
มอดูล:Infobox road/color

local p = {}  Country = {}  function Country:new(obj)  obj = obj or {}  setmetatable(obj, self)  self.__index = self  return obj end  function Country:color(args)  local type = args.type  return self[type] or self.default end  function Country:addTypesAsColor(types, color)  for i,type in pairs(types) do  self[type] = color  end end  local colors = {} do  function colors:color(args)  local headerType = args.headerType  local countryArg = args.country  local headerTypeColor = self[headerType]  if headerTypeColor then return headerTypeColor end  local success, country = pcall(self.country, self, countryArg)  if not(success) then  return 'background:#cedff2;'  else  return country:color(args)  end  end  function colors:country(name)  local color = self[name]  if color then return color end  local module = require(string.format("Module:Infobox road/color/%s", name))  return module.colors  end   do -- Single-color countries  colors.BEL = Country:new{default = "background:#0071B3; color:#fff;"}  colors.BGD = Country:new{default = "background:#2C6700; color:white;"}  colors.CHN = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:white;"}  colors.EST = Country:new{default = "background:#0079C1; color:white;"}  colors.EUR = Country:new{default = "background:#08842C; color:#fff;"}  colors.HKG = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;"}  colors.ISL = Country:new{default = "background:#FFD200; border:1px solid #000;"}  colors.NZL = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;"}  colors.UKR = Country:new{default = "background:#003F87; color:white;"}  colors.URY = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:white;"}  colors.VNM = Country:new{default = "background:#003399; color:white;"}  end -- Single-color countries   do -- Multi-color countries  do -- Albania  local ALB = Country:new{default = "background:#00408B; color:#fff;"}  ALB:addTypesAsColor({"A"}, "background:#08842C; color:#fff;")  colors.ALB = ALB  end -- Albania  do -- Australia  local AUS = Country:new{default = "background:#3A7119; color:#FFE133;"}  AUS:addTypesAsColor({"freeway"}, "background:#D2E2F9;")  AUS:addTypesAsColor({"highway", "city highway"}, "background:#E9F9D2;")  AUS:addTypesAsColor({"road", "rural road"}, "background:#FFFFE0;")  AUS:addTypesAsColor({"street"}, "background:#F9E2D2;")  AUS:addTypesAsColor({"track"}, "background:#fee8ab;")  colors.AUS = AUS  end -- Australia  do -- Austria  local AUT = Country:new{default = "background:#fff; border:1px solid #000;"}  AUT:addTypesAsColor({"A", "S", "B"}, "background:#276FB7; color:#fff;")  colors.AUT = AUT  end -- Austria  do -- Bulgaria  local BGR = Country:new{default = "background:#003F87; color:white;"}  BGR:addTypesAsColor({"A"}, "background:#006A4D; color:white;")  colors.BGR = BGR  end -- Bulgaria  do -- Croatia  local HRV = Country:new{default = "background:#cedff2;"}  HRV:addTypesAsColor({"E", "A"}, "background:#08842C; color:#fff;")  HRV:addTypesAsColor({"D"}, "background:#0066CC; color:#fff;")  HRV:addTypesAsColor({"Z"}, "background:#FFCC33; color:black;")  colors.HRV = HRV  end -- Croatia  do -- Cyprus  local CYP = Country:new{default = "background:#003F87; color:#FFC000;"}  CYP:addTypesAsColor({"A"}, "background:#005024; color:#FFC000;")  colors.CYP = CYP  end -- Cyprus  do -- Czech Republic  local CZE = Country:new{default = "background:#003F87; color:white;"}  CZE:addTypesAsColor({"D", "R"}, "background:#006A4D; color:white;")  colors.CZE = CZE  end -- Czech Republic  do -- Denmark  local DNK = Country:new{default = "background:#039; color:#fff;"}  DNK:addTypesAsColor({"E", "M"}, "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;")  DNK:addTypesAsColor({"S"}, "background:#fff; border:1px solid #af1e2d; color:#af1e2d;")  colors.DNK = DNK  end -- Denmark  do -- France  local FRA = Country:new{default = "background:#fff; border:1px solid #000;"}  FRA:addTypesAsColor({"A"}, "background:#0079C1; color:#fff;")  FRA:addTypesAsColor({"N"}, "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;")  colors.FRA = FRA  colors.MTQ = FRA  end -- France  do -- Georgia  local GEO = Country:new{default = "background:#cedff2;"}  GEO:addTypesAsColor({"A", "International"}, "background:#039; color:#fff;")  colors.GEO = GEO  end -- Georgia  do -- Germany  local DEU = Country:new{default = "background:#cedff2;"}  DEU:addTypesAsColor({"A", "Autobahn"}, "background:#039; color:#fff;")  DEU:addTypesAsColor({"B", "Bundesstraße", "Bundesstrasse"}, "background:#FC3; color:black")  DEU:addTypesAsColor({"E"}, "background:#08842C; color:#fff;")  colors.DEU = DEU  end -- Germany  do -- Ghana  local GHA = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:#FFF;"}  GHA:addTypesAsColor({"N"}, "background:#0079C1; color:#FFF;")  colors.GHA = GHA  end -- Ghana  do -- Greece  local GRC = Country:new{default = "background:#0079C1; color:#FFF;"}  GRC:addTypesAsColor({"A"}, "background:#006A4D; color:#FFF;")  colors.GRC = GRC  end -- Greece  do -- Hungary  local HUN = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;"}  HUN:addTypesAsColor({"M"}, "background:#0079C1; color:#fff;")  colors.HUN = HUN  end -- Hungary  do -- Iran  local IRN = Country:new{default = "background:#cedff2;"}  IRN:addTypesAsColor({"freeway"}, "background:#06c; color:#fff;")  IRN:addTypesAsColor({"expressway"}, "background:#22B14C; color:#fff;")  IRN:addTypesAsColor({"road"}, "background:#22B14C; color:#fff;")  IRN:addTypesAsColor({"boulevard"}, "background:#fff; color:#000;")  IRN:addTypesAsColor({"street"}, "background:#fff; color:#000;")  colors.IRN = IRN  end -- Iran  do -- Republic of Ireland  local IRL = Country:new{default = "background:#cedff2;"}  IRL:addTypesAsColor({"M"}, "background:#0079C1; color:#fff;")  IRL:addTypesAsColor({"N"}, "background:#00703C; color:#FFD200;")  IRL:addTypesAsColor({"R"}, "background:#fff; border:1px solid #000;")  colors.IRL = IRL  end -- Republic of Ireland  do -- Italy  local ITA = Country:new{default = "background:#cedff2;"}  ITA:addTypesAsColor({"A"}, "background:#08842C; color:#fff;")  ITA:addTypesAsColor({"SS"}, "background:#003F87; color:#fff;")  ITA:addTypesAsColor({"E"}, "background:#08842C; color:#fff;")  colors.ITA = ITA  end -- Italy  do -- Netherlands  local NLD = Country:new{default = "background:#0079C1; color:#fff;"}  NLD:addTypesAsColor({"E"}, "background:#08842C; color:#fff;")  colors.NLD = NLD  end -- Netherlands  do -- Malaysia  local MYS = Country:new{default = "background:#0079C1; color:#fff;"}  MYS:addTypesAsColor({"E"}, "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;")  colors.MYS = MYS  end -- Malaysia  do -- Pakistan  local PAK = Country:new{default = "background:#0079C1; color:#fff;"}  PAK:addTypesAsColor({"M"}, "background:#00703c; color:#fff;")  colors.PAK = PAK  end -- Pakistan  do -- Philippines  local PHL = Country:new{default = "background:#093; color:white;"}  PHL:addTypesAsColor({"AH", "Asian Highway"}, "background:#704214; color:white;")  colors.PHL = PHL  end -- Philippines   do -- Poland  local POL = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;"}  POL:addTypesAsColor({"A", "S"}, "background:#0079C1; color:#fff;")  colors.POL = POL  end --Poland  do -- Slovakia  local SVK = Country:new{default = "background:#0079C1; color:#fff;"}  SVK:addTypesAsColor({"D", "R"}, "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;")  colors.SVK = SVK  end -- Slovakia  do -- South Africa  local ZAF = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:#FFF;"}  ZAF:addTypesAsColor({"M", "N"}, "background:#0079C1; color:#FFF;")  colors.ZAF = ZAF  end -- South Africa  do -- Spain  local ESP = Country:new{default = "background:#E8E8E8;"}  ESP:addTypesAsColor({"A", "AP", "AS"}, "background:#039; color:#fff;")  ESP:addTypesAsColor({"N"}, "background:#f00; color:#fff;")  colors.ESP = ESP  end -- Spain  do -- Sri Lanka  local LKA = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;"}  LKA:addTypesAsColor({"E"}, "background:#0000CD; color:#fff;")  LKA:addTypesAsColor({"A"}, "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;")  colors.LKA = LKA  end -- Sri Lanka  do -- Switzerland  local CHE = Country:new{default = "background:#cedff2;"}  CHE:addTypesAsColor({"E"}, "background:#08842C; color:#fff;")  colors.CHE = CHE  end -- Switzerland  do -- Thailand  local THA = Country:new{default = "background:#BFD7FF;"}  THA:addTypesAsColor({"H", "L", "MF"}, "background:#006B54; color:#fff;")  THA:addTypesAsColor({"M", "E", "T"}, "background:#003F87; color:#fff;")  THA:addTypesAsColor({"R"}, "background:#003F87; color:#FCD116;")  colors.THA = THA  end -- Thailand  do -- Turkey  local TUR = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:#fff;"}  TUR:addTypesAsColor({"state", "D"}, "background:#003F87; color:#fff;")  colors.TUR = TUR  end -- Turkey  do -- United States  local USA = Country:new{default = "background:#006A4D; color:white;"}  USA:addTypesAsColor({"FFH", "FR", "NER", "Rec", "RE", "Park"}, "background:#704214; color:white;")  colors.USA = USA  end -- United States  end -- Multi-color countries   do -- Built-in header types  colors["under construction"] = "background:#fc6;"  colors["const"] = "background:#fc6;"  colors["uc"] = "background:#fc6;"  colors["historic"] = "background:#704214; color:white;"  colors["historical"] = "background:#704214; color:white;"  colors["hist"] = "background:#704214; color:white;"  colors["scenic"] = "background:#704214; color:white;"  colors["decommissioned"] = "background:#AAA;"  colors["former"] = "background:#AAA;"  end -- Built-in header types end  function p._color(args)  return colors:color(args) end  function p.color(frame)  local pframe = frame:getParent()  local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself  local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that transcludes the template   local function emptyParam(param)  local empty = {[''] = true, ['¬'] = true}  if not(param) or empty[param] then  return nil  else  return param  end  end   local state = config.state or args.state  state = emptyParam(state)  local province = config.province or args.province  province = emptyParam(province)  local type = config.type or args.type  local subtype = config.subtype or args.subtype or nil   local headerType = args.header_type or config.header_type  headerType = emptyParam(headerType)  if headerType then  headerType = string.lower(headerType)  end   local countryArg = config.country or args.country  countryArg = emptyParam(countryArg)  local country = countryArg  if not(country) then  if colors[headerType] then  country = ''  else  local stateParam = state or province  if not(stateParam) then  country = ''  else  local countryMask = require "Module:Infobox road/meta/mask/country"  country = countryMask._country(stateParam, countryArg)  end  end  end   return p._color{country=country, state=state, province=province, type=type, subtype=subtype, headerType=headerType} end  return p 

มอด, infobox, road, color, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, local, country, functi. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulnilocal p Country function Country new obj obj obj or setmetatable obj self self index self return obj end function Country color args local type args type return self type or self default end function Country addTypesAsColor types color for i type in pairs types do self type color end end local colors do function colors color args local headerType args headerType local countryArg args country local headerTypeColor self headerType if headerTypeColor then return headerTypeColor end local success country pcall self country self countryArg if not success then return background cedff2 else return country color args end end function colors country name local color self name if color then return color end local module require string format Module Infobox road color s name return module colors end do Single color countries colors BEL Country new default background 0071B3 color fff colors BGD Country new default background 2C6700 color white colors CHN Country new default background 006A4D color white colors EST Country new default background 0079C1 color white colors EUR Country new default background 08842C color fff colors HKG Country new default background 006A4D color fff colors ISL Country new default background FFD200 border 1px solid 000 colors NZL Country new default background 006A4D color fff colors UKR Country new default background 003F87 color white colors URY Country new default background 006A4D color white colors VNM Country new default background 003399 color white end Single color countries do Multi color countries do Albania local ALB Country new default background 00408B color fff ALB addTypesAsColor A background 08842C color fff colors ALB ALB end Albania do Australia local AUS Country new default background 3A7119 color FFE133 AUS addTypesAsColor freeway background D2E2F9 AUS addTypesAsColor highway city highway background E9F9D2 AUS addTypesAsColor road rural road background FFFFE0 AUS addTypesAsColor street background F9E2D2 AUS addTypesAsColor track background fee8ab colors AUS AUS end Australia do Austria local AUT Country new default background fff border 1px solid 000 AUT addTypesAsColor A S B background 276FB7 color fff colors AUT AUT end Austria do Bulgaria local BGR Country new default background 003F87 color white BGR addTypesAsColor A background 006A4D color white colors BGR BGR end Bulgaria do Croatia local HRV Country new default background cedff2 HRV addTypesAsColor E A background 08842C color fff HRV addTypesAsColor D background 0066CC color fff HRV addTypesAsColor Z background FFCC33 color black colors HRV HRV end Croatia do Cyprus local CYP Country new default background 003F87 color FFC000 CYP addTypesAsColor A background 005024 color FFC000 colors CYP CYP end Cyprus do Czech Republic local CZE Country new default background 003F87 color white CZE addTypesAsColor D R background 006A4D color white colors CZE CZE end Czech Republic do Denmark local DNK Country new default background 039 color fff DNK addTypesAsColor E M background 006A4D color fff DNK addTypesAsColor S background fff border 1px solid af1e2d color af1e2d colors DNK DNK end Denmark do France local FRA Country new default background fff border 1px solid 000 FRA addTypesAsColor A background 0079C1 color fff FRA addTypesAsColor N background 006A4D color fff colors FRA FRA colors MTQ FRA end France do Georgia local GEO Country new default background cedff2 GEO addTypesAsColor A International background 039 color fff colors GEO GEO end Georgia do Germany local DEU Country new default background cedff2 DEU addTypesAsColor A Autobahn background 039 color fff DEU addTypesAsColor B Bundesstrasse Bundesstrasse background FC3 color black DEU addTypesAsColor E background 08842C color fff colors DEU DEU end Germany do Ghana local GHA Country new default background 006A4D color FFF GHA addTypesAsColor N background 0079C1 color FFF colors GHA GHA end Ghana do Greece local GRC Country new default background 0079C1 color FFF GRC addTypesAsColor A background 006A4D color FFF colors GRC GRC end Greece do Hungary local HUN Country new default background 006A4D color fff HUN addTypesAsColor M background 0079C1 color fff colors HUN HUN end Hungary do Iran local IRN Country new default background cedff2 IRN addTypesAsColor freeway background 06c color fff IRN addTypesAsColor expressway background 22B14C color fff IRN addTypesAsColor road background 22B14C color fff IRN addTypesAsColor boulevard background fff color 000 IRN addTypesAsColor street background fff color 000 colors IRN IRN end Iran do Republic of Ireland local IRL Country new default background cedff2 IRL addTypesAsColor M background 0079C1 color fff IRL addTypesAsColor N background 00703C color FFD200 IRL addTypesAsColor R background fff border 1px solid 000 colors IRL IRL end Republic of Ireland do Italy local ITA Country new default background cedff2 ITA addTypesAsColor A background 08842C color fff ITA addTypesAsColor SS background 003F87 color fff ITA addTypesAsColor E background 08842C color fff colors ITA ITA end Italy do Netherlands local NLD Country new default background 0079C1 color fff NLD addTypesAsColor E background 08842C color fff colors NLD NLD end Netherlands do Malaysia local MYS Country new default background 0079C1 color fff MYS addTypesAsColor E background 006A4D color fff colors MYS MYS end Malaysia do Pakistan local PAK Country new default background 0079C1 color fff PAK addTypesAsColor M background 00703c color fff colors PAK PAK end Pakistan do Philippines local PHL Country new default background 093 color white PHL addTypesAsColor AH Asian Highway background 704214 color white colors PHL PHL end Philippines do Poland local POL Country new default background 006A4D color fff POL addTypesAsColor A S background 0079C1 color fff colors POL POL end Poland do Slovakia local SVK Country new default background 0079C1 color fff SVK addTypesAsColor D R background 006A4D color fff colors SVK SVK end Slovakia do South Africa local ZAF Country new default background 006A4D color FFF ZAF addTypesAsColor M N background 0079C1 color FFF colors ZAF ZAF end South Africa do Spain local ESP Country new default background E8E8E8 ESP addTypesAsColor A AP AS background 039 color fff ESP addTypesAsColor N background f00 color fff colors ESP ESP end Spain do Sri Lanka local LKA Country new default background 006A4D color fff LKA addTypesAsColor E background 0000CD color fff LKA addTypesAsColor A background 006A4D color fff colors LKA LKA end Sri Lanka do Switzerland local CHE Country new default background cedff2 CHE addTypesAsColor E background 08842C color fff colors CHE CHE end Switzerland do Thailand local THA Country new default background BFD7FF THA addTypesAsColor H L MF background 006B54 color fff THA addTypesAsColor M E T background 003F87 color fff THA addTypesAsColor R background 003F87 color FCD116 colors THA THA end Thailand do Turkey local TUR Country new default background 006A4D color fff TUR addTypesAsColor state D background 003F87 color fff colors TUR TUR end Turkey do United States local USA Country new default background 006A4D color white USA addTypesAsColor FFH FR NER Rec RE Park background 704214 color white colors USA USA end United States end Multi color countries do Built in header types colors under construction background fc6 colors const background fc6 colors uc background fc6 colors historic background 704214 color white colors historical background 704214 color white colors hist background 704214 color white colors scenic background 704214 color white colors decommissioned background AAA colors former background AAA end Built in header types end function p color args return colors color args end function p color frame local pframe frame getParent local config frame args the arguments passed BY the template in the wikitext of the template itself local args pframe args the arguments passed TO the template in the wikitext that transcludes the template local function emptyParam param local empty true true if not param or empty param then return nil else return param end end local state config state or args state state emptyParam state local province config province or args province province emptyParam province local type config type or args type local subtype config subtype or args subtype or nil local headerType args header type or config header type headerType emptyParam headerType if headerType then headerType string lower headerType end local countryArg config country or args country countryArg emptyParam countryArg local country countryArg if not country then if colors headerType then country else local stateParam state or province if not stateParam then country else local countryMask require Module Infobox road meta mask country country countryMask country stateParam countryArg end end end return p color country country state state province province type type subtype subtype headerType headerType end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Infobox road color amp oldid 8118665, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม