
มอดูล:Track gauge/autodocument

-- This module documents the track gauges -- as defined in [[module:Track gauge/data]]. -- General note: "id" is the size-id (in mm). With this id, definitions can vary (mm, ft/in, name) -- Alias (the normalised input value) is the primary search term local p = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local modMath = require('Module:Math') local modTrackGauge = require('Module:Track gauge') -- sandbox here local dataPageName = 'Module:Track gauge/data' -- sandbox here  local gaugeDataAll = nil local tableTools = require('Module:tableTools') -- global counters (to keep between the id-row building calls) local ttlSizeClassCount = {} local ttlAliasCount = 0 local ttlEntries = 0 local ttlUnitCount = {} local ttlAltNameCount = 0 local ttlAltName = {} local ttlLinkCount = 0 local ttlContentCatsCount = 0 local ttlMentioningCatsCount = 0 local ttlMentioningPageCount = 0 local ttlListedRange = {} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- prepareArgs -- Arguments coming from an #invoke or from a module ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function prepareArgs(frame)  local origArgs = getArgs(frame)  -- Trim whitespace, make lower-case and remove blank arguments for all arguments  -- searchAlias is the cleaned value of [1]. [1] is kept as rawInput for error message  local args = {}  args['searchAlias'] = ''  args['rawInput'] = origArgs[1] or ''   for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do  if tonumber(k) == nil then  -- Named argument  if k == 'docsortlabel' then -- not in TG  args[k] = v  else  args[k] = mw.ustring.lower(v)  end  else  -- Unnamed argument, alias to be searched  args[k] = modTrackGauge.normaliseAliasInput(v)  if k == 1 then  args['searchAlias'] = args[1]  end  end  end   return args end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- formatUnitPlaintext -- Pattern '00016.5 mm' for table.sort and catsort. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function formatUnitPlaintext(tgEntry, unit, fmtZeroPadding, toFracChar)  -- Returns plaintext (ASCII) only. No css.  if tgEntry == nil then  return ''  end  if (unit or tgEntry.def) == 'imp' then  -- imperial  local ft = ''  local inch = ''  local frac = ''  if tgEntry.ft then  ft = tgEntry.ft .. ' ft'  end  if tgEntry.num then  frac = ' ' .. tgEntry.num .. '/' .. tgEntry.den  if toFracChar then  -- as used in contentCat pagenames  if frac == ' 1/8' then frac = '⅛'  elseif frac == ' 1/4' then frac = '¼'  elseif frac == ' 3/8' then frac = '⅜'  elseif frac == ' 1/2' then frac = '½'  elseif frac == ' 3/4' then frac = '¾'  elseif frac == ' 7/8' then frac = '⅞'  else  frac = frac .. ' (error: fraction character missing in module:Track gauge)'  end  end  if tgEntry['in'] then  frac = ' ' .. tgEntry['in'] .. frac .. ' in'  else  frac = ' ' .. frac .. ' in'  end  else  if tgEntry['in'] then  inch = ' ' .. tgEntry['in'] .. ' in'  end  end  return mw.text.trim(ft .. inch .. frac)  else  -- metric (mm)  if fmtZeroPadding == nil or tonumber(fmtZeroPadding) <= 0 then  return tgEntry.id .. ' mm'  else  return string.rep('0', fmtZeroPadding - math.floor(math.log10(tonumber(tgEntry.id))) - 1)  .. tgEntry.id .. ' mm'  end  end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- document data-sort-value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function documentdatasortvalue(tgEntry)  local s = formatUnitPlaintext(tgEntry, 'met', 5)  return tostring(mw.html.create():tag('span'):attr('data-sort-value', s)) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- catSortFromTitle -- Currently finds "600 mm" when at end of title, then returns "0600 mm" (for catSort). -- Blank when not found. Used for cat:mentions category page. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p.catSortFromTitle()  local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()  local catSort = string.match(title.text, '%s(%d+%.?%d*)%smm$') or ''  if catSort ~= '' then  catSort = string.rep('0', 4 - math.floor(math.log10(tonumber(catSort))) - 1)  .. catSort .. ' mm'  end  if catSort == '' then  return '*'  else  return catSort  end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- documentGaugeClass ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function documentGaugeClass(tgEntry, countMentionings)  local size = tonumber(tgEntry.id or 0)  local j  if size > 1435 then  j = 5  elseif size == 1435 then  j = 4  elseif size > 500 then  j = 3  elseif size >= 100 then  j = 2  elseif size > 0 then  j = 1  else  j = 6  end  ttlSizeClassCount[j][2] = ttlSizeClassCount[j][2] +1  ttlSizeClassCount[j][4] = ttlSizeClassCount[j][4] + (countMentionings or 0)  return '<span data-sort-value="' .. j .. '">' .. ttlSizeClassCount[j][1] .. '</span>' --(20190920: linter closing span added) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- anchor -- Anchor text *here* is: <span id="1000 mm">; anchor *there* should be: #1000 mm. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function anchor(tgEntry, unit, herethere)  if tgEntry == nil then  return ''  end  unit = unit or tgEntry.def1  local anch = formatUnitPlaintext(tgEntry, unit, 0)  if herethere == 'there' then -- Untested, April 2014  anch = '#' .. anch  else  anch = mw.html.create():tag('span'):attr('id', anch)  end  return tostring(anch) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- noWrap -- Add span tags to prevent a string from wrapping. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function noWrap(s)  return mw.ustring.format('<span class="nowrap">%s</span>', s) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- frac -- A slimmed-down version of the {{frac}} template (a single nowrap to be added with the unit) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function frac(whole, num, den)  return mw.ustring.format(  '<span class="frac">%s%s<sup>%s</sup>&frasl;<sub>%s</sub></span>',  whole or '', whole and '<span class="visualhide">&nbsp;</span>' or '', num, den  ) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- debugReturnArgs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p.debugReturnArgs(frame)  local args = prepareArgs(frame)  local retArgs = {}  for k, a in pairs(args) do  table.insert(retArgs, k .. '=' .. a)  end  return 'Args: ' .. table.concat(retArgs, '; ') end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkData -- Public. Performs various checks on the /data subpage. -- not maintained since ca. 2015 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p.checkData(frame)  --To be allowed: entry.link empty; then use entry.name.  local dataPage = frame and frame.args and frame.args[1] or dataPageName  local data = mw.loadData(dataPage)  local exists, dupes, dupeSort, ret = {}, {}, {}, {}  -- Check for duplicate aliases.  for ti, t in ipairs(data) do  for ai, alias in ipairs(t.aliases or {}) do  if not exists[alias] then  exists[alias] = { ti, ai }  else  if not dupes[alias] then  dupes[alias] = { exists[alias] }  end  table.insert(dupes[alias], { ti, ai })  end  end  end  for alias in pairs(dupes) do  table.insert(dupeSort, alias)  end  table.sort(dupeSort)  for i1, alias in ipairs(dupeSort) do  local positions = {}  for i2, aliasKeys in ipairs(dupes[alias]) do  local position = mw.ustring.format('gauge %d, alias %d (gauge id: <code>%s</code>)', aliasKeys[1], aliasKeys[2], data[aliasKeys[1]].id or '')  table.insert(positions, position)  end  local aliasText = mw.ustring.format('Duplicate aliases "%s" detected at the following positions: %s.', alias, mw.text.listToText(positions, '; '))  table.insert(ret, aliasText)  end  -- Check for numerators without denominators.  for ti, t in ipairs(data) do  local num = t.num  local den = t.den  if num and not den then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('Numerator "%s" with no denominator detected at gauge %d (id: <code>%s</code>).', num, ti, t.id or ''))  elseif den and not num then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('Denominator "%s" with no numerator detected at gauge %d (id: <code>%s</code>).', den, ti, t.id or ''))  end  end  -- Check for gauges with no imperial or no metric measurements.  for ti, t in ipairs(data) do  if not (t.ft or t['in'] or t.num or t.den) then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('No imperial measurements found for gauge %d (id: <code>%s</code>).', ti, t.id or ''))  end  if not (t.m or t.mm) then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('No metric measurements found for gauge %d (id: <code>%s</code>).', ti, t.id or ''))  end  end  -- Check for non-numeric measurements.  local measurements = { 'ft', 'in', 'num', 'den', 'm', 'mm' }  for ti, t in ipairs(data) do  for mi, measurement in ipairs(measurements) do  local measurementVal = t[measurement]  if measurementVal and not tonumber(measurementVal) then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('Non-numeric <code>%s</code> measurement ("%s") found for gauge %d (id: <code>%s</code>).', measurement, measurementVal, ti, t.id or ''))  end  end  end  -- Check for gauges with no id.  for ti, t in ipairs(data) do  if not t.id then  local aliases = {}  for i, alias in ipairs(t.aliases) do  table.insert(aliases, mw.ustring.format('<code>%s</code>', alias))  end  aliases = mw.ustring.format(' (aliases: %s)', mw.text.listToText(aliases))  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('No id found for track gauge %d%s.', ti, aliases or ''))  end  end  -- Check for gauges with no aliases.  for ti, t in ipairs(data) do  if type(t.aliases) ~= 'table' then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('No aliases found for gauge %d (id: <code>%s</code>).', ti, t.id or ''))  else  local isAlias = false  for ai, alias in ipairs(t.aliases) do  isAlias = true  break  end  if not isAlias then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('No aliases found for gauge %d (id: <code>%s</code>).', ti, t.id or ''))  end  end  end  -- Check for named gauges with no links and gauges with links but no names.  -- 20140520: no link? could be acceptable. Code falls back to the unlinked name (in test now).  if false then -- skipped 2014-05-25  for ti, t in ipairs(data) do  if t.name and not t.link then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('No link found for the named gauge "%s" at position %d (id: <code>%s</code>).', t.name, ti, t.id or ''))  elseif t.link and not t.name then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('No name found for the gauge with link "%s" at position %d (id: <code>%s</code>).', t.link, ti, t.id or ''))  end  end  end  -- Check for invalid def1 values.  for ti, t in ipairs(data) do  local def = t.def1  if def ~= 'imp' and def ~= 'met' then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('Invalid def1 value "%s" found for gauge %d (id: <code>%s</code>).', def or '', ti, t.id or ''))  end  end  -- Check for unwanted whitespace.  for ti, t in ipairs(data) do  for tkey, tval in pairs(t) do  if tkey == 'aliases' and type(tval) == 'table' then  for ai, alias in ipairs(tval) do  if mw.ustring.find(alias, '%s') then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('Unwanted whitespace detected in gauge %d alias %d ("%s", gauge id: <code>%s</code>).', ti, ai, alias, t.id or ''))  end  end  elseif tkey == 'name' or tkey == 'link' or tkey == 'pagename' or tkey == 'contentcat' then  if tval ~= mw.text.trim(tval) then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('Unwanted whitespace detected in <code>%s</code> field of gauge %d ("%s", gauge id: <code>%s</code>).', tkey, ti, tval, t.id or ''))  end  elseif mw.ustring.find(tval, '%s') then  table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.format('Unwanted whitespace detected in <code>%s</code> field of gauge %d ("%s", gauge id: <code>%s</code>).', tkey, ti, tval, t.id or ''))  end  end  end  -- Added April 2014: alias should not double with another id (imp and mm not ambiguous)  local self_id = ''  local self_def = ''  for ti, t in ipairs(data) do  self_id = t.id  self_def = t.def1  for iC, aliasCheck in ipairs(t.aliases) do  if tonumber(aliasCheck) ~= nil then  if self_id ~= aliasCheck then  for iTwo, tTwo in ipairs(data) do  if aliasCheck == tTwo.id then  table.insert(ret,  mw.ustring.format('Input alias %s (%s) from <code>id=%s mm</code> ambiguous with gauge id=<code>%s mm</code> (%s)'  , aliasCheck, self_def, self_id, tTwo.id, tTwo.def1)  )  end  end  end  end  end  end  -- Return any errors found.  for i, msg in ipairs(ret) do  ret[i] = mw.ustring.format('<span class="error">%s</span>', msg)  end  if #ret > 0 then  return mw.ustring.format('Found the following errors in %s:\n* %s', dataPage, table.concat(ret, '\n* '))  else  return mw.ustring.format('No errors found in %s.', dataPage)  end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- catContent -- content category for the gauge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p.catContent(frame)  -- catContent (content category for this alias)  -- can be hardcoded in the data, or build by size (pattern)  local args = prepareArgs(frame)  local tgEntry = modTrackGauge.getTrackGaugeEntry(args.searchAlias)  if tgEntry == nil then  return args['displaynotfound'] or 'No gauge entry found for ' .. (args[1] or '""')  end  local catTitle  local label  local catC  local docsortlabel = ''  if args.docsortlabel ~= nil then  docsortlabel = '|' .. args.docsortlabel  end  if tgEntry.contentcat == '' then  catC = ''  elseif tgEntry.contentcat ~= nil then  catC = '[[:Category:' .. tgEntry.contentcat .. docsortlabel .. ']]'  else -- no name given, try default name:  local catCsuffix = ' gauge railways'  if tgEntry.def1 == 'met' then  label = formatUnitPlaintext(tgEntry, 'met')  catTitle = mw.title.makeTitle(14, label .. catCsuffix)  if catTitle.exists then  catC = '[[:' .. catTitle.fullText .. docsortlabel .. ']]'  end  elseif tgEntry.def1 == 'imp' then  label = formatUnitPlaintext(tgEntry, 'imp', nil, true)  catTitle = mw.title.makeTitle(14, label .. catCsuffix)  if catTitle.exists then  catC = '[[:' .. catTitle.fullText .. docsortlabel .. ']]'  end  end  end  return catC end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- catMentions -- maintenance only ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p.catMentions(frame)  local args = prepareArgs(frame)  local tgEntry = modTrackGauge.getTrackGaugeEntry(args.searchAlias)  if tgEntry == nil then  return args['displaynotfound'] or 'No gauge entry found for ' .. (args[1] or '""')  end  local catM = modTrackGauge.catMentions(tgEntry, args.docsortlabel, 'show')  return catM end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- fromInputToId -- Used cleaned Alias as searchkey ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function fromInputToId(searchAlias)  gaugeDataAll = mw.loadData(dataPageName)  for i, tgEntry in ipairs(gaugeDataAll) do  for j, alias in ipairs(tgEntry.aliases) do  if alias == searchAlias then  return tgEntry.id  end  end  end  -- Next search: by id (autodocument only, not in main RG)  if tonumber(searchAlias) ~= nil then  for i, tgEntry in ipairs(gaugeDataAll) do  if tgEntry.id == searchAlias then  return tgEntry.id  end  end  end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- documentInchCount -- Number of inches in decimals. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function documentInchCount(tgEntry)  local inches = 0  if tgEntry['num'] ~= nil then  inches = modMath._round(tonumber((tgEntry['num'] or 0) / (tgEntry['den'] or 1)), 4)  end  inches = tostring((tonumber(tgEntry['ft'] or 0) * 12)  + tonumber(tgEntry['in'] or 0) + inches)  return inches end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- documentInchToMm -- Not used lately ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function documentInchToMm(inchCount)  return tonumber(inchCount or 0) * 25.4 end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- documentGaugeSizeFromTitle -- Currently finds "1620 mm" when at end of title, -- then returns "1620". Blank when not found. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p.documentGaugeSizeFromTitle()  local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()  return string.match(title.text, '%s(%d+%.?%d*)%smm$') or '' end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- documentBuildTgList -- The table of id's to fill the table ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function documentBuildTgList(args)  -- Build series from the list. idFrom and idTo are numerical  local tgList = {}  local idFrom = -1  local idTo = -1  for i, v in ipairs(args) do  if v == 'all' then  idFrom = -math.huge  idTo = math.huge  break  end  end  if args.docfrom ~= nil then  idFrom = tonumber(fromInputToId(args.docfrom)  or mw.ustring.gsub(args.docfrom, 'mm', ''))  idTo = math.huge  end  if args.docto ~= nil then  idTo = tonumber(fromInputToId(args.docto)  or mw.ustring.gsub(args.docto, 'mm', ''))  end  if idTo > 0 then -- Some subset is requested from the whole data set  if idFrom > idTo then  local dummy = idFrom  idFrom = idTo  idTo = dummy  end  for i, tgEntry in ipairs(gaugeDataAll) do  if (tonumber(tgEntry.id) >= idFrom) and (tonumber(tgEntry.id) <= idTo) then   table.insert(tgList, tonumber(tgEntry.id))  end  end  tgList = tableTools.removeDuplicates(tgList)  table.sort(tgList)  if #tgList > 1 then  ttlListedRange[1] = tgList[1] .. ' mm &ndash; ' .. tgList[#tgList] .. ' mm '  end  end  -- Individual entries can be mentioned in args (all unnamed = numbered params)  -- Need a straight table.to keep sequence right  local id  local argsAliasesIn = tableTools.compressSparseArray(args)  for i, argsAlias in ipairs(argsAliasesIn) do  id = fromInputToId(argsAlias)  if id ~= nil then  table.insert(tgList, i, tonumber(id))  table.insert(ttlListedRange, i, id .. ' mm; ')  end  end  ttlListedRange = tableTools.compressSparseArray(ttlListedRange)  ttlListedRange = tableTools.removeDuplicates(ttlListedRange)  tgList = tableTools.compressSparseArray(tgList)  tgList = tableTools.removeDuplicates(tgList)  return tgList end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- documentPostListStats -- build footer table, after list only ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function documentPostListStats(countTgList)  -- Report data counters  -- Data   local retFoot = {}  table.insert(retFoot, '\n*Sources')  table.insert(retFoot, ':Data pages: [[:' .. dataPageName .. ']]')  table.insert(retFoot, '*Data')  table.insert(retFoot, ':Listed: ' .. table.concat(ttlListedRange, '') .. ' (' .. countTgList .. ' rows)')  table.insert(retFoot, ":'''Entries''' (defined gauges, per unit): " .. ttlEntries)  table.insert(retFoot, ":'''Gauges''' (defined gauges, per size): " .. countTgList)  for i, stat in ipairs (ttlUnitCount) do  table.insert(retFoot, ':' .. stat[2] .. ': ' .. stat[1])  end   table.insert(retFoot, ':Aliases (input options): ' .. ttlAliasCount)  table.insert(retFoot, ':Named definitions (as output link; ' .. ttlAltNameCount .. '): ' .. table.concat(ttlAltName, '; '))   table.insert(retFoot, ':Entries with an article link: ' .. ttlLinkCount)  -- TODO table.insert(retFoot, '*Named gauges (named input)') -- todo  -- Categories (content, maintenance)  table.insert(retFoot, '*Categories')  table.insert(retFoot, ':Content categories: ' .. ttlContentCatsCount)  table.insert(retFoot, ':"Article mentions track gauge" categories: ' .. ttlMentioningCatsCount)  table.insert(retFoot, ':Articles listed in "mentions" categories: ' .. ttlMentioningPageCount .. ' (not unique)')  -- Size classes (narrow, broad, ..)  table.insert(retFoot, '*Size classes')  for i, stat in ipairs (ttlSizeClassCount) do  if stat[2] ~= 0 then  table.insert(retFoot, ':' .. stat[2] .. ' ' .. stat[3] .. ' (' .. stat[4] .. ' mentionings)')  end  end   local anchor = tostring(mw.html.create():tag('span'):attr('id', 'Statistics'))  -- help:using colors. Hue=190 (blue)  local statTable = anchor .. '\n{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" style="background:#e6fbff; font-size:85%; width:100%;"'  .. '\n|-'  .. '\n! style="background:#ceecf2; width:100%;" | Track gauge data statistics'  .. '\n|-'  .. '\n|' .. table.concat(retFoot, '\n')  .. '\n|}'   return statTable end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- documentHeader ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function documentHeader(numberOfEntries, docTitle, docState)  local docBgHeader = '#cef2e0' -- Green. See [[template:documentation]]   -- Header row 1 (title)  local pagetitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()  urlPurgePage = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=' .. pagetitle.nsText .. ':' .. pagetitle:partialUrl() .. '&action=purge'  urlPurgePage = '<span class="plainlinks purgelink nourlexpansion" title="Purge this page (update countings)">[' .. urlPurgePage .. ' (purge)]</span>'   if docTitle == '' then  docTitle = 'Track gauges' -- (' .. dataPageName .. ')' -- optional, sandbox here  end  docTitle = docTitle .. ' ' .. urlPurgePage  if docState == '' then  docState = 'uncollapsed'  end   -- Header row 2 (sort buttons, blank cells)  local sortColHeaders = ''  local sortClass = ''  if (numberOfEntries or 0) > 1 then  sortClass = 'sortable'  local sortCell = '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. ';"'  -- todo: 10 cols with bg color  sortColHeaders = '\n|- style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. '; line-height:90%;"'  .. '\n! &nbsp; || || || || || || || || ||'  end   -- Header row 3 (column headers)  local catMparent = modTrackGauge.catMentions(nil, 'Mentionings', 'show')   --10 columns:  local tableStyle = 'style="text-align:right; width:100%; font-size:85%;" '  local retHdr = {}  table.insert(retHdr, '\n{| class="wikitable collapsible ' .. docState .. ' ' .. sortClass .. '" ' .. tableStyle)  table.insert(retHdr, '|-')  table.insert(retHdr, '! colspan=10 style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. ';" | ' .. docTitle)  table.insert(retHdr, '|-')  table.insert(retHdr, '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. ';" | Gauge<br>(mm)')  table.insert(retHdr, '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. ';" | Gauge<br>(ft,&nbsp;in)')  table.insert(retHdr, '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. ';" | Alt<br>name')  table.insert(retHdr, '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. ';" | Gauge<br>(inch)')  table.insert(retHdr, '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. ';" | Def<br>unit')  table.insert(retHdr, '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. '; width:8em;" | Aliases<br>(input&nbsp;options)')  table.insert(retHdr, '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. ';" | Class<br>&nbsp;')  table.insert(retHdr, '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. '; min-width:5em;" | Source<br>article')  table.insert(retHdr, '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. ';" | [[:Category:Track gauges by size|Category]]<br>(content)')  table.insert(retHdr, '! style="background:' .. docBgHeader .. ';" | ' .. catMparent .. '<br>(maintenance)')   return table.concat(retHdr, '\n') .. sortColHeaders end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- documentFooter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function documentFooter()  return {'\n|}'} end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- documentFromIdToEntrySet -- from fromIdToEntrySet -- From one id, make the set with all one-two-three-more entries (met, inp, variants) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function documentFromIdToEntrySet(id, searchedAlias)  local docBgColor = '#e6fff2' -- Green. See header bg color  local rowSplit = '<div style="border-top:1px solid #ccc; height:1px;"></div>'   -- From the size-id, build the set of existing entries (met, imp, and variants)  local entry = {}  local defType = 0  -- data  for i, tgEntry in ipairs(gaugeDataAll) do  if id == tgEntry.id then  if tgEntry.def1 == 'met' and entry[1] == nil then  entry[1] = tgEntry  defType = defType + 1  elseif tgEntry.def1 == 'imp' and entry[2] == nil then  entry[2] = tgEntry  defType = defType + 2  else  entry[3 + tableTools.size(entry)] = tgEntry  end  end  end  entry = tableTools.compressSparseArray(entry)  -- Entry set is now complete & clean  -- Result: the entry table with entries present in /data,  -- in sequence if present (1. met, 2. imp, any extra)  -- (to build into a single row, maybe with split cells)   --Build cell elements, then string row together.  local inchCount = documentInchCount(entry[1])  local datasortvalue = documentdatasortvalue(entry[1], 'met', 5)  local aliasList = {}  local tempEntryAltName = {}  local entryAltName = {}  local hasAltName = false  for i, e in ipairs(entry) do  local alis = {}  for j, v in ipairs(e.aliases) do  if tonumber(v) == nil then -- (plain numbers are not shown)  table.insert(alis, tostring(v))  end  end  for j, v in ipairs(alis) do  if string.match(v, '^%d') == nil then -- textual so to italic.  alis[j] = tostring(mw.html.create():tag('span'):wikitext(v):css('font-style', 'italic'))  end  end  table.insert (aliasList, table.concat(alis, '; '))  ttlAliasCount = ttlAliasCount + #alis  -- process Alt name links  if e.name or '' ~= '' then  tempEntryAltName[i] = tostring(mw.html.create():tag('span'):wikitext(e.link):css('font-weight', 'bold'))  table.insert(ttlAltName, e.id .. ': ' .. e.link)  ttlAltNameCount = ttlAltNameCount + 1  hasAltName = true  end  end  if hasAltName then  local text  for i, v in ipairs(entry) do  table.insert(entryAltName, i, tempEntryAltName[i] or '&nbsp;')  end   end  local def = {} -- Definition unit code: 'met' or 'imp'  local defText = {}  for i, v in ipairs (entry) do  table.insert(def, v.def1)  if v.def1 == 'imp' then  table.insert(defText, 'imp')  ttlUnitCount[2][1] = ttlUnitCount[2][1] + 1  elseif v.def1 == 'met' then  table.insert(defText, 'met')  ttlUnitCount[1][1] = ttlUnitCount[1][1] + 1  end  end  if #entry >= 2 then  if #entry == 2 and entry[1].def1 ~= entry[2].def1 then -- Regular pair: def in met and in imp  ttlUnitCount[3][1] = ttlUnitCount[3][1] + 1  else -- More than 2, or a double unit definition  ttlUnitCount[4][1] = ttlUnitCount[4][1] .. ' ' .. id .. '&nbsp;mm (' .. #entry ..');'  end  end  -- mm; ft in -- Measurement (number & unit; met and imp; anchor to here)  local measure = {}  local unitanchor = { '', '' }  measure[1] = modTrackGauge.formatMet(entry[1])  measure[2] = modTrackGauge.formatImp(entry[1]) -- both met and imp from entry[1]  if modMath._mod(defType, 2) == 1 then  measure[1] = tostring(mw.html.create():tag('span'):wikitext(measure[1]):css('font-weight', 'bold'))  unitanchor[1] = anchor(entry[1], 'met')  end  if defType >= 2 then  measure[2] = tostring(mw.html.create():tag('span'):wikitext(measure[2]):css('font-weight', 'bold'))  unitanchor[2] = anchor(entry[1], 'imp')  end  -- Linked article  local linkArticle = {}  for i, e in ipairs(entry) do  table.insert(linkArticle, e.pagename)  end  ttlLinkCount = ttlLinkCount + #linkArticle  local eq  if #linkArticle >= 2 then  eq = true  for i, v in ipairs(linkArticle) do  if v ~= linkArticle[1] then  eq = false  break  end  end  if eq == true then  for i, v in ipairs(linkArticle) do  if i > 1 then  linkArticle[i] = nil  end  end  end  end  for i, lp in ipairs(linkArticle) do  local fmtLp = ''  fmtLp = '[[' .. lp .. ']]'  linkArticle[i] = tostring(mw.html.create():tag('span'):css('text-align', 'left'):wikitext(fmtLp))  end  -- catContent (content category for this alias). note: function p.catContent is a reduced code of this.  -- can be hardcoded in the data, or build by size (pattern)  local catContent = {}  local catTitle  local label  local skipCheck = false  for i, e in ipairs(entry) do  if e.contentcat == '' then  -- no cat; option to prevent expensive calls  skipCheck = true  elseif e.contentcat ~= nil then  label = string.match(e.contentcat, '([%S]*)') or 'nomatch'  table.insert(catContent,  '[[:Category:' .. e.contentcat .. '|cat:' .. label .. '&nbsp;...]]')  end  end  if #catContent >= 2 then  eq = true  for i, v in ipairs(catContent) do  if v ~= catContent[1] then  eq = false  break  end  end  if eq == true then  for i, v in ipairs(catContent) do  if i > 1 then  catContent[i] = nil  end  end  end  end  if #catContent == 0 and not skipCheck then  local catCsuffix = ' gauge railways'  if modMath._mod(defType, 2) == 1 then  label = formatUnitPlaintext(entry[1], 'met')  catTitle = mw.title.makeTitle(14, label .. catCsuffix)  if catTitle.exists then  table.insert(catContent,  '[[:' .. catTitle.fullText .. '|cat:' .. noWrap(label) .. ']]')  end  end  if defType >= 2 then  label = formatUnitPlaintext(entry[1], 'imp', nil, true)  catTitle = mw.title.makeTitle(14, label .. catCsuffix)  if catTitle.exists then  table.insert(catContent, '[[:' ..catTitle.fullText .. '|cat:' .. noWrap(label) .. ']]')  end  end  end  ttlContentCatsCount = ttlContentCatsCount + #catContent   -- Mentions category  local catMentions = modTrackGauge.catMentions(entry[1], "cat:mnt", 'show')  local catCount = mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory(  modTrackGauge.catMentions(entry[1], nil, 'pagename'), pages)  ttlMentioningCatsCount = ttlMentioningCatsCount + 1 -- Exists  ttlMentioningPageCount = ttlMentioningPageCount + catCount   -- class: Counter SizeClass (narrow, broad, ...)  local rgSizeClass = documentGaugeClass(entry[1], catCount)   ttlEntries = ttlEntries + #entry  sortCount = mw.text.truncate('00000' .. tostring(catCount), -5, '')  sortCount = '<span data-sort-value="' .. sortCount .. '">'  catCount = sortCount .. catCount .. '&nbsp;P' .. '</span>' --(20190920: linter closing span added)   -- Compose the size-id row with all cell values (10 columns)  local row = {}  table.insert(row, datasortvalue .. unitanchor[1] .. measure[1])  table.insert(row, datasortvalue .. unitanchor[2] .. measure[2])  table.insert(row, table.concat(entryAltName, rowSplit))  table.insert(row, datasortvalue .. inchCount)  table.insert(row, table.concat(defText, rowSplit))  table.insert(row, table.concat(aliasList, rowSplit))  table.insert(row, rgSizeClass)  table.insert(row, table.concat(linkArticle, rowSplit))  table.insert(row, table.concat(catContent, rowSplit))  table.insert(row, catCount .. '&nbsp;' .. catMentions)   return '\n|- style="background:' .. docBgColor .. '; border-top:2px solid #aaa;" |'  .. '\n|'  .. table.concat(row, ' || ') end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- documentGauge -- Selfdocument gauge data (one, multiple, range, all) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p.documentGauge(frame)  local args = prepareArgs(frame)  gaugeDataAll = mw.loadData(dataPageName)   -- Init glolbal counters by table:  ttlUnitCount =  {  [1] = {0, 'Entries defined metric'},  [2] = {0, 'Entries defined imperial'},  [3] = {0, 'Gauge sizes defined both metric and imperial'},  [4] = {'', 'Gauge sizes with multiple entries in one unit'}  }  ttlSizeClassCount =  {  [1] = {'scaled', 0, 'scaled or model gauges', 0},  [2] = {'min', 0, 'minimum gauges', 0},  [3] = {'narrow', 0, 'narrow gauges', 0},  [4] = {'s.g.', 0, 'standard gauge', 0},  [5] = {'broad', 0, 'broad gauges', 0},  [6] = {'unk', 0, 'unknown', 0}  }   local tgList = documentBuildTgList(args)  -- Now loop through the prepared tgList[id] and add rows to result le  -- One row contains all available entries for the id (met, imp, a third variant)  local rowTGid = {}  for i, numId in ipairs(tgList) do  table.insert(rowTGid, documentFromIdToEntrySet(tostring(numId)))  end  -- Return args  local retArgs = ''  if args.docreturnargs == 'on' then  retArgs = '\n' .. p.debugReturnArgs(frame)  end  -- Build statistics footer  local retStats = ''  if args.docstats == 'on' then  retStats = documentPostListStats(#tgList)  end  -- Build up  return documentHeader(#tgList, args.doctitle or '', args.docstate or '')  .. table.concat(rowTGid, '')  .. table.concat(documentFooter(), '')  .. retStats  .. retArgs end -------------------------------------------------------- -- doc -------------------------------------------------------- function p.docFracAliases(frame)  local args = prepareArgs(frame)  gaugeDataAll = mw.loadData(dataPageName)   local tgList = documentBuildTgList(args)  local ttlHitCount =0  local rowIMP = {}  local fracAlias =''  for i, id in ipairs(tgList) do  for j, tgEntry in pairs(gaugeDataAll) do  if nil and tostring(id) == '53.975' and tostring(id) == tgEntry.id then  fracAlias = anchor(tgEntry, 'imp', 'there')  fracAlias = mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.gsub(fracAlias, '[%s%,%#]', ''))  table.insert(rowIMP, fracAlias .. '||' .. i .. '||' .. id ..  '||' .. modTrackGauge.formatImp(tgEntry) .. ' || plus ' .. tgEntry.num)  end  if tostring(id) == tgEntry.id and tgEntry.def1 == 'imp' and tgEntry.num ~= nil then  if tgEntry.ft ~= nil then  ttlHitCount = ttlHitCount + 1  fracAlias = anchor(tgEntry, 'imp', 'there')  fracAlias = mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.gsub(fracAlias, '[%s%,%#]', ''))  fracAlias = mw.ustring.gsub(fracAlias, '⁄', '/')   table.insert(rowIMP, fracAlias .. '||' .. i .. '||' .. id ..  '||' .. modTrackGauge.formatImp(tgEntry))   fracAlias = tostring((tonumber((tgEntry.ft) or 0) * 12) + tonumber(tgEntry["in"] or 0)) .. tgEntry.num .. '/' .. tgEntry.den .. 'in'  table.insert(rowIMP, fracAlias .. '||' .. i .. '||' .. id ..  '||' .. modTrackGauge.formatImp(tgEntry))  end  end  end  end  -- return '\n|' .. ttlHitCount .. ' hits. ' .. #rowIMP   return '\n\n|-\n\n|' .. table.concat(rowIMP, '\n\n|-\n\n|')  end  return p 

มอด, track, gauge, autodocument, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, this, module, do. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulni This module documents the track gauges as defined in module Track gauge data General note id is the size id in mm With this id definitions can vary mm ft in name Alias the normalised input value is the primary search term local p local getArgs require Module Arguments getArgs local modMath require Module Math local modTrackGauge require Module Track gauge sandbox here local dataPageName Module Track gauge data sandbox here local gaugeDataAll nil local tableTools require Module tableTools global counters to keep between the id row building calls local ttlSizeClassCount local ttlAliasCount 0 local ttlEntries 0 local ttlUnitCount local ttlAltNameCount 0 local ttlAltName local ttlLinkCount 0 local ttlContentCatsCount 0 local ttlMentioningCatsCount 0 local ttlMentioningPageCount 0 local ttlListedRange prepareArgs Arguments coming from an invoke or from a module local function prepareArgs frame local origArgs getArgs frame Trim whitespace make lower case and remove blank arguments for all arguments searchAlias is the cleaned value of 1 1 is kept as rawInput for error message local args args searchAlias args rawInput origArgs 1 or for k v in pairs origArgs do if tonumber k nil then Named argument if k docsortlabel then not in TG args k v else args k mw ustring lower v end else Unnamed argument alias to be searched args k modTrackGauge normaliseAliasInput v if k 1 then args searchAlias args 1 end end end return args end formatUnitPlaintext Pattern 00016 5 mm for table sort and catsort local function formatUnitPlaintext tgEntry unit fmtZeroPadding toFracChar Returns plaintext ASCII only No css if tgEntry nil then return end if unit or tgEntry def imp then imperial local ft local inch local frac if tgEntry ft then ft tgEntry ft ft end if tgEntry num then frac tgEntry num tgEntry den if toFracChar then as used in contentCat pagenames if frac 1 8 then frac elseif frac 1 4 then frac elseif frac 3 8 then frac elseif frac 1 2 then frac elseif frac 3 4 then frac elseif frac 7 8 then frac else frac frac error fraction character missing in module Track gauge end end if tgEntry in then frac tgEntry in frac in else frac frac in end else if tgEntry in then inch tgEntry in in end end return mw text trim ft inch frac else metric mm if fmtZeroPadding nil or tonumber fmtZeroPadding lt 0 then return tgEntry id mm else return string rep 0 fmtZeroPadding math floor math log10 tonumber tgEntry id 1 tgEntry id mm end end end document data sort value local function documentdatasortvalue tgEntry local s formatUnitPlaintext tgEntry met 5 return tostring mw html create tag span attr data sort value s end catSortFromTitle Currently finds 600 mm when at end of title then returns 0600 mm for catSort Blank when not found Used for cat mentions category page function p catSortFromTitle local title mw title getCurrentTitle local catSort string match title text s d d smm or if catSort then catSort string rep 0 4 math floor math log10 tonumber catSort 1 catSort mm end if catSort then return else return catSort end end documentGaugeClass local function documentGaugeClass tgEntry countMentionings local size tonumber tgEntry id or 0 local j if size gt 1435 then j 5 elseif size 1435 then j 4 elseif size gt 500 then j 3 elseif size gt 100 then j 2 elseif size gt 0 then j 1 else j 6 end ttlSizeClassCount j 2 ttlSizeClassCount j 2 1 ttlSizeClassCount j 4 ttlSizeClassCount j 4 countMentionings or 0 return lt span data sort value j gt ttlSizeClassCount j 1 lt span gt 20190920 linter closing span added end anchor Anchor text here is lt span id 1000 mm gt anchor there should be 1000 mm local function anchor tgEntry unit herethere if tgEntry nil then return end unit unit or tgEntry def1 local anch formatUnitPlaintext tgEntry unit 0 if herethere there then Untested April 2014 anch anch else anch mw html create tag span attr id anch end return tostring anch end noWrap Add span tags to prevent a string from wrapping local function noWrap s return mw ustring format lt span class nowrap gt s lt span gt s end frac A slimmed down version of the frac template a single nowrap to be added with the unit local function frac whole num den return mw ustring format lt span class frac gt s s lt sup gt s lt sup gt amp frasl lt sub gt s lt sub gt lt span gt whole or whole and lt span class visualhide gt amp nbsp lt span gt or num den end debugReturnArgs function p debugReturnArgs frame local args prepareArgs frame local retArgs for k a in pairs args do table insert retArgs k a end return Args table concat retArgs end checkData Public Performs various checks on the data subpage not maintained since ca 2015 function p checkData frame To be allowed entry link empty then use entry name local dataPage frame and frame args and frame args 1 or dataPageName local data mw loadData dataPage local exists dupes dupeSort ret Check for duplicate aliases for ti t in ipairs data do for ai alias in ipairs t aliases or do if not exists alias then exists alias ti ai else if not dupes alias then dupes alias exists alias end table insert dupes alias ti ai end end end for alias in pairs dupes do table insert dupeSort alias end table sort dupeSort for i1 alias in ipairs dupeSort do local positions for i2 aliasKeys in ipairs dupes alias do local position mw ustring format gauge d alias d gauge id lt code gt s lt code gt aliasKeys 1 aliasKeys 2 data aliasKeys 1 id or table insert positions position end local aliasText mw ustring format Duplicate aliases s detected at the following positions s alias mw text listToText positions table insert ret aliasText end Check for numerators without denominators for ti t in ipairs data do local num t num local den t den if num and not den then table insert ret mw ustring format Numerator s with no denominator detected at gauge d id lt code gt s lt code gt num ti t id or elseif den and not num then table insert ret mw ustring format Denominator s with no numerator detected at gauge d id lt code gt s lt code gt den ti t id or end end Check for gauges with no imperial or no metric measurements for ti t in ipairs data do if not t ft or t in or t num or t den then table insert ret mw ustring format No imperial measurements found for gauge d id lt code gt s lt code gt ti t id or end if not t m or t mm then table insert ret mw ustring format No metric measurements found for gauge d id lt code gt s lt code gt ti t id or end end Check for non numeric measurements local measurements ft in num den m mm for ti t in ipairs data do for mi measurement in ipairs measurements do local measurementVal t measurement if measurementVal and not tonumber measurementVal then table insert ret mw ustring format Non numeric lt code gt s lt code gt measurement s found for gauge d id lt code gt s lt code gt measurement measurementVal ti t id or end end end Check for gauges with no id for ti t in ipairs data do if not t id then local aliases for i alias in ipairs t aliases do table insert aliases mw ustring format lt code gt s lt code gt alias end aliases mw ustring format aliases s mw text listToText aliases table insert ret mw ustring format No id found for track gauge d s ti aliases or end end Check for gauges with no aliases for ti t in ipairs data do if type t aliases table then table insert ret mw ustring format No aliases found for gauge d id lt code gt s lt code gt ti t id or else local isAlias false for ai alias in ipairs t aliases do isAlias true break end if not isAlias then table insert ret mw ustring format No aliases found for gauge d id lt code gt s lt code gt ti t id or end end end Check for named gauges with no links and gauges with links but no names 20140520 no link could be acceptable Code falls back to the unlinked name in test now if false then skipped 2014 05 25 for ti t in ipairs data do if t name and not t link then table insert ret mw ustring format No link found for the named gauge s at position d id lt code gt s lt code gt t name ti t id or elseif t link and not t name then table insert ret mw ustring format No name found for the gauge with link s at position d id lt code gt s lt code gt t link ti t id or end end end Check for invalid def1 values for ti t in ipairs data do local def t def1 if def imp and def met then table insert ret mw ustring format Invalid def1 value s found for gauge d id lt code gt s lt code gt def or ti t id or end end Check for unwanted whitespace for ti t in ipairs data do for tkey tval in pairs t do if tkey aliases and type tval table then for ai alias in ipairs tval do if mw ustring find alias s then table insert ret mw ustring format Unwanted whitespace detected in gauge d alias d s gauge id lt code gt s lt code gt ti ai alias t id or end end elseif tkey name or tkey link or tkey pagename or tkey contentcat then if tval mw text trim tval then table insert ret mw ustring format Unwanted whitespace detected in lt code gt s lt code gt field of gauge d s gauge id lt code gt s lt code gt tkey ti tval t id or end elseif mw ustring find tval s then table insert ret mw ustring format Unwanted whitespace detected in lt code gt s lt code gt field of gauge d s gauge id lt code gt s lt code gt tkey ti tval t id or end end end Added April 2014 alias should not double with another id imp and mm not ambiguous local self id local self def for ti t in ipairs data do self id t id self def t def1 for iC aliasCheck in ipairs t aliases do if tonumber aliasCheck nil then if self id aliasCheck then for iTwo tTwo in ipairs data do if aliasCheck tTwo id then table insert ret mw ustring format Input alias s s from lt code gt id s mm lt code gt ambiguous with gauge id lt code gt s mm lt code gt s aliasCheck self def self id tTwo id tTwo def1 end end end end end end Return any errors found for i msg in ipairs ret do ret i mw ustring format lt span class error gt s lt span gt msg end if ret gt 0 then return mw ustring format Found the following errors in s n s dataPage table concat ret n else return mw ustring format No errors found in s dataPage end end catContent content category for the gauge function p catContent frame catContent content category for this alias can be hardcoded in the data or build by size pattern local args prepareArgs frame local tgEntry modTrackGauge getTrackGaugeEntry args searchAlias if tgEntry nil then return args displaynotfound or No gauge entry found for args 1 or end local catTitle local label local catC local docsortlabel if args docsortlabel nil then docsortlabel args docsortlabel end if tgEntry contentcat then catC elseif tgEntry contentcat nil then catC Category tgEntry contentcat docsortlabel else no name given try default name local catCsuffix gauge railways if tgEntry def1 met then label formatUnitPlaintext tgEntry met catTitle mw title makeTitle 14 label catCsuffix if catTitle exists then catC catTitle fullText docsortlabel end elseif tgEntry def1 imp then label formatUnitPlaintext tgEntry imp nil true catTitle mw title makeTitle 14 label catCsuffix if catTitle exists then catC catTitle fullText docsortlabel end end end return catC end catMentions maintenance only function p catMentions frame local args prepareArgs frame local tgEntry modTrackGauge getTrackGaugeEntry args searchAlias if tgEntry nil then return args displaynotfound or No gauge entry found for args 1 or end local catM modTrackGauge catMentions tgEntry args docsortlabel show return catM end fromInputToId Used cleaned Alias as searchkey local function fromInputToId searchAlias gaugeDataAll mw loadData dataPageName for i tgEntry in ipairs gaugeDataAll do for j alias in ipairs tgEntry aliases do if alias searchAlias then return tgEntry id end end end Next search by id autodocument only not in main RG if tonumber searchAlias nil then for i tgEntry in ipairs gaugeDataAll do if tgEntry id searchAlias then return tgEntry id end end end end documentInchCount Number of inches in decimals local function documentInchCount tgEntry local inches 0 if tgEntry num nil then inches modMath round tonumber tgEntry num or 0 tgEntry den or 1 4 end inches tostring tonumber tgEntry ft or 0 12 tonumber tgEntry in or 0 inches return inches end documentInchToMm Not used lately local function documentInchToMm inchCount return tonumber inchCount or 0 25 4 end documentGaugeSizeFromTitle Currently finds 1620 mm when at end of title then returns 1620 Blank when not found function p documentGaugeSizeFromTitle local title mw title getCurrentTitle return string match title text s d d smm or end documentBuildTgList The table of id s to fill the table function documentBuildTgList args Build series from the list idFrom and idTo are numerical local tgList local idFrom 1 local idTo 1 for i v in ipairs args do if v all then idFrom math huge idTo math huge break end end if args docfrom nil then idFrom tonumber fromInputToId args docfrom or mw ustring gsub args docfrom mm idTo math huge end if args docto nil then idTo tonumber fromInputToId args docto or mw ustring gsub args docto mm end if idTo gt 0 then Some subset is requested from the whole data set if idFrom gt idTo then local dummy idFrom idFrom idTo idTo dummy end for i tgEntry in ipairs gaugeDataAll do if tonumber tgEntry id gt idFrom and tonumber tgEntry id lt idTo then table insert tgList tonumber tgEntry id end end tgList tableTools removeDuplicates tgList table sort tgList if tgList gt 1 then ttlListedRange 1 tgList 1 mm amp ndash tgList tgList mm end end Individual entries can be mentioned in args all unnamed numbered params Need a straight table to keep sequence right local id local argsAliasesIn tableTools compressSparseArray args for i argsAlias in ipairs argsAliasesIn do id fromInputToId argsAlias if id nil then table insert tgList i tonumber id table insert ttlListedRange i id mm end end ttlListedRange tableTools compressSparseArray ttlListedRange ttlListedRange tableTools removeDuplicates ttlListedRange tgList tableTools compressSparseArray tgList tgList tableTools removeDuplicates tgList return tgList end documentPostListStats build footer table after list only local function documentPostListStats countTgList Report data counters Data local retFoot table insert retFoot n Sources table insert retFoot Data pages dataPageName table insert retFoot Data table insert retFoot Listed table concat ttlListedRange countTgList rows table insert retFoot Entries defined gauges per unit ttlEntries table insert retFoot Gauges defined gauges per size countTgList for i stat in ipairs ttlUnitCount do table insert retFoot stat 2 stat 1 end table insert retFoot Aliases input options ttlAliasCount table insert retFoot Named definitions as output link ttlAltNameCount table concat ttlAltName table insert retFoot Entries with an article link ttlLinkCount TODO table insert retFoot Named gauges named input todo Categories content maintenance table insert retFoot Categories table insert retFoot Content categories ttlContentCatsCount table insert retFoot Article mentions track gauge categories ttlMentioningCatsCount table insert retFoot Articles listed in mentions categories ttlMentioningPageCount not unique Size classes narrow broad table insert retFoot Size classes for i stat in ipairs ttlSizeClassCount do if stat 2 0 then table insert retFoot stat 2 stat 3 stat 4 mentionings end end local anchor tostring mw html create tag span attr id Statistics help using colors Hue 190 blue local statTable anchor n class wikitable collapsible collapsed style background e6fbff font size 85 width 100 n n style background ceecf2 width 100 Track gauge data statistics n n table concat retFoot n n return statTable end documentHeader local function documentHeader numberOfEntries docTitle docState local docBgHeader cef2e0 Green See template documentation Header row 1 title local pagetitle mw title getCurrentTitle urlPurgePage https en wikipedia org w index php title pagetitle nsText pagetitle partialUrl amp action purge urlPurgePage lt span class plainlinks purgelink nourlexpansion title Purge this page update countings gt urlPurgePage purge lt span gt if docTitle then docTitle Track gauges dataPageName optional sandbox here end docTitle docTitle urlPurgePage if docState then docState uncollapsed end Header row 2 sort buttons blank cells local sortColHeaders local sortClass if numberOfEntries or 0 gt 1 then sortClass sortable local sortCell style background docBgHeader todo 10 cols with bg color sortColHeaders n style background docBgHeader line height 90 n amp nbsp end Header row 3 column headers local catMparent modTrackGauge catMentions nil Mentionings show 10 columns local tableStyle style text align right width 100 font size 85 local retHdr table insert retHdr n class wikitable collapsible docState sortClass tableStyle table insert retHdr table insert retHdr colspan 10 style background docBgHeader docTitle table insert retHdr table insert retHdr style background docBgHeader Gauge lt br gt mm table insert retHdr style background docBgHeader Gauge lt br gt ft amp nbsp in table insert retHdr style background docBgHeader Alt lt br gt name table insert retHdr style background docBgHeader Gauge lt br gt inch table insert retHdr style background docBgHeader Def lt br gt unit table insert retHdr style background docBgHeader width 8em Aliases lt br gt input amp nbsp options table insert retHdr style background docBgHeader Class lt br gt amp nbsp table insert retHdr style background docBgHeader min width 5em Source lt br gt article table insert retHdr style background docBgHeader Category Track gauges by size Category lt br gt content table insert retHdr style background docBgHeader catMparent lt br gt maintenance return table concat retHdr n sortColHeaders end documentFooter local function documentFooter return n end documentFromIdToEntrySet from fromIdToEntrySet From one id make the set with all one two three more entries met inp variants local function documentFromIdToEntrySet id searchedAlias local docBgColor e6fff2 Green See header bg color local rowSplit lt div style border top 1px solid ccc height 1px gt lt div gt From the size id build the set of existing entries met imp and variants local entry local defType 0 data for i tgEntry in ipairs gaugeDataAll do if id tgEntry id then if tgEntry def1 met and entry 1 nil then entry 1 tgEntry defType defType 1 elseif tgEntry def1 imp and entry 2 nil then entry 2 tgEntry defType defType 2 else entry 3 tableTools size entry tgEntry end end end entry tableTools compressSparseArray entry Entry set is now complete amp clean Result the entry table with entries present in data in sequence if present 1 met 2 imp any extra to build into a single row maybe with split cells Build cell elements then string row together local inchCount documentInchCount entry 1 local datasortvalue documentdatasortvalue entry 1 met 5 local aliasList local tempEntryAltName local entryAltName local hasAltName false for i e in ipairs entry do local alis for j v in ipairs e aliases do if tonumber v nil then plain numbers are not shown table insert alis tostring v end end for j v in ipairs alis do if string match v d nil then textual so to italic alis j tostring mw html create tag span wikitext v css font style italic end end table insert aliasList table concat alis ttlAliasCount ttlAliasCount alis process Alt name links if e name or then tempEntryAltName i tostring mw html create tag span wikitext e link css font weight bold table insert ttlAltName e id e link ttlAltNameCount ttlAltNameCount 1 hasAltName true end end if hasAltName then local text for i v in ipairs entry do table insert entryAltName i tempEntryAltName i or amp nbsp end end local def Definition unit code met or imp local defText for i v in ipairs entry do table insert def v def1 if v def1 imp then table insert defText imp ttlUnitCount 2 1 ttlUnitCount 2 1 1 elseif v def1 met then table insert defText met ttlUnitCount 1 1 ttlUnitCount 1 1 1 end end if entry gt 2 then if entry 2 and entry 1 def1 entry 2 def1 then Regular pair def in met and in imp ttlUnitCount 3 1 ttlUnitCount 3 1 1 else More than 2 or a double unit definition ttlUnitCount 4 1 ttlUnitCount 4 1 id amp nbsp mm entry end end mm ft in Measurement number amp unit met and imp anchor to here local measure local unitanchor measure 1 modTrackGauge formatMet entry 1 measure 2 modTrackGauge formatImp entry 1 both met and imp from entry 1 if modMath mod defType 2 1 then measure 1 tostring mw html create tag span wikitext measure 1 css font weight bold unitanchor 1 anchor entry 1 met end if defType gt 2 then measure 2 tostring mw html create tag span wikitext measure 2 css font weight bold unitanchor 2 anchor entry 1 imp end Linked article local linkArticle for i e in ipairs entry do table insert linkArticle e pagename end ttlLinkCount ttlLinkCount linkArticle local eq if linkArticle gt 2 then eq true for i v in ipairs linkArticle do if v linkArticle 1 then eq false break end end if eq true then for i v in ipairs linkArticle do if i gt 1 then linkArticle i nil end end end end for i lp in ipairs linkArticle do local fmtLp fmtLp lp linkArticle i tostring mw html create tag span css text align left wikitext fmtLp end catContent content category for this alias note function p catContent is a reduced code of this can be hardcoded in the data or build by size pattern local catContent local catTitle local label local skipCheck false for i e in ipairs entry do if e contentcat then no cat option to prevent expensive calls skipCheck true elseif e contentcat nil then label string match e contentcat S or nomatch table insert catContent Category e contentcat cat label amp nbsp end end if catContent gt 2 then eq true for i v in ipairs catContent do if v catContent 1 then eq false break end end if eq true then for i v in ipairs catContent do if i gt 1 then catContent i nil end end end end if catContent 0 and not skipCheck then local catCsuffix gauge railways if modMath mod defType 2 1 then label formatUnitPlaintext entry 1 met catTitle mw title makeTitle 14 label catCsuffix if catTitle exists then table insert catContent catTitle fullText cat noWrap label end end if defType gt 2 then label formatUnitPlaintext entry 1 imp nil true catTitle mw title makeTitle 14 label catCsuffix if catTitle exists then table insert catContent catTitle fullText cat noWrap label end end end ttlContentCatsCount ttlContentCatsCount catContent Mentions category local catMentions modTrackGauge catMentions entry 1 cat mnt show local catCount mw site stats pagesInCategory modTrackGauge catMentions entry 1 nil pagename pages ttlMentioningCatsCount ttlMentioningCatsCount 1 Exists ttlMentioningPageCount ttlMentioningPageCount catCount class Counter SizeClass narrow broad local rgSizeClass documentGaugeClass entry 1 catCount ttlEntries ttlEntries entry sortCount mw text truncate 00000 tostring catCount 5 sortCount lt span data sort value sortCount gt catCount sortCount catCount amp nbsp P lt span gt 20190920 linter closing span added Compose the size id row with all cell values 10 columns local row table insert row datasortvalue unitanchor 1 measure 1 table insert row datasortvalue unitanchor 2 measure 2 table insert row table concat entryAltName rowSplit table insert row datasortvalue inchCount table insert row table concat defText rowSplit table insert row table concat aliasList rowSplit table insert row rgSizeClass table insert row table concat linkArticle rowSplit table insert row table concat catContent rowSplit table insert row catCount amp nbsp catMentions return n style background docBgColor border top 2px solid aaa n table concat row end documentGauge Selfdocument gauge data one multiple range all function p documentGauge frame local args prepareArgs frame gaugeDataAll mw loadData dataPageName Init glolbal counters by table ttlUnitCount 1 0 Entries defined metric 2 0 Entries defined imperial 3 0 Gauge sizes defined both metric and imperial 4 Gauge sizes with multiple entries in one unit ttlSizeClassCount 1 scaled 0 scaled or model gauges 0 2 min 0 minimum gauges 0 3 narrow 0 narrow gauges 0 4 s g 0 standard gauge 0 5 broad 0 broad gauges 0 6 unk 0 unknown 0 local tgList documentBuildTgList args Now loop through the prepared tgList id and add rows to result le One row contains all available entries for the id met imp a third variant local rowTGid for i numId in ipairs tgList do table insert rowTGid documentFromIdToEntrySet tostring numId end Return args local retArgs if args docreturnargs on then retArgs n p debugReturnArgs frame end Build statistics footer local retStats if args docstats on then retStats documentPostListStats tgList end Build up return documentHeader tgList args doctitle or args docstate or table concat rowTGid table concat documentFooter retStats retArgs end doc function p docFracAliases frame local args prepareArgs frame gaugeDataAll mw loadData dataPageName local tgList documentBuildTgList args local ttlHitCount 0 local rowIMP local fracAlias for i id in ipairs tgList do for j tgEntry in pairs gaugeDataAll do if nil and tostring id 53 975 and tostring id tgEntry id then fracAlias anchor tgEntry imp there fracAlias mw ustring lower mw ustring gsub fracAlias s table insert rowIMP fracAlias i id modTrackGauge formatImp tgEntry plus tgEntry num end if tostring id tgEntry id and tgEntry def1 imp and tgEntry num nil then if tgEntry ft nil then ttlHitCount ttlHitCount 1 fracAlias anchor tgEntry imp there fracAlias mw ustring lower mw ustring gsub fracAlias s fracAlias mw ustring gsub fracAlias table insert rowIMP fracAlias i id modTrackGauge formatImp tgEntry fracAlias tostring tonumber tgEntry ft or 0 12 tonumber tgEntry in or 0 tgEntry num tgEntry den in table insert rowIMP fracAlias i id modTrackGauge formatImp tgEntry end end end end return n ttlHitCount hits rowIMP return n n n n table concat rowIMP n n n n end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Track gauge autodocument amp oldid 9080545, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม