
มอดูล:Protected edit request/active

require('Module:No globals')  local yesno, makeMessageBox -- passed in from Module:Protected edit request local makeToolbar = require('Module:Toolbar')._main local getPagetype = require('Module:Pagetype')._main local effectiveProtectionLevel = require('Module:Effective protection level')._main  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------  local function makeWikilink(page, display)  if display then  return mw.ustring.format('[[%s|%s]]', page, display)  else  return mw.ustring.format('[[%s]]', page)  end end  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title class ----------------------------------------------------------------------  -- This is basically the mw.title class with some extras thrown in.  local title = {} title.__index = title  function title.getProtectionLevelText(protectionLevel)  -- Gets the text to use in anchors and urn links.  local levels = {unprotected = 'editunprotected', autoconfirmed = 'editsemiprotected', extendedconfirmed = 'editextendedprotected', templateeditor = 'edittemplateprotected', sysop = 'editprotected'}  return levels[protectionLevel] end  function title.new(...)  local success, obj = pcall(mw.title.new, ...)  if not (success and obj) then return end   -- Add a protectionLevel property.  obj.protectionLevel = effectiveProtectionLevel(obj.exists and 'edit' or 'create', obj)  if obj.protectionLevel == '*' then  -- Make unprotected pages return "unprotected".  obj.protectionLevel = 'unprotected'  elseif obj.protectionLevel == 'user' then  -- If we just need to be registered, pretend we need to be autoconfirmed, since it's the closest thing we have.  obj.protectionLevel = 'autoconfirmed'  end   -- Add a pagetype property.  obj.pagetype = getPagetype{page = obj.prefixedText, defaultns = 'all'}   -- Add link-making methods.  function obj:makeUrlLink(query, display)  return mw.ustring.format('[%s %s]', self:fullUrl(query), display)  end   function obj:makeViewLink(display)  return self:makeUrlLink({redirect = 'ไม่'}, display)  end   function obj:makeEditLink(display)  return self:makeUrlLink({action = 'แก้'}, display)  end   function obj:makeHistoryLink(display)  return self:makeUrlLink({action = 'ประวัติ'}, display)  end   function obj:makeLastEditLink(display)  return self:makeUrlLink({diff = 'ป', oldid = 'ก'}, display)  end   function obj:makeWhatLinksHereLink(display)  return makeWikilink('Special:WhatLinksHere/' .. self.prefixedText, display)  end   function obj:makeCompareLink(otherTitle, display)  display = display or 'diff'  local comparePagesTitle = title.new('Special:ComparePages')  return comparePagesTitle:makeUrlLink({page1 = self.prefixedText, page2 = otherTitle.prefixedText}, display)  end   function obj:makeLogLink(logType, display)  local logTitle = title.new('Special:Log')  return logTitle:makeUrlLink({type = logType, page = self.prefixedText}, display)  end   function obj:urlEncode()  return mw.uri.encode(self.prefixedText, 'WIKI')  end   function obj:makeUrnLink(boxProtectionLevel)  -- Outputs a urn link. The protection level is taken from the template, rather than detected from page itself,  -- as the detection may be inaccurate for cascade-protected and title-blacklisted pages as of Nov 2013.  local protectionLinkText = title.getProtectionLevelText(boxProtectionLevel)  return mw.ustring.format('[urn:x-wp-%s:%s <span></span>]', protectionLinkText, self:urlEncode())  end   -- Get a subpage title object, but go through pcall rather than use the unprotected mw.title:subPageTitle.  function obj:getSubpageTitle(subpage)  return title.new(self.prefixedText .. '/' .. subpage)  end   return obj end  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TitleTable class ----------------------------------------------------------------------  local titleTable = {} titleTable.__index = titleTable  function titleTable.new(args)  -- Get numerical arguments and make title objects for each of them.   local nums = {}  for k, v in pairs(args) do  if type(k) == 'number' then  table.insert(nums, k)  end  end  table.sort(nums)  local titles = {}  for _, num in ipairs(nums) do  local title = title.new(args[num])  table.insert(titles, title)  end  -- Get the current title, and get the subject title if no titles were specified.  titles.currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()  if #titles < 1 then  local subjectNs = titles.currentTitle.subjectNsText  if subjectNs ~= '' then  subjectNs = subjectNs .. ':'  end  table.insert(titles, title.new(subjectNs .. titles.currentTitle.text))  end  -- Set the metatable.  setmetatable(titles, titleTable)  return titles end  function titleTable:memoize(memoField, func, ...)  if self[memoField] ~= nil then  return self[memoField]  else  self[memoField] = func(...)  return self[memoField]  end end  function titleTable:titleIterator()  local i = 0  local n = #self  return function()  i = i + 1  if i <= n then  return self[i]  end  end end  function titleTable:hasSameProperty(memoField, getPropertyFunc)  -- If the titles table has more than one title in it, check if they have the same property.  -- The property is found using the getPropertyFunc function, which takes a title object as its single argument.   local function hasSameProperty(getPropertyFunc)  local property  for i, obj in ipairs(self) do  if i == 1 then  property = getPropertyFunc(obj)  elseif getPropertyFunc(obj) ~= property then  return false  end  end  return true  end   return self:memoize(memoField, hasSameProperty, getPropertyFunc) end  function titleTable:hasSameExistenceStatus()  -- Returns true if all the titles exist, or if they all don't exist. Returns false if there is a mixture of existence statuses.  return self:hasSameProperty('sameExistenceStatus', function (title) return title.exists end) end  function titleTable:hasSameProtectionStatus()  -- Checks if all the titles have the same protection status (either for creation protection or for edit-protection - the two are not mixed).  local sameExistenceStatus = self:hasSameExistenceStatus()  if sameExistenceStatus then  return self:hasSameProperty('sameProtectionStatus', function (title) return title.protectionLevel end)  else  return sameExistenceStatus  end end  function titleTable:hasSamePagetype()  -- Checks if all the titles have the same pagetype.  return self:hasSameProperty('samePagetype', function (title) return title.pagetype end) end  function titleTable:propertyExists(memoField, getPropertyFunc)  -- Checks if a title with a certain property exists.  -- The property is found using the getPropertyFunc function, which takes a title object as its single argument  -- and should return a boolean value.  local function propertyExists(getPropertyFunc)  for titleObj in self:titleIterator() do  if getPropertyFunc(titleObj) then  return true  end  end  return false  end  return self:memoize(memoField, propertyExists, getPropertyFunc) end  function titleTable:hasNonInterfacePage()  return self:propertyExists('nonInterfacePage', function (titleObj) return titleObj.namespace ~= 8 end) end  function titleTable:hasTemplateOrModule()  return self:propertyExists('templateOrModule', function (titleObj) return titleObj.namespace == 10 or titleObj.namespace == 828 end) end  function titleTable:hasNonTemplateOrModule()  return self:propertyExists('nontemplateormodule', function (titleobj) return titleobj.namespace ~= 10 and titleobj.namespace ~= 828 end) end  function titleTable:hasOtherProtectionLevel(level)  for titleObj in self:titleIterator() do  if titleObj.protectionLevel ~= level then  return true  end  end  return false end  function titleTable:getProtectionLevels()  local function getProtectionLevels()  local levels = {}  for titleObj in self:titleIterator() do  local level = titleObj.protectionLevel  levels[level] = true  end  return levels  end  return self:memoize('protectionLevels', getProtectionLevels) end  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Blurb class definition ----------------------------------------------------------------------  local blurb = {} blurb.__index = blurb  function blurb.new(titleTable, boxProtectionLevel)  local obj = {}  obj.titles = titleTable  obj.boxProtectionLevel = boxProtectionLevel  obj.linkCount = 0 -- Counter for the number of total items in the object's link lists.   setmetatable(obj, blurb)  return obj end  -- Static methods --  function blurb.makeParaText(name, val)  local pipe = mw.text.nowiki('|')  local equals = mw.text.nowiki('=')  val = val and ("''" .. val .. "''") or ''  return mw.ustring.format('<code style="white-space: nowrap;">%s%s%s%s</code>', pipe, name, equals, val) end  function blurb.makeTemplateLink(s)  return mw.ustring.format('%s[[Template:%s|%s]]%s', mw.text.nowiki('{{'), s, s, mw.text.nowiki('}}')) end  function blurb:makeProtectionText()  local boxProtectionLevel = self.boxProtectionLevel  local levels = {['*'] = 'ที่ไม่มีการป้องกัน', autoconfirmed = 'ที่กึ่งป้องกันไว้', extendedconfirmed = 'extended-confirmed-protected', templateeditor = 'แม่แบบถูกป้องกัน', sysop = 'ที่ป้องกันสมบูรณ์ไว้'}  for level, protectionText in pairs(levels) do  if level == boxProtectionLevel then  return mw.ustring.format('[[วิธีใช้:การป้องกัน|%s]]', protectionText)  end  end  error('Unknown protection level ' .. boxProtectionLevel) end  function blurb.getPagetypePlural(title)  local pagetype = title.pagetype  if pagetype == 'category' then  return 'categories'  else  return pagetype .. 's'  end end  -- Normal methods --  function blurb:makeLinkList(title)  local tbargs = {} -- The argument list to pass to Module:Toolbar  tbargs.style = 'font-size: smaller;'  tbargs.separator = 'dot'  -- Page links.  table.insert(tbargs, title:makeEditLink('edit'))  table.insert(tbargs, title:makeHistoryLink('history'))  table.insert(tbargs, title:makeLastEditLink('last'))  table.insert(tbargs, title:makeWhatLinksHereLink('links'))  -- Sandbox links.  local sandboxTitle = title:getSubpageTitle('sandbox')  if sandboxTitle and sandboxTitle.exists then  table.insert(tbargs, sandboxTitle:makeViewLink('sandbox'))  table.insert(tbargs, sandboxTitle:makeEditLink('edit sandbox'))  table.insert(tbargs, sandboxTitle:makeHistoryLink('sandbox history'))  table.insert(tbargs, sandboxTitle:makeLastEditLink('sandbox last edit'))  table.insert(tbargs, title:makeCompareLink(sandboxTitle, 'sandbox diff'))  end  -- Test cases links.  local testcasesTitle = title:getSubpageTitle('testcases')  if testcasesTitle and testcasesTitle.exists then  table.insert(tbargs, testcasesTitle:makeViewLink('test cases'))  end  -- Transclusion count link.  if title.namespace == 10 or title.namespace == 828 then -- Only add the transclusion count link for templates and modules.  local tclink = mw.uri.new{  host = 'tools.wmflabs.org',  path = '/templatecount/index.php',  query = {  lang = 'en',  name = title.text,  namespace = title.namespace,  },  fragment = 'bottom'  }  tclink = string.format('[%s transclusion count]', tostring(tclink))  table.insert(tbargs, tclink)  end  -- Protection log link.  if title.namespace ~= 8 then -- MediaWiki pages don't have protection log entries.  table.insert(tbargs, title:makeLogLink('ป้องกัน', 'ปูมการป้องกัน'))  end  self.linkCount = self.linkCount + #tbargs -- Keep track of the number of total links created by the object.  return makeToolbar(tbargs) end  function blurb:makeLinkLists()  local titles = self.titles  if #titles == 1 then  return self:makeLinkList(titles[1])  else  local ret = {}  table.insert(ret, '<ul>')  for i, titleObj in ipairs(titles) do  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('<li>%s %s</li>', titleObj:makeViewLink(titleObj.prefixedText), self:makeLinkList(titleObj)))  end  table.insert(ret, '</ul>')  return table.concat(ret)  end end  function blurb:makeIntro()  local titles = self.titles  local requested = 'มีคำขอให้'  local protectionText  if titles:hasNonInterfacePage() then  protectionText = ' ' .. self:makeProtectionText()  else  protectionText = '' -- Interface pages cannot be unprotected, so we don't need to explicitly say they are protected.  end  -- Deal with cases where we are passed multiple titles.  if #titles > 1 then  local pagetype  if titles:hasSamePagetype() then  pagetype = blurb.getPagetypePlural(titles[1])  else  pagetype = 'หน้า'  end  return mw.ustring.format("'''%sแก้ไขต่อหน้าต่อไปนี้ %s %s''':", requested, protectionText, pagetype)  end  -- Deal with cases where we are passed only one title.  local title = titles[1]  local stringToFormat  if title.exists then  stringToFormat = '%sแก้ไขต่อ%s%sที่ %s'  else  stringToFormat = '%sให้สร้าง%s%sที่ %s'  end  stringToFormat = "'''" .. stringToFormat .. "'''"  return mw.ustring.format(stringToFormat, requested, title.pagetype, protectionText, title:makeViewLink(title.prefixedText)) end  function blurb:makeBody()  local titles = self.titles  local protectionLevels = titles:getProtectionLevels()  local boxProtectionLevel = self.boxProtectionLevel  local hasNonInterfacePage = titles:hasNonInterfacePage()  local isPlural = false  if #titles > 1 then  isPlural = true  end   local descriptionText = "แม่แบบนี้ต้องตามด้วย'''คำอธิบายที่สมบูรณ์และจำเพาะเจาะจง'''ของคำขอ"  if boxProtectionLevel == 'sysop' or boxProtectionLevel == 'templateeditor' then  local editText = 'edit'  if isPlural then  editText = editText .. 's'  end  local descriptionCompleteText = mw.ustring.format('เพื่อให้ผู้เขียนที่ไม่สันทัดกรณีในประเด็นเรื่องสามารถแก้ไขตามคำขอได้ทันที', editText)  descriptionText = descriptionText .. descriptionCompleteText  else  descriptionText = descriptionText .. 'นั่นคือ เจาะจงว่าควรนำข้อความใดออกและสำเนาจดคำต่อคำของข้อความที่ควรใช้ทดแทน'  .. [["กรุณาเปลี่ยน ''X''" '''ยอมรับไม่ได้''' และจะถูกปฏิเสธ คำขอ'''ต้อง'''อยู่ในรูป "กรุณาเปลี่ยน ''X'' เป็น ''Y''"]]  end   local smallText = ''  if boxProtectionLevel == 'sysop' or boxProtectionLevel == 'templateeditor' then  local templateFullText  if boxProtectionLevel == 'sysop' then  templateFullText = 'หน้าป้องกันสมบูรณ์'  elseif boxProtectionLevel == 'templateeditor' then  templateFullText = 'แม่แบบที่ถูกป้องกัน'  end  smallText = 'คำขอแก้ไขต่อ' .. templateFullText .. "ควรใช้หน้าเฉพาะสำหรับการแก้ไขที่'''ไม่เป็นที่ถกเถียง'''หรือมีความเห็นพ้องสนับสนุน"  .. " หากการแก้ไขที่เสนออาจเป็นที่ถกเถียง ให้อภิปรายก่อนในหน้าคุยของหน้าที่ถูกป้องกัน'''ก่อน'''ใช้แม่แบบนี้"  else  local userText  if boxProtectionLevel == 'extendedconfirmed' then  userText = '[[Wikipedia:User access levels#Extended confirmed users|extended confirmed]] user'  elseif boxProtectionLevel == 'autoconfirmed' then  userText = '[[วิกิพีเดีย:ระดับการเข้าถึงของผู้ใช้#AUTOC|ผู้ใช้ยืนยันอัตโนมัติ]]'  else  userText = 'ผู้ใช้'  end  local answeredPara = blurb.makeParaText('answered', 'no')  local stringToFormat = '%sทุกคนสามารถแก้ไขได้'  .. [[พึงระลึกว่าเปลี่ยนตัวแปรเสริม%sเป็น "'''yes'''" เมื่อยอมรับ ปฏิเสธหรือพักคำขอเพื่อรอการอภิปรายของผู้ใช้แล้ว]]  .. "เพื่อให้คำขอที่ไม่มีความเคลื่อนไหวหรือสำเร็จแล้วไม่เติมหมวดหมู่คำขอแก้ไขอย่างไม่จำเป็น"  .. 'คุณยังอาจต้องการใช้แม่แบบ%sในการตอบ'  smallText = mw.ustring.format(stringToFormat, userText, answeredPara, blurb.makeTemplateLink('ESp'))  end   if not isPlural then  local title = titles[1]  if title.namespace == 10 or title.namespace == 828 then  local sandboxTitle = title:getSubpageTitle('sandbox')  if sandboxTitle and sandboxTitle.exists then  smallText = smallText .. ' พิจารณาเปลี่ยนแปลงในหน้า '  .. sandboxTitle:makeViewLink("กระบะทรายของ" .. title.pagetype)  local testcasesTitle = title:getSubpageTitle('หน้าทดลอง')  if testcasesTitle and testcasesTitle.exists then  smallText = smallText .. ' and ' .. testcasesTitle:makeViewLink('ทดสอบอย่างถี่ถ้วนที่นี่')  end  smallText = smallText .. ' ก่อนเสนอคำขอแก้ไข'  end  end  end  if hasNonInterfacePage then  smallText = smallText .. ' คำขอให้ป้องกันหรือเลิกป้องกันหน้า ให้[[WP:AN|แจ้งผู้ดูแลระบบ]]'  end  if boxProtectionLevel == 'sysop' or boxProtectionLevel == 'templateeditor' then  smallText = smallText .. ' เมื่อแก้ไขตามคำขอแล้วหรือปฏิเสธคำขอ กรุณาเพิ่มตัวแปรเสริม ' .. blurb.makeParaText('answered', 'yes') .. ' เพื่อปิดใช้งานแม่แบบ'  end  return mw.ustring.format('%s\n<p style="font-size:smaller; line-height:1.3em;">\n%s\n</p>', descriptionText, smallText) end  function blurb:export()  local intro = self:makeIntro()  local linkLists = self:makeLinkLists()  local body = self:makeBody()  -- Start long links lists on a new line.  local linkListSep = ' '  if self.linkCount > 5 then  linkListSep = '<br />'  end  return mw.ustring.format('%s%s%s\n\n%s', intro, linkListSep, linkLists, body) end  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Subclass of Module:Protected edit request's box class for active boxes ----------------------------------------------------------------------  local box = {} box.__index = box  function box.new(protectionType, args)  -- In the inheritance system used here, an object's metatable is its class, and a class's metatable is its superclass  local obj = getmetatable(box).new(protectionType, args)  setmetatable(obj, box)  local boxProtectionLevels = {semi = 'autoconfirmed', extended = 'extendedconfirmed', template = 'templateeditor', full = 'sysop'}  obj.boxProtectionLevel = boxProtectionLevels[protectionType]  obj.demo = yesno(args.demo)  -- Set dependent objects.  obj.titles = titleTable.new(args)  if not yesno(args.force) and obj.titles:hasSameProperty('sameProtectionStatus', function (title) return title.protectionLevel end) and obj.titles[1].protectionLevel ~= 'unprotected' then  obj.boxProtectionLevel = obj.titles[1].protectionLevel  end  obj.blurb = blurb.new(obj.titles, obj.boxProtectionLevel)  return obj end  function box:setImage()  local titles = self.titles  local boxProtectionLevel = self.boxProtectionLevel  local padlock  if boxProtectionLevel == 'sysop' then  padlock = 'Padlock.svg'  elseif boxProtectionLevel == 'templateeditor' then  padlock = 'Padlock-pink.svg'  elseif boxProtectionLevel == 'autoconfirmed' then  padlock = 'Padlock-silver.svg'  elseif boxProtectionLevel == 'extendedconfirmed' then  padlock = 'Padlock-blue.svg'  else  padlock = 'Padlock-bronze-open.svg'  end  local stringToFormat = '[[File:%s|%dpx|alt=|link=]]'  local smallPadlock = mw.ustring.format(stringToFormat, padlock, 25)  local largePadlock = mw.ustring.format(stringToFormat, padlock, 60)  self:setArg('smallimage', smallPadlock)  self:setArg('image', largePadlock) end  function box:buildUrnLinks()  local ret = {}  local boxProtectionLevel = self.boxProtectionLevel  for titleObj in self.titles:titleIterator() do  table.insert(ret, titleObj:makeUrnLink(boxProtectionLevel))  end  return mw.ustring.format('<span class="plainlinks" style="display:none">%s</span>', table.concat(ret)) end  function box:setBlurbText()  self:setArg('text', self.blurb:export() .. self:buildUrnLinks()) end  function box:exportRequestTmbox()  self:setImage()  self:setBlurbText()  self:setArg('class', 'editrequest')  self:setArg('id', title.getProtectionLevelText(self.boxProtectionLevel)) -- for anchor. yes, this leads to multiple elements with the same ID. we should probably fix this at some point  return makeMessageBox('tmbox', self.tmboxArgs) end  function box:exportRequestCategories()  local cats = {}  local boxProtectionLevel = self.boxProtectionLevel  local function addCat(cat)  table.insert(cats, mw.ustring.format('[[หมวดหมู่:%s]]', cat))  end  local protectionCats = {  autoconfirmed = 'คำขอแก้ไขหน้ากึ่งป้องกันวิกิพีเดีย',  extendedconfirmed = 'Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected edit requests',  templateeditor = 'คำขอแก้ไขแม่แบบที่ถูกป้องกันวิกิพีเดีย',  sysop = 'คำขอแก้ไขหน้าป้องกันสมบูรณ์วิกิพีเดีย'  }  addCat(protectionCats[boxProtectionLevel])  if self.titles:hasOtherProtectionLevel(boxProtectionLevel) then  addCat('คำขอแก้ไขวิกิพีเดียที่อาจใช้แม่แบบไม่ถูกต้อง')  end  return table.concat(cats) end  function box:export()  if not self.titles.currentTitle.isTalkPage and not self.demo then  return '<span class="error">ข้อผิดพลาด: คำขอแก้ไขที่ถูกป้องกันสามารถใช้ได้เฉพาะในหน้าคุย</span>[[หมวดหมู่:คำขอแก้ไขหน้าที่ถูกป้องกันที่ไม่อยู่ในหน้าคุย]]'  end  local ret = {}  table.insert(ret, self:exportRequestTmbox())  if not self.demo then  table.insert(ret, self:exportRequestCategories())  end  return table.concat(ret) end  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function exported to Module:Protected edit request ----------------------------------------------------------------------  return function(superclass, yn, mb)  yesno = yn  makeMessageBox = mb  return setmetatable(box, superclass) end 

มอด, protected, edit, request, active, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, require, m. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulnirequire Module No globals local yesno makeMessageBox passed in from Module Protected edit request local makeToolbar require Module Toolbar main local getPagetype require Module Pagetype main local effectiveProtectionLevel require Module Effective protection level main Helper functions local function makeWikilink page display if display then return mw ustring format s s page display else return mw ustring format s page end end Title class This is basically the mw title class with some extras thrown in local title title index title function title getProtectionLevelText protectionLevel Gets the text to use in anchors and urn links local levels unprotected editunprotected autoconfirmed editsemiprotected extendedconfirmed editextendedprotected templateeditor edittemplateprotected sysop editprotected return levels protectionLevel end function title new local success obj pcall mw title new if not success and obj then return end Add a protectionLevel property obj protectionLevel effectiveProtectionLevel obj exists and edit or create obj if obj protectionLevel then Make unprotected pages return unprotected obj protectionLevel unprotected elseif obj protectionLevel user then If we just need to be registered pretend we need to be autoconfirmed since it s the closest thing we have obj protectionLevel autoconfirmed end Add a pagetype property obj pagetype getPagetype page obj prefixedText defaultns all Add link making methods function obj makeUrlLink query display return mw ustring format s s self fullUrl query display end function obj makeViewLink display return self makeUrlLink redirect im display end function obj makeEditLink display return self makeUrlLink action aek display end function obj makeHistoryLink display return self makeUrlLink action prawti display end function obj makeLastEditLink display return self makeUrlLink diff p oldid k display end function obj makeWhatLinksHereLink display return makeWikilink Special WhatLinksHere self prefixedText display end function obj makeCompareLink otherTitle display display display or diff local comparePagesTitle title new Special ComparePages return comparePagesTitle makeUrlLink page1 self prefixedText page2 otherTitle prefixedText display end function obj makeLogLink logType display local logTitle title new Special Log return logTitle makeUrlLink type logType page self prefixedText display end function obj urlEncode return mw uri encode self prefixedText WIKI end function obj makeUrnLink boxProtectionLevel Outputs a urn link The protection level is taken from the template rather than detected from page itself as the detection may be inaccurate for cascade protected and title blacklisted pages as of Nov 2013 local protectionLinkText title getProtectionLevelText boxProtectionLevel return mw ustring format urn x wp s s lt span gt lt span gt protectionLinkText self urlEncode end Get a subpage title object but go through pcall rather than use the unprotected mw title subPageTitle function obj getSubpageTitle subpage return title new self prefixedText subpage end return obj end TitleTable class local titleTable titleTable index titleTable function titleTable new args Get numerical arguments and make title objects for each of them local nums for k v in pairs args do if type k number then table insert nums k end end table sort nums local titles for num in ipairs nums do local title title new args num table insert titles title end Get the current title and get the subject title if no titles were specified titles currentTitle mw title getCurrentTitle if titles lt 1 then local subjectNs titles currentTitle subjectNsText if subjectNs then subjectNs subjectNs end table insert titles title new subjectNs titles currentTitle text end Set the metatable setmetatable titles titleTable return titles end function titleTable memoize memoField func if self memoField nil then return self memoField else self memoField func return self memoField end end function titleTable titleIterator local i 0 local n self return function i i 1 if i lt n then return self i end end end function titleTable hasSameProperty memoField getPropertyFunc If the titles table has more than one title in it check if they have the same property The property is found using the getPropertyFunc function which takes a title object as its single argument local function hasSameProperty getPropertyFunc local property for i obj in ipairs self do if i 1 then property getPropertyFunc obj elseif getPropertyFunc obj property then return false end end return true end return self memoize memoField hasSameProperty getPropertyFunc end function titleTable hasSameExistenceStatus Returns true if all the titles exist or if they all don t exist Returns false if there is a mixture of existence statuses return self hasSameProperty sameExistenceStatus function title return title exists end end function titleTable hasSameProtectionStatus Checks if all the titles have the same protection status either for creation protection or for edit protection the two are not mixed local sameExistenceStatus self hasSameExistenceStatus if sameExistenceStatus then return self hasSameProperty sameProtectionStatus function title return title protectionLevel end else return sameExistenceStatus end end function titleTable hasSamePagetype Checks if all the titles have the same pagetype return self hasSameProperty samePagetype function title return title pagetype end end function titleTable propertyExists memoField getPropertyFunc Checks if a title with a certain property exists The property is found using the getPropertyFunc function which takes a title object as its single argument and should return a boolean value local function propertyExists getPropertyFunc for titleObj in self titleIterator do if getPropertyFunc titleObj then return true end end return false end return self memoize memoField propertyExists getPropertyFunc end function titleTable hasNonInterfacePage return self propertyExists nonInterfacePage function titleObj return titleObj namespace 8 end end function titleTable hasTemplateOrModule return self propertyExists templateOrModule function titleObj return titleObj namespace 10 or titleObj namespace 828 end end function titleTable hasNonTemplateOrModule return self propertyExists nontemplateormodule function titleobj return titleobj namespace 10 and titleobj namespace 828 end end function titleTable hasOtherProtectionLevel level for titleObj in self titleIterator do if titleObj protectionLevel level then return true end end return false end function titleTable getProtectionLevels local function getProtectionLevels local levels for titleObj in self titleIterator do local level titleObj protectionLevel levels level true end return levels end return self memoize protectionLevels getProtectionLevels end Blurb class definition local blurb blurb index blurb function blurb new titleTable boxProtectionLevel local obj obj titles titleTable obj boxProtectionLevel boxProtectionLevel obj linkCount 0 Counter for the number of total items in the object s link lists setmetatable obj blurb return obj end Static methods function blurb makeParaText name val local pipe mw text nowiki local equals mw text nowiki val val and val or return mw ustring format lt code style white space nowrap gt s s s s lt code gt pipe name equals val end function blurb makeTemplateLink s return mw ustring format s Template s s s mw text nowiki s s mw text nowiki end function blurb makeProtectionText local boxProtectionLevel self boxProtectionLevel local levels thiimmikarpxngkn autoconfirmed thikungpxngkniw extendedconfirmed extended confirmed protected templateeditor aemaebbthukpxngkn sysop thipxngknsmburniw for level protectionText in pairs levels do if level boxProtectionLevel then return mw ustring format withiich karpxngkn s protectionText end end error Unknown protection level boxProtectionLevel end function blurb getPagetypePlural title local pagetype title pagetype if pagetype category then return categories else return pagetype s end end Normal methods function blurb makeLinkList title local tbargs The argument list to pass to Module Toolbar tbargs style font size smaller tbargs separator dot Page links table insert tbargs title makeEditLink edit table insert tbargs title makeHistoryLink history table insert tbargs title makeLastEditLink last table insert tbargs title makeWhatLinksHereLink links Sandbox links local sandboxTitle title getSubpageTitle sandbox if sandboxTitle and sandboxTitle exists then table insert tbargs sandboxTitle makeViewLink sandbox table insert tbargs sandboxTitle makeEditLink edit sandbox table insert tbargs sandboxTitle makeHistoryLink sandbox history table insert tbargs sandboxTitle makeLastEditLink sandbox last edit table insert tbargs title makeCompareLink sandboxTitle sandbox diff end Test cases links local testcasesTitle title getSubpageTitle testcases if testcasesTitle and testcasesTitle exists then table insert tbargs testcasesTitle makeViewLink test cases end Transclusion count link if title namespace 10 or title namespace 828 then Only add the transclusion count link for templates and modules local tclink mw uri new host tools wmflabs org path templatecount index php query lang en name title text namespace title namespace fragment bottom tclink string format s transclusion count tostring tclink table insert tbargs tclink end Protection log link if title namespace 8 then MediaWiki pages don t have protection log entries table insert tbargs title makeLogLink pxngkn pumkarpxngkn end self linkCount self linkCount tbargs Keep track of the number of total links created by the object return makeToolbar tbargs end function blurb makeLinkLists local titles self titles if titles 1 then return self makeLinkList titles 1 else local ret table insert ret lt ul gt for i titleObj in ipairs titles do table insert ret mw ustring format lt li gt s s lt li gt titleObj makeViewLink titleObj prefixedText self makeLinkList titleObj end table insert ret lt ul gt return table concat ret end end function blurb makeIntro local titles self titles local requested mikhakhxih local protectionText if titles hasNonInterfacePage then protectionText self makeProtectionText else protectionText Interface pages cannot be unprotected so we don t need to explicitly say they are protected end Deal with cases where we are passed multiple titles if titles gt 1 then local pagetype if titles hasSamePagetype then pagetype blurb getPagetypePlural titles 1 else pagetype hna end return mw ustring format saekikhtxhnatxipni s s requested protectionText pagetype end Deal with cases where we are passed only one title local title titles 1 local stringToFormat if title exists then stringToFormat saekikhtx s sthi s else stringToFormat sihsrang s sthi s end stringToFormat stringToFormat return mw ustring format stringToFormat requested title pagetype protectionText title makeViewLink title prefixedText end function blurb makeBody local titles self titles local protectionLevels titles getProtectionLevels local boxProtectionLevel self boxProtectionLevel local hasNonInterfacePage titles hasNonInterfacePage local isPlural false if titles gt 1 then isPlural true end local descriptionText aemaebbnitxngtamdwy khaxthibaythismburnaelacaephaaecaacng khxngkhakhx if boxProtectionLevel sysop or boxProtectionLevel templateeditor then local editText edit if isPlural then editText editText s end local descriptionCompleteText mw ustring format ephuxihphuekhiynthiimsnthdkrniinpraedneruxngsamarthaekikhtamkhakhxidthnthi editText descriptionText descriptionText descriptionCompleteText else descriptionText descriptionText nnkhux ecaacngwakhwrnakhxkhwamidxxkaelasaenacdkhatxkhakhxngkhxkhwamthikhwrichthdaethn krunaepliyn X yxmrbimid aelacathukptiesth khakhx txng xyuinrup krunaepliyn X epn Y end local smallText if boxProtectionLevel sysop or boxProtectionLevel templateeditor then local templateFullText if boxProtectionLevel sysop then templateFullText hnapxngknsmburn elseif boxProtectionLevel templateeditor then templateFullText aemaebbthithukpxngkn end smallText khakhxaekikhtx templateFullText khwrichhnaechphaasahrbkaraekikhthi imepnthithkethiyng hruxmikhwamehnphxngsnbsnun hakkaraekikhthiesnxxacepnthithkethiyng ihxphipraykxninhnakhuykhxnghnathithukpxngkn kxn ichaemaebbni else local userText if boxProtectionLevel extendedconfirmed then userText Wikipedia User access levels Extended confirmed users extended confirmed user elseif boxProtectionLevel autoconfirmed then userText wikiphiediy radbkarekhathungkhxngphuich AUTOC phuichyunynxtonmti else userText phuich end local answeredPara blurb makeParaText answered no local stringToFormat sthukkhnsamarthaekikhid phungralukwaepliyntwaepresrim sepn yes emuxyxmrb ptiesthhruxphkkhakhxephuxrxkarxphipraykhxngphuichaelw ephuxihkhakhxthiimmikhwamekhluxnihwhruxsaercaelwimetimhmwdhmukhakhxaekikhxyangimcaepn khunyngxactxngkarichaemaebb sinkartxb smallText mw ustring format stringToFormat userText answeredPara blurb makeTemplateLink ESp end if not isPlural then local title titles 1 if title namespace 10 or title namespace 828 then local sandboxTitle title getSubpageTitle sandbox if sandboxTitle and sandboxTitle exists then smallText smallText phicarnaepliynaeplnginhna sandboxTitle makeViewLink krabathraykhxng title pagetype local testcasesTitle title getSubpageTitle hnathdlxng if testcasesTitle and testcasesTitle exists then smallText smallText and testcasesTitle makeViewLink thdsxbxyangthithwnthini end smallText smallText kxnesnxkhakhxaekikh end end end if hasNonInterfacePage then smallText smallText khakhxihpxngknhruxelikpxngknhna ih WP AN aecngphuduaelrabb end if boxProtectionLevel sysop or boxProtectionLevel templateeditor then smallText smallText emuxaekikhtamkhakhxaelwhruxptiesthkhakhx krunaephimtwaepresrim blurb makeParaText answered yes ephuxpidichnganaemaebb end return mw ustring format s n lt p style font size smaller line height 1 3em gt n s n lt p gt descriptionText smallText end function blurb export local intro self makeIntro local linkLists self makeLinkLists local body self makeBody Start long links lists on a new line local linkListSep if self linkCount gt 5 then linkListSep lt br gt end return mw ustring format s s s n n s intro linkListSep linkLists body end Subclass of Module Protected edit request s box class for active boxes local box box index box function box new protectionType args In the inheritance system used here an object s metatable is its class and a class s metatable is its superclass local obj getmetatable box new protectionType args setmetatable obj box local boxProtectionLevels semi autoconfirmed extended extendedconfirmed template templateeditor full sysop obj boxProtectionLevel boxProtectionLevels protectionType obj demo yesno args demo Set dependent objects obj titles titleTable new args if not yesno args force and obj titles hasSameProperty sameProtectionStatus function title return title protectionLevel end and obj titles 1 protectionLevel unprotected then obj boxProtectionLevel obj titles 1 protectionLevel end obj blurb blurb new obj titles obj boxProtectionLevel return obj end function box setImage local titles self titles local boxProtectionLevel self boxProtectionLevel local padlock if boxProtectionLevel sysop then padlock Padlock svg elseif boxProtectionLevel templateeditor then padlock Padlock pink svg elseif boxProtectionLevel autoconfirmed then padlock Padlock silver svg elseif boxProtectionLevel extendedconfirmed then padlock Padlock blue svg else padlock Padlock bronze open svg end local stringToFormat File s dpx alt link local smallPadlock mw ustring format stringToFormat padlock 25 local largePadlock mw ustring format stringToFormat padlock 60 self setArg smallimage smallPadlock self setArg image largePadlock end function box buildUrnLinks local ret local boxProtectionLevel self boxProtectionLevel for titleObj in self titles titleIterator do table insert ret titleObj makeUrnLink boxProtectionLevel end return mw ustring format lt span class plainlinks style display none gt s lt span gt table concat ret end function box setBlurbText self setArg text self blurb export self buildUrnLinks end function box exportRequestTmbox self setImage self setBlurbText self setArg class editrequest self setArg id title getProtectionLevelText self boxProtectionLevel for anchor yes this leads to multiple elements with the same ID we should probably fix this at some point return makeMessageBox tmbox self tmboxArgs end function box exportRequestCategories local cats local boxProtectionLevel self boxProtectionLevel local function addCat cat table insert cats mw ustring format hmwdhmu s cat end local protectionCats autoconfirmed khakhxaekikhhnakungpxngknwikiphiediy extendedconfirmed Wikipedia extended confirmed protected edit requests templateeditor khakhxaekikhaemaebbthithukpxngknwikiphiediy sysop khakhxaekikhhnapxngknsmburnwikiphiediy addCat protectionCats boxProtectionLevel if self titles hasOtherProtectionLevel boxProtectionLevel then addCat khakhxaekikhwikiphiediythixacichaemaebbimthuktxng end return table concat cats end function box export if not self titles currentTitle isTalkPage and not self demo then return lt span class error gt khxphidphlad khakhxaekikhthithukpxngknsamarthichidechphaainhnakhuy lt span gt hmwdhmu khakhxaekikhhnathithukpxngknthiimxyuinhnakhuy end local ret table insert ret self exportRequestTmbox if not self demo then table insert ret self exportRequestCategories end return table concat ret end Function exported to Module Protected edit request return function superclass yn mb yesno yn makeMessageBox mb return setmetatable box superclass end ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Protected edit request active amp oldid 9086895, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม