. '-to'],  args[style.. '-'.. vals .. '-to'], to ) )  local bar_fontsize =getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-fontsize'],  args[styleL .. '-fontsize'],  args[style..'-'.. vals .. '-fontsize'], '0.9em' )  local bar_bordr= getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-border'],  args[styleL .. '-border'],  args[style..'-'.. vals .. '-border'],  'none')  local bar_txtTop= getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-texttop'],  args[styleL .. '-texttop'],  args[style..'-'.. vals .. '-texttop'], txtTop )  local bar_text = getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-text'],  args[styleL .. '-text'],  args[style..'-'.. vals .. '-text'], '')  local bar_colour = getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-colour'],  args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-color'],  args[styleL .. '-boxcolour'],  args[styleL .. '-boxcolor'],  args[style..'-'.. vals .. '-colour'],  args[style..'-'.. vals .. '-color'],  'transparent' )   if from < to then  if bar_to > to then bar_to = to end  if lastTo < from then lastTo = from end  else  if bar_to < to then bar_to = to end  if lastTo > from then lastTo = from end  end   local width =( (bar_to-lastTo)*100 / (to-from) ) --math.abs   if width > 0 and width <= 100 then  if bar_bordr == 'none' then  if firstNode then -- for first box both left and right border needed  bar_bordr = barborder .. "; border-left:" .. barborder  firstNode = false  else  bar_bordr = barborder  end  end  p:tag('div')  :cssText("float:left; height:100%; text-align:center; overflow: hidden; background-color:"..bar_colour)  :cssText("width:"..width .."%")  :tag('div')  :cssText("-moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;box-sizing: border-box;")  :cssText("float:right; height:100%; width:100%; border-right:"..bar_bordr)  :tag('div')  :cssText('position: relative; top:'..bar_txtTop .. '; font-size:'.. bar_fontsize)  :wikitext(bar_text)  :done()  :done()  :done()  end   lastTo = bar_to  end  return tostring(root) end  function horizontal_timeline.noteRow(num, args)  local root = mw.html.create()   local from = getNotNilValue(tonumber(args['from']))  local to = getNotNilValue(tonumber(args['to']))   local hght = getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-height'], '2.5em')   local p = root  :tag('div')  :cssText("width:100%; position:relative; left:-0.2em; top:0.8em; clear:both; height:".. hght)   local rowDat = affixNums(args, 'row'..num..'%-', '%-at')  if not rowDat then  return ("<strong class='error'>Please specify location for note at <code>"..'row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-at'.."</code> parameter.</strong>")  end  for _, vals in ipairs(rowDat) do  local note_at =args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-at'] --will never be nil as it is what is used to receive rowDat  local note_text =getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-text'], '' )  local note_shift=getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-shift'], '0em' )  local note_lift =getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-lift'], '0em' )  local note_arrow=getNotNilValue(args['row' .. num .. '-'.. vals .. '-arrow'], '↓' )   local note_sft = 100*(note_at - from) / (to-from)   p:tag('div')  :cssText("position:absolute; top:0px; width:100%")  :tag('div')  :cssText("margin-left:".. note_sft .."%; margin-top:0; position:relative")  :tag('span')  :cssText("position:relative; top:0.25em; left:-1.5px")  :wikitext(note_arrow)  :done()  :tag('span')  :cssText("font-size:smaller; position:relative; line-height:3px; overflow:visible")  :cssText("left:"..note_shift.."; top:"..note_lift.."; z-index:".. (1000- tonumber(num)))  :wikitext(note_text)  :done()  :done()  :done()  :done()  end  return tostring(root) end  function horizontal_timeline.scaleRow(args)  local from = getNotNilValue(tonumber(args['from']))  local to = getNotNilValue(tonumber(args['to']))  local inc = getNotNilValue( tonumber(args['inc']), (math.floor( (from - to) / 5 ) * -1) )  local negativeFmt = getNotNilValue(args['axis-negativeFmt'], '−%s')  local positiveFmt = getNotNilValue(args['axis-positiveFmt'], '%s')  local zeroFmt = getNotNilValue(args['axis-zeroFmt'], '%s')  local nudge = getNotNilValue(args['axis-nudge'], '-1.8em')   local wdth = math.abs ( (100 * inc) / (from - to) )  local root = mw.html.create()   local p = root  :wikitext("<div name='line' style='clear:both;width:100%;max-width:100%;border-top:0.1em solid black;height:1em;'></div>")  :tag('div')  :attr('id', 'Scale')  :cssText('clear:both;position:relative;top:-1.4em;left:-0.2em;width:100%;padding:0;height:2.5em')   for var=from, to, inc do  if from < to then  if var+inc > to then wdth = 0 end  else  if var+inc < to then wdth = 0 end  end   local lbl  if var < 0 then  lbl = string.format( negativeFmt, math.abs(var) )  elseif var > 0 then  lbl = string.format( positiveFmt, math.abs(var) )  else  lbl = string.format( zeroFmt, math.abs(var) )  end   local markr = getNotNilValue(args['axis-marker-'..lbl], '│')  lbl = getNotNilValue(args['axis-'..lbl], lbl)   p:tag('div')  :cssText('float:left;overflow:visible;width:'.. wdth .. '%')  :wikitext(markr)  :tag('div')  :cssText('font-size:86%; position:relative; left:'..nudge..'; overflow:visible; white-space:nowrap')  :wikitext(lbl)  :done()  :done()  end  p:done()  return tostring(root) end  --Returns the first non nil value from the list of parameters. function getNotNilValue(...)  for _,v in pairs(arg) do --Do not use ipairs. Will stop at first nil  if v then return v end  end  return nil end  function affixNums(t, prefix, suffix)  prefix = prefix or ''  suffix = suffix or ''   local pattern = '^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)' .. suffix .. '$'  local nums = {}  for k, v in pairs(t) do  if type(k) == 'string' then  local num = mw.ustring.match(k, pattern)  if num then  nums[#nums + 1] = tonumber(num)  end  end  end  table.sort(nums)  return nums end  return horizontal_timeline 

มอด, horizontal, timeline, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, local, horizontal, tim. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulnilocal horizontal timeline local getArgs require Module Arguments getArgs local builder mw html create local function defaultInvokeFunc funcName return function frame args getArgs frame trim true removeBlanks true parentFirst true local from getNotNilValue tonumber args from local to getNotNilValue tonumber args to if not from or not to or from to then return lt strong class error gt lt code gt from lt code gt and lt code gt to lt code gt cannot be lt code gt nil lt code gt or equal lt strong gt else return horizontal timeline funcName args end end end horizontal timeline showTimeLine defaultInvokeFunc showTimeLine function horizontal timeline showTimeLine args local wdth getNotNilValue args width 100 local bordr getNotNilValue args border 1px solid rgb 170 170 170 local bgCol getNotNilValue args plot color args plot colour transparent local mrgn getNotNilValue args margin 1em local div root builder tag div cssText float left border bordr width wdth local cntnt div root tag div cssText text align left padding 1em font size 95 margin mrgn background bgCol local rowNums affixNums args row Gets numbers for row1 row2 etc with nil arguments removed for num in ipairs rowNums do local rowType args row num Gets args rowtype1 args rowtype2 etc with nil arguments removed if rowType scale then cntnt wikitext horizontal timeline scaleRow args elseif rowType note then cntnt wikitext horizontal timeline noteRow num args elseif rowType timeline then cntnt wikitext horizontal timeline timelineRow num args else cntnt wikitext rowType end end if args caption then cntnt tag p cssText clear both text align center wikitext args caption done end return tostring div root lt div style clear left gt lt div gt end horizontal timeline showOneRow defaultInvokeFunc showOneRow function horizontal timeline showOneRow args local rowNums affixNums args row Gets numbers for row1 row2 etc with nil arguments removed for num in ipairs rowNums do local rowType args row num Gets args rowtype1 args rowtype2 etc with nil arguments removed if rowType scale then return horizontal timeline scaleRow args elseif rowType note then return horizontal timeline noteRow num args elseif rowType timeline then return horizontal timeline timelineRow num args else return wikitext rowType end end return end function horizontal timeline timelineRow num args local root mw html create local from getNotNilValue tonumber args from local to getNotNilValue tonumber args to local style getNotNilValue args row num style local hght getNotNilValue args row num height args style height 2 5em local bordrTop getNotNilValue args row num bordertop args style bordertop none local bordrBtm getNotNilValue args row num borderbottom args style borderbottom none local txtTop getNotNilValue args row num texttop args style texttop 0em local colr getNotNilValue args row num colour args row num color args style colour args style color transparent local barborder getNotNilValue args bar border 1px solid 000 if bordrTop none then bordrTop border top bordrTop else bordrTop end if bordrBtm none then bordrBtm border bottom bordrBtm else bordrBtm end local p root tag div cssText clear both width 100 padding 0px height hght cssText bordrTop bordrBtm background color colr local rowDat affixNums args row num a zA Z local lastTo from local firstNode true for vals in ipairs rowDat do local styleL getNotNilValue args row num vals style style These vars should be initialized every iteration Do not move outside of loop local bar to tonumber getNotNilValue args row num vals to args styleL to args style vals to to local bar fontsize getNotNilValue args row num vals fontsize args styleL fontsize args style vals fontsize 0 9em local bar bordr getNotNilValue args row num vals border args styleL border args style vals border none local bar txtTop getNotNilValue args row num vals texttop args styleL texttop args style vals texttop txtTop local bar text getNotNilValue args row num vals text args styleL text args style vals text local bar colour getNotNilValue args row num vals colour args row num vals color args styleL boxcolour args styleL boxcolor args style vals colour args style vals color transparent if from lt to then if bar to gt to then bar to to end if lastTo lt from then lastTo from end else if bar to lt to then bar to to end if lastTo gt from then lastTo from end end local width bar to lastTo 100 to from math abs if width gt 0 and width lt 100 then if bar bordr none then if firstNode then for first box both left and right border needed bar bordr barborder border left barborder firstNode false else bar bordr barborder end end p tag div cssText float left height 100 text align center overflow hidden background color bar colour cssText width width tag div cssText moz box sizing border box webkit box sizing border box box sizing border box cssText float right height 100 width 100 border right bar bordr tag div cssText position relative top bar txtTop font size bar fontsize wikitext bar text done done done end lastTo bar to end return tostring root end function horizontal timeline noteRow num args local root mw html create local from getNotNilValue tonumber args from local to getNotNilValue tonumber args to local hght getNotNilValue args row num height 2 5em local p root tag div cssText width 100 position relative left 0 2em top 0 8em clear both height hght local rowDat affixNums args row num at if not rowDat then return lt strong class error gt Please specify location for note at lt code gt row num vals at lt code gt parameter lt strong gt end for vals in ipairs rowDat do local note at args row num vals at will never be nil as it is what is used to receive rowDat local note text getNotNilValue args row num vals text local note shift getNotNilValue args row num vals shift 0em local note lift getNotNilValue args row num vals lift 0em local note arrow getNotNilValue args row num vals arrow local note sft 100 note at from to from p tag div cssText position absolute top 0px width 100 tag div cssText margin left note sft margin top 0 position relative tag span cssText position relative top 0 25em left 1 5px wikitext note arrow done tag span cssText font size smaller position relative line height 3px overflow visible cssText left note shift top note lift z index 1000 tonumber num wikitext note text done done done done end return tostring root end function horizontal timeline scaleRow args local from getNotNilValue tonumber args from local to getNotNilValue tonumber args to local inc getNotNilValue tonumber args inc math floor from to 5 1 local negativeFmt getNotNilValue args axis negativeFmt s local positiveFmt getNotNilValue args axis positiveFmt s local zeroFmt getNotNilValue args axis zeroFmt s local nudge getNotNilValue args axis nudge 1 8em local wdth math abs 100 inc from to local root mw html create local p root wikitext lt div name line style clear both width 100 max width 100 border top 0 1em solid black height 1em gt lt div gt tag div attr id Scale cssText clear both position relative top 1 4em left 0 2em width 100 padding 0 height 2 5em for var from to inc do if from lt to then if var inc gt to then wdth 0 end else if var inc lt to then wdth 0 end end local lbl if var lt 0 then lbl string format negativeFmt math abs var elseif var gt 0 then lbl string format positiveFmt math abs var else lbl string format zeroFmt math abs var end local markr getNotNilValue args axis marker lbl lbl getNotNilValue args axis lbl lbl p tag div cssText float left overflow visible width wdth wikitext markr tag div cssText font size 86 position relative left nudge overflow visible white space nowrap wikitext lbl done done end p done return tostring root end Returns the first non nil value from the list of parameters function getNotNilValue for v in pairs arg do Do not use ipairs Will stop at first nil if v then return v end end return nil end function affixNums t prefix suffix prefix prefix or suffix suffix or local pattern prefix 1 9 d suffix local nums for k v in pairs t do if type k string then local num mw ustring match k pattern if num then nums nums 1 tonumber num end end end table sort nums return nums end return horizontal timeline ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Horizontal timeline amp oldid 8502455, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม