

คู่มือการใช้งานมอดูล[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]

This module contains a number of functions that use random numbers. It can output random numbers, select a random item from a list, and reorder lists randomly. The randomly reordered lists can be output inline, or as various types of ordered and unordered lists. The available functions are outlined in more detail below.


The number function outputs a random number.


The arguments m and n may be omitted, but if specified must be convertible to integers.

  • With no arguments, returns a real number in the range .
  • With one argument, returns an integer in the range . m must be positive.
  • With two arguments, returns an integer in the range . m and n can be either positive or negative. If m is greater than n, returns an integer in the range instead.
  • If the |same= parameter is set to "yes", "y", "true", or "1", the same random number is returned for each module call on a given page.

Examples (refresh)

  • {{#invoke:random|number}} → 0.52832333675042
  • {{#invoke:random|number|100}} → 52
  • {{#invoke:random|number|-100|-50}} → -61
  • {{#invoke:random|number|100|same=yes}} → 96
  • {{#invoke:random|number|100|same=yes}} → 96

The documentation for this function is partly taken from the Scribunto Lua reference manual, which is in turn based on the Lua 5.1 Reference Manual, available under the MIT License.


The date function outputs a random date.

{{#invoke:random|date|timestamp1|timestamp2|format=date format|same=yes}} 
  • If no timestamp arguments are specified, the module outputs a random date in the current year.
  • If timestamp1 and timestamp2 are specified, the module outputs a random date between the two timestamps. timestamp1 must be earlier than timestamp2.
  • If only timestamp1is specified, the module outputs a random date between the Unix epoch (1 Jan 1970) and the timestamp. timestamp1 must not be earlier than 1 Jan 1970.
  • Formatting can be specified with the |format= parameter. The default formatting is "hh:mm, DD Month YYYY (UTC)" (the same as the default Wikipedia timestamp).
  • The timestamps and the |format= parameter accept values compatible with the #time parser function. Please see the #time documentation for the full range of possible input values and formatting options.
  • If the |same= parameter is set to "yes", "y", "true", or "1", the same date is returned for each module call on a given page.

Examples (refresh)

  • {{#invoke:random|date}} → 19:45, 09 กันยายน 2021 (UTC)
  • {{#invoke:random|date|format=F j}} → กรกฎาคม 31
  • {{#invoke:random|date|1 Jan 1980|31 Dec 1999}} → 16:08, 12 เมษายน 1994 (UTC)
  • {{#invoke:random|date|1st January 1500|1st January 3000|format=g:i a, l d M Y}} → 2:56 pm, วันจันทร์ 10 พ.ย. 1980
  • {{#invoke:random|date|1970/06/01}} → 03:09, 16 มกราคม 1970 (UTC)
  • {{#invoke:random|date|same=yes}} → 19:41, 14 ธันวาคม 2021 (UTC)
  • {{#invoke:random|date|same=yes}} → 19:41, 14 ธันวาคม 2021 (UTC)


The item function outputs a random item from a list.

{{#invoke:random|item|list item 1|list item 2|list item 3|...|same=yes}} 

If the |same= parameter is set to "yes", "y", "true", or "1", the same item is returned for each module call on a given page.

Example (refresh)

  • {{#invoke:random|item|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam}} → bacon
  • {{#invoke:random|item|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|same=yes}} → egg
  • {{#invoke:random|item|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|same=yes}} → egg


The list function outputs a list in a random order.

{{#invoke:random|list|list item 1|list item 2|list item 3|...|sep=separator|limit=number of items to display|same=yes}} 

Named parameters

  • |sep= or |separator= - an optional separator for the list items. Some values are special; see the table below.
  • |limit= - the maximum number of list items to display. The lowest possible is 0 and the highest possible is the length of the list.
  • |same= - if this is set to "yes", "y", "true", or "1", the list order is the same for each module call on a given page.
Possible separator values
Code Output
dot  ·
pipe |
comma ,
tpt-languages  •
space a space
newline a newline character
any other value other values are used without modification

You cannot input spaces directly to the |sep= parameter due to limitations in MediaWiki's template syntax. However, it is possible to work around this by using HTML entities. You can use   to represent a normal space, and   to represent a non-breaking space.

Examples (refresh)

  • {{#invoke:random|list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam}} → eggspambaconsausagebeans
  • {{#invoke:random|list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|sep=dot}} → egg · sausage · beans · bacon · spam
  • {{#invoke:random|list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|sep=space}} → spam beans egg sausage bacon
  • {{#invoke:random|list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|sep=; }} → bacon; egg; beans; spam; sausage
  • {{#invoke:random|list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|sep=foo}} → baconfooeggfoospamfoobeansfoosausage
  • {{#invoke:random|list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|limit=3}} → sausagebeansegg
  • {{#invoke:random|list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|same=yes}} → spambeansbaconsausageegg
  • {{#invoke:random|list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|same=yes}} → spambeansbaconsausageegg

Text list

The text_list function outputs a list in a random order, text-style. In other words, it is like the list function, but with a different separator before the last item.

{{#invoke:random|text_list|list item 1|list item 2|list item 3|...|sep=separator|conj=conjunction|limit=number of items to display|same=yes}} 

The separator can be specified with either the |sep= or |separator= parameters; its default value is ", ". The conjunction can be specified with either the |conj= or |conjunction= parameters; its default value is " and ". The separator and the conjunction can be specified with the same values as the separator in the list function.

The maximum number of list items to display can be set with the |limit= parameter. The lowest possible is 0 and the highest possible is the length of the list.

If the |same= parameter is set to "yes", "y", "true", or "1", the list order is the same for each module call on a given page.

Examples (refresh)

  • {{#invoke:random|text_list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam}} → egg, spam, sausage, bacon และ beans
  • {{#invoke:random|text_list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|sep=; }} → bacon; egg; spam; sausage และ beans
  • {{#invoke:random|text_list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|sep=; |conj= or }} → bacon; sausage; egg; spam or beans
  • {{#invoke:random|text_list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|limit=3}} → spam, beans และ bacon
  • {{#invoke:random|text_list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|same=yes}} → spam, beans, bacon, sausage และ egg
  • {{#invoke:random|text_list|egg|beans|sausage|bacon|spam|same=yes}} → spam, beans, bacon, sausage และ egg

HTML lists

If you wish to output an HTML list in a random order, you can choose between five different functions: bulleted_list, unbulleted_list, horizontal_list, ordered_list, and horizontal_ordered_list. These functions all use Module:List.

Function name Produces Example code Example output (refresh)
bulleted_list Bulleted lists {{#invoke:random|bulleted_list|egg|sausage|spam}}
  • sausage
  • spam
  • egg
unbulleted_list Unbulleted lists {{#invoke:random|unbulleted_list|egg|sausage|spam}}
  • spam
  • egg
  • sausage
horizontal_list Horizontal bulleted lists {{#invoke:random|horizontal_list|egg|sausage|spam}}
  • sausage
  • spam
  • egg
ordered_list Ordered lists (numbered lists and alphabetical lists) {{#invoke:random|ordered_list|egg|sausage|spam}}
  1. egg
  2. spam
  3. sausage
horizontal_ordered_list Horizontal ordered lists {{#invoke:random|horizontal_ordered_list|egg|sausage|spam}}
  1. spam
  2. sausage
  3. egg
Basic usage
{{#invoke:random|function|list item 1|list item 2|list item 3|...|limit=number of items to display|same=yes}} 
All parameters
{{#invoke:random|function |first item|second item|third item|... |start = start number for ordered lists |type = type of marker for ordered lists |list_style_type = type of marker for ordered lists (uses CSS) |class = class |style = style |list_style = style for the list |item_style = style for all list items |item_style1 = style for the first list item |item_style2 = style for the second list item |... |indent = indent for horizontal lists }}

The maximum number of list items to display can be set with the |limit= parameter. The lowest possible is 0 and the highest possible is the length of the list.

If the |same= parameter is set to "yes", "y", "true", or "1", the list order is the same for each module call on a given page.

Please see Module:List for a full explanation of the other parameters.

-- This module contains a number of functions that make use of random numbers.  local cfg = {}  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -- Set this to true if your wiki has a traffic rate of less than one edit every two minutes or so. -- This will prevent the same "random" number being generated many times in a row until a new edit is made -- to the wiki. This setting is only relevant if the |same= parameter is set. cfg.lowTraffic = false  -- If cfg.lowTraffic is set to true, and the |same= parameter is set, this value is used for the refresh rate of the random seed. -- This is the number of seconds until the seed is changed. Getting this right is tricky. If you set it too high, the same number -- will be returned many times in a row. If you set it too low, you may get different random numbers appearing on the same page, -- particularly for pages that take many seconds to process. cfg.seedRefreshRate = 60  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- End configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local p = {} -- For functions available from other Lua modules. local l = {} -- For functions not available from other Lua modules, but that need to be accessed using table keys.  local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local makeList = require('Module:List').makeList  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local function raiseError(msg)  -- This helps to generate a wikitext error. It is the calling function's responsibility as to how to include it in the output.  return mw.ustring.format('<strong class="error error-module-random">ข้อผิดพลาดใน[[มอดูล:Random]]: %s.</strong>', msg) end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- random number function --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local function getBigRandom(l, u)  -- Gets a random integer between l and u, and is not limited to RAND_MAX.  local r = 0  local n = 2^math.random(30) -- Any power of 2.  local limit = math.ceil(53 / (math.log(n) / math.log(2)))  for i = 1, limit do  r = r + math.random(0, n - 1) / (n^i)  end  return math.floor(r * (u - l + 1)) + l end  function l.number(args)  -- Gets a random number.  first = tonumber(args[1])  second = tonumber(args[2])  -- This needs to use if statements as math.random won't accept explicit nil values as arguments.  if first then  if second then  if first > second then -- Second number cannot be less than the first, or it causes an error.  first, second = second, first  end  return getBigRandom(first, second)  else  return getBigRandom(1, first)  end  else  return math.random()  end end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Date function --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  function l.date(args)  -- This function gets random dates, and takes timestamps as positional arguments.  -- With no arguments specified, it outputs a random date in the current year.  -- With two arguments specified, it outputs a random date between the timestamps.  -- With one argument specified, the date is a random date between the unix epoch (1 Jan 1970) and the timestamp.  -- The output can be formatted using the "format" argument, which works in the same way as the #time parser function.  -- The default format is the standard Wikipedia timestamp.  local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()   local function getDate(format, ts)  local success, date = pcall(lang.formatDate, lang, format, ts)  if success then  return date  end  end   local function getUnixTimestamp(ts)  local unixts = getDate('U', ts)  if unixts then  return tonumber(unixts)  end  end   local t1 = args[1]  local t2 = args[2]   -- Find the start timestamp and the end timestamp.  local startTimestamp, endTimestamp  if not t1 then  -- Find the first and last second in the current year.  local currentYear = tonumber(getDate('Y'))  local currentYearStartUnix = tonumber(getUnixTimestamp('1 Jan ' .. tostring(currentYear)))  local currentYearEndUnix = tonumber(getUnixTimestamp('1 Jan ' .. tostring(currentYear + 1))) - 1  startTimestamp = '@' .. tostring(currentYearStartUnix) -- @ is used to denote Unix timestamps with lang:formatDate.  endTimestamp = '@' .. tostring(currentYearEndUnix)  elseif t1 and not t2 then  startTimestamp = '@0' -- the Unix epoch, 1 January 1970  endTimestamp = t1  elseif t1 and t2 then  startTimestamp = t1  endTimestamp = t2  end   -- Get Unix timestamps and return errors for bad input (or for bugs in the underlying PHP library, of which there are unfortunately a few)  local startTimestampUnix = getUnixTimestamp(startTimestamp)  local endTimestampUnix = getUnixTimestamp(endTimestamp)  if not startTimestampUnix then  return raiseError('"' .. tostring(startTimestamp) .. '" ไม่ใช่ตราเวลาที่ถูกต้อง')  elseif not endTimestampUnix then  return raiseError('"' .. tostring(endTimestamp) .. '" ไม่ใช่ตราเวลาที่ถูกต้อง')  elseif startTimestampUnix > endTimestampUnix then  return raiseError('วันเวลาเริ่มต้นต้องไม่ใช่เวลาหลังเวลาสิ้นสุด (วันเวลาเริ่มต้น: "' .. startTimestamp .. '" วันเวลาสิ้นสุด: "' .. endTimestamp .. '")')  end   -- Get a random number between the two Unix timestamps and return it using the specified format.  local randomTimestamp = getBigRandom(startTimestampUnix, endTimestampUnix)  local dateFormat = args.format or 'H:i, d F Y (T)'  local result = getDate(dateFormat, '@' .. tostring(randomTimestamp))  if result then  return result  else  return raiseError('"' .. dateFormat .. '" ไม่ใช่รูปแบบวันเวลาที่ถูกต้อง')  end end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local function randomizeArray(t, limit)  -- Randomizes an array. It works by iterating through the list backwards, each time swapping the entry  -- "i" with a random entry. Courtesy of Xinhuan at http://forums.wowace.com/showthread.php?p=279756  -- If the limit parameter is set, the array is shortened to that many elements after being randomized.  -- The lowest possible value is 0, and the highest possible is the length of the array.  local len = #t  for i = len, 2, -1 do  local r = math.random(i)  t[i], t[r] = t[r], t[i]  end  if limit and limit < len then  local ret = {}  for i, v in ipairs(t) do  if i > limit then  break  end  ret[i] = v  end  return ret  else  return t  end end  local function removeBlanks(t)  -- Removes blank entries from an array so that it can be used with ipairs.  local ret = {}  for k, v in pairs(t) do  if type(k) == 'number' then  table.insert(ret, k)  end  end  table.sort(ret)  for i, v in ipairs(ret) do  ret[i] = t[v]  end  return ret end  local function makeSeparator(sep)  if sep == 'space' then  -- Include an easy way to use spaces as separators.  return ' '  elseif sep == 'newline' then  -- Ditto for newlines  return '\n'  elseif type(sep) == 'string' then  -- If the separator is a recognised MediaWiki separator, use that. Otherwise use the value of sep if it is a string.  local mwseparators = {'dot', 'pipe', 'comma', 'tpt-languages'}  for _, mwsep in ipairs(mwseparators) do  if sep == mwsep then  return mw.message.new( sep .. '-separator' ):plain()  end  end  return sep  end end  local function makeRandomList(args)  local list = removeBlanks(args)  list = randomizeArray(list, tonumber(args.limit))  return list end  function l.item(args)  -- Returns a random item from a numbered list.  local list = removeBlanks(args)  local len = #list  if len >= 1 then  return list[math.random(len)]  end end  function l.list(args)  -- Randomizes a list and concatenates the result with a separator.  local list = makeRandomList(args)  local sep = makeSeparator(args.sep or args.separator)  return table.concat(list, sep) end  function l.text_list(args)  -- Randomizes a list and concatenates the result, text-style. Accepts separator and conjunction arguments.  local list = makeRandomList(args)  local sep = makeSeparator(args.sep or args.separator)  local conj = makeSeparator(args.conj or args.conjunction)  return mw.text.listToText(list, sep, conj) end  function l.array(args)  -- Returns a Lua array, randomized. For use from other Lua modules.  return randomizeArray(args.t, args.limit) end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HTML list function --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  function l.html_list(args, listType)  -- Randomizes a list and turns it into an HTML list. Uses [[Module:List]].  listType = listType or 'bulleted'  local listArgs = makeRandomList(args) -- Arguments for [[Module:List]].  for k, v in pairs(args) do  if type(k) == 'string' then  listArgs[k] = v  end  end  return makeList(listType, listArgs) end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The main function. Called from other Lua modules. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  function p.main(funcName, args, listType)  -- Sets the seed for the random number generator and passes control over to the other functions.  local same = yesno(args.same)  if not same then  -- Generates a different number every time the module is called, even from the same page.  -- This is because of the variability of os.clock (the time in seconds that the Lua script has been running for).  math.randomseed(mw.site.stats.edits + mw.site.stats.pages + os.time() + math.floor(os.clock() * 1000000000))  else  if not cfg.lowTraffic then  -- Make the seed as random as possible without using anything time-based. This means that the same random number  -- will be generated for the same input from the same page - necessary behaviour for some wikicode templates that  -- assume bad pseudo-random-number generation.  local stats = mw.site.stats  local views = stats.views or 0 -- This is not always available, so we need a backup.  local seed = views + stats.pages + stats.articles + stats.files + stats.edits + stats.users + stats.activeUsers + stats.admins -- Make this as random as possible without using os.time() or os.clock()  math.randomseed(seed)  else  -- Make the random seed change every n seconds, where n is set by cfg.seedRefreshRate.  -- This is useful for low-traffic wikis where new edits may not happen very often.  math.randomseed(math.floor(os.time() / cfg.seedRefreshRate))  end  end  if type(args) ~= 'table' then  error('อาร์กิวเมนต์ที่สองของ p.main ควรเป็น table')  end  return l[funcName](args, listType) end  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process arguments from #invoke --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local function makeWrapper(funcName, listType)  -- This function provides a wrapper for argument-processing from #invoke.  -- listType is only used with p.html_list, and is nil the rest of the time.  return function (frame)  -- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking template, or the args passed to #invoke if any exist.  -- Otherwise assume args are being passed directly in from the debug console or from another Lua module.  local origArgs  if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then  origArgs = frame:getParent().args  for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do  origArgs = frame.args  break  end  else  origArgs = frame  end  -- Trim whitespace and remove blank arguments.  local args = {}  for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do  if type(v) == 'string' then  v = mw.text.trim(v)  end  if v ~= '' then  args[k] = v  end  end  return p.main(funcName, args, listType)  end end  -- Process arguments for HTML list functions. local htmlListFuncs = {  bulleted_list = 'bulleted',  unbulleted_list = 'unbulleted',  horizontal_list = 'horizontal',  ordered_list = 'ordered',  horizontal_ordered_list = 'horizontal_ordered' } for funcName, listType in pairs(htmlListFuncs) do  p[funcName] = makeWrapper('html_list', listType) end  -- Process arguments for other functions. local otherFuncs = {'number', 'date', 'item', 'list', 'text_list'} for _, funcName in ipairs(otherFuncs) do  p[funcName] = makeWrapper(funcName) end  return p 

มอด, random, อการใช, งานมอด, แก, ประว, างแคช, this, module, contains, number, functions, that, random, numbers, output, random, numbers, select, random, item, from, list, reorder, lists, randomly, randomly, reordered, lists, output, inline, various, types, ord. khumuxkarichnganmxdul du aek prawti langaekhch This module contains a number of functions that use random numbers It can output random numbers select a random item from a list and reorder lists randomly The randomly reordered lists can be output inline or as various types of ordered and unordered lists The available functions are outlined in more detail below enuxha 1 Number 2 Date 3 Item 4 List 5 Text list 6 HTML lists Number aekikh The number function outputs a random number invoke random number m n same yes The arguments m and n may be omitted but if specified must be convertible to integers With no arguments returns a real number in the range 0 1 displaystyle 0 1 With one argument returns an integer in the range 1 m displaystyle 1 m i m i must be positive With two arguments returns an integer in the range m n displaystyle m n i m i and i n i can be either positive or negative If i m i is greater than i n i returns an integer in the range n m displaystyle n m instead If the same parameter is set to yes y true or 1 the same random number is returned for each module call on a given page Examples refresh invoke random number 0 52832333675042 invoke random number 100 52 invoke random number 100 50 61 invoke random number 100 same yes 96 invoke random number 100 same yes 96The documentation for this function is partly taken from the Scribunto Lua reference manual which is in turn based on the Lua 5 1 Reference Manual available under the MIT License Date aekikh The date function outputs a random date invoke random date timestamp1 timestamp2 format date format same yes If no timestamp arguments are specified the module outputs a random date in the current year If i timestamp1 i and i timestamp2 i are specified the module outputs a random date between the two timestamps i timestamp1 i must be earlier than i timestamp2 i If only i timestamp1 i is specified the module outputs a random date between the Unix epoch 1 Jan 1970 and the timestamp i timestamp1 i must not be earlier than 1 Jan 1970 Formatting can be specified with the format parameter The default formatting is hh mm DD Month YYYY UTC the same as the default Wikipedia timestamp The timestamps and the format parameter accept values compatible with the time parser function Please see the time documentation for the full range of possible input values and formatting options If the same parameter is set to yes y true or 1 the same date is returned for each module call on a given page Examples refresh invoke random date 19 45 09 knyayn 2021 UTC invoke random date format F j krkdakhm 31 invoke random date 1 Jan 1980 31 Dec 1999 16 08 12 emsayn 1994 UTC invoke random date 1st January 1500 1st January 3000 format g i a l d M Y 2 56 pm wncnthr 10 ph y 1980 invoke random date 1970 06 01 03 09 16 mkrakhm 1970 UTC invoke random date same yes 19 41 14 thnwakhm 2021 UTC invoke random date same yes 19 41 14 thnwakhm 2021 UTC Item aekikh The item function outputs a random item from a list invoke random item list item 1 list item 2 list item 3 same yes If the same parameter is set to yes y true or 1 the same item is returned for each module call on a given page Example refresh invoke random item egg beans sausage bacon spam bacon invoke random item egg beans sausage bacon spam same yes egg invoke random item egg beans sausage bacon spam same yes eggList aekikh The list function outputs a list in a random order invoke random list list item 1 list item 2 list item 3 sep separator limit number of items to display same yes Named parameters sep or separator an optional separator for the list items Some values are special see the table below limit the maximum number of list items to display The lowest possible is 0 and the highest possible is the length of the list same if this is set to yes y true or 1 the list order is the same for each module call on a given page Possible separator values Code Outputdot pipe comma tpt languages space a spacenewline a newline characterany other value other values are used without modificationYou cannot input spaces directly to the sep parameter due to limitations in MediaWiki s template syntax However it is possible to work around this by using HTML entities You can use amp 32 to represent a normal space and amp nbsp to represent a non breaking space Examples refresh invoke random list egg beans sausage bacon spam eggspambaconsausagebeans invoke random list egg beans sausage bacon spam sep dot egg sausage beans bacon spam invoke random list egg beans sausage bacon spam sep space spam beans egg sausage bacon invoke random list egg beans sausage bacon spam sep amp 32 bacon egg beans spam sausage invoke random list egg beans sausage bacon spam sep foo baconfooeggfoospamfoobeansfoosausage invoke random list egg beans sausage bacon spam limit 3 sausagebeansegg invoke random list egg beans sausage bacon spam same yes spambeansbaconsausageegg invoke random list egg beans sausage bacon spam same yes spambeansbaconsausageeggText list aekikh The text list function outputs a list in a random order text style In other words it is like the list function but with a different separator before the last item invoke random text list list item 1 list item 2 list item 3 sep separator conj conjunction limit number of items to display same yes The separator can be specified with either the sep or separator parameters its default value is The conjunction can be specified with either the conj or conjunction parameters its default value is and The separator and the conjunction can be specified with the same values as the separator in the list function The maximum number of list items to display can be set with the limit parameter The lowest possible is 0 and the highest possible is the length of the list If the same parameter is set to yes y true or 1 the list order is the same for each module call on a given page Examples refresh invoke random text list egg beans sausage bacon spam egg spam sausage bacon aela beans invoke random text list egg beans sausage bacon spam sep amp 32 bacon egg spam sausage aela beans invoke random text list egg beans sausage bacon spam sep amp 32 conj amp 32 or amp 32 bacon sausage egg spam or beans invoke random text list egg beans sausage bacon spam limit 3 spam beans aela bacon invoke random text list egg beans sausage bacon spam same yes spam beans bacon sausage aela egg invoke random text list egg beans sausage bacon spam same yes spam beans bacon sausage aela eggHTML lists aekikh If you wish to output an HTML list in a random order you can choose between five different functions bulleted list unbulleted list horizontal list ordered list and horizontal ordered list These functions all use Module List Function name Produces Example code Example output refresh bulleted list Bulleted lists invoke random bulleted list egg sausage spam sausagespameggunbulleted list Unbulleted lists invoke random unbulleted list egg sausage spam spameggsausagehorizontal list Horizontal bulleted lists invoke random horizontal list egg sausage spam sausagespameggordered list Ordered lists numbered lists and alphabetical lists invoke random ordered list egg sausage spam eggspamsausagehorizontal ordered list Horizontal ordered lists invoke random horizontal ordered list egg sausage spam spamsausageeggBasic usage invoke random function list item 1 list item 2 list item 3 limit number of items to display same yes All parameters invoke random function first item second item third item start start number for ordered lists type type of marker for ordered lists list style type type of marker for ordered lists uses CSS class class style style list style style for the list item style style for all list items item style1 style for the first list item item style2 style for the second list item indent indent for horizontal lists The maximum number of list items to display can be set with the limit parameter The lowest possible is 0 and the highest possible is the length of the list If the same parameter is set to yes y true or 1 the list order is the same for each module call on a given page Please see Module List for a full explanation of the other parameters khumuxkarichnganthipraktdanbnnidungmacak mxdul Random doc aek prawti phuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulni hnayxykhxngmxdulni This module contains a number of functions that make use of random numbers local cfg Configuration Set this to true if your wiki has a traffic rate of less than one edit every two minutes or so This will prevent the same random number being generated many times in a row until a new edit is made to the wiki This setting is only relevant if the same parameter is set cfg lowTraffic false If cfg lowTraffic is set to true and the same parameter is set this value is used for the refresh rate of the random seed This is the number of seconds until the seed is changed Getting this right is tricky If you set it too high the same number will be returned many times in a row If you set it too low you may get different random numbers appearing on the same page particularly for pages that take many seconds to process cfg seedRefreshRate 60 End configuration local p For functions available from other Lua modules local l For functions not available from other Lua modules but that need to be accessed using table keys local yesno require Module Yesno local makeList require Module List makeList Helper functions local function raiseError msg This helps to generate a wikitext error It is the calling function s responsibility as to how to include it in the output return mw ustring format lt strong class error error module random gt khxphidphladin mxdul Random s lt strong gt msg end random number function local function getBigRandom l u Gets a random integer between l and u and is not limited to RAND MAX local r 0 local n 2 math random 30 Any power of 2 local limit math ceil 53 math log n math log 2 for i 1 limit do r r math random 0 n 1 n i end return math floor r u l 1 l end function l number args Gets a random number first tonumber args 1 second tonumber args 2 This needs to use if statements as math random won t accept explicit nil values as arguments if first then if second then if first gt second then Second number cannot be less than the first or it causes an error first second second first end return getBigRandom first second else return getBigRandom 1 first end else return math random end end Date function function l date args This function gets random dates and takes timestamps as positional arguments With no arguments specified it outputs a random date in the current year With two arguments specified it outputs a random date between the timestamps With one argument specified the date is a random date between the unix epoch 1 Jan 1970 and the timestamp The output can be formatted using the format argument which works in the same way as the time parser function The default format is the standard Wikipedia timestamp local lang mw language getContentLanguage local function getDate format ts local success date pcall lang formatDate lang format ts if success then return date end end local function getUnixTimestamp ts local unixts getDate U ts if unixts then return tonumber unixts end end local t1 args 1 local t2 args 2 Find the start timestamp and the end timestamp local startTimestamp endTimestamp if not t1 then Find the first and last second in the current year local currentYear tonumber getDate Y local currentYearStartUnix tonumber getUnixTimestamp 1 Jan tostring currentYear local currentYearEndUnix tonumber getUnixTimestamp 1 Jan tostring currentYear 1 1 startTimestamp tostring currentYearStartUnix is used to denote Unix timestamps with lang formatDate endTimestamp tostring currentYearEndUnix elseif t1 and not t2 then startTimestamp 0 the Unix epoch 1 January 1970 endTimestamp t1 elseif t1 and t2 then startTimestamp t1 endTimestamp t2 end Get Unix timestamps and return errors for bad input or for bugs in the underlying PHP library of which there are unfortunately a few local startTimestampUnix getUnixTimestamp startTimestamp local endTimestampUnix getUnixTimestamp endTimestamp if not startTimestampUnix then return raiseError tostring startTimestamp imichtraewlathithuktxng elseif not endTimestampUnix then return raiseError tostring endTimestamp imichtraewlathithuktxng elseif startTimestampUnix gt endTimestampUnix then return raiseError wnewlaerimtntxngimichewlahlngewlasinsud wnewlaerimtn startTimestamp wnewlasinsud endTimestamp end Get a random number between the two Unix timestamps and return it using the specified format local randomTimestamp getBigRandom startTimestampUnix endTimestampUnix local dateFormat args format or H i d F Y T local result getDate dateFormat tostring randomTimestamp if result then return result else return raiseError dateFormat imichrupaebbwnewlathithuktxng end end List functions local function randomizeArray t limit Randomizes an array It works by iterating through the list backwards each time swapping the entry i with a random entry Courtesy of Xinhuan at http forums wowace com showthread php p 279756 If the limit parameter is set the array is shortened to that many elements after being randomized The lowest possible value is 0 and the highest possible is the length of the array local len t for i len 2 1 do local r math random i t i t r t r t i end if limit and limit lt len then local ret for i v in ipairs t do if i gt limit then break end ret i v end return ret else return t end end local function removeBlanks t Removes blank entries from an array so that it can be used with ipairs local ret for k v in pairs t do if type k number then table insert ret k end end table sort ret for i v in ipairs ret do ret i t v end return ret end local function makeSeparator sep if sep space then Include an easy way to use spaces as separators return elseif sep newline then Ditto for newlines return n elseif type sep string then If the separator is a recognised MediaWiki separator use that Otherwise use the value of sep if it is a string local mwseparators dot pipe comma tpt languages for mwsep in ipairs mwseparators do if sep mwsep then return mw message new sep separator plain end end return sep end end local function makeRandomList args local list removeBlanks args list randomizeArray list tonumber args limit return list end function l item args Returns a random item from a numbered list local list removeBlanks args local len list if len gt 1 then return list math random len end end function l list args Randomizes a list and concatenates the result with a separator local list makeRandomList args local sep makeSeparator args sep or args separator return table concat list sep end function l text list args Randomizes a list and concatenates the result text style Accepts separator and conjunction arguments local list makeRandomList args local sep makeSeparator args sep or args separator local conj makeSeparator args conj or args conjunction return mw text listToText list sep conj end function l array args Returns a Lua array randomized For use from other Lua modules return randomizeArray args t args limit end HTML list function function l html list args listType Randomizes a list and turns it into an HTML list Uses Module List listType listType or bulleted local listArgs makeRandomList args Arguments for Module List for k v in pairs args do if type k string then listArgs k v end end return makeList listType listArgs end The main function Called from other Lua modules function p main funcName args listType Sets the seed for the random number generator and passes control over to the other functions local same yesno args same if not same then Generates a different number every time the module is called even from the same page This is because of the variability of os clock the time in seconds that the Lua script has been running for math randomseed mw site stats edits mw site stats pages os time math floor os clock 1000000000 else if not cfg lowTraffic then Make the seed as random as possible without using anything time based This means that the same random number will be generated for the same input from the same page necessary behaviour for some wikicode templates that assume bad pseudo random number generation local stats mw site stats local views stats views or 0 This is not always available so we need a backup local seed views stats pages stats articles stats files stats edits stats users stats activeUsers stats admins Make this as random as possible without using os time or os clock math randomseed seed else Make the random seed change every n seconds where n is set by cfg seedRefreshRate This is useful for low traffic wikis where new edits may not happen very often math randomseed math floor os time cfg seedRefreshRate end end if type args table then error xarkiwemntthisxngkhxng p main khwrepn table end return l funcName args listType end Process arguments from invoke local function makeWrapper funcName listType This function provides a wrapper for argument processing from invoke listType is only used with p html list and is nil the rest of the time return function frame If called via invoke use the args passed into the invoking template or the args passed to invoke if any exist Otherwise assume args are being passed directly in from the debug console or from another Lua module local origArgs if frame mw getCurrentFrame then origArgs frame getParent args for k v in pairs frame args do origArgs frame args break end else origArgs frame end Trim whitespace and remove blank arguments local args for k v in pairs origArgs do if type v string then v mw text trim v end if v then args k v end end return p main funcName args listType end end Process arguments for HTML list functions local htmlListFuncs bulleted list bulleted unbulleted list unbulleted horizontal list horizontal ordered list ordered horizontal ordered list horizontal ordered for funcName listType in pairs htmlListFuncs do p funcName makeWrapper html list listType end Process arguments for other functions local otherFuncs number date item list text list for funcName in ipairs otherFuncs do p funcName makeWrapper funcName end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Random amp oldid 9028146, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม