
มอดูล:Infobox date field metadata

local main = {};  local monthIndices = {  ['มกราคม'] = 1,  ['กุมภาพันธ์'] = 2,  ['มีนาคม'] = 3,  ['เมษายน'] = 4,  ['พฤษภาคม'] = 5,  ['มิถุนายน'] = 6,  ['กรกฎาคม'] = 7,  ['สิงหาคม'] = 8,  ['กันยายน'] = 9,  ['ตุลาคม'] = 10,  ['พฤศจิกายน'] = 11,  ['ธันวาคม'] = 12,  ['ม.ค.'] = 1,  ['ก.พ.'] = 2,  ['มี.ค.'] = 3,  ['เม.ย.'] = 4,  --['พ.ค.'] = 5, -- long one would have caught this already  ['มิ.ย.'] = 6,  ['ก.ค.'] = 7,  ['ส.ค.'] = 8,  ['ก.ย.'] = 9,  ['ต.ค.'] = 10,  ['พ.ย.'] = 11,  ['ธ.ค.'] = 12 }  local monthDays = {  [1] = 31,  [2] = 29, -- will check below  [3] = 31,  [4] = 30,  [5] = 31,  [6] = 30,  [7] = 31,  [8] = 31,  [9] = 30,  [10] = 31,  [11] = 30,  [12] = 31 }  function checkIfDayValid(day, month, year)  -- First check that the month can have at least this many days  if (day > monthDays[month]) then return false end   -- February leap year check  if (month == 2) then  -- On Feb 29, if we don't have a year (incomplete date), assume 29 can be valid once every   if (day == 29 and not year) then return true end  -- On Feb 29, check for valid year - every 4 but not 100 but 400  if (day == 29 and not ((year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 ~= 0) or (year % 400 == 0))) then  return false  end  end   return true end  function checkIfMonthValid(month)  return month ~= 0 and month <= 12 -- <0 never happens with [0-9] pattern end  function checkIfYearValid(year)  return year >= 1583 -- up to 9999 end  function checkIfHourValid(hour)  return hour < 24 -- <0 never happens with [0-9] pattern end  function checkIfMinuteValid(minute)  return minute < 60 -- <0 never happens with [0-9] pattern end  function checkIfSecondValid(second)  return second < 60 -- <0 never happens with [0-9] pattern end  local PARSERESULT_OKAY = 1 local PARSERESULT_FAIL = 2 -- whatever we encountered isn't expected for any pattern local PARSERESULT_UNCRECOGNIZED = 3 -- 14 May 12, 2014 (all elements okay, no pattern) local PARSERESULT_INCOMPLETE = 4 -- May 3 local PARSERESULT_INCOMPLETERANGE = 5 -- 3 May 2012 - June 2013 local PARSERESULT_INVALID = 6 -- May 32 local PARSERESULT_INVALIDRANGE = 7 -- May 3 - May 2  -- This will first verify that we have a valid date and time and then output an ISO datetime string function checkAndOutput(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, year2, month2, day2, hour2, minute2, second2)   local s   if (year and not checkIfYearValid(year)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end  if (month and not checkIfMonthValid(month)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end  if (day and not checkIfDayValid(day, month, year)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end  if (hour and not checkIfHourValid(hour)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end  if (minute and not checkIfMinuteValid(minute)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end  if (second and not checkIfSecondValid(second)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end   if (year2 and not checkIfYearValid(year2)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end  if (month2 and not checkIfMonthValid(month2)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end  if (day2 and not checkIfDayValid(day2, month2, year2)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end  if (hour2 and not checkIfHourValid(hour2)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end  if (minute2 and not checkIfMinuteValid(minute2)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end  if (second2 and not checkIfSecondValid(second2)) then return PARSERESULT_INVALID; end   -- Check that end date is actually after start date  if (year2 and year) then  if (year2 < year) then return PARSERESULT_INVALIDRANGE end  if (year2 == year) then  if (month2 and month) then  if (month2 < month) then return PARSERESULT_INVALIDRANGE end  if (month2 == month) then  if (day2 and day) then  if (day2 < day) then return PARSERESULT_INVALIDRANGE end  -- TODO: compare time  end  end  end  end  end   -- Check that the date is actually complete even if valid  if (month and month2 and not year) then return PARSERESULT_INCOMPLETERANGE end -- any of 'd-dM', 'dM-dM', 'Md-d', 'Md-Md'  if (month and not year) then return PARSERESULT_INCOMPLETE end -- 'May', 'May 15', '15 May'  if (month2 and not year2) then return PARSERESULT_INCOMPLETE end -- same but other end  -- While technically there are more cases, none should have been matched and been given to us   local date1, time1, date2, time2   -- time only  if (second and not year) then time1 = string.format('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour, minute, second)  elseif (minute and not year) then time1 = string.format('%02d:%02d', hour, minute)  elseif (hour and not year) then time1 = string.format('%02d', hour)   -- date and time  elseif (second) then date1 = string.format('%d-%02d-%02d', year, month, day) time1 = string.format('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour, minute, second)  elseif (minute) then date1 = string.format('%d-%02d-%02d', year, month, day) time1 = string.format('%02d:%02d', hour, minute)  elseif (hour) then date1 = string.format('%d-%02d-%02d', year, month, day) time1 = string.format('%02d', hour)   -- date only  elseif (day) then date1 = string.format('%d-%02d-%02d', year, month, day)  elseif (month) then date1 = string.format('%d-%02d', year, month)  elseif (year) then date1 = string.format('%d', year)  end   -- time only  if (second2 and not year2) then time2 = string.format('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour2, minute2, second2)  elseif (minute2 and not year2) then time2 = string.format('%02d:%02d', hour2, minute2)  elseif (hour2 and not year2) then time2 = string.format('%02d', hour2)   -- date and time  elseif (second2) then date2 = string.format('%d-%02d-%02d', year2, month2, day2) time2 = string.format('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour2, minute2, second2)  elseif (minute2) then date2 = string.format('%d-%02d-%02d', year2, month2, day2) time2 = string.format('%02d:%02d', hour2, minute2)  elseif (hour2) then date2 = string.format('%d-%02d-%02d', year2, month2, day2) time2 = string.format('%02d', hour2)   -- date only  elseif (day2) then date2 = string.format('%d-%02d-%02d', year2, month2, day2)  elseif (month2) then date2 = string.format('%d-%02d', year2, month2)  elseif (year2) then date2 = string.format('%d', year2)  end   return PARSERESULT_OKAY, date1, time1, date2, time2 -- this function wouldn't be called withotu matching pattern, so at least 1 value should have been filled  end  function periodHourAdd(period)  if (period == 'pm' or period == 'p.m' or period == 'pm.' or period == 'p.m.') then -- random '.' is pattern match artifact  return 12  else  return 0  end end  local seekString -- this is our local seek string, so we don't have to pass it as parameter every time  local currentPosition -- this keeps track of where we are in seeking our current string  -- These are the element type "constants" for readability mostly local ELEMENT_INVALID = 1 local ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS = 2 -- '1' '12' '01' local ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS = 3 -- '1234' local ELEMENT_WHITESPACE = 4 -- ' ' ' ' local ELEMENT_MONTHWORD = 5 -- 'May' 'February' 'Aug' local ELEMENT_COMMA = 6 -- ',' ', ' local ELEMENT_DASH = 7 -- '-' ' - ' ' — ' '- ' ' -' local ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR = 8 -- '-' local ELEMENT_TIMESEPARATOR = 9 -- ':' local ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD = 10 -- 'am' 'p.m.' local ELEMENT_PERIODWHITESPACE = 11 -- '.' or '. ' local ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL = 12 -- '12th' '3rd'  function seekNextElement()   -- Profiler says mw.ustring.find is the bottleneck, probably because it's unicode; not sure how to improve though besides writing my own pattern matcher   -- Digits with letters  local foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch, foundMatch2 = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^([0-9]+)([a-z]+)%.?', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  --currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location -- only if we return   -- Additionally check how many digits we actually have, as arbitrary number isn't valid  if (#foundMatch <= 2) then -- most likely a day number  if (foundMatch2 == 'st' or foundMatch2 == 'nd' or foundMatch2 == 'rd' or foundMatch2 == 'th') then -- won't bother checking against a number, no false positives that I saw in 120k cases  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location (forced to do this here, since we don't always return)  return ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL, tonumber(foundMatch), (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  --else -- let it capture digits again, this time '10am' '8p.m.' will be separate  -- return ELEMENT_INVALID -- not a valid ordinal indicator  end  --else -- let it capture digits again, this time '10am' '8p.m.' will be separate  -- return ELEMENT_INVALID -- just the invalid, the number of digits (3+) won't match any patterns  end  end   -- Digits  local foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^([0-9]+)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location   -- Additionally check how many digits we actually have, as arbitrary number isn't valid  if (#foundMatch <= 2) then -- most likely a day number or time number  return ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS, tonumber(foundMatch), (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  elseif (#foundMatch == 4) then -- most likely a year  return ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS, tonumber(foundMatch), (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  else  return ELEMENT_INVALID -- just the invalid, the number of digits (3 or 5+) won't match any patterns  end  end   -- Time period - a.m./p.m. (before letters)  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^%s*([ap]%.?m%.?)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end   -- Word  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^([A-Za-z]+)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location   if (#foundMatch >= 3) then   -- Find the possible month name index  monthIndex = monthIndices[mw.ustring.lower(foundMatch)]   if (monthIndex) then  return ELEMENT_MONTHWORD, monthIndex, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  else  return ELEMENT_INVALID -- just the invalid, the word didn't match a valid month name  end  else  -- TODO LETTERS  return ELEMENT_INVALID -- just the invalid, the word was too short to be valid month name  end  end   -- Time separator (colon without whitespace)  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^(:)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_TIMESEPARATOR, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end   -- Comma and any following whitespace  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^(,%s*)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_COMMA, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end   -- Period and any following whitespace ('Feb. 2010' or '29. June')  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^(%.%s*)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_PERIODWHITESPACE, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end   -- Dash with possible whitespace or Date separator (dash without whitespace)  -- Both non-breaking spaces - '&nbsp;-&nbsp;'  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^(&nbsp;[%-–—]&nbsp;)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_DASH, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end  -- Non-breaking space - '&nbsp;- '  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^(&nbsp;[%-–—]%s*)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_DASH, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end  -- Dash entity code and both non-breaking spaces - '&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;'  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^(&nbsp;&[nm]dash;&nbsp;)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_DASH, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end  -- Dash entity code and non-breaking space - '&nbsp;&ndash; '  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^(&nbsp;&[nm]dash;%s*)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_DASH, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end  -- Dash entity code - ' &ndash; '  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^(%s*&[nm]dash;%s*)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_DASH, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end  -- Regular whitespace  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^(%s*[%-–—]%s*)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location   if (foundMatch == '-') then -- nothing else is date separator, no hyphens no stuff like that  return ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  else  return ELEMENT_DASH, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString)) -- we will actually need to check for DATESEPARATOR as well, as that one stole the '-' case  end  end   -- Whitespace (after all others that capture whitespace)  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^(%s+)', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_WHITESPACE, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end  -- Whitespace -- same as above but using &nbsp; (other that for dashes)  foundPositionStart, foundPositionEnd, foundMatch = mw.ustring.find(seekString, '^&nbsp;', currentPosition)  if (foundPositionStart) then  currentPosition = foundPositionEnd + 1 -- this is our new start location  return ELEMENT_WHITESPACE, foundMatch, (currentPosition > mw.ustring.len(seekString))  end   return ELEMENT_INVALID -- just the invalid, we won't be parsing this further  end  function parseDateString(input)   -- Reset our seek string and position  seekString = input  currentPosition = 1   local elements = {}  local values = {}   -- Seek the entire string now  local numberOfElements = 0  repeat   foundElement, foundValue, eos = seekNextElement()   -- If we found something we can't process, return as unparsable  if (foundElement == ELEMENT_INVALID) then return nil end   numberOfElements = numberOfElements + 1  elements[numberOfElements] = foundElement  values[numberOfElements] = foundValue   until eos   --[[  local s = input .. ' -> ' .. numberOfElements .. ' elements: '   for currentElementIndex = 1, numberOfElements do  s = s .. ' #' .. elements[currentElementIndex] .. '=' .. values[currentElementIndex]  end   do return s end   ]]   -- Now comes an uber-deep if-then-else tree  -- This is roughly the most efficient step-by-step parsing, something like log(N)  -- Doing each combination via pattern/"Regex" is way slower  -- Having each combination a clean function/preset means checking every element, so way slower  -- Only immediate big improvement is to only seekNextElement() when actually checking that deep, though this will make a (even bigger) mess   if (elements[1] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS or elements[1] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL) then -- '3' or '10' or '12th'  if (elements[2] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE or elements[2] == ELEMENT_PERIODWHITESPACE) then -- '3 ' or '3. '  if (elements[3] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- '3 May'  if (numberOfElements == 3) then return checkAndOutput(nil, values[3], values[1], nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[4] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE or elements[4] == ELEMENT_PERIODWHITESPACE or elements[4] == ELEMENT_COMMA) then -- '3 May ' or '3 Feb. ' or '3 May, '  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- '3 May 2013'  if (numberOfElements == 5) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[3], values[1], nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[6] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE or elements[6] == ELEMENT_COMMA) then -- '3 May 2013, '  if (elements[7] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '3 May 2013, 10'  if (elements[8] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- '3 May 2013, 10 am'  if (numberOfElements == 8) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[3], values[1], values[7] + periodHourAdd(values[8]), nil, nil) end  elseif (elements[8] == ELEMENT_TIMESEPARATOR) then -- '3 May 2013, 10:'  if (elements[9] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '3 May 2013, 10:38'  if (numberOfElements == 9) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[3], values[1], values[7], values[9], nil) end  if (elements[10] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- '3 May 2013, 10:38 am'  if (numberOfElements == 10) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[3], values[1], values[7] + periodHourAdd(values[10]), values[9], nil) end  elseif (elements[10] == ELEMENT_TIMESEPARATOR) then -- '3 May 2013, 10:38:'  if (elements[11] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '3 May 2013, 10:38:27'  if (numberOfElements == 11) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[3], values[1], values[7], values[9], values[11]) end  if (elements[12] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- '3 May 2013, 10:38:27 am'  if (numberOfElements == 12) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[3], values[1], values[7] + periodHourAdd(values[12]), values[9], values[11]) end  end  end  end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[6] == ELEMENT_DASH or elements[6] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- '3 May 2013 - '  if (elements[7] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS or elements[7] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL) then -- '3 May 2013 - 12' or '3rd May 2013 - 12th'  if (elements[8] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '3 May 2013 - 12 '  if (elements[9] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- '3 May 2013 - 12 February'  if (elements[10] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '3 May 2013 - 12 February '  if (elements[11] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- '3 May 2013 - 12 February 2014'  if (numberOfElements == 11) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[3], values[1], nil, nil, nil, values[11], values[9], values[7], nil, nil, nil) end  end  end  end  end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[4] == ELEMENT_DASH or elements[4] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- '3 May - '  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS or elements[5] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL) then -- '3 May - 12' or '3rd May - 12th'  if (elements[6] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '3 May - 12 '  if (elements[7] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- '3 May - 12 October'  if (numberOfElements == 7) then return checkAndOutput(nil, values[3], values[1], nil, nil, nil, nil, values[7], values[5], nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[8] == ELEMENT_COMMA or elements[8] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '3 May - 12 October '  if (elements[9] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- '3 May - 12 October 2013'  if (numberOfElements == 9) then return checkAndOutput(values[9], values[3], values[1], nil, nil, nil, values[9], values[7], values[5], nil, nil, nil) end  end  end  end  end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[2] == ELEMENT_DASH or elements[2] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- '3 - '  if (elements[3] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS or elements[3] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL) then -- '3 - 12' or '3rd - 12th'  if (elements[4] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '3 - 12 '  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- '3 - 12 May'  if (numberOfElements == 5) then return checkAndOutput(nil, values[5], values[1], nil, nil, nil, nil, values[5], values[3], nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[6] == ELEMENT_COMMA or elements[6] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '3 - 12 May '  if (elements[7] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- '3 - 12 May 2013'  if (numberOfElements == 7) then return checkAndOutput(values[7], values[5], values[1], nil, nil, nil, values[7], values[5], values[3], nil, nil, nil) end  end  end  end  end  end  end   -- Here's a case where we want to optimize or rather add readability and trim redundancy  -- Basically, any time '10am', '10:28', '10:28am', '10:28:27', '10:28:27am' can be followed by a date, which means 5 copies of 30+ lines (urgh)  -- Instead we will only check once, but using a different element index offset if needed, so date might start at element 4 or 5 or 6 etc.  -- Currently we only have '10', but if it turns out to be a time we will be checking if it's followed by a date   local wasTime = false -- by default we didn't find a valid time syntax, we have '10' and that's not a time by itself without 'am/pm' or further precision  local possibleHour, possibleMinute, possibleSecond -- temporary values that we will fill as far as we can when parsing time and use for time+date combo if one is found  local i = 0 -- this is our offset from the closest possible location for date seeking   if (elements[2] == ELEMENT_TIMESEPARATOR and elements[1] ~= ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL) then -- '10:' but not '10th:'  possibleHour = values[1] -- only once we see ':' (or 'am' below) it is likely a time  if (elements[3] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '10:28'  if (numberOfElements == 3) then return checkAndOutput(nil, nil, nil, values[1], values[3], nil) end  possibleMinute = values[3]  wasTime = true -- this is a valid final time, so we can check date appended to this  i = 1 -- '10', ':' and '28' are three elements, so we start 1 further from 3  if (elements[4] == ELEMENT_TIMESEPARATOR) then -- '10:28:'  wasTime = false -- a time can't end with separator, so if this is last match, we aren't appending any dates  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '10:28:27'  if (numberOfElements == 5) then return checkAndOutput(nil, nil, nil, values[1], values[3], values[5]) end  possibleSecond = values[5]  wasTime = true -- this is a valid final time, so we can check date appended to this  i = 3 -- '10', ':', '28', ':' and '27' are five elements, so we start 3 further from 3  if (elements[6] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- '10:28:27 am'  if (numberOfElements == 6) then return checkAndOutput(nil, nil, nil, values[1] + periodHourAdd(values[6]), values[3], values[5]) end  possibleHour = values[1] + periodHourAdd(values[6]) -- hour now needs possible adjusting since we saw a time period  -- wasTime = true -- already set  i = 4 -- '10', ':', '28', ':', '27' and 'am' are six elements, so we start 4 further from 3  end  end  elseif (elements[4] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- '10:28 am'  if (numberOfElements == 4) then return checkAndOutput(nil, nil, nil, values[1] + periodHourAdd(values[4]), values[3], nil) end  wasTime = true -- this is a valid final time, so we can check date appended to this  possibleHour = values[1] + periodHourAdd(values[4]) -- hour now needs possible adjusting since we saw a time period  i = 2 -- '10', ':', '28' and 'am' are four elements, so we start 2 further from 3  end  end  elseif (elements[2] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- '10 am'  if (numberOfElements == 2) then return checkAndOutput(nil, nil, nil, values[1] + periodHourAdd(values[2]), nil, nil) end  possibleHour = values[1] + periodHourAdd(values[2]) -- only once we see 'am' (or ':' above) it is likely a time  wasTime = true -- this is a valid final time, so we can check date appended to this  i = 0 -- '10' and 'am' are two elements, so we start at 3 - default  end   if (wasTime) then -- '10am', '10:28', '10:28am', '10:28:27', '10:28:27am' (using just '10:28:27...' below)  -- Now we will try to append a date to the time  if (elements[3+i] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE or elements[3+i] == ELEMENT_COMMA) then -- '10:28:27, '  if (elements[4+i] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '10:28:27, 3'  if (elements[5+i] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '10:28:27, 3 '  if (elements[6+i] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- '10:28:27, 3 May'  if (elements[7+i] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '10:28:27, 3 May '  if (elements[8+i] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- '10:28:27, 3 May 2013'  if (numberOfElements == 8+i) then return checkAndOutput(values[8+i], values[6+i], values[4+i], possibleHour, possibleMinute, possibleSecond) end  end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[4+i] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- '10:28:27, May'  if (elements[5+i] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '10:28:27, May '  if (elements[6+i] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '10:28:27, May 3'  if (elements[7+i] == ELEMENT_COMMA or elements[7+i] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '10:28:27, May 3, '  if (elements[8+i] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- '10:28:27, May 3, 2013'  if (numberOfElements == 8+i) then return checkAndOutput(values[8+i], values[4+i], values[6+i], possibleHour, possibleMinute, possibleSecond) end  end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[4+i] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- '10:28:27, 2013'  if (elements[5+i] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- '10:28:27, 2013-'  if (elements[6+i] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '10:28:27, 2013-05'  if (elements[7+i] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- '10:28:27, 2013-05-'  if (elements[8+i] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '10:28:27, 2013-05-03'  if (numberOfElements == 8+i) then return checkAndOutput(values[4+i], values[6+i], values[8+i], possibleHour, possibleMinute, possibleSecond) end  end  end  end  end  end  end  end   elseif (elements[1] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- '2013'  if (numberOfElements == 1) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[2] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- '2013-'  if (elements[3] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '2013-05'  --if (numberOfElements == 3) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], values[3], nil, nil, nil, nil) end  -- This is actually ambiguous -- 2008-12 can be years 2008 to 2012 or it could be Decemeber 2008; few cases, so just ignoring  if (elements[4] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- '2013-05-'  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '2013-05-03'  if (numberOfElements == 5) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], values[3], values[5], nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[6] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE or elements[6] == ELEMENT_COMMA) then -- '2013-05-03, '  if (elements[7] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '2013-05-03, 10'  if (elements[8] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- '2013-05-03, 10 am'  if (numberOfElements == 8) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], values[3], values[5], values[7] + periodHourAdd(values[8]), nil, nil) end  elseif (elements[8] == ELEMENT_TIMESEPARATOR) then -- '2013-05-03, 10:'  if (elements[9] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '2013-05-03, 10:38'  if (numberOfElements == 9) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], values[3], values[5], values[7], values[9], nil) end  if (elements[10] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- '2013-05-03, 10:38 am'  if (numberOfElements == 10) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], values[3], values[5], values[7] + periodHourAdd(values[10]), values[9], nil) end  elseif (elements[10] == ELEMENT_TIMESEPARATOR) then -- '2013-05-03, 10:38:'  if (elements[11] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '2013-05-03, 10:38:27'  if (numberOfElements == 11) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], values[3], values[5], values[7], values[9], values[11]) end  if (elements[12] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- '2013-05-03, 10:38:27 am'  if (numberOfElements == 12) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], values[3], values[5], values[7] + periodHourAdd(values[12]), values[9], values[11]) end  end  end  end  end  end  end  end  end  end  end  end -- can't elseif, because we have ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR, which repeats above  if (elements[2] == ELEMENT_DASH or elements[2] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- '2013 - '  if (elements[3] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- '2013 - 2014'  if (numberOfElements == 3) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, values[3], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) end  end  elseif (elements[2] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE or elements[2] == ELEMENT_COMMA) then -- '2013 ' or '2013, '  if (elements[3] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- '2013 May'  if (numberOfElements == 3) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], values[3], nil, nil, nil, nil) end  -- 2013 May - 2013 April (let's see first if this is ever used real-world)  if (elements[4] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '2013 May '  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '2013 May 15'  if (numberOfElements == 5) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], values[3], values[5], nil, nil, nil) end  end  end  elseif (elements[3] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- '2013 15' or '2013, 15'  if (elements[4] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- '2013 15 '  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- '2013 15 May'  if (numberOfElements == 5) then return checkAndOutput(values[1], values[5], values[3], nil, nil, nil) end  end  end  end  end   elseif (elements[1] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- 'May'  if (numberOfElements == 1) then return checkAndOutput(nil, values[1], nil, nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[2] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE or elements[2] == ELEMENT_PERIODWHITESPACE) then -- 'May ' or 'Feb. '  if (elements[3] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS or elements[3] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL) then -- 'May 3' or 'May 3rd'  if (numberOfElements == 3) then return checkAndOutput(nil, values[1], values[3], nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[4] == ELEMENT_COMMA or elements[4] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- 'May 3, '  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- 'May 3, 2013'  if (numberOfElements == 5) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[1], values[3], nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[6] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE or elements[6] == ELEMENT_COMMA) then -- ''May 3, 2013, '  if (elements[7] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- ''May 3, 2013, 10'  if (elements[8] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- ''May 3, 2013, 10 am'  if (numberOfElements == 8) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[1], values[3], values[7] + periodHourAdd(values[8]), nil, nil) end  elseif (elements[8] == ELEMENT_TIMESEPARATOR) then -- ''May 3, 2013, 10:'  if (elements[9] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- ''May 3, 2013, 10:38'  if (numberOfElements == 9) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[1], values[3], values[7], values[9], nil) end  if (elements[10] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- ''May 3, 2013, 10:38 am'  if (numberOfElements == 10) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[1], values[3], values[7] + periodHourAdd(values[10]), values[9], nil) end  elseif (elements[10] == ELEMENT_TIMESEPARATOR) then -- ''May 3, 2013, 10:38:'  if (elements[11] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS) then -- ''May 3, 2013, 10:38:27'  if (numberOfElements == 11) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[1], values[3], values[7], values[9], values[11]) end  if (elements[12] == ELEMENT_TIMEPERIOD) then -- ''May 3, 2013, 10:38:27 am'  if (numberOfElements == 12) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[1], values[3], values[7] + periodHourAdd(values[12]), values[9], values[11]) end  end  end  end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[6] == ELEMENT_DASH or elements[6] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- 'May 3, 2013 - '  if (elements[7] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- 'May 3, 2013 - February'  if (elements[8] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- 'May 3, 2013 - February '  if (elements[9] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS or elements[3] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL) then -- 'May 3, 2013 - February 12' or 'May 3rd, 2013 - February 12th'  if (elements[10] == ELEMENT_COMMA or elements[10] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- 'May 3, 2013 - February 12, '  if (elements[11] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- 'May 3, 2013 - February 12, 2014'  if (numberOfElements == 11) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[1], values[3], nil, nil, nil, values[11], values[7], values[9], nil, nil, nil) end  end  end  end  end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[4] == ELEMENT_DASH or elements[4] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- 'May 3 - '  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- 'May 3 - June'  if (elements[6] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- 'May 3 - June '  if (elements[7] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS or elements[3] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL) then -- 'May 3 - June 12' or 'May 3rd - June 12th'  if (numberOfElements == 7) then return checkAndOutput(nil, values[1], values[3], nil, nil, nil, nil, values[5], values[7], nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[8] == ELEMENT_COMMA or elements[8] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- 'May 3 - June 12, '  if (elements[9] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- 'May 3 - June 12, 2014'  if (numberOfElements == 9) then return checkAndOutput(values[9], values[1], values[3], nil, nil, nil, values[9], values[5], values[7], nil, nil, nil) end  end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[5] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITS or elements[3] == ELEMENT_ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL) then -- 'May 3 - 12' or 'May 3rd - 12th'  if (numberOfElements == 5) then return checkAndOutput(nil, values[1], values[3], nil, nil, nil, nil, values[1], values[5], nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[6] == ELEMENT_COMMA or elements[6] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- 'May 3 - 12, '  if (elements[7] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- 'May 3 - 12, 2013'  if (numberOfElements == 7) then return checkAndOutput(values[7], values[1], values[3], nil, nil, nil, values[7], values[1], values[5], nil, nil, nil) end  end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[3] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- 'May 2013'  if (numberOfElements == 3) then return checkAndOutput(values[3], values[1], nil, nil, nil, nil) end  if (elements[4] == ELEMENT_DASH or elements[4] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- 'May 2013 -'  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- 'May 2013 - June'  if (elements[6] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- 'May 2013 - June '  if (elements[7] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- 'May 2013 - June 2013'  if (numberOfElements == 7) then return checkAndOutput(values[3], values[1], nil, nil, nil, nil, values[7], values[5], nil, nil, nil, nil) end  end  end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[2] == ELEMENT_DASH or elements[2] == ELEMENT_DATESEPARATOR) then -- 'May - '  if (elements[3] == ELEMENT_MONTHWORD) then -- 'May - June'  if (elements[4] == ELEMENT_WHITESPACE) then -- 'May - June '  if (elements[5] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- 'May - June 2013'  if (numberOfElements == 5) then return checkAndOutput(values[5], values[1], nil, nil, nil, nil, values[5], values[3], nil, nil, nil, nil) end  end  end  end  elseif (elements[2] == ELEMENT_COMMA) then -- 'May, '  if (elements[3] == ELEMENT_FOURDIGITS) then -- 'May, 2012'  if (numberOfElements == 3) then return checkAndOutput(values[3], values[1], nil, nil, nil, nil) end  end  end   else  return PARSERESULT_UNRECOGNIZED -- the combination of elements was not a recognized one  end  end  function hasMetadataTemplates(input)   -- This is a basic list of the template names for metadata emiting tempaltes, there are inr eality more templates and more redirects  if (string.match(input, '%{%{[Ss]tart[ %-]?date')) then return true end  if (string.match(input, '%{%{[Ee]nd[ %-]?date')) then return true end  if (string.match(input, '%{%{[Bb]irth[ %-]?date')) then return true end  if (string.match(input, '%{%{[Dd]eath[ %-]?date')) then return true end  if (string.match(input, '%{%{[Bb]irth[ %-]?year')) then return true end  if (string.match(input, '%{%{[Dd]eath[ %-]?year')) then return true end  if (string.match(input, '%{%{[Ff]ilm ?date')) then return true end  if (string.match(input, '%{%{[ISO[ %-]date')) then return true end   return false  end  -- This function will return a raw string for generic checks and unit test, including defined parse errors function main.parseDateOutputRaw(frame)   local input = frame.args[1]   -- If desired (default), unstrip and decode to have the raw markup  if (not frame.args.noUnstrip or frame.args.noUnstrip ~= 'yes') then  input = mw.text.decode(mw.text.unstrip(input))  end   -- If desired (not default), strip the field extra stuff  if (frame.args.stripExtras and frame.args.stripExtras == 'yes') then  input = stripFieldExtras(input)  end   -- If there is nothing but whitespace, don't bother  if (mw.ustring.match(input, '^%s*$')) then if (frame.args[2] == 'pretty') then return frame:preprocess('\'\'{{gray|Empty input}}\'\'') else return 'Empty input' end end   local result, startDate, startTime, endDate, endTime = parseDateString(input)   if (result == PARSERESULT_FAIL) then if (frame.args[2] == 'pretty') then return frame:preprocess('\'\'{{gray|Failed parse}}\'\'') else return 'Failed parse' end end  if (result == PARSERESULT_UNRECOGNIZED) then  local s  if (hasMetadataTemplates(input)) then s = 'Has metadata template' else s = 'Unrecognized pattern' end  if (frame.args[2] == 'pretty') then return frame:preprocess('\'\'{{gray|'..s..'}}\'\'') else return s end  end  if (result == PARSERESULT_INVALID) then if (frame.args[2] == 'pretty') then return frame:preprocess('\'\'{{maroon|Invalid date/time}}\'\'') else return 'Invalid date/time' end end  if (result == PARSERESULT_INVALIDRANGE) then if (frame.args[2] == 'pretty') then return frame:preprocess('\'\'{{maroon|Invalid date range}}\'\'') else return 'Invalid date range' end end  if (result == PARSERESULT_INCOMPLETE) then if (frame.args[2] == 'pretty') then return frame:preprocess('\'\'{{cyan|Incomplete date}}\'\'') else return 'Incomplete date' end end  if (result == PARSERESULT_INCOMPLETERANGE) then if (frame.args[2] == 'pretty') then return frame:preprocess('\'\'{{cyan|Incomplete date range}}\'\'') else return 'Incomplete date range' end end   local s   if (startDate) then s = startDate end  if (startTime) then if (startDate) then s = s .. ' ' .. startTime else s = startTime end end  if (endDate) then s = s .. '; ' .. endDate end -- currently end date implies start date  -- currently no end time   return s  end  -- Strips whitespace from an input function trim(value)  local strip, count = string.gsub(value, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1')  return strip end  function stripFieldExtras(value)   -- todo: do progressive scan like with that seek string just for ref tags and such  -- note that we can't just replace matches with whitespace and catch them all, because it could be like '3 August<!---->20<ref/>12'   local matchStrip = value:match('^([^<]-)<ref[^>]*>[^<]*</ref><ref[^>]*>[^<]*</ref><ref[^>]*>[^<]*</ref>$') -- basic refs (quite common)  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^([^<]-)<ref[^>]*>[^<]*</ref><ref[^>]*>[^<]*</ref>$') -- basic refs (quite common)  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^([^<]-)<ref[^>]*>[^<]*</ref>$') -- basic refs (quite common)  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^([^<]-)<ref[^>]*/><ref[^>]*/><ref[^>]*/>$') -- basic named ref (quite common)  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^([^<]-)<ref[^>]*/><ref[^>]*/>$') -- basic named ref (quite common)  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^([^<]-)<ref[^>]*/>$') -- basic named ref (quite common)  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^<!--.--->([^<]+)$') -- comment before (sometimes used for notes to editors [not yet seen metadata-related comment])  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^([^<]-)<!--.--->$') -- comment after (sometimes used for notes to editors)  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^{{[Ff]lag ?icon[^}]+}}%s*{{[Ff]lag ?icon[^}]+}}([^<]+)$') -- 2 flag icons (also more common than one would think)  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^{{[Ff]lag ?icon[^}]+}}([^<]+)$') -- flag icon (quite common, although against MOS:ICON)  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^([^<]-){{[Ff]lag ?icon[^}]+}}%s*{{[Ff]lag ?icon[^}]+}}$') -- after as well  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   matchStrip = value:match('^([^<]-){{[Ff]lag ?icon[^}]+}}$')  if (matchStrip) then return trim(matchStrip) end   return value -- if we didn't match anything, abort now  end  function main.emitMetadata(frame)   local input = frame.args[1]   -- If desired (default), unstrip and decode to have the raw markup  if (not frame.args.noUnstrip or frame.args.noUnstrip ~= 'yes') then  input = mw.text.decode(mw.text.unstrip(input))  end   input = stripFieldExtras(trim(input))   -- If there is nothing but whitespace, don't bother  if (mw.ustring.match(input, '^%s*$')) then return nil end   -- Then parse the date and see if we get a valid output date  local result, startDate, startTime, endDate, endTime = parseDateString(input)   if (not frame.args.noErrorCats or frame.args.noErrorCats ~= 'yes') then  if (result == PARSERESULT_FAIL and not hasMetadataTemplates(input)) then return frame:preprocess('<includeonly>[[Category:Articles that could not be parsed for automatic date metadata]]</includeonly>') end  if (result == PARSERESULT_UNRECOGNIZED and not hasMetadataTemplates(input)) then return frame:preprocess('<includeonly>[[Category:Articles that could not be parsed for automatic date metadata]]</includeonly>') end  --if (result == PARSERESULT_INVALID) then return frame:preprocess('<includeonly>[[Category:]]</includeonly>') end  --if (result == PARSERESULT_INVALIDRANGE) then return frame:preprocess('<includeonly>[[Category:]]</includeonly>') end  if (result == PARSERESULT_INCOMPLETE) then return frame:preprocess('<includeonly>[[Category:Articles with incomplete dates for automatic metadata]]</includeonly>') end  if (result == PARSERESULT_INCOMPLETERANGE) then return frame:preprocess('<includeonly>[[Category:Articles with incomplete date ranges for automatic metadata]]</includeonly>') end  -- we need to use frame:preprocess() for <includeonly> or it just gets displayed  end   -- We are only doing the rest for a valid date  if (result ~= PARSERESULT_OKAY) then return nil end   local dtstartSpan, dtendSpan   -- If we have a start value and we're told to output it  if ((startDate or startTime) and frame.args.dtstart and frame.args.dtstart == 'yes') then  if (startDate and startTime) then dtstartSpan = '<span class="dtstart">' .. startDate .. 'T' .. startTime .. '</span>'  elseif (startDate) then dtstartSpan = '<span class="dtstart">' .. startDate .. '</span>'  else dtstartSpan = '<span class="dtstart">' .. startTime .. '</span>' end  end   -- If we have an end value and we're told to output it  if ((endDate or endTime) and frame.args.dtend and frame.args.dtend == 'yes') then -- end values only happen when start values happen  if (endDate and endTime) then dtendSpan = '<span class="dtend">' .. endDate .. 'T' .. endTime .. '</span>'  elseif (endDate) then dtendSpan = '<span class="dtend">' .. endDate .. '</span>'  else dtendSpan = '<span class="dtend">' .. endTime .. '</span>' end  end   local trackingCat = ''  if (frame.args.trackingCat and frame.args.trackingCat == 'yes') then  trackingCat = '[[Category:Articles with automatically detected infobox date metadata]]'  end   if (dtstartSpan and dtendSpan) then return '<span style="display:none">&#160;(' .. dtstartSpan .. ' - ' .. dtendSpan .. ')</span>' .. trackingCat  elseif (dtstartSpan) then return '<span style="display:none">&#160;(' .. dtstartSpan .. ')</span>' .. trackingCat  elseif (dtendSpan) then return '<span style="display:none">&#160;(' .. dtendSpan .. ')</span>' .. trackingCat  else return nil end  end  function main.outputRawStripped(frame)  return stripFieldExtras(trim(mw.text.decode(mw.text.unstrip(frame.args[1])))) end   function main.reoutputme(frame)  if (frame.args.preprocess and frame.args.preprocess == 'yes') then  return frame:preprocess(mw.text.decode(mw.text.unstrip(frame.args[1]))) .. '[[Category:Dummy]]'  else  return mw.text.decode(mw.text.unstrip(frame.args[1])) .. '[[Category:Dummy]]'  end   --[[local input = mw.text.decode(mw.text.unstrip(frame.args[1]))    s = 'Len=' .. #input .. ' '  for i = 1, string.len(input) do  s = s .. string.sub(input, i, i) .. ' '  end  return s]] end  return main 

มอด, infobox, date, field, metadata, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, local, main,. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulnilocal main local monthIndices mkrakhm 1 kumphaphnth 2 minakhm 3 emsayn 4 phvsphakhm 5 mithunayn 6 krkdakhm 7 singhakhm 8 knyayn 9 tulakhm 10 phvscikayn 11 thnwakhm 12 m kh 1 k ph 2 mi kh 3 em y 4 ph kh 5 long one would have caught this already mi y 6 k kh 7 s kh 8 k y 9 t kh 10 ph y 11 th kh 12 local monthDays 1 31 2 29 will check below 3 31 4 30 5 31 6 30 7 31 8 31 9 30 10 31 11 30 12 31 function checkIfDayValid day month year First check that the month can have at least this many days if day gt monthDays month then return false end February leap year check if month 2 then On Feb 29 if we don t have a year incomplete date assume 29 can be valid once every if day 29 and not year then return true end On Feb 29 check for valid year every 4 but not 100 but 400 if day 29 and not year 4 0 and year 100 0 or year 400 0 then return false end end return true end function checkIfMonthValid month return month 0 and month lt 12 lt 0 never happens with 0 9 pattern end function checkIfYearValid year return year gt 1583 up to 9999 end function checkIfHourValid hour return hour lt 24 lt 0 never happens with 0 9 pattern end function checkIfMinuteValid minute return minute lt 60 lt 0 never happens with 0 9 pattern end function checkIfSecondValid second return second lt 60 lt 0 never happens with 0 9 pattern end local PARSERESULT OKAY 1 local PARSERESULT FAIL 2 whatever we encountered isn t expected for any pattern local PARSERESULT UNCRECOGNIZED 3 14 May 12 2014 all elements okay no pattern local PARSERESULT INCOMPLETE 4 May 3 local PARSERESULT INCOMPLETERANGE 5 3 May 2012 June 2013 local PARSERESULT INVALID 6 May 32 local PARSERESULT INVALIDRANGE 7 May 3 May 2 This will first verify that we have a valid date and time and then output an ISO datetime string function checkAndOutput year month day hour minute second year2 month2 day2 hour2 minute2 second2 local s if year and not checkIfYearValid year then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if month and not checkIfMonthValid month then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if day and not checkIfDayValid day month year then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if hour and not checkIfHourValid hour then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if minute and not checkIfMinuteValid minute then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if second and not checkIfSecondValid second then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if year2 and not checkIfYearValid year2 then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if month2 and not checkIfMonthValid month2 then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if day2 and not checkIfDayValid day2 month2 year2 then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if hour2 and not checkIfHourValid hour2 then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if minute2 and not checkIfMinuteValid minute2 then return PARSERESULT INVALID end if second2 and not checkIfSecondValid second2 then return PARSERESULT INVALID end Check that end date is actually after start date if year2 and year then if year2 lt year then return PARSERESULT INVALIDRANGE end if year2 year then if month2 and month then if month2 lt month then return PARSERESULT INVALIDRANGE end if month2 month then if day2 and day then if day2 lt day then return PARSERESULT INVALIDRANGE end TODO compare time end end end end end Check that the date is actually complete even if valid if month and month2 and not year then return PARSERESULT INCOMPLETERANGE end any of d dM dM dM Md d Md Md if month and not year then return PARSERESULT INCOMPLETE end May May 15 15 May if month2 and not year2 then return PARSERESULT INCOMPLETE end same but other end While technically there are more cases none should have been matched and been given to us local date1 time1 date2 time2 time only if second and not year then time1 string format 02d 02d 02d hour minute second elseif minute and not year then time1 string format 02d 02d hour minute elseif hour and not year then time1 string format 02d hour date and time elseif second then date1 string format d 02d 02d year month day time1 string format 02d 02d 02d hour minute second elseif minute then date1 string format d 02d 02d year month day time1 string format 02d 02d hour minute elseif hour then date1 string format d 02d 02d year month day time1 string format 02d hour date only elseif day then date1 string format d 02d 02d year month day elseif month then date1 string format d 02d year month elseif year then date1 string format d year end time only if second2 and not year2 then time2 string format 02d 02d 02d hour2 minute2 second2 elseif minute2 and not year2 then time2 string format 02d 02d hour2 minute2 elseif hour2 and not year2 then time2 string format 02d hour2 date and time elseif second2 then date2 string format d 02d 02d year2 month2 day2 time2 string format 02d 02d 02d hour2 minute2 second2 elseif minute2 then date2 string format d 02d 02d year2 month2 day2 time2 string format 02d 02d hour2 minute2 elseif hour2 then date2 string format d 02d 02d year2 month2 day2 time2 string format 02d hour2 date only elseif day2 then date2 string format d 02d 02d year2 month2 day2 elseif month2 then date2 string format d 02d year2 month2 elseif year2 then date2 string format d year2 end return PARSERESULT OKAY date1 time1 date2 time2 this function wouldn t be called withotu matching pattern so at least 1 value should have been filled end function periodHourAdd period if period pm or period p m or period pm or period p m then random is pattern match artifact return 12 else return 0 end end local seekString this is our local seek string so we don t have to pass it as parameter every time local currentPosition this keeps track of where we are in seeking our current string These are the element type constants for readability mostly local ELEMENT INVALID 1 local ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS 2 1 12 01 local ELEMENT FOURDIGITS 3 1234 local ELEMENT WHITESPACE 4 local ELEMENT MONTHWORD 5 May February Aug local ELEMENT COMMA 6 local ELEMENT DASH 7 local ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR 8 local ELEMENT TIMESEPARATOR 9 local ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD 10 am p m local ELEMENT PERIODWHITESPACE 11 or local ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL 12 12th 3rd function seekNextElement Profiler says mw ustring find is the bottleneck probably because it s unicode not sure how to improve though besides writing my own pattern matcher Digits with letters local foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch foundMatch2 mw ustring find seekString 0 9 a z currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location only if we return Additionally check how many digits we actually have as arbitrary number isn t valid if foundMatch lt 2 then most likely a day number if foundMatch2 st or foundMatch2 nd or foundMatch2 rd or foundMatch2 th then won t bother checking against a number no false positives that I saw in 120k cases currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location forced to do this here since we don t always return return ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL tonumber foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString else let it capture digits again this time 10am 8p m will be separate return ELEMENT INVALID not a valid ordinal indicator end else let it capture digits again this time 10am 8p m will be separate return ELEMENT INVALID just the invalid the number of digits 3 won t match any patterns end end Digits local foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString 0 9 currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location Additionally check how many digits we actually have as arbitrary number isn t valid if foundMatch lt 2 then most likely a day number or time number return ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS tonumber foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString elseif foundMatch 4 then most likely a year return ELEMENT FOURDIGITS tonumber foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString else return ELEMENT INVALID just the invalid the number of digits 3 or 5 won t match any patterns end end Time period a m p m before letters foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString s ap m currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end Word foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString A Za z currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location if foundMatch gt 3 then Find the possible month name index monthIndex monthIndices mw ustring lower foundMatch if monthIndex then return ELEMENT MONTHWORD monthIndex currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString else return ELEMENT INVALID just the invalid the word didn t match a valid month name end else TODO LETTERS return ELEMENT INVALID just the invalid the word was too short to be valid month name end end Time separator colon without whitespace foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT TIMESEPARATOR foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end Comma and any following whitespace foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString s currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT COMMA foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end Period and any following whitespace Feb 2010 or 29 June foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString s currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT PERIODWHITESPACE foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end Dash with possible whitespace or Date separator dash without whitespace Both non breaking spaces amp nbsp amp nbsp foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString amp nbsp amp nbsp currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT DASH foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end Non breaking space amp nbsp foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString amp nbsp s currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT DASH foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end Dash entity code and both non breaking spaces amp nbsp amp ndash amp nbsp foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString amp nbsp amp nm dash amp nbsp currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT DASH foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end Dash entity code and non breaking space amp nbsp amp ndash foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString amp nbsp amp nm dash s currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT DASH foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end Dash entity code amp ndash foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString s amp nm dash s currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT DASH foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end Regular whitespace foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString s s currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location if foundMatch then nothing else is date separator no hyphens no stuff like that return ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString else return ELEMENT DASH foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString we will actually need to check for DATESEPARATOR as well as that one stole the case end end Whitespace after all others that capture whitespace foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString s currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT WHITESPACE foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end Whitespace same as above but using amp nbsp other that for dashes foundPositionStart foundPositionEnd foundMatch mw ustring find seekString amp nbsp currentPosition if foundPositionStart then currentPosition foundPositionEnd 1 this is our new start location return ELEMENT WHITESPACE foundMatch currentPosition gt mw ustring len seekString end return ELEMENT INVALID just the invalid we won t be parsing this further end function parseDateString input Reset our seek string and position seekString input currentPosition 1 local elements local values Seek the entire string now local numberOfElements 0 repeat foundElement foundValue eos seekNextElement If we found something we can t process return as unparsable if foundElement ELEMENT INVALID then return nil end numberOfElements numberOfElements 1 elements numberOfElements foundElement values numberOfElements foundValue until eos local s input gt numberOfElements elements for currentElementIndex 1 numberOfElements do s s elements currentElementIndex values currentElementIndex end do return s end Now comes an uber deep if then else tree This is roughly the most efficient step by step parsing something like log N Doing each combination via pattern Regex is way slower Having each combination a clean function preset means checking every element so way slower Only immediate big improvement is to only seekNextElement when actually checking that deep though this will make a even bigger mess if elements 1 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS or elements 1 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL then 3 or 10 or 12th if elements 2 ELEMENT WHITESPACE or elements 2 ELEMENT PERIODWHITESPACE then 3 or 3 if elements 3 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then 3 May if numberOfElements 3 then return checkAndOutput nil values 3 values 1 nil nil nil end if elements 4 ELEMENT WHITESPACE or elements 4 ELEMENT PERIODWHITESPACE or elements 4 ELEMENT COMMA then 3 May or 3 Feb or 3 May if elements 5 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then 3 May 2013 if numberOfElements 5 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 3 values 1 nil nil nil end if elements 6 ELEMENT WHITESPACE or elements 6 ELEMENT COMMA then 3 May 2013 if elements 7 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 3 May 2013 10 if elements 8 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then 3 May 2013 10 am if numberOfElements 8 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 3 values 1 values 7 periodHourAdd values 8 nil nil end elseif elements 8 ELEMENT TIMESEPARATOR then 3 May 2013 10 if elements 9 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 3 May 2013 10 38 if numberOfElements 9 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 3 values 1 values 7 values 9 nil end if elements 10 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then 3 May 2013 10 38 am if numberOfElements 10 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 3 values 1 values 7 periodHourAdd values 10 values 9 nil end elseif elements 10 ELEMENT TIMESEPARATOR then 3 May 2013 10 38 if elements 11 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 3 May 2013 10 38 27 if numberOfElements 11 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 3 values 1 values 7 values 9 values 11 end if elements 12 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then 3 May 2013 10 38 27 am if numberOfElements 12 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 3 values 1 values 7 periodHourAdd values 12 values 9 values 11 end end end end end end end elseif elements 6 ELEMENT DASH or elements 6 ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then 3 May 2013 if elements 7 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS or elements 7 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL then 3 May 2013 12 or 3rd May 2013 12th if elements 8 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 3 May 2013 12 if elements 9 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then 3 May 2013 12 February if elements 10 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 3 May 2013 12 February if elements 11 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then 3 May 2013 12 February 2014 if numberOfElements 11 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 3 values 1 nil nil nil values 11 values 9 values 7 nil nil nil end end end end end end end end elseif elements 4 ELEMENT DASH or elements 4 ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then 3 May if elements 5 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS or elements 5 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL then 3 May 12 or 3rd May 12th if elements 6 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 3 May 12 if elements 7 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then 3 May 12 October if numberOfElements 7 then return checkAndOutput nil values 3 values 1 nil nil nil nil values 7 values 5 nil nil nil end if elements 8 ELEMENT COMMA or elements 8 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 3 May 12 October if elements 9 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then 3 May 12 October 2013 if numberOfElements 9 then return checkAndOutput values 9 values 3 values 1 nil nil nil values 9 values 7 values 5 nil nil nil end end end end end end end end elseif elements 2 ELEMENT DASH or elements 2 ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then 3 if elements 3 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS or elements 3 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL then 3 12 or 3rd 12th if elements 4 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 3 12 if elements 5 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then 3 12 May if numberOfElements 5 then return checkAndOutput nil values 5 values 1 nil nil nil nil values 5 values 3 nil nil nil end if elements 6 ELEMENT COMMA or elements 6 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 3 12 May if elements 7 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then 3 12 May 2013 if numberOfElements 7 then return checkAndOutput values 7 values 5 values 1 nil nil nil values 7 values 5 values 3 nil nil nil end end end end end end end Here s a case where we want to optimize or rather add readability and trim redundancy Basically any time 10am 10 28 10 28am 10 28 27 10 28 27am can be followed by a date which means 5 copies of 30 lines urgh Instead we will only check once but using a different element index offset if needed so date might start at element 4 or 5 or 6 etc Currently we only have 10 but if it turns out to be a time we will be checking if it s followed by a date local wasTime false by default we didn t find a valid time syntax we have 10 and that s not a time by itself without am pm or further precision local possibleHour possibleMinute possibleSecond temporary values that we will fill as far as we can when parsing time and use for time date combo if one is found local i 0 this is our offset from the closest possible location for date seeking if elements 2 ELEMENT TIMESEPARATOR and elements 1 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL then 10 but not 10th possibleHour values 1 only once we see or am below it is likely a time if elements 3 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 10 28 if numberOfElements 3 then return checkAndOutput nil nil nil values 1 values 3 nil end possibleMinute values 3 wasTime true this is a valid final time so we can check date appended to this i 1 10 and 28 are three elements so we start 1 further from 3 if elements 4 ELEMENT TIMESEPARATOR then 10 28 wasTime false a time can t end with separator so if this is last match we aren t appending any dates if elements 5 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 10 28 27 if numberOfElements 5 then return checkAndOutput nil nil nil values 1 values 3 values 5 end possibleSecond values 5 wasTime true this is a valid final time so we can check date appended to this i 3 10 28 and 27 are five elements so we start 3 further from 3 if elements 6 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then 10 28 27 am if numberOfElements 6 then return checkAndOutput nil nil nil values 1 periodHourAdd values 6 values 3 values 5 end possibleHour values 1 periodHourAdd values 6 hour now needs possible adjusting since we saw a time period wasTime true already set i 4 10 28 27 and am are six elements so we start 4 further from 3 end end elseif elements 4 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then 10 28 am if numberOfElements 4 then return checkAndOutput nil nil nil values 1 periodHourAdd values 4 values 3 nil end wasTime true this is a valid final time so we can check date appended to this possibleHour values 1 periodHourAdd values 4 hour now needs possible adjusting since we saw a time period i 2 10 28 and am are four elements so we start 2 further from 3 end end elseif elements 2 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then 10 am if numberOfElements 2 then return checkAndOutput nil nil nil values 1 periodHourAdd values 2 nil nil end possibleHour values 1 periodHourAdd values 2 only once we see am or above it is likely a time wasTime true this is a valid final time so we can check date appended to this i 0 10 and am are two elements so we start at 3 default end if wasTime then 10am 10 28 10 28am 10 28 27 10 28 27am using just 10 28 27 below Now we will try to append a date to the time if elements 3 i ELEMENT WHITESPACE or elements 3 i ELEMENT COMMA then 10 28 27 if elements 4 i ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 10 28 27 3 if elements 5 i ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 10 28 27 3 if elements 6 i ELEMENT MONTHWORD then 10 28 27 3 May if elements 7 i ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 10 28 27 3 May if elements 8 i ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then 10 28 27 3 May 2013 if numberOfElements 8 i then return checkAndOutput values 8 i values 6 i values 4 i possibleHour possibleMinute possibleSecond end end end end end elseif elements 4 i ELEMENT MONTHWORD then 10 28 27 May if elements 5 i ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 10 28 27 May if elements 6 i ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 10 28 27 May 3 if elements 7 i ELEMENT COMMA or elements 7 i ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 10 28 27 May 3 if elements 8 i ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then 10 28 27 May 3 2013 if numberOfElements 8 i then return checkAndOutput values 8 i values 4 i values 6 i possibleHour possibleMinute possibleSecond end end end end end elseif elements 4 i ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then 10 28 27 2013 if elements 5 i ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then 10 28 27 2013 if elements 6 i ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 10 28 27 2013 05 if elements 7 i ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then 10 28 27 2013 05 if elements 8 i ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 10 28 27 2013 05 03 if numberOfElements 8 i then return checkAndOutput values 4 i values 6 i values 8 i possibleHour possibleMinute possibleSecond end end end end end end end end elseif elements 1 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then 2013 if numberOfElements 1 then return checkAndOutput values 1 nil nil nil nil nil end if elements 2 ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then 2013 if elements 3 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 2013 05 if numberOfElements 3 then return checkAndOutput values 1 values 3 nil nil nil nil end This is actually ambiguous 2008 12 can be years 2008 to 2012 or it could be Decemeber 2008 few cases so just ignoring if elements 4 ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then 2013 05 if elements 5 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 2013 05 03 if numberOfElements 5 then return checkAndOutput values 1 values 3 values 5 nil nil nil end if elements 6 ELEMENT WHITESPACE or elements 6 ELEMENT COMMA then 2013 05 03 if elements 7 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 2013 05 03 10 if elements 8 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then 2013 05 03 10 am if numberOfElements 8 then return checkAndOutput values 1 values 3 values 5 values 7 periodHourAdd values 8 nil nil end elseif elements 8 ELEMENT TIMESEPARATOR then 2013 05 03 10 if elements 9 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 2013 05 03 10 38 if numberOfElements 9 then return checkAndOutput values 1 values 3 values 5 values 7 values 9 nil end if elements 10 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then 2013 05 03 10 38 am if numberOfElements 10 then return checkAndOutput values 1 values 3 values 5 values 7 periodHourAdd values 10 values 9 nil end elseif elements 10 ELEMENT TIMESEPARATOR then 2013 05 03 10 38 if elements 11 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 2013 05 03 10 38 27 if numberOfElements 11 then return checkAndOutput values 1 values 3 values 5 values 7 values 9 values 11 end if elements 12 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then 2013 05 03 10 38 27 am if numberOfElements 12 then return checkAndOutput values 1 values 3 values 5 values 7 periodHourAdd values 12 values 9 values 11 end end end end end end end end end end end end can t elseif because we have ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR which repeats above if elements 2 ELEMENT DASH or elements 2 ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then 2013 if elements 3 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then 2013 2014 if numberOfElements 3 then return checkAndOutput values 1 nil nil nil nil nil values 3 nil nil nil nil nil end end elseif elements 2 ELEMENT WHITESPACE or elements 2 ELEMENT COMMA then 2013 or 2013 if elements 3 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then 2013 May if numberOfElements 3 then return checkAndOutput values 1 values 3 nil nil nil nil end 2013 May 2013 April let s see first if this is ever used real world if elements 4 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 2013 May if elements 5 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 2013 May 15 if numberOfElements 5 then return checkAndOutput values 1 values 3 values 5 nil nil nil end end end elseif elements 3 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then 2013 15 or 2013 15 if elements 4 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then 2013 15 if elements 5 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then 2013 15 May if numberOfElements 5 then return checkAndOutput values 1 values 5 values 3 nil nil nil end end end end end elseif elements 1 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then May if numberOfElements 1 then return checkAndOutput nil values 1 nil nil nil nil end if elements 2 ELEMENT WHITESPACE or elements 2 ELEMENT PERIODWHITESPACE then May or Feb if elements 3 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS or elements 3 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL then May 3 or May 3rd if numberOfElements 3 then return checkAndOutput nil values 1 values 3 nil nil nil end if elements 4 ELEMENT COMMA or elements 4 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then May 3 if elements 5 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then May 3 2013 if numberOfElements 5 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 1 values 3 nil nil nil end if elements 6 ELEMENT WHITESPACE or elements 6 ELEMENT COMMA then May 3 2013 if elements 7 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then May 3 2013 10 if elements 8 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then May 3 2013 10 am if numberOfElements 8 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 1 values 3 values 7 periodHourAdd values 8 nil nil end elseif elements 8 ELEMENT TIMESEPARATOR then May 3 2013 10 if elements 9 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then May 3 2013 10 38 if numberOfElements 9 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 1 values 3 values 7 values 9 nil end if elements 10 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then May 3 2013 10 38 am if numberOfElements 10 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 1 values 3 values 7 periodHourAdd values 10 values 9 nil end elseif elements 10 ELEMENT TIMESEPARATOR then May 3 2013 10 38 if elements 11 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS then May 3 2013 10 38 27 if numberOfElements 11 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 1 values 3 values 7 values 9 values 11 end if elements 12 ELEMENT TIMEPERIOD then May 3 2013 10 38 27 am if numberOfElements 12 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 1 values 3 values 7 periodHourAdd values 12 values 9 values 11 end end end end end end end elseif elements 6 ELEMENT DASH or elements 6 ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then May 3 2013 if elements 7 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then May 3 2013 February if elements 8 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then May 3 2013 February if elements 9 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS or elements 3 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL then May 3 2013 February 12 or May 3rd 2013 February 12th if elements 10 ELEMENT COMMA or elements 10 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then May 3 2013 February 12 if elements 11 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then May 3 2013 February 12 2014 if numberOfElements 11 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 1 values 3 nil nil nil values 11 values 7 values 9 nil nil nil end end end end end end end end elseif elements 4 ELEMENT DASH or elements 4 ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then May 3 if elements 5 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then May 3 June if elements 6 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then May 3 June if elements 7 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS or elements 3 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL then May 3 June 12 or May 3rd June 12th if numberOfElements 7 then return checkAndOutput nil values 1 values 3 nil nil nil nil values 5 values 7 nil nil nil end if elements 8 ELEMENT COMMA or elements 8 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then May 3 June 12 if elements 9 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then May 3 June 12 2014 if numberOfElements 9 then return checkAndOutput values 9 values 1 values 3 nil nil nil values 9 values 5 values 7 nil nil nil end end end end end elseif elements 5 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITS or elements 3 ELEMENT ONETWODIGITSWITHORDINAL then May 3 12 or May 3rd 12th if numberOfElements 5 then return checkAndOutput nil values 1 values 3 nil nil nil nil values 1 values 5 nil nil nil end if elements 6 ELEMENT COMMA or elements 6 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then May 3 12 if elements 7 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then May 3 12 2013 if numberOfElements 7 then return checkAndOutput values 7 values 1 values 3 nil nil nil values 7 values 1 values 5 nil nil nil end end end end end elseif elements 3 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then May 2013 if numberOfElements 3 then return checkAndOutput values 3 values 1 nil nil nil nil end if elements 4 ELEMENT DASH or elements 4 ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then May 2013 if elements 5 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then May 2013 June if elements 6 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then May 2013 June if elements 7 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then May 2013 June 2013 if numberOfElements 7 then return checkAndOutput values 3 values 1 nil nil nil nil values 7 values 5 nil nil nil nil end end end end end end elseif elements 2 ELEMENT DASH or elements 2 ELEMENT DATESEPARATOR then May if elements 3 ELEMENT MONTHWORD then May June if elements 4 ELEMENT WHITESPACE then May June if elements 5 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then May June 2013 if numberOfElements 5 then return checkAndOutput values 5 values 1 nil nil nil nil values 5 values 3 nil nil nil nil end end end end elseif elements 2 ELEMENT COMMA then May if elements 3 ELEMENT FOURDIGITS then May 2012 if numberOfElements 3 then return checkAndOutput values 3 values 1 nil nil nil nil end end end else return PARSERESULT UNRECOGNIZED the combination of elements was not a recognized one end end function hasMetadataTemplates input This is a basic list of the template names for metadata emiting tempaltes there are inr eality more templates and more redirects if string match input Ss tart date then return true end if string match input Ee nd date then return true end if string match input Bb irth date then return true end if string match input Dd eath date then return true end if string match input Bb irth year then return true end if string match input Dd eath year then return true end if string match input Ff ilm date then return true end if string match input ISO date then return true end return false end This function will return a raw string for generic checks and unit test including defined parse errors function main parseDateOutputRaw frame local input frame args 1 If desired default unstrip and decode to have the raw markup if not frame args noUnstrip or frame args noUnstrip yes then input mw text decode mw text unstrip input end If desired not default strip the field extra stuff if frame args stripExtras and frame args stripExtras yes then input stripFieldExtras input end If there is nothing but whitespace don t bother if mw ustring match input s then if frame args 2 pretty then return frame preprocess gray Empty input else return Empty input end end local result startDate startTime endDate endTime parseDateString input if result PARSERESULT FAIL then if frame args 2 pretty then return frame preprocess gray Failed parse else return Failed parse end end if result PARSERESULT UNRECOGNIZED then local s if hasMetadataTemplates input then s Has metadata template else s Unrecognized pattern end if frame args 2 pretty then return frame preprocess gray s else return s end end if result PARSERESULT INVALID then if frame args 2 pretty then return frame preprocess maroon Invalid date time else return Invalid date time end end if result PARSERESULT INVALIDRANGE then if frame args 2 pretty then return frame preprocess maroon Invalid date range else return Invalid date range end end if result PARSERESULT INCOMPLETE then if frame args 2 pretty then return frame preprocess cyan Incomplete date else return Incomplete date end end if result PARSERESULT INCOMPLETERANGE then if frame args 2 pretty then return frame preprocess cyan Incomplete date range else return Incomplete date range end end local s if startDate then s startDate end if startTime then if startDate then s s startTime else s startTime end end if endDate then s s endDate end currently end date implies start date currently no end time return s end Strips whitespace from an input function trim value local strip count string gsub value s s 1 return strip end function stripFieldExtras value todo do progressive scan like with that seek string just for ref tags and such note that we can t just replace matches with whitespace and catch them all because it could be like 3 August lt gt 20 lt ref gt 12 local matchStrip value match lt lt ref gt gt lt lt ref gt lt ref gt gt lt lt ref gt lt ref gt gt lt lt ref gt basic refs quite common if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match lt lt ref gt gt lt lt ref gt lt ref gt gt lt lt ref gt basic refs quite common if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match lt lt ref gt gt lt lt ref gt basic refs quite common if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match lt lt ref gt gt lt ref gt gt lt ref gt gt basic named ref quite common if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match lt lt ref gt gt lt ref gt gt basic named ref quite common if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match lt lt ref gt gt basic named ref quite common if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match lt gt lt comment before sometimes used for notes to editors not yet seen metadata related comment if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match lt lt gt comment after sometimes used for notes to editors if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match Ff lag icon s Ff lag icon lt 2 flag icons also more common than one would think if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match Ff lag icon lt flag icon quite common although against MOS ICON if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match lt Ff lag icon s Ff lag icon after as well if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end matchStrip value match lt Ff lag icon if matchStrip then return trim matchStrip end return value if we didn t match anything abort now end function main emitMetadata frame local input frame args 1 If desired default unstrip and decode to have the raw markup if not frame args noUnstrip or frame args noUnstrip yes then input mw text decode mw text unstrip input end input stripFieldExtras trim input If there is nothing but whitespace don t bother if mw ustring match input s then return nil end Then parse the date and see if we get a valid output date local result startDate startTime endDate endTime parseDateString input if not frame args noErrorCats or frame args noErrorCats yes then if result PARSERESULT FAIL and not hasMetadataTemplates input then return frame preprocess lt includeonly gt Category Articles that could not be parsed for automatic date metadata lt includeonly gt end if result PARSERESULT UNRECOGNIZED and not hasMetadataTemplates input then return frame preprocess lt includeonly gt Category Articles that could not be parsed for automatic date metadata lt includeonly gt end if result PARSERESULT INVALID then return frame preprocess lt includeonly gt Category lt includeonly gt end if result PARSERESULT INVALIDRANGE then return frame preprocess lt includeonly gt Category lt includeonly gt end if result PARSERESULT INCOMPLETE then return frame preprocess lt includeonly gt Category Articles with incomplete dates for automatic metadata lt includeonly gt end if result PARSERESULT INCOMPLETERANGE then return frame preprocess lt includeonly gt Category Articles with incomplete date ranges for automatic metadata lt includeonly gt end we need to use frame preprocess for lt includeonly gt or it just gets displayed end We are only doing the rest for a valid date if result PARSERESULT OKAY then return nil end local dtstartSpan dtendSpan If we have a start value and we re told to output it if startDate or startTime and frame args dtstart and frame args dtstart yes then if startDate and startTime then dtstartSpan lt span class dtstart gt startDate T startTime lt span gt elseif startDate then dtstartSpan lt span class dtstart gt startDate lt span gt else dtstartSpan lt span class dtstart gt startTime lt span gt end end If we have an end value and we re told to output it if endDate or endTime and frame args dtend and frame args dtend yes then end values only happen when start values happen if endDate and endTime then dtendSpan lt span class dtend gt endDate T endTime lt span gt elseif endDate then dtendSpan lt span class dtend gt endDate lt span gt else dtendSpan lt span class dtend gt endTime lt span gt end end local trackingCat if frame args trackingCat and frame args trackingCat yes then trackingCat Category Articles with automatically detected infobox date metadata end if dtstartSpan and dtendSpan then return lt span style display none gt amp 160 dtstartSpan dtendSpan lt span gt trackingCat elseif dtstartSpan then return lt span style display none gt amp 160 dtstartSpan lt span gt trackingCat elseif dtendSpan then return lt span style display none gt amp 160 dtendSpan lt span gt trackingCat else return nil end end function main outputRawStripped frame return stripFieldExtras trim mw text decode mw text unstrip frame args 1 end function main reoutputme frame if frame args preprocess and frame args preprocess yes then return frame preprocess mw text decode mw text unstrip frame args 1 Category Dummy else return mw text decode mw text unstrip frame args 1 Category Dummy end local input mw text decode mw text unstrip frame args 1 s Len input for i 1 string len input do s s string sub input i i end return s end return main ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Infobox date field metadata amp oldid 8204840, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม