
มอดูล:Protection banner

-- This module implements {{pp-meta}} and its daughter templates such as -- {{pp-dispute}}, {{pp-vandalism}} and {{pp-sock}}.  -- Initialise necessary modules. require('มอดูล:No globals') local makeFileLink = require('มอดูล:File link')._main local effectiveProtectionLevel = require('มอดูล:Effective protection level')._main local effectiveProtectionExpiry = require('มอดูล:Effective protection expiry')._main local yesno = require('มอดูล:Yesno')  -- Lazily initialise modules and objects we don't always need. local getArgs, makeMessageBox, lang  -- Set constants. local CONFIG_MODULE = 'มอดูล:Protection banner/config'  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local function makeCategoryLink(cat, sort)  if cat then  return string.format(  '[[%s:%s|%s]]',  mw.site.namespaces[14].name,  cat,  sort  )  end end  -- Validation function for the expiry and the protection date local function validateDate(dateString, dateType)  if not lang then  lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()  end  local success, result = pcall(lang.formatDate, lang, 'U', dateString)  if success then  result = tonumber(result)  if result then  return result  end  end  error(string.format(  'invalid %s: %s',  dateType,  tostring(dateString)  ), 4) end  local function makeFullUrl(page, query, display)  return string.format(  '[%s %s]',  tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl(page, query)),  display  ) end  -- Given a directed graph formatted as node -> table of direct successors, -- get a table of all nodes reachable from a given node (though always -- including the given node). local function getReachableNodes(graph, start)  local toWalk, retval = {[start] = true}, {}  while true do  -- Can't use pairs() since we're adding and removing things as we're iterating  local k = next(toWalk) -- This always gets the "first" key  if k == nil then  return retval  end  toWalk[k] = nil  retval[k] = true  for _,v in ipairs(graph[k]) do  if not retval[v] then  toWalk[v] = true  end  end  end end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection class --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local Protection = {} Protection.__index = Protection  Protection.supportedActions = {  edit = true,  move = true,  autoreview = true,  upload = true }  Protection.bannerConfigFields = {  'text',  'explanation',  'tooltip',  'alt',  'link',  'image' }  function Protection.new(args, cfg, title)  local obj = {}  obj._cfg = cfg  obj.title = title or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()   -- Set action  if not args.action then  obj.action = 'edit'  elseif Protection.supportedActions[args.action] then  obj.action = args.action  else  error(string.format(  'invalid action: %s',  tostring(args.action)  ), 3)  end   -- Set level  obj.level = args.demolevel or effectiveProtectionLevel(obj.action, obj.title)  if not obj.level or (obj.action == 'move' and obj.level == 'autoconfirmed') then  -- Users need to be autoconfirmed to move pages anyway, so treat  -- semi-move-protected pages as unprotected.  obj.level = '*'  end   -- Set expiry  local effectiveExpiry = effectiveProtectionExpiry(obj.action, obj.title)  if effectiveExpiry == 'infinity' then  obj.expiry = 'indef'  elseif effectiveExpiry ~= 'unknown' then  obj.expiry = validateDate(effectiveExpiry, 'expiry date')  end   -- Set reason  if args[1] then  obj.reason = mw.ustring.lower(args[1])  if obj.reason:find('|') then  error('reasons cannot contain the pipe character ("|")', 3)  end  end   -- Set protection date  if args.date then  obj.protectionDate = validateDate(args.date, 'protection date')  end   -- Set banner config  do  obj.bannerConfig = {}  local configTables = {}  if cfg.banners[obj.action] then  configTables[#configTables + 1] = cfg.banners[obj.action][obj.reason]  end  if cfg.defaultBanners[obj.action] then  configTables[#configTables + 1] = cfg.defaultBanners[obj.action][obj.level]  configTables[#configTables + 1] = cfg.defaultBanners[obj.action].default  end  configTables[#configTables + 1] = cfg.masterBanner  for i, field in ipairs(Protection.bannerConfigFields) do  for j, t in ipairs(configTables) do  if t[field] then  obj.bannerConfig[field] = t[field]  break  end  end  end  end  return setmetatable(obj, Protection) end  function Protection:isProtected()  return self.level ~= '*' end  function Protection:isTemporary()  return type(self.expiry) == 'number' end  function Protection:makeProtectionCategory()  local cfg = self._cfg  local title = self.title   -- Exit if the page is not protected.  if not self:isProtected() then  return ''  end   -- Get the expiry key fragment.  local expiryFragment  if self.expiry == 'indef' then  expiryFragment = self.expiry  elseif type(self.expiry) == 'number' then  expiryFragment = 'temp'  end   -- Get the namespace key fragment.  local namespaceFragment = cfg.categoryNamespaceKeys[title.namespace]  if not namespaceFragment and title.namespace % 2 == 1 then  namespaceFragment = 'talk'  end   -- Define the order that key fragments are tested in. This is done with an  -- array of tables containing the value to be tested, along with its  -- position in the cfg.protectionCategories table.  local order = {  {val = expiryFragment, keypos = 1},  {val = namespaceFragment, keypos = 2},  {val = self.reason, keypos = 3},  {val = self.level, keypos = 4},  {val = self.action, keypos = 5}  }   --[[  -- The old protection templates used an ad-hoc protection category system,  -- with some templates prioritising namespaces in their categories, and  -- others prioritising the protection reason. To emulate this in this module  -- we use the config table cfg.reasonsWithNamespacePriority to set the  -- reasons for which namespaces have priority over protection reason.  -- If we are dealing with one of those reasons, move the namespace table to  -- the end of the order table, i.e. give it highest priority. If not, the  -- reason should have highest priority, so move that to the end of the table  -- instead.  --]]  table.insert(order, table.remove(order, self.reason and cfg.reasonsWithNamespacePriority[self.reason] and 2 or 3))   --[[  -- Define the attempt order. Inactive subtables (subtables with nil "value"  -- fields) are moved to the end, where they will later be given the key  -- "all". This is to cut down on the number of table lookups in  -- cfg.protectionCategories, which grows exponentially with the number of  -- non-nil keys. We keep track of the number of active subtables with the  -- noActive parameter.  --]]  local noActive, attemptOrder  do  local active, inactive = {}, {}  for i, t in ipairs(order) do  if t.val then  active[#active + 1] = t  else  inactive[#inactive + 1] = t  end  end  noActive = #active  attemptOrder = active  for i, t in ipairs(inactive) do  attemptOrder[#attemptOrder + 1] = t  end  end   --[[  -- Check increasingly generic key combinations until we find a match. If a  -- specific category exists for the combination of key fragments we are  -- given, that match will be found first. If not, we keep trying different  -- key fragment combinations until we match using the key  -- "all-all-all-all-all".  --  -- To generate the keys, we index the key subtables using a binary matrix  -- with indexes i and j. j is only calculated up to the number of active  -- subtables. For example, if there were three active subtables, the matrix  -- would look like this, with 0 corresponding to the key fragment "all", and  -- 1 corresponding to other key fragments.  --   -- j 1 2 3  -- i   -- 1 1 1 1  -- 2 0 1 1  -- 3 1 0 1  -- 4 0 0 1  -- 5 1 1 0  -- 6 0 1 0  -- 7 1 0 0  -- 8 0 0 0  --   -- Values of j higher than the number of active subtables are set  -- to the string "all".  --  -- A key for cfg.protectionCategories is constructed for each value of i.  -- The position of the value in the key is determined by the keypos field in  -- each subtable.  --]]  local cats = cfg.protectionCategories  for i = 1, 2^noActive do  local key = {}  for j, t in ipairs(attemptOrder) do  if j > noActive then  key[t.keypos] = 'all'  else  local quotient = i / 2 ^ (j - 1)  quotient = math.ceil(quotient)  if quotient % 2 == 1 then  key[t.keypos] = t.val  else  key[t.keypos] = 'all'  end  end  end  key = table.concat(key, '|')  local attempt = cats[key]  if attempt then  return makeCategoryLink(attempt, title.text)  end  end  return '' end  function Protection:isIncorrect()  local expiry = self.expiry  return not self:isProtected()  or type(expiry) == 'number' and expiry < os.time() end  function Protection:isTemplateProtectedNonTemplate()  local action, namespace = self.action, self.title.namespace  return self.level == 'templateeditor'  and (  (action ~= 'edit' and action ~= 'move')  or (namespace ~= 10 and namespace ~= 828)  ) end  function Protection:makeCategoryLinks()  local msg = self._cfg.msg  local ret = { self:makeProtectionCategory() }  if self:isIncorrect() then  ret[#ret + 1] = makeCategoryLink(  msg['tracking-category-incorrect'],  self.title.text  )  end  if self:isTemplateProtectedNonTemplate() then  ret[#ret + 1] = makeCategoryLink(  msg['tracking-category-template'],  self.title.text  )  end  return table.concat(ret) end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Blurb class --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local Blurb = {} Blurb.__index = Blurb  Blurb.bannerTextFields = {  text = true,  explanation = true,  tooltip = true,  alt = true,  link = true }  function Blurb.new(protectionObj, args, cfg)  return setmetatable({  _cfg = cfg,  _protectionObj = protectionObj,  _args = args  }, Blurb) end  -- Private methods --  function Blurb:_formatDate(num)  -- Formats a Unix timestamp into dd Month, YYYY format.  lang = lang or mw.language.getContentLanguage()  local success, date = pcall(  lang.formatDate,  lang,  self._cfg.msg['expiry-date-format'] or 'j F Y',  '@' .. tostring(num)  )  if success then  return date  end end  function Blurb:_getExpandedMessage(msgKey)  return self:_substituteParameters(self._cfg.msg[msgKey]) end  function Blurb:_substituteParameters(msg)  if not self._params then  local parameterFuncs = {}   parameterFuncs.CURRENTVERSION = self._makeCurrentVersionParameter  parameterFuncs.EDITREQUEST = self._makeEditRequestParameter  parameterFuncs.EXPIRY = self._makeExpiryParameter  parameterFuncs.EXPLANATIONBLURB = self._makeExplanationBlurbParameter  parameterFuncs.IMAGELINK = self._makeImageLinkParameter  parameterFuncs.INTROBLURB = self._makeIntroBlurbParameter  parameterFuncs.INTROFRAGMENT = self._makeIntroFragmentParameter  parameterFuncs.PAGETYPE = self._makePagetypeParameter  parameterFuncs.PROTECTIONBLURB = self._makeProtectionBlurbParameter  parameterFuncs.PROTECTIONDATE = self._makeProtectionDateParameter  parameterFuncs.PROTECTIONLEVEL = self._makeProtectionLevelParameter  parameterFuncs.PROTECTIONLOG = self._makeProtectionLogParameter  parameterFuncs.TALKPAGE = self._makeTalkPageParameter  parameterFuncs.TOOLTIPBLURB = self._makeTooltipBlurbParameter  parameterFuncs.TOOLTIPFRAGMENT = self._makeTooltipFragmentParameter  parameterFuncs.VANDAL = self._makeVandalTemplateParameter   self._params = setmetatable({}, {  __index = function (t, k)  local param  if parameterFuncs[k] then  param = parameterFuncs[k](self)  end  param = param or ''  t[k] = param  return param  end  })  end   msg = msg:gsub('${(%u+)}', self._params)  return msg end  function Blurb:_makeCurrentVersionParameter()  -- A link to the page history or the move log, depending on the kind of  -- protection.  local pagename = self._protectionObj.title.prefixedText  if self._protectionObj.action == 'move' then  -- We need the move log link.  return makeFullUrl(  'Special:Log',  {type = 'move', page = pagename},  self:_getExpandedMessage('current-version-move-display')  )  else  -- We need the history link.  return makeFullUrl(  pagename,  {action = 'history'},  self:_getExpandedMessage('current-version-edit-display')  )  end end  function Blurb:_makeEditRequestParameter()  local mEditRequest = require('มอดูล:Submit an edit request')  local action = self._protectionObj.action  local level = self._protectionObj.level   -- Get the edit request type.  local requestType  if action == 'edit' then  if level == 'autoconfirmed' then  requestType = 'semi'  elseif level == 'extendedconfirmed' then  requestType = 'extended'  elseif level == 'templateeditor' then  requestType = 'template'  end  end  requestType = requestType or 'full'   -- Get the display value.  local display = self:_getExpandedMessage('edit-request-display')   return mEditRequest._link{type = requestType, display = display} end  function Blurb:_makeExpiryParameter()  local expiry = self._protectionObj.expiry  if type(expiry) == 'number' then  return self:_formatDate(expiry)  else  return expiry  end end  function Blurb:_makeExplanationBlurbParameter()  -- Cover special cases first.  if self._protectionObj.title.namespace == 8 then  -- MediaWiki namespace  return self:_getExpandedMessage('explanation-blurb-nounprotect')  end   -- Get explanation blurb table keys  local action = self._protectionObj.action  local level = self._protectionObj.level  local talkKey = self._protectionObj.title.isTalkPage and 'talk' or 'subject'   -- Find the message in the explanation blurb table and substitute any  -- parameters.  local explanations = self._cfg.explanationBlurbs  local msg  if explanations[action][level] and explanations[action][level][talkKey] then  msg = explanations[action][level][talkKey]  elseif explanations[action][level] and explanations[action][level].default then  msg = explanations[action][level].default  elseif explanations[action].default and explanations[action].default[talkKey] then  msg = explanations[action].default[talkKey]  elseif explanations[action].default and explanations[action].default.default then  msg = explanations[action].default.default  else  error(string.format(  'could not find explanation blurb for action "%s", level "%s" and talk key "%s"',  action,  level,  talkKey  ), 8)  end  return self:_substituteParameters(msg) end  function Blurb:_makeImageLinkParameter()  local imageLinks = self._cfg.imageLinks  local action = self._protectionObj.action  local level = self._protectionObj.level  local msg  if imageLinks[action][level] then  msg = imageLinks[action][level]  elseif imageLinks[action].default then  msg = imageLinks[action].default  else  msg = imageLinks.edit.default  end  return self:_substituteParameters(msg) end  function Blurb:_makeIntroBlurbParameter()  if self._protectionObj:isTemporary() then  return self:_getExpandedMessage('intro-blurb-expiry')  else  return self:_getExpandedMessage('intro-blurb-noexpiry')  end end  function Blurb:_makeIntroFragmentParameter()  if self._protectionObj:isTemporary() then  return self:_getExpandedMessage('intro-fragment-expiry')  else  return self:_getExpandedMessage('intro-fragment-noexpiry')  end end  function Blurb:_makePagetypeParameter()  local pagetypes = self._cfg.pagetypes  return pagetypes[self._protectionObj.title.namespace]  or pagetypes.default  or error('no default pagetype defined', 8) end  function Blurb:_makeProtectionBlurbParameter()  local protectionBlurbs = self._cfg.protectionBlurbs  local action = self._protectionObj.action  local level = self._protectionObj.level  local msg  if protectionBlurbs[action][level] then  msg = protectionBlurbs[action][level]  elseif protectionBlurbs[action].default then  msg = protectionBlurbs[action].default  elseif protectionBlurbs.edit.default then  msg = protectionBlurbs.edit.default  else  error('no protection blurb defined for protectionBlurbs.edit.default', 8)  end  return self:_substituteParameters(msg) end  function Blurb:_makeProtectionDateParameter()  local protectionDate = self._protectionObj.protectionDate  if type(protectionDate) == 'number' then  return self:_formatDate(protectionDate)  else  return protectionDate  end end  function Blurb:_makeProtectionLevelParameter()  local protectionLevels = self._cfg.protectionLevels  local action = self._protectionObj.action  local level = self._protectionObj.level  local msg  if protectionLevels[action][level] then  msg = protectionLevels[action][level]  elseif protectionLevels[action].default then  msg = protectionLevels[action].default  elseif protectionLevels.edit.default then  msg = protectionLevels.edit.default  else  error('no protection level defined for protectionLevels.edit.default', 8)  end  return self:_substituteParameters(msg) end  function Blurb:_makeProtectionLogParameter()  local pagename = self._protectionObj.title.prefixedText  if self._protectionObj.action == 'autoreview' then  -- We need the pending changes log.  return makeFullUrl(  'Special:Log',  {type = 'stable', page = pagename},  self:_getExpandedMessage('pc-log-display')  )  else  -- We need the protection log.  return makeFullUrl(  'Special:Log',  {type = 'protect', page = pagename},  self:_getExpandedMessage('protection-log-display')  )  end end  function Blurb:_makeTalkPageParameter()  return string.format(  '[[%s:%s#%s|%s]]',  mw.site.namespaces[self._protectionObj.title.namespace].talk.name,  self._protectionObj.title.text,  self._args.section or 'top',  self:_getExpandedMessage('talk-page-link-display')  ) end  function Blurb:_makeTooltipBlurbParameter()  if self._protectionObj:isTemporary() then  return self:_getExpandedMessage('tooltip-blurb-expiry')  else  return self:_getExpandedMessage('tooltip-blurb-noexpiry')  end end  function Blurb:_makeTooltipFragmentParameter()  if self._protectionObj:isTemporary() then  return self:_getExpandedMessage('tooltip-fragment-expiry')  else  return self:_getExpandedMessage('tooltip-fragment-noexpiry')  end end  function Blurb:_makeVandalTemplateParameter()  return require('มอดูล:Vandal-m')._main{  self._args.user or self._protectionObj.title.baseText  } end  -- Public methods --  function Blurb:makeBannerText(key)  -- Validate input.  if not key or not Blurb.bannerTextFields[key] then  error(string.format(  '"%s" is not a valid banner config field',  tostring(key)  ), 2)  end   -- Generate the text.  local msg = self._protectionObj.bannerConfig[key]  if type(msg) == 'string' then  return self:_substituteParameters(msg)  elseif type(msg) == 'function' then  msg = msg(self._protectionObj, self._args)  if type(msg) ~= 'string' then  error(string.format(  'bad output from banner config function with key "%s"'  .. ' (expected string, got %s)',  tostring(key),  type(msg)  ), 4)  end  return self:_substituteParameters(msg)  end end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BannerTemplate class --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local BannerTemplate = {} BannerTemplate.__index = BannerTemplate  function BannerTemplate.new(protectionObj, cfg)  local obj = {}  obj._cfg = cfg   -- Set the image filename.  local imageFilename = protectionObj.bannerConfig.image  if imageFilename then  obj._imageFilename = imageFilename  else  -- If an image filename isn't specified explicitly in the banner config,  -- generate it from the protection status and the namespace.  local action = protectionObj.action  local level = protectionObj.level  local namespace = protectionObj.title.namespace  local reason = protectionObj.reason   -- Deal with special cases first.  if (  namespace == 10  or namespace == 828  or reason and obj._cfg.indefImageReasons[reason]  )  and action == 'edit'  and level == 'sysop'  and not protectionObj:isTemporary()  then  -- Fully protected modules and templates get the special red "indef"  -- padlock.  obj._imageFilename = obj._cfg.msg['image-filename-indef']  else  -- Deal with regular protection types.  local images = obj._cfg.images  if images[action] then  if images[action][level] then  obj._imageFilename = images[action][level]  elseif images[action].default then  obj._imageFilename = images[action].default  end  end  end  end  return setmetatable(obj, BannerTemplate) end  function BannerTemplate:renderImage()  local filename = self._imageFilename  or self._cfg.msg['image-filename-default']  or 'Transparent.gif'  return makeFileLink{  file = filename,  size = (self.imageWidth or 20) .. 'px',  alt = self._imageAlt,  link = self._imageLink,  caption = self.imageCaption  } end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Banner class --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local Banner = setmetatable({}, BannerTemplate) Banner.__index = Banner  function Banner.new(protectionObj, blurbObj, cfg)  local obj = BannerTemplate.new(protectionObj, cfg) -- This doesn't need the blurb.  obj.imageWidth = 40  obj.imageCaption = blurbObj:makeBannerText('alt') -- Large banners use the alt text for the tooltip.  obj._reasonText = blurbObj:makeBannerText('text')  obj._explanationText = blurbObj:makeBannerText('explanation')  obj._page = protectionObj.title.prefixedText -- Only makes a difference in testing.  return setmetatable(obj, Banner) end  function Banner:__tostring()  -- Renders the banner.  makeMessageBox = makeMessageBox or require('มอดูล:Message box').main  local reasonText = self._reasonText or error('no reason text set', 2)  local explanationText = self._explanationText  local mbargs = {  page = self._page,  type = 'protection',  image = self:renderImage(),  text = string.format(  "'''%s'''%s",  reasonText,  explanationText and '<br />' .. explanationText or ''  )  }  return makeMessageBox('mbox', mbargs) end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Padlock class --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local Padlock = setmetatable({}, BannerTemplate) Padlock.__index = Padlock  function Padlock.new(protectionObj, blurbObj, cfg)  local obj = BannerTemplate.new(protectionObj, cfg) -- This doesn't need the blurb.  obj.imageWidth = 20  obj.imageCaption = blurbObj:makeBannerText('tooltip')  obj._imageAlt = blurbObj:makeBannerText('alt')  obj._imageLink = blurbObj:makeBannerText('link')  obj._indicatorName = cfg.padlockIndicatorNames[protectionObj.action]  or cfg.padlockIndicatorNames.default  or 'pp-default'  return setmetatable(obj, Padlock) end  function Padlock:__tostring()  local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()  -- The nowiki tag helps prevent whitespace at the top of articles.  return frame:extensionTag{name = 'nowiki'} .. frame:extensionTag{  name = 'indicator',  args = {name = self._indicatorName},  content = self:renderImage()  } end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local p = {}  function p._exportClasses()  -- This is used for testing purposes.  return {  Protection = Protection,  Blurb = Blurb,  BannerTemplate = BannerTemplate,  Banner = Banner,  Padlock = Padlock,  } end  function p._main(args, cfg, title)  args = args or {}  cfg = cfg or require(CONFIG_MODULE)   local protectionObj = Protection.new(args, cfg, title)   local ret = {}   -- If a page's edit protection is equally or more restrictive than its  -- protection from some other action, then don't bother displaying anything  -- for the other action (except categories).  if protectionObj.action == 'edit' or  args.demolevel or  not getReachableNodes(  cfg.hierarchy,  protectionObj.level  )[effectiveProtectionLevel('edit', protectionObj.title)]  then  -- Initialise the blurb object  local blurbObj = Blurb.new(protectionObj, args, cfg)   -- Render the banner  if protectionObj:isProtected() then  ret[#ret + 1] = tostring(  (yesno(args.small) and Padlock or Banner)  .new(protectionObj, blurbObj, cfg)  )  end  end   -- Render the categories  if yesno(args.category) ~= false then  ret[#ret + 1] = protectionObj:makeCategoryLinks()  end   return table.concat(ret) end  function p.main(frame, cfg)  cfg = cfg or require(CONFIG_MODULE)   -- Find default args, if any.  local parent = frame.getParent and frame:getParent()  local defaultArgs = parent and cfg.wrappers[parent:getTitle():gsub('/sandbox$', '')]   -- Find user args, and use the parent frame if we are being called from a  -- wrapper template.  getArgs = getArgs or require('มอดูล:Arguments').getArgs  local userArgs = getArgs(frame, {  parentOnly = defaultArgs,  frameOnly = not defaultArgs  })   -- Build the args table. User-specified args overwrite default args.  local args = {}  for k, v in pairs(defaultArgs or {}) do  args[k] = v  end  for k, v in pairs(userArgs) do  args[k] = v  end  return p._main(args, cfg) end  return p 

มอด, protection, banner, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, แก, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, this, module, implements, me. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb aek khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulni This module implements pp meta and its daughter templates such as pp dispute pp vandalism and pp sock Initialise necessary modules require mxdul No globals local makeFileLink require mxdul File link main local effectiveProtectionLevel require mxdul Effective protection level main local effectiveProtectionExpiry require mxdul Effective protection expiry main local yesno require mxdul Yesno Lazily initialise modules and objects we don t always need local getArgs makeMessageBox lang Set constants local CONFIG MODULE mxdul Protection banner config Helper functions local function makeCategoryLink cat sort if cat then return string format s s s mw site namespaces 14 name cat sort end end Validation function for the expiry and the protection date local function validateDate dateString dateType if not lang then lang mw language getContentLanguage end local success result pcall lang formatDate lang U dateString if success then result tonumber result if result then return result end end error string format invalid s s dateType tostring dateString 4 end local function makeFullUrl page query display return string format s s tostring mw uri fullUrl page query display end Given a directed graph formatted as node gt table of direct successors get a table of all nodes reachable from a given node though always including the given node local function getReachableNodes graph start local toWalk retval start true while true do Can t use pairs since we re adding and removing things as we re iterating local k next toWalk This always gets the first key if k nil then return retval end toWalk k nil retval k true for v in ipairs graph k do if not retval v then toWalk v true end end end end Protection class local Protection Protection index Protection Protection supportedActions edit true move true autoreview true upload true Protection bannerConfigFields text explanation tooltip alt link image function Protection new args cfg title local obj obj cfg cfg obj title title or mw title getCurrentTitle Set action if not args action then obj action edit elseif Protection supportedActions args action then obj action args action else error string format invalid action s tostring args action 3 end Set level obj level args demolevel or effectiveProtectionLevel obj action obj title if not obj level or obj action move and obj level autoconfirmed then Users need to be autoconfirmed to move pages anyway so treat semi move protected pages as unprotected obj level end Set expiry local effectiveExpiry effectiveProtectionExpiry obj action obj title if effectiveExpiry infinity then obj expiry indef elseif effectiveExpiry unknown then obj expiry validateDate effectiveExpiry expiry date end Set reason if args 1 then obj reason mw ustring lower args 1 if obj reason find then error reasons cannot contain the pipe character 3 end end Set protection date if args date then obj protectionDate validateDate args date protection date end Set banner config do obj bannerConfig local configTables if cfg banners obj action then configTables configTables 1 cfg banners obj action obj reason end if cfg defaultBanners obj action then configTables configTables 1 cfg defaultBanners obj action obj level configTables configTables 1 cfg defaultBanners obj action default end configTables configTables 1 cfg masterBanner for i field in ipairs Protection bannerConfigFields do for j t in ipairs configTables do if t field then obj bannerConfig field t field break end end end end return setmetatable obj Protection end function Protection isProtected return self level end function Protection isTemporary return type self expiry number end function Protection makeProtectionCategory local cfg self cfg local title self title Exit if the page is not protected if not self isProtected then return end Get the expiry key fragment local expiryFragment if self expiry indef then expiryFragment self expiry elseif type self expiry number then expiryFragment temp end Get the namespace key fragment local namespaceFragment cfg categoryNamespaceKeys title namespace if not namespaceFragment and title namespace 2 1 then namespaceFragment talk end Define the order that key fragments are tested in This is done with an array of tables containing the value to be tested along with its position in the cfg protectionCategories table local order val expiryFragment keypos 1 val namespaceFragment keypos 2 val self reason keypos 3 val self level keypos 4 val self action keypos 5 The old protection templates used an ad hoc protection category system with some templates prioritising namespaces in their categories and others prioritising the protection reason To emulate this in this module we use the config table cfg reasonsWithNamespacePriority to set the reasons for which namespaces have priority over protection reason If we are dealing with one of those reasons move the namespace table to the end of the order table i e give it highest priority If not the reason should have highest priority so move that to the end of the table instead table insert order table remove order self reason and cfg reasonsWithNamespacePriority self reason and 2 or 3 Define the attempt order Inactive subtables subtables with nil value fields are moved to the end where they will later be given the key all This is to cut down on the number of table lookups in cfg protectionCategories which grows exponentially with the number of non nil keys We keep track of the number of active subtables with the noActive parameter local noActive attemptOrder do local active inactive for i t in ipairs order do if t val then active active 1 t else inactive inactive 1 t end end noActive active attemptOrder active for i t in ipairs inactive do attemptOrder attemptOrder 1 t end end Check increasingly generic key combinations until we find a match If a specific category exists for the combination of key fragments we are given that match will be found first If not we keep trying different key fragment combinations until we match using the key all all all all all To generate the keys we index the key subtables using a binary matrix with indexes i and j j is only calculated up to the number of active subtables For example if there were three active subtables the matrix would look like this with 0 corresponding to the key fragment all and 1 corresponding to other key fragments j 1 2 3 i 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 1 4 0 0 1 5 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 7 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 Values of j higher than the number of active subtables are set to the string all A key for cfg protectionCategories is constructed for each value of i The position of the value in the key is determined by the keypos field in each subtable local cats cfg protectionCategories for i 1 2 noActive do local key for j t in ipairs attemptOrder do if j gt noActive then key t keypos all else local quotient i 2 j 1 quotient math ceil quotient if quotient 2 1 then key t keypos t val else key t keypos all end end end key table concat key local attempt cats key if attempt then return makeCategoryLink attempt title text end end return end function Protection isIncorrect local expiry self expiry return not self isProtected or type expiry number and expiry lt os time end function Protection isTemplateProtectedNonTemplate local action namespace self action self title namespace return self level templateeditor and action edit and action move or namespace 10 and namespace 828 end function Protection makeCategoryLinks local msg self cfg msg local ret self makeProtectionCategory if self isIncorrect then ret ret 1 makeCategoryLink msg tracking category incorrect self title text end if self isTemplateProtectedNonTemplate then ret ret 1 makeCategoryLink msg tracking category template self title text end return table concat ret end Blurb class local Blurb Blurb index Blurb Blurb bannerTextFields text true explanation true tooltip true alt true link true function Blurb new protectionObj args cfg return setmetatable cfg cfg protectionObj protectionObj args args Blurb end Private methods function Blurb formatDate num Formats a Unix timestamp into dd Month YYYY format lang lang or mw language getContentLanguage local success date pcall lang formatDate lang self cfg msg expiry date format or j F Y tostring num if success then return date end end function Blurb getExpandedMessage msgKey return self substituteParameters self cfg msg msgKey end function Blurb substituteParameters msg if not self params then local parameterFuncs parameterFuncs CURRENTVERSION self makeCurrentVersionParameter parameterFuncs EDITREQUEST self makeEditRequestParameter parameterFuncs EXPIRY self makeExpiryParameter parameterFuncs EXPLANATIONBLURB self makeExplanationBlurbParameter parameterFuncs IMAGELINK self makeImageLinkParameter parameterFuncs INTROBLURB self makeIntroBlurbParameter parameterFuncs INTROFRAGMENT self makeIntroFragmentParameter parameterFuncs PAGETYPE self makePagetypeParameter parameterFuncs PROTECTIONBLURB self makeProtectionBlurbParameter parameterFuncs PROTECTIONDATE self makeProtectionDateParameter parameterFuncs PROTECTIONLEVEL self makeProtectionLevelParameter parameterFuncs PROTECTIONLOG self makeProtectionLogParameter parameterFuncs TALKPAGE self makeTalkPageParameter parameterFuncs TOOLTIPBLURB self makeTooltipBlurbParameter parameterFuncs TOOLTIPFRAGMENT self makeTooltipFragmentParameter parameterFuncs VANDAL self makeVandalTemplateParameter self params setmetatable index function t k local param if parameterFuncs k then param parameterFuncs k self end param param or t k param return param end end msg msg gsub u self params return msg end function Blurb makeCurrentVersionParameter A link to the page history or the move log depending on the kind of protection local pagename self protectionObj title prefixedText if self protectionObj action move then We need the move log link return makeFullUrl Special Log type move page pagename self getExpandedMessage current version move display else We need the history link return makeFullUrl pagename action history self getExpandedMessage current version edit display end end function Blurb makeEditRequestParameter local mEditRequest require mxdul Submit an edit request local action self protectionObj action local level self protectionObj level Get the edit request type local requestType if action edit then if level autoconfirmed then requestType semi elseif level extendedconfirmed then requestType extended elseif level templateeditor then requestType template end end requestType requestType or full Get the display value local display self getExpandedMessage edit request display return mEditRequest link type requestType display display end function Blurb makeExpiryParameter local expiry self protectionObj expiry if type expiry number then return self formatDate expiry else return expiry end end function Blurb makeExplanationBlurbParameter Cover special cases first if self protectionObj title namespace 8 then MediaWiki namespace return self getExpandedMessage explanation blurb nounprotect end Get explanation blurb table keys local action self protectionObj action local level self protectionObj level local talkKey self protectionObj title isTalkPage and talk or subject Find the message in the explanation blurb table and substitute any parameters local explanations self cfg explanationBlurbs local msg if explanations action level and explanations action level talkKey then msg explanations action level talkKey elseif explanations action level and explanations action level default then msg explanations action level default elseif explanations action default and explanations action default talkKey then msg explanations action default talkKey elseif explanations action default and explanations action default default then msg explanations action default default else error string format could not find explanation blurb for action s level s and talk key s action level talkKey 8 end return self substituteParameters msg end function Blurb makeImageLinkParameter local imageLinks self cfg imageLinks local action self protectionObj action local level self protectionObj level local msg if imageLinks action level then msg imageLinks action level elseif imageLinks action default then msg imageLinks action default else msg imageLinks edit default end return self substituteParameters msg end function Blurb makeIntroBlurbParameter if self protectionObj isTemporary then return self getExpandedMessage intro blurb expiry else return self getExpandedMessage intro blurb noexpiry end end function Blurb makeIntroFragmentParameter if self protectionObj isTemporary then return self getExpandedMessage intro fragment expiry else return self getExpandedMessage intro fragment noexpiry end end function Blurb makePagetypeParameter local pagetypes self cfg pagetypes return pagetypes self protectionObj title namespace or pagetypes default or error no default pagetype defined 8 end function Blurb makeProtectionBlurbParameter local protectionBlurbs self cfg protectionBlurbs local action self protectionObj action local level self protectionObj level local msg if protectionBlurbs action level then msg protectionBlurbs action level elseif protectionBlurbs action default then msg protectionBlurbs action default elseif protectionBlurbs edit default then msg protectionBlurbs edit default else error no protection blurb defined for protectionBlurbs edit default 8 end return self substituteParameters msg end function Blurb makeProtectionDateParameter local protectionDate self protectionObj protectionDate if type protectionDate number then return self formatDate protectionDate else return protectionDate end end function Blurb makeProtectionLevelParameter local protectionLevels self cfg protectionLevels local action self protectionObj action local level self protectionObj level local msg if protectionLevels action level then msg protectionLevels action level elseif protectionLevels action default then msg protectionLevels action default elseif protectionLevels edit default then msg protectionLevels edit default else error no protection level defined for protectionLevels edit default 8 end return self substituteParameters msg end function Blurb makeProtectionLogParameter local pagename self protectionObj title prefixedText if self protectionObj action autoreview then We need the pending changes log return makeFullUrl Special Log type stable page pagename self getExpandedMessage pc log display else We need the protection log return makeFullUrl Special Log type protect page pagename self getExpandedMessage protection log display end end function Blurb makeTalkPageParameter return string format s s s s mw site namespaces self protectionObj title namespace talk name self protectionObj title text self args section or top self getExpandedMessage talk page link display end function Blurb makeTooltipBlurbParameter if self protectionObj isTemporary then return self getExpandedMessage tooltip blurb expiry else return self getExpandedMessage tooltip blurb noexpiry end end function Blurb makeTooltipFragmentParameter if self protectionObj isTemporary then return self getExpandedMessage tooltip fragment expiry else return self getExpandedMessage tooltip fragment noexpiry end end function Blurb makeVandalTemplateParameter return require mxdul Vandal m main self args user or self protectionObj title baseText end Public methods function Blurb makeBannerText key Validate input if not key or not Blurb bannerTextFields key then error string format s is not a valid banner config field tostring key 2 end Generate the text local msg self protectionObj bannerConfig key if type msg string then return self substituteParameters msg elseif type msg function then msg msg self protectionObj self args if type msg string then error string format bad output from banner config function with key s expected string got s tostring key type msg 4 end return self substituteParameters msg end end BannerTemplate class local BannerTemplate BannerTemplate index BannerTemplate function BannerTemplate new protectionObj cfg local obj obj cfg cfg Set the image filename local imageFilename protectionObj bannerConfig image if imageFilename then obj imageFilename imageFilename else If an image filename isn t specified explicitly in the banner config generate it from the protection status and the namespace local action protectionObj action local level protectionObj level local namespace protectionObj title namespace local reason protectionObj reason Deal with special cases first if namespace 10 or namespace 828 or reason and obj cfg indefImageReasons reason and action edit and level sysop and not protectionObj isTemporary then Fully protected modules and templates get the special red indef padlock obj imageFilename obj cfg msg image filename indef else Deal with regular protection types local images obj cfg images if images action then if images action level then obj imageFilename images action level elseif images action default then obj imageFilename images action default end end end end return setmetatable obj BannerTemplate end function BannerTemplate renderImage local filename self imageFilename or self cfg msg image filename default or Transparent gif return makeFileLink file filename size self imageWidth or 20 px alt self imageAlt link self imageLink caption self imageCaption end Banner class local Banner setmetatable BannerTemplate Banner index Banner function Banner new protectionObj blurbObj cfg local obj BannerTemplate new protectionObj cfg This doesn t need the blurb obj imageWidth 40 obj imageCaption blurbObj makeBannerText alt Large banners use the alt text for the tooltip obj reasonText blurbObj makeBannerText text obj explanationText blurbObj makeBannerText explanation obj page protectionObj title prefixedText Only makes a difference in testing return setmetatable obj Banner end function Banner tostring Renders the banner makeMessageBox makeMessageBox or require mxdul Message box main local reasonText self reasonText or error no reason text set 2 local explanationText self explanationText local mbargs page self page type protection image self renderImage text string format s s reasonText explanationText and lt br gt explanationText or return makeMessageBox mbox mbargs end Padlock class local Padlock setmetatable BannerTemplate Padlock index Padlock function Padlock new protectionObj blurbObj cfg local obj BannerTemplate new protectionObj cfg This doesn t need the blurb obj imageWidth 20 obj imageCaption blurbObj makeBannerText tooltip obj imageAlt blurbObj makeBannerText alt obj imageLink blurbObj makeBannerText link obj indicatorName cfg padlockIndicatorNames protectionObj action or cfg padlockIndicatorNames default or pp default return setmetatable obj Padlock end function Padlock tostring local frame mw getCurrentFrame The nowiki tag helps prevent whitespace at the top of articles return frame extensionTag name nowiki frame extensionTag name indicator args name self indicatorName content self renderImage end Exports local p function p exportClasses This is used for testing purposes return Protection Protection Blurb Blurb BannerTemplate BannerTemplate Banner Banner Padlock Padlock end function p main args cfg title args args or cfg cfg or require CONFIG MODULE local protectionObj Protection new args cfg title local ret If a page s edit protection is equally or more restrictive than its protection from some other action then don t bother displaying anything for the other action except categories if protectionObj action edit or args demolevel or not getReachableNodes cfg hierarchy protectionObj level effectiveProtectionLevel edit protectionObj title then Initialise the blurb object local blurbObj Blurb new protectionObj args cfg Render the banner if protectionObj isProtected then ret ret 1 tostring yesno args small and Padlock or Banner new protectionObj blurbObj cfg end end Render the categories if yesno args category false then ret ret 1 protectionObj makeCategoryLinks end return table concat ret end function p main frame cfg cfg cfg or require CONFIG MODULE Find default args if any local parent frame getParent and frame getParent local defaultArgs parent and cfg wrappers parent getTitle gsub sandbox Find user args and use the parent frame if we are being called from a wrapper template getArgs getArgs or require mxdul Arguments getArgs local userArgs getArgs frame parentOnly defaultArgs frameOnly not defaultArgs Build the args table User specified args overwrite default args local args for k v in pairs defaultArgs or do args k v end for k v in pairs userArgs do args k v end return p main args cfg end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Protection banner amp oldid 8075835, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


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