

require('Module:No globals') local m_data = mw.loadData("Module:Language/data") local langData = m_data.languages or m_data  local p = {}  local function ifNotEmpty(value)  if value == "" then  return nil  else  return value  end end  local function makeLinkedName(languageCode)  local data = langData[languageCode]  local article = data["article"]  local name = data["Wikipedia_name"] or data["name"]  return "[[" .. article .. "|" .. name .. "]]:&nbsp;" end  local function makeEntryName(word, languageCode)  local data = langData[languageCode]  local ugsub = mw.ustring.gsub  word = tostring(word)  if word == nil then  error("The function makeEntryName requires a string argument")  elseif word == "" then  return ""  else  -- Remove bold and italics, so that words that contain bolding or emphasis can be linked without piping.  word = word:gsub("\'\'\'", "")  word = word:gsub("\'\'", "")  if data == nil then  return word  else  local replacements = data and data["replacements"]  if replacements == nil then  return word  else  -- Decompose so that the diacritics of characters such  -- as á can be removed in one go.  -- No need to compose at the end, because the MediaWiki software  -- will handle that.  if replacements.decompose then  word = mw.ustring.toNFD(word)  for i, from in ipairs(replacements.from) do  word = ugsub(  word,  from,  replacements.to and replacements.to[i] or "")  end  else  for regex, replacement in pairs(replacements) do  word = ugsub(word, regex, replacement)  end  end  return word  end  end  end end  p.makeEntryName = makeEntryName  local function fixScriptCode(firstLetter, threeLetters)  return string.upper(firstLetter) .. string.lower(threeLetters) end  local function getCodes(codes, text)  local languageCode, scriptCode, invalidCode  local errorText  if codes == nil or codes == "" then  errorText = 'no language or script code provided'  elseif codes:find("^%a%a%a?$") or codes:find("^%a%a%a?%-%a%a%a%a$") then  -- A three- or two-letter lowercase sequence at beginning of first parameter  languageCode =  codes:find("^%a%a%a?") and (  codes:match("^(%l%l%l?)")  or codes:match("^(%a%a%a?)")  :gsub("(%a%a%a?)", string.lower, 1)  )  -- One uppercase and three lowercase letters at the end of the first parameter  scriptCode =  codes:find("%a%a%a%a$") and (  codes:match("(%u%l%l%l)$")  or gsub(  codes:match("(%a%a%a%a)$"),  "(%a)(%a%a%a)",  fixScriptCode,  1  )  )  elseif codes:find("^%a%a%a?%-%a%a%a?$")  or codes:find("^%a%a%a%-%a%a%a%-%a%a%a$") then  languageCode = codes   -- Private-use subtag: x followed by one or more sequences of 1-8 lowercase  -- letters separated by hyphens. This only allows for one sequence, as it is  -- needed for proto-languages such as ine-x-proto (Proto-Indo-European).  elseif codes:find("^%a%a%a?%-x%-%a%a?%a?%a?%a?%a?%a?%a?$") then  languageCode, scriptCode =  codes:match("^(%a%a%a%-x%-%a%a?%a?%a?%a?%a?%a?%a?)%-?(.*)$")  if not languageCode then  errorText = '<code>'..codes..'</code> is not a valid language or script code.'  elseif scriptCode ~= "" and not scriptCode:find("%a%a%a%a") then  errorText = '<code>'..scriptCode..'</code> is not a valid script code.'  else  scriptCode = scriptCode:gsub(  "(%a)(%a%a%a)",  fixScriptCode,  1  )  end  elseif codes:find("^%a%a%a?") then  languageCode, invalidCode = codes:match("^(%a%a%a?)%-?(.*)")  languageCode = string.lower(languageCode)  errorText = '<code>'..invalidCode..'</code> is not a valid script code.'  elseif codes:find("%-?%a%a%a%a$") then  invalidCode, scriptCode = codes:match("(.*)%-?(%a%a%a%a)$")  scriptCode = gsub(  scriptCode,  "(%a)(%a%a%a)",  fixScriptCode  )  errorText = '<code>'..invalidCode..'</code> is not a valid language code.'  else  errorText = '<code>'..codes..'</code> is not a valid language or script code.'  end  if not scriptCode or scriptCode == "" then  scriptCode = require("Module:Unicode data").is_Latin(text) and "Latn" or "unknown"  end  if errorText then  errorText = ' <span style="font-size: smaller">[' .. errorText .. ']</span>'  else  errorText = ""  end  languageCode = m_data.redirects[languageCode] or languageCode  return languageCode, scriptCode, errorText end  local function tag(text, languageCode, script, italics)  local data = langData[languageCode]  -- Use Wikipedia code if it has been given: for instance,  -- Proto-Indo-European has the Wiktionary code "ine-pro" but the Wikipedia  -- code "ine-x-proto".  languageCode = data and data.Wikipedia_code or languageCode   local italicize = script == "Latn" and italics   if not text then text = "[text?]" end   local textDirectionMarkers = { "", "", "" }  if data and data["direction"] == "rtl" then  textDirectionMarkers = { ' dir="rtl"', '&rlm;', '&lrm;' }  end   local out = { textDirectionMarkers[2] }  if italicize then  table.insert(out, "<i lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\" xml:lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\"" .. textDirectionMarkers[1] .. ">" .. text .. "</i>")  else  table.insert(out, "<span lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\" xml:lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\"" .. textDirectionMarkers[1] .. ">" .. text .. "</span>")  end  table.insert(out, textDirectionMarkers[3])   return table.concat(out) end    function p.lang(frame)  local parent = frame:getParent()  local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args   local codes = args[1] and mw.text.trim(args[1])  local text = args[2] or error("Provide text in the second parameter")   local languageCode, scriptCode, errorText = getCodes(codes, text)   local italics = args.italics or args.i or args.italic  italics = not (italics == "n" or italics == "-" or italics == "no")   return tag(text, languageCode, scriptCode, italics) .. errorText end  local function linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText, languageCode)  local data = langData[languageCode]  local name  if languageCode then  if data and data.name then  name = data.name  else  -- On other languages' wikis, use mw.getContentLanguage():getCode(),  -- or replace 'en' with that wiki's language code.  name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName(languageCode, 'en')  if name == "" then  error("Name for the language code " .. ("%q"):format(languageCode or nil)  .. " could not be retrieved with mw.language.fetchLanguageName, "  .. "so it should be added to [[Module:Language/data]]")  end  end  if entry:sub(1, 1) == "*" then  if name ~= "" then  entry = "Reconstruction:" .. name .. "/" .. entry:sub(2)  else  error("Language name is empty")  end  elseif data and data.type == "reconstructed" then  mw.log("Reconstructed language without asterisk:", languageCode, name, entry)  local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()  -- Track reconstructed entries with no asterisk by transcluding  -- a nonexistent template. This technique is used in Wiktionary:  -- see [[wikt:Module:debug]].  -- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/tracking/wikt-lang/reconstructed with no asterisk]]  pcall(frame.expandTemplate, frame,  { title = 'tracking/wikt-lang/reconstructed with no asterisk' })  if name ~= "" then  entry = "Reconstruction:" .. name .. "/" .. entry  else  error("Language name is empty")  end  elseif data and data.type == "appendix" then  if name ~= "" then  entry = "Appendix:" .. name .. "/" .. entry  else  error("Language name is empty")  end  end  if entry and linkText then  return "[[wikt:" .. entry .. "#" .. name .. "|" .. linkText .. "]]"  else  error("linkToWiktionary needs a Wiktionary entry or link text, or both")  end  else  return "[[wikt:" .. entry .. "|" .. linkText .. "]]"  end end  function p.wiktlang(frame)  local parent = frame:getParent()  local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args   local codes = args[1] and mw.text.trim(args[1])  local word1 = ifNotEmpty(args[2])  local word2 = ifNotEmpty(args[3])   if not args[2] then  error("Parameter 2 is required")  end   local languageCode, scriptCode, errorText = getCodes(codes, word2 or word1)   local italics = args.italics or args.i  italics = not (italics == "n" or italics == "-")   local entry, linkText  if word2 and word1 then  entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)  linkText = word2  elseif word1 then  entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)  linkText = word1  end   local out  if languageCode and entry and linkText then  out = tag(linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText, languageCode), languageCode, scriptCode, italics)  elseif entry and linkText then  out = linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText)  else  out = '<span style="font-size: smaller;">[text?]</span>'  end   if out and errorText then  return out .. errorText  else  return errorText or error("The function wiktlang generated nothing")  end end  function p.wikt(frame)  local parent = frame:getParent()  local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args   local codes = args[1] and mw.text.trim(args[1])  local word1 = ifNotEmpty(args[2])  local word2 = ifNotEmpty(args[3])   if not word1 then  error("Provide a word in parameter 2.")  end   local languageCode, scriptCode, errorText = getCodes(codes, word1)   local entry, linkText  if word2 and word1 then  entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)  linkText = word2  elseif word1 then  entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)  linkText = word1  end   local out  if languageCode and entry and linkText then  out = linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText, languageCode)  elseif entry and linkText then  out = linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText)  else  out = '<span style="font-size: smaller;">[text?]</span>'  end   if out and errorText then  return out and out .. errorText  else  return errorText or error("The function wikt generated nothing")  end end  return p 

มอด, language, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, require, module, globals, local, d. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulnirequire Module No globals local m data mw loadData Module Language data local langData m data languages or m data local p local function ifNotEmpty value if value then return nil else return value end end local function makeLinkedName languageCode local data langData languageCode local article data article local name data Wikipedia name or data name return article name amp nbsp end local function makeEntryName word languageCode local data langData languageCode local ugsub mw ustring gsub word tostring word if word nil then error The function makeEntryName requires a string argument elseif word then return else Remove bold and italics so that words that contain bolding or emphasis can be linked without piping word word gsub word word gsub if data nil then return word else local replacements data and data replacements if replacements nil then return word else Decompose so that the diacritics of characters such as a can be removed in one go No need to compose at the end because the MediaWiki software will handle that if replacements decompose then word mw ustring toNFD word for i from in ipairs replacements from do word ugsub word from replacements to and replacements to i or end else for regex replacement in pairs replacements do word ugsub word regex replacement end end return word end end end end p makeEntryName makeEntryName local function fixScriptCode firstLetter threeLetters return string upper firstLetter string lower threeLetters end local function getCodes codes text local languageCode scriptCode invalidCode local errorText if codes nil or codes then errorText no language or script code provided elseif codes find a a a or codes find a a a a a a a then A three or two letter lowercase sequence at beginning of first parameter languageCode codes find a a a and codes match l l l or codes match a a a gsub a a a string lower 1 One uppercase and three lowercase letters at the end of the first parameter scriptCode codes find a a a a and codes match u l l l or gsub codes match a a a a a a a a fixScriptCode 1 elseif codes find a a a a a a or codes find a a a a a a a a a then languageCode codes Private use subtag x followed by one or more sequences of 1 8 lowercase letters separated by hyphens This only allows for one sequence as it is needed for proto languages such as ine x proto Proto Indo European elseif codes find a a a x a a a a a a a a then languageCode scriptCode codes match a a a x a a a a a a a a if not languageCode then errorText lt code gt codes lt code gt is not a valid language or script code elseif scriptCode and not scriptCode find a a a a then errorText lt code gt scriptCode lt code gt is not a valid script code else scriptCode scriptCode gsub a a a a fixScriptCode 1 end elseif codes find a a a then languageCode invalidCode codes match a a a languageCode string lower languageCode errorText lt code gt invalidCode lt code gt is not a valid script code elseif codes find a a a a then invalidCode scriptCode codes match a a a a scriptCode gsub scriptCode a a a a fixScriptCode errorText lt code gt invalidCode lt code gt is not a valid language code else errorText lt code gt codes lt code gt is not a valid language or script code end if not scriptCode or scriptCode then scriptCode require Module Unicode data is Latin text and Latn or unknown end if errorText then errorText lt span style font size smaller gt errorText lt span gt else errorText end languageCode m data redirects languageCode or languageCode return languageCode scriptCode errorText end local function tag text languageCode script italics local data langData languageCode Use Wikipedia code if it has been given for instance Proto Indo European has the Wiktionary code ine pro but the Wikipedia code ine x proto languageCode data and data Wikipedia code or languageCode local italicize script Latn and italics if not text then text text end local textDirectionMarkers if data and data direction rtl then textDirectionMarkers dir rtl amp rlm amp lrm end local out textDirectionMarkers 2 if italicize then table insert out lt i lang languageCode xml lang languageCode textDirectionMarkers 1 gt text lt i gt else table insert out lt span lang languageCode xml lang languageCode textDirectionMarkers 1 gt text lt span gt end table insert out textDirectionMarkers 3 return table concat out end function p lang frame local parent frame getParent local args parent args 1 and parent args or frame args local codes args 1 and mw text trim args 1 local text args 2 or error Provide text in the second parameter local languageCode scriptCode errorText getCodes codes text local italics args italics or args i or args italic italics not italics n or italics or italics no return tag text languageCode scriptCode italics errorText end local function linkToWiktionary entry linkText languageCode local data langData languageCode local name if languageCode then if data and data name then name data name else On other languages wikis use mw getContentLanguage getCode or replace en with that wiki s language code name mw language fetchLanguageName languageCode en if name then error Name for the language code q format languageCode or nil could not be retrieved with mw language fetchLanguageName so it should be added to Module Language data end end if entry sub 1 1 then if name then entry Reconstruction name entry sub 2 else error Language name is empty end elseif data and data type reconstructed then mw log Reconstructed language without asterisk languageCode name entry local frame mw getCurrentFrame Track reconstructed entries with no asterisk by transcluding a nonexistent template This technique is used in Wiktionary see wikt Module debug Special WhatLinksHere tracking wikt lang reconstructed with no asterisk pcall frame expandTemplate frame title tracking wikt lang reconstructed with no asterisk if name then entry Reconstruction name entry else error Language name is empty end elseif data and data type appendix then if name then entry Appendix name entry else error Language name is empty end end if entry and linkText then return wikt entry name linkText else error linkToWiktionary needs a Wiktionary entry or link text or both end else return wikt entry linkText end end function p wiktlang frame local parent frame getParent local args parent args 1 and parent args or frame args local codes args 1 and mw text trim args 1 local word1 ifNotEmpty args 2 local word2 ifNotEmpty args 3 if not args 2 then error Parameter 2 is required end local languageCode scriptCode errorText getCodes codes word2 or word1 local italics args italics or args i italics not italics n or italics local entry linkText if word2 and word1 then entry makeEntryName word1 languageCode linkText word2 elseif word1 then entry makeEntryName word1 languageCode linkText word1 end local out if languageCode and entry and linkText then out tag linkToWiktionary entry linkText languageCode languageCode scriptCode italics elseif entry and linkText then out linkToWiktionary entry linkText else out lt span style font size smaller gt text lt span gt end if out and errorText then return out errorText else return errorText or error The function wiktlang generated nothing end end function p wikt frame local parent frame getParent local args parent args 1 and parent args or frame args local codes args 1 and mw text trim args 1 local word1 ifNotEmpty args 2 local word2 ifNotEmpty args 3 if not word1 then error Provide a word in parameter 2 end local languageCode scriptCode errorText getCodes codes word1 local entry linkText if word2 and word1 then entry makeEntryName word1 languageCode linkText word2 elseif word1 then entry makeEntryName word1 languageCode linkText word1 end local out if languageCode and entry and linkText then out linkToWiktionary entry linkText languageCode elseif entry and linkText then out linkToWiktionary entry linkText else out lt span style font size smaller gt text lt span gt end if out and errorText then return out and out errorText else return errorText or error The function wikt generated nothing end end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Language amp oldid 9226608, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม