
มอดูล:Article history

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Article history -- -- This module allows editors to link to all the significant events in an -- article's history, such as good article nominations and featured article -- nominations. It also displays its current status, as well as other -- information, such as the date it was featured on the main page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local CONFIG_PAGE = 'มอดูล:Article history/config' local WRAPPER_TEMPLATE = 'แม่แบบ:Article history' local DEBUG_MODE = false -- If true, errors are not caught.  -- Load required modules. require('มอดูล:No globals') local Category = require('มอดูล:Article history/Category') local yesno = require('มอดูล:Yesno') local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local function isPositiveInteger(num)  return type(num) == 'number'  and math.floor(num) == num  and num > 0  and num < math.huge end  local function substituteParams(msg, ...)  return mw.message.newRawMessage(msg, ...):plain() end  local function makeUrlLink(url, display)  return string.format('[%s %s]', url, display) end  local function maybeCallFunc(val, ...)  -- Checks whether val is a function, and if so calls it with the specified  -- arguments. Otherwise val is returned as-is.  if type(val) == 'function' then  return val(...)  else  return val  end end  local function renderImage(image, caption, size)  if caption then  caption = '|' .. caption  else  caption = ''  end  return string.format('[[File:%s|%s%s]]', image, size, caption) end  local function addMixin(class, mixin)  -- Add a mixin to a class. The functions will be shared across classes, so  -- don't use it for functions that keep state.  for name, method in pairs(mixin) do  class[name] = method  end end  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Message mixin -- This mixin is used by all classes to add message-related methods. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local Message = {}  function Message:message(key, ...)  -- This fetches the message from the config with the specified key, and  -- substitutes parameters $1, $2 etc. with the subsequent values it is  -- passed.  local msg = self.cfg.msg[key]  if select('#', ...) > 0 then  return substituteParams(msg, ...)  else  return msg  end end  function Message:raiseError(msg, help)  -- Raises an error with the specified message and help link. Execution  -- stops unless the error is caught. This is used for errors where  -- subsequent processing becomes impossible.  local errorText  if help then  errorText = self:message('error-message-help', msg, help)  else  errorText = self:message('error-message-nohelp', msg)  end  error(errorText, 0) end  function Message:addWarning(msg, help)  -- Adds a warning to the object's warnings table. Execution continues as  -- normal. This is used for errors that should be fixed but that do not  -- prevent the module from outputting something useful.  self.warnings = self.warnings or {}  local warningText  if help then  warningText = self:message('warning-help', msg, help)  else  warningText = self:message('warning-nohelp', msg)  end  table.insert(self.warnings, warningText) end  function Message:getWarnings()  return self.warnings or {} end  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Row class -- This class represents one row in the template. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local Row = {} Row.__index = Row addMixin(Row, Message)  function Row.new(data)  local obj = setmetatable({}, Row)  obj.cfg = data.cfg  obj.currentTitle = data.currentTitle  obj.isSmall = data.isSmall  obj.makeData = data.makeData -- used by Row:getData  return obj end  function Row:_cachedTry(cacheKey, errorCacheKey, func)  -- This method is for use in Row object methods that are called more than  -- once. The results of such methods should be cached to avoid unnecessary  -- processing. We also cache any errors found and abort if an error was  -- raised previously, otherwise error messages could be displayed multiple  -- times.  --  -- We use false as a key to cache nil results, so func cannot return false.  --  -- @param cacheKey The key to cache successful results with  -- @param errorCacheKey The key to cache errors with  -- @param func an anonymous function that returns the method result  if self[errorCacheKey] then  return nil  end  local ret = self[cacheKey]  if ret then  return ret  elseif ret == false then  return nil  end  local success  if DEBUG_MODE then  success = true  ret = func()  else  success, ret = pcall(func)  end  if success then  if ret then  self[cacheKey] = ret  return ret  else  self[cacheKey] = false  return nil  end  else  self[errorCacheKey] = true  -- We have already formatted the error message, so no need to format it  -- again.  error(ret, 0)  end end  function Row:getData(articleHistoryObj)  return self:_cachedTry('_dataCache', '_isDataError', function ()  return self.makeData(articleHistoryObj)  end) end  function Row:setIconValues(icon, caption, size, smallSize)  self.icon = icon  self.iconCaption = caption  self.iconSize = size  self.iconSmallSize = smallSize end  function Row:getIcon(articleHistoryObj)  return maybeCallFunc(self.icon, articleHistoryObj, self) end  function Row:getIconCaption(articleHistoryObj)  return maybeCallFunc(self.iconCaption, articleHistoryObj, self) end  function Row:getIconSize()  if self.isSmall then  return self.iconSmallSize or self.cfg.defaultSmallIconSize or '15px'  else  return self.iconSize or self.cfg.defaultIconSize or '30px'  end end  function Row:renderIcon(articleHistoryObj)  local icon = self:getIcon(articleHistoryObj)  if not icon then  return nil  end  return renderImage(  icon,  self:getIconCaption(articleHistoryObj),  self:getIconSize()  ) end  function Row:setNoticeBarIconValues(icon, caption, size)  self.noticeBarIcon = icon  self.noticeBarIconCaption = caption  self.noticeBarIconSize = size end  function Row:getNoticeBarIcon(articleHistoryObj)  local icon = maybeCallFunc(self.noticeBarIcon, articleHistoryObj, self)  if icon == true then  icon = self:getIcon(articleHistoryObj)  if not icon then  self:raiseError(  self:message('row-error-missing-icon'),  self:message('row-error-missing-icon-help')  )  end  end  return icon end  function Row:getNoticeBarIconCaption(articleHistoryObj)  local caption = maybeCallFunc(  self.noticeBarIconCaption,  articleHistoryObj,  self  )  if not caption then  caption = self:getIconCaption(articleHistoryObj)  end  return caption end  function Row:getNoticeBarIconSize()  return self.noticeBarIconSize or self.cfg.defaultNoticeBarIconSize or '15px' end  function Row:exportNoticeBarIcon(articleHistoryObj)  local icon = self:getNoticeBarIcon(articleHistoryObj)  if not icon then  return nil  end  return renderImage(  icon,  self:getNoticeBarIconCaption(articleHistoryObj),  self:getNoticeBarIconSize()  ) end  function Row:setText(text)  self.text = text end  function Row:getText(articleHistoryObj)  return maybeCallFunc(self.text, articleHistoryObj, self) end  function Row:exportHtml(articleHistoryObj)  if self._html then  return self._html  end  local text = self:getText(articleHistoryObj)  if not text then  return nil  end  local html = mw.html.create('tr')  html  :tag('td')  :addClass('mbox-image')  :wikitext(self:renderIcon(articleHistoryObj))  :done()  :tag('td')  :addClass('mbox-text')  :wikitext(text)  self._html = html  return html end  function Row:setCategories(val)  -- Set the categories from the object's config. val can be either an array  -- of strings or a function returning an array of category objects.  self.categories = val end  function Row:getCategories(articleHistoryObj)  local ret = {}  if type(self.categories) == 'table' then  for _, cat in ipairs(self.categories) do  ret[#ret + 1] = Category.new(cat)  end  elseif type(self.categories) == 'function' then  local t = self.categories(articleHistoryObj, self) or {}  for _, categoryObj in ipairs(t) do  ret[#ret + 1] = categoryObj  end  end  return ret end  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Status class -- Status objects deal with possible current statuses of the article. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local Status = setmetatable({}, Row) Status.__index = Status  function Status.new(data)  local obj = Row.new(data)  setmetatable(obj, Status)   obj.id = data.id  obj.statusCfg = obj.cfg.statuses[obj.id]  obj.name = obj.statusCfg.name  obj:setIconValues(  obj.statusCfg.icon,  obj.statusCfg.iconCaption or obj.name,  data.iconSize  )  obj:setNoticeBarIconValues(  obj.statusCfg.noticeBarIcon,  obj.statusCfg.noticeBarIconCaption or obj.name,  obj.statusCfg.noticeBarIconSize  )  obj:setText(obj.statusCfg.text)  obj:setCategories(obj.statusCfg.categories)   return obj end  function Status:getIconSize()  if self.isSmall then  return self.statusCfg.smallIconSize  or self.cfg.defaultSmallStatusIconSize  or '30px'  else  return self.iconSize  or self.statusCfg.iconSize  or self.cfg.defaultStatusIconSize  or '50px'  end end  function Status:getText(articleHistoryObj)  local text = Row.getText(self, articleHistoryObj)  if text then  return substituteParams(  text,  self.currentTitle.subjectPageTitle.prefixedText,  self.currentTitle.text  )  end end  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MultiStatus class -- For when an article can have multiple distinct statuses, e.g. former -- featured article status and good article status. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local MultiStatus = setmetatable({}, Row) MultiStatus.__index = MultiStatus  function MultiStatus.new(data)  local obj = Row.new(data)  setmetatable(obj, MultiStatus)   obj.id = data.id  obj.statusCfg = obj.cfg.statuses[data.id]  obj.name = obj.statusCfg.name   -- Set child status objects  local function getChildStatusData(data, id, iconSize)  local ret = {}  for k, v in pairs(data) do  ret[k] = v  end  ret.id = id  ret.iconSize = iconSize  return ret  end  obj.statuses = {}  local defaultIconSize = obj.cfg.defaultSmallStatusIconSize or '30px'  for i, id in ipairs(obj.statusCfg.statuses) do  table.insert(obj.statuses, Status.new(getChildStatusData(  data,  id,  obj.cfg.statuses[id].iconMultiSize or defaultIconSize  )))  end   return obj end  function MultiStatus:exportHtml(articleHistoryObj)  local ret = mw.html.create()  for i, obj in ipairs(self.statuses) do  ret:node(obj:exportHtml(articleHistoryObj))  end  return ret end  function MultiStatus:getCategories(articleHistoryObj)  local ret = {}  for i, obj in ipairs(self.statuses) do  for j, categoryObj in ipairs(obj:getCategories(articleHistoryObj)) do  ret[#ret + 1] = categoryObj  end  end  return ret end  function MultiStatus:exportNoticeBarIcon()  local ret = {}  for i, obj in ipairs(self.statuses) do  ret[#ret + 1] = obj:exportNoticeBarIcon()  end  return table.concat(ret) end  function MultiStatus:getWarnings()  local ret = {}  for i, obj in ipairs(self.statuses) do  for j, msg in ipairs(obj:getWarnings()) do  ret[#ret + 1] = msg  end  end  return ret end  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notice class -- Notice objects contain notices about an article that aren't part of its -- current status, e.g. the date an article was featured on the main page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local Notice = setmetatable({}, Row) Notice.__index = Notice  function Notice.new(data)  local obj = Row.new(data)  setmetatable(obj, Notice)   obj:setIconValues(  data.icon,  data.iconCaption,  data.iconSize,  data.iconSmallSize  )  obj:setNoticeBarIconValues(  data.noticeBarIcon,  data.noticeBarIconCaption,  data.noticeBarIconSize  )  obj:setText(data.text)  obj:setCategories(data.categories)   return obj end  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Action class -- Action objects deal with a single action in the history of the article. We -- use getter methods rather than properties for the name and result, etc., as -- their processing needs to be delayed until after the status object has been -- initialised. The status object needs to parse the action objects when it is -- initialised, and the value of some names, etc., in the action objects depend -- on the status object, so this is necessary to avoid errors/infinite loops. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local Action = setmetatable({}, Row) Action.__index = Action  function Action.new(data)  local obj = Row.new(data)  setmetatable(obj, Action)   obj.paramNum = data.paramNum   -- Set the ID  do  if not data.code then  obj:raiseError(  obj:message('action-error-no-code', obj:getParameter('code')),  obj:message('action-error-no-code-help')  )  end  local code = mw.ustring.upper(data.code)  obj.id = obj.cfg.actions[code] and obj.cfg.actions[code].id  if not obj.id then  obj:raiseError(  obj:message(  'action-error-invalid-code',  data.code,  obj:getParameter('code')  ),  obj:message('action-error-invalid-code-help')  )  end  end   -- Add a shortcut for this action's config.  obj.actionCfg = obj.cfg.actions[obj.id]   -- Set the link  obj.link = data.link or obj.currentTitle.talkPageTitle.prefixedText   -- Set the result ID  do  local resultCode = data.resultCode  and mw.ustring.lower(data.resultCode)  or '_BLANK'  if obj.actionCfg.results[resultCode] then  obj.resultId = obj.actionCfg.results[resultCode].id  elseif resultCode == '_BLANK' then  obj:raiseError(  obj:message(  'action-error-blank-result',  obj.id,  obj:getParameter('resultCode')  ),  obj:message('action-error-blank-result-help')  )  else  obj:raiseError(  obj:message(  'action-error-invalid-result',  data.resultCode,  obj.id,  obj:getParameter('resultCode')  ),  obj:message('action-error-invalid-result-help')  )  end  end   -- Set the date  if data.date then  local success, date = pcall(  lang.formatDate,  lang,  obj:message('action-date-format'),  data.date  )  if success and date then  obj.date = date  else  obj:addWarning(  obj:message(  'action-warning-invalid-date',  data.date,  obj:getParameter('date')  ),  obj:message('action-warning-invalid-date-help')  )  end  else  obj:addWarning(  obj:message(  'action-warning-no-date',  obj.paramNum,  obj:getParameter('date'),  obj:getParameter('code')  ),  obj:message('action-warning-no-date-help')  )  end  obj.date = obj.date or obj:message('action-date-missing')   -- Set the oldid  obj.oldid = tonumber(data.oldid)  if data.oldid and (not obj.oldid or not isPositiveInteger(obj.oldid)) then  obj.oldid = nil  obj:addWarning(  obj:message(  'action-warning-invalid-oldid',  data.oldid,  obj:getParameter('oldid')  ),  obj:message('action-warning-invalid-oldid-help')  )  end   -- Set the notice bar icon values  obj:setNoticeBarIconValues(  data.noticeBarIcon,  data.noticeBarIconCaption,  data.noticeBarIconSize  )   -- Set the categories  obj:setCategories(obj.actionCfg.categories)   return obj end  function Action:getParameter(key)  -- Finds the original parameter name for the given key that was passed to  -- Action.new.  local prefix = self.cfg.actionParamPrefix  local suffix  for k, v in pairs(self.cfg.actionParamSuffixes) do  if v == key then  suffix = k  break  end  end  if not suffix then  error('invalid key "' .. tostring(key) .. '" passed to Action:getParameter', 2)  end  return prefix .. tostring(self.paramNum) .. suffix end  function Action:getName(articleHistoryObj)  return maybeCallFunc(self.actionCfg.name, articleHistoryObj, self) end  function Action:getResult(articleHistoryObj)  return maybeCallFunc(  self.actionCfg.results[self.resultId].text,  articleHistoryObj,  self  ) end  function Action:exportHtml(articleHistoryObj)  if self._html then  return self._html  end   local row = mw.html.create('tr')   -- Date cell  local dateCell = row:tag('td')  if self.oldid then  dateCell  :tag('span')  :addClass('plainlinks')  :wikitext(makeUrlLink(  self.currentTitle.subjectPageTitle:fullUrl{oldid = self.oldid},  self.date  ))  else  dateCell:wikitext(self.date)  end   -- Process cell  row  :tag('td')  :wikitext(string.format(  "'''[[%s|%s]]'''",  self.link,  self:getName(articleHistoryObj)  ))   -- Result cell  row  :tag('td')  :wikitext(self:getResult(articleHistoryObj))   self._html = row  return row end  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CollapsibleNotice class -- This class makes notices that go in the collapsible part of the template, -- underneath the list of actions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local CollapsibleNotice = setmetatable({}, Row) CollapsibleNotice.__index = CollapsibleNotice  function CollapsibleNotice.new(data)  local obj = Row.new(data)  setmetatable(obj, CollapsibleNotice)   obj:setIconValues(  data.icon,  data.iconCaption,  data.iconSize,  data.iconSmallSize  )  obj:setNoticeBarIconValues(  data.noticeBarIcon,  data.noticeBarIconCaption,  data.noticeBarIconSize  )  obj:setText(data.text)  obj:setCollapsibleText(data.collapsibleText)  obj:setCategories(data.categories)   return obj end  function CollapsibleNotice:setCollapsibleText(s)  self.collapsibleText = s end  function CollapsibleNotice:getCollapsibleText(articleHistoryObj)  return maybeCallFunc(self.collapsibleText, articleHistoryObj, self) end  function CollapsibleNotice:getIconSize()  if self.isSmall then  return self.iconSmallSize  or self.cfg.defaultSmallCollapsibleNoticeIconSize  or '15px'  else  return self.iconSize  or self.cfg.defaultCollapsibleNoticeIconSize  or '20px'  end end  function CollapsibleNotice:exportHtml(articleHistoryObj, isInCollapsibleTable)  local cacheKey = isInCollapsibleTable  and '_htmlCacheCollapsible'  or '_htmlCacheDefault'  return self:_cachedTry(cacheKey, '_isHtmlError', function ()  local text = self:getText(articleHistoryObj)  if not text then  return nil  end   local function maybeMakeCollapsibleTable(cell, text, collapsibleText)  -- If collapsible text is specified, makes a collapsible table  -- inside the cell with two rows, a header row with one cell and a  -- collapsed row with one cell. These are filled with text and  -- collapsedText, respectively. If no collapsible text is  -- specified, the text is added to the cell as-is.  if collapsibleText then  cell  :tag('div')  :addClass('mw-collapsible mw-collapsed')  :tag('div')  :wikitext(text)  :done()  :tag('div')  :addClass('mw-collapsible-content')  :css('border', '1px silver solid')  :wikitext(collapsibleText)  else  cell:wikitext(text)  end  end   local html = mw.html.create('tr')  local icon = self:renderIcon(articleHistoryObj)  local collapsibleText = self:getCollapsibleText(articleHistoryObj)  if isInCollapsibleTable then  local textCell = html:tag('td')  :attr('colspan', 3)  :css('width', '100%')  local rowText  if icon then  rowText = icon .. ' ' .. text  else  rowText = text  end  maybeMakeCollapsibleTable(textCell, rowText, collapsibleText)  else  local textCell = html  :tag('td')  :addClass('mbox-image')  :wikitext(icon)  :done()  :tag('td')  :addClass('mbox-text')  maybeMakeCollapsibleTable(textCell, text, collapsibleText)  end   return html  end) end  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ArticleHistory class -- This class represents the whole template. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local ArticleHistory = {} ArticleHistory.__index = ArticleHistory addMixin(ArticleHistory, Message)  function ArticleHistory.new(args, cfg, currentTitle)  local obj = setmetatable({}, ArticleHistory)   -- Set input  obj.args = args or {}  obj.currentTitle = currentTitle or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()   -- Set isSmall  obj.isSmall = yesno(obj.args.small) or false   -- Define object structure.  obj._errors = {}  obj._allObjectsCache = {}   -- Format the config  local function substituteAliases(t, ret)  -- This function substitutes strings found in an "aliases" subtable  -- as keys in the parent table. It works recursively, so "aliases"  -- subtables can be placed at any level. It assumes that tables will  -- not be nested recursively, which should be true in the case of our  -- config file.  ret = ret or {}  for k, v in pairs(t) do  if k ~= 'aliases' then  if type(v) == 'table' then  local newRet = {}  ret[k] = newRet  if v.aliases then  for _, alias in ipairs(v.aliases) do  ret[alias] = newRet  end  end  substituteAliases(v, newRet)  else  ret[k] = v  end  end  end  return ret  end  obj.cfg = substituteAliases(cfg or require(CONFIG_PAGE))   --[[  -- Get a table of the arguments sorted by prefix and number. Non-string  -- keys and keys that don't contain a number are ignored. (This means that  -- positional parameters are ignored, as they are numbers, not strings.)  -- The parameter numbers are stored in the first positional parameter of  -- the subtables, and any gaps are removed so that the tables can be  -- iterated over with ipairs.  --  -- For example, these arguments:  -- {a1x = 'eggs', a1y = 'spam', a2x = 'chips', b1z = 'beans', b3x = 'bacon'}  -- would translate into this prefixArgs table.  -- {  -- a = {  -- {1, x = 'eggs', y = 'spam'},  -- {2, x = 'chips'}  -- },  -- b = {  -- {1, z = 'beans'},  -- {3, x = 'bacon'}  -- }  -- }  --]]  do  local prefixArgs = {}  for k, v in pairs(obj.args) do  if type(k) == 'string' then  local prefix, num, suffix = k:match('^(.-)([1-9][0-9]*)(.*)$')  if prefix then  num = tonumber(num)  prefixArgs[prefix] = prefixArgs[prefix] or {}  prefixArgs[prefix][num] = prefixArgs[prefix][num] or {}  prefixArgs[prefix][num][suffix] = v  prefixArgs[prefix][num][1] = num  end  end  end  -- Remove the gaps  local prefixArrays = {}  for prefix, prefixTable in pairs(prefixArgs) do  prefixArrays[prefix] = {}  local numKeys = {}  for num in pairs(prefixTable) do  numKeys[#numKeys + 1] = num  end  table.sort(numKeys)  for _, num in ipairs(numKeys) do  table.insert(prefixArrays[prefix], prefixTable[num])  end  end  obj.prefixArgs = prefixArrays  end   return obj end  function ArticleHistory:try(func, ...)  if DEBUG_MODE then  local val = func(...)  return val  else  local success, val = pcall(func, ...)  if success then  return val  else  table.insert(self._errors, val)  return nil  end  end end  function ArticleHistory:getActionObjects()  -- Gets an array of action objects for the parameters specified by the  -- user. We memoise this so that the parameters only have to be processed  -- once.  if self.actions then  return self.actions  end   -- Get the action args, and exit if they don't exist.  local actionArgs = self.prefixArgs[self.cfg.actionParamPrefix]  if not actionArgs then  self.actions = {}  return self.actions  end   -- Make the objects.  local actions = {}  local suffixes = self.cfg.actionParamSuffixes  for i, t in ipairs(actionArgs) do  local objArgs = {}  for k, v in pairs(t) do  local newK = suffixes[k]  if newK then  objArgs[newK] = v  end  end  objArgs.paramNum = t[1]  objArgs.cfg = self.cfg  objArgs.currentTitle = self.currentTitle  local actionObj = self:try(Action.new, objArgs)  table.insert(actions, actionObj)  end  self.actions = actions  return actions end  function ArticleHistory:getStatusIdForCode(code)  -- Gets a status ID given a status code. If no code is specified, returns  -- nil, and if the code is invalid, raises an error.  if not code then  return nil  end  local statuses = self.cfg.statuses  local codeUpper = mw.ustring.upper(code)  if statuses[codeUpper] then  return statuses[codeUpper].id  else  self:addWarning(  self:message('articlehistory-warning-invalid-status', code),  self:message('articlehistory-warning-invalid-status-help')  )  return nil  end end  function ArticleHistory:getStatusObj()  -- Get the status object for the current status.  if self.statusObj == false then  return nil  elseif self.statusObj ~= nil then  return self.statusObj  end  local statusId  if self.cfg.getStatusIdFunction then  statusId = self:try(self.cfg.getStatusIdFunction, self)  else  statusId = self:try(  self.getStatusIdForCode, self,  self.args[self.cfg.currentStatusParam]  )  end  if not statusId then  self.statusObj = false  return nil  end   -- Check that some actions were specified, and if not add a warning.  local actions = self:getActionObjects()  if #actions < 1 then  self:addWarning(  self:message('articlehistory-warning-status-no-actions'),  self:message('articlehistory-warning-status-no-actions-help')  )  end   -- Make a new status object.  local statusObjData = {  id = statusId,  currentTitle = self.currentTitle,  cfg = self.cfg,  isSmall = self.isSmall  }  local isMulti = self.cfg.statuses[statusId].isMulti  local initFunc = isMulti and MultiStatus.new or Status.new  local statusObj = self:try(initFunc, statusObjData)  self.statusObj = statusObj or false  return self.statusObj or nil end  function ArticleHistory:getStatusId()  local statusObj = self:getStatusObj()  return statusObj and statusObj.id end  function ArticleHistory:_noticeFactory(memoizeKey, configKey, class)  -- This holds the logic for fetching tables of Notice and CollapsibleNotice  -- objects.  if self[memoizeKey] then  return self[memoizeKey]  end  local ret = {}  for i, t in ipairs(self.cfg[configKey] or {}) do  if t.isActive(self) then  local data = {}  for k, v in pairs(t) do  if k ~= 'isActive' then  data[k] = v  end  end  data.cfg = self.cfg  data.currentTitle = self.currentTitle  data.isSmall = self.isSmall  ret[#ret + 1] = class.new(data)  end  end  self[memoizeKey] = ret  return ret end  function ArticleHistory:getNoticeObjects()  return self:_noticeFactory('notices', 'notices', Notice) end  function ArticleHistory:getCollapsibleNoticeObjects()  return self:_noticeFactory(  'collapsibleNotices',  'collapsibleNotices',  CollapsibleNotice  ) end  function ArticleHistory:getAllObjects(addSelf)  local cacheKey = addSelf and 'addSelf' or 'default'  local ret = self._allObjectsCache[cacheKey]  if not ret then  ret = {}  local statusObj = self:getStatusObj()  if statusObj then  ret[#ret + 1] = statusObj  end  local objTables = {  self:getNoticeObjects(),  self:getActionObjects(),  self:getCollapsibleNoticeObjects()  }  for i, t in ipairs(objTables) do  for j, obj in ipairs(t) do  ret[#ret + 1] = obj  end  end  if addSelf then  ret[#ret + 1] = self  end  self._allObjectsCache[cacheKey] = ret  end  return ret end  function ArticleHistory:getNoticeBarIcons()  local ret = {}  -- Icons that aren't part of a row.  if self.cfg.noticeBarIcons then  for _, data in ipairs(self.cfg.noticeBarIcons) do  if data.isActive(self) then  ret[#ret + 1] = renderImage(  data.icon,  nil,  data.size or self.cfg.defaultNoticeBarIconSize  )  end  end  end  -- Icons in row objects.  for _, obj in ipairs(self:getAllObjects()) do  ret[#ret + 1] = obj:exportNoticeBarIcon(self)  end  return ret end  function ArticleHistory:getErrorMessages()  -- Returns an array of error/warning strings. Error strings come first.  local ret = {}  for _, msg in ipairs(self._errors) do  ret[#ret + 1] = msg  end  for i, obj in ipairs(self:getAllObjects(true)) do  for j, msg in ipairs(obj:getWarnings()) do  ret[#ret + 1] = msg  end  end  return ret end  function ArticleHistory:categoriesAreActive()  -- Returns a boolean indicating whether categories should be output or not.  local title = self.currentTitle  local ns = title.namespace  return title.isTalkPage  and ns ~= 3 -- not user talk  and ns ~= 119 -- not draft talk end  function ArticleHistory:renderCategories()  local ret = {}   if self:categoriesAreActive() then  -- Child object categories  for i, obj in ipairs(self:getAllObjects()) do  local categories = self:try(obj.getCategories, obj, self)  for j, categoryObj in ipairs(categories or {}) do  ret[#ret + 1] = tostring(categoryObj)  end  end   -- Extra categories  for i, func in ipairs(self.cfg.extraCategories or {}) do  local cats = func(self) or {}  for i, categoryObj in ipairs(cats) do  ret[#ret + 1] = tostring(categoryObj)  end  end  end   return table.concat(ret) end  function ArticleHistory:__tostring()  local root = mw.html.create()   -- Table root  local tableRoot = root:tag('table')  tableRoot:addClass('tmbox tmbox-notice')  if self.isSmall then  tableRoot:addClass('mbox-small')  end   -- Status  local statusObj = self:getStatusObj()  if statusObj then  tableRoot:node(self:try(statusObj.exportHtml, statusObj, self))  end   -- Notices  local notices = self:getNoticeObjects()  for _, noticeObj in ipairs(notices) do  tableRoot:node(self:try(noticeObj.exportHtml, noticeObj, self))  end   -- Get action objects and the collapsible notice objects, and generate the  -- HTML objects for the action objects. We need the action HTML objects so  -- that we can accurately calculate the number of collapsible rows, as some  -- action objects may generate errors when the HTML is generated.  local actions = self:getActionObjects() or {}  local collapsibleNotices = self:getCollapsibleNoticeObjects() or {}  local collapsibleNoticeHtmlObjects, actionHtmlObjects = {}, {}  for _, obj in ipairs(actions) do  table.insert(  actionHtmlObjects,  self:try(obj.exportHtml, obj, self)  )  end  for _, obj in ipairs(collapsibleNotices) do  table.insert(  collapsibleNoticeHtmlObjects,  self:try(obj.exportHtml, obj, self, true) -- Render the collapsed version  )  end  local nActionRows = #actionHtmlObjects  local nCollapsibleRows = nActionRows + #collapsibleNoticeHtmlObjects   -- Find out if we are collapsed or not.  local isCollapsed  if self.cfg.uncollapsedRows == 'all' then  isCollapsed = false  elseif nCollapsibleRows == 1 then  isCollapsed = false  else  isCollapsed = nCollapsibleRows > (tonumber(self.cfg.uncollapsedRows) or 3)  end   -- If we are not collapsed, re-render the collapsible notices in the  -- non-collapsed version.  if not isCollapsed then  collapsibleNoticeHtmlObjects = {}  for _, obj in ipairs(collapsibleNotices) do  table.insert(  collapsibleNoticeHtmlObjects,  self:try(obj.exportHtml, obj, self, false)  )  end  end   -- Collapsible table for actions and collapsible notices. Collapsible  -- notices are only included in the table if it is collapsed. Action rows  -- are always included.  local collapsibleTable  if isCollapsed or nActionRows > 0 then  -- Collapsible table base  collapsibleTable = tableRoot  :tag('tr')  :tag('td')  :attr('colspan', 2)  :css('width', '100%')  :tag('table')  :addClass('AH-milestones')  :addClass(isCollapsed and 'mw-collapsible mw-collapsed' or nil)  :css('width', '100%')  :css('background', 'transparent')  :css('font-size', '90%')   if nCollapsibleRows > 1 then  -- Header row  local ctHeader = collapsibleTable  :tag('tr')  :tag('th')  :attr('colspan', 3)  :css('font-size', '110%')   -- Notice bar  if isCollapsed then  local noticeBarIcons = self:getNoticeBarIcons()  if #noticeBarIcons > 0 then  local noticeBar = ctHeader:tag('span'):css('float', 'left')  for _, icon in ipairs(noticeBarIcons) do  noticeBar:wikitext(icon)  end  ctHeader:wikitext(' ')  end  end   -- Header text  if mw.site.namespaces[self.currentTitle.namespace].subject.id == 0 then  ctHeader:wikitext(self:message('milestones-header'))  else  ctHeader:wikitext(self:message(  'milestones-header-other-ns',  self.currentTitle.subjectNsText  ))  end   -- Subheadings  if nActionRows > 0 then  collapsibleTable  :tag('tr')  :css('text-align', 'left')  :tag('th')  :wikitext(self:message('milestones-date-header'))  :done()  :tag('th')  :wikitext(self:message('milestones-process-header'))  :done()  :tag('th')  :wikitext(self:message('milestones-result-header'))  end  end   -- Actions  for _, htmlObj in ipairs(actionHtmlObjects) do  collapsibleTable:node(htmlObj)  end  end   -- Collapsible notices and current status  -- These are only included in the collapsible table if it is collapsed.  -- Otherwise, they are added afterwards, so that they align with the  -- notices.  do  local tableNode, statusColspan  if isCollapsed then  tableNode = collapsibleTable  statusColspan = 3  else  tableNode = tableRoot  statusColspan = 2  end   -- Collapsible notices  for _, obj in ipairs(collapsibleNotices) do  tableNode:node(self:try(obj.exportHtml, obj, self, isCollapsed))  end   -- Current status  if statusObj and nActionRows > 1 then  tableNode  :tag('tr')  :tag('td')  :attr('colspan', statusColspan)  :wikitext(self:message('status-blurb', statusObj.name))  end  end   -- Get the categories. We have to do this before the error row, so that  -- category errors display.  local categories = self:renderCategories()   -- Error row and error category  local errors = self:getErrorMessages()  local errorCategory  if #errors > 0 then  local errorList = tableRoot  :tag('tr')  :tag('td')  :attr('colspan', 2)  :addClass('mbox-text')  :tag('ul')  :addClass('error')  :css('font-weight', 'bold')  for _, msg in ipairs(errors) do  errorList:tag('li'):wikitext(msg)  end  if self:categoriesAreActive() then  errorCategory = tostring(Category.new(self:message(  'error-category'  )))  end   -- If there are no errors and no active objects, then exit. We can't make  -- this check earlier as we don't know where the errors may be until we  -- have finished rendering the banner.  elseif #self:getAllObjects() < 1 then  return ''  end   -- Add the categories  root:wikitext(categories)  root:wikitext(errorCategory)   return tostring(root) end  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exports -- These functions are called from Lua and from wikitext. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  local p = {}  function p._main(args, cfg, currentTitle)  local articleHistoryObj = ArticleHistory.new(args, cfg, currentTitle)  return tostring(articleHistoryObj) end  function p.main(frame)  local args = require('มอดูล:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {  wrappers = WRAPPER_TEMPLATE  })  return p._main(args) end  function p._exportClasses()  return {  Message = Message,  Row = Row,  Status = Status,  MultiStatus = MultiStatus,  Notice = Notice,  Action = Action,  CollapsibleNotice = CollapsibleNotice,  ArticleHistory = ArticleHistory  } end  return p 

มอด, article, history, อการใช, งานมอด, สร, าง, ณอาจจะต, องการสร, างค, อการใช, งานของมอด, ลน, เข, ยนสามารถทำการทดลองได, กระบะทราย, สร, าง, ดลอก, และช, ดทดสอบ, สร, าง, ของมอด, ลน, โปรดเพ, มหมวดหม, ไปท, หน, าย, อย, หน, าย, อยของมอด, ลน, article, history, this, mo. khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulniphuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulnioprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy doc hnayxykhxngmxdulni Article history This module allows editors to link to all the significant events in an article s history such as good article nominations and featured article nominations It also displays its current status as well as other information such as the date it was featured on the main page local CONFIG PAGE mxdul Article history config local WRAPPER TEMPLATE aemaebb Article history local DEBUG MODE false If true errors are not caught Load required modules require mxdul No globals local Category require mxdul Article history Category local yesno require mxdul Yesno local lang mw language getContentLanguage Helper functions local function isPositiveInteger num return type num number and math floor num num and num gt 0 and num lt math huge end local function substituteParams msg return mw message newRawMessage msg plain end local function makeUrlLink url display return string format s s url display end local function maybeCallFunc val Checks whether val is a function and if so calls it with the specified arguments Otherwise val is returned as is if type val function then return val else return val end end local function renderImage image caption size if caption then caption caption else caption end return string format File s s s image size caption end local function addMixin class mixin Add a mixin to a class The functions will be shared across classes so don t use it for functions that keep state for name method in pairs mixin do class name method end end Message mixin This mixin is used by all classes to add message related methods local Message function Message message key This fetches the message from the config with the specified key and substitutes parameters 1 2 etc with the subsequent values it is passed local msg self cfg msg key if select gt 0 then return substituteParams msg else return msg end end function Message raiseError msg help Raises an error with the specified message and help link Execution stops unless the error is caught This is used for errors where subsequent processing becomes impossible local errorText if help then errorText self message error message help msg help else errorText self message error message nohelp msg end error errorText 0 end function Message addWarning msg help Adds a warning to the object s warnings table Execution continues as normal This is used for errors that should be fixed but that do not prevent the module from outputting something useful self warnings self warnings or local warningText if help then warningText self message warning help msg help else warningText self message warning nohelp msg end table insert self warnings warningText end function Message getWarnings return self warnings or end Row class This class represents one row in the template local Row Row index Row addMixin Row Message function Row new data local obj setmetatable Row obj cfg data cfg obj currentTitle data currentTitle obj isSmall data isSmall obj makeData data makeData used by Row getData return obj end function Row cachedTry cacheKey errorCacheKey func This method is for use in Row object methods that are called more than once The results of such methods should be cached to avoid unnecessary processing We also cache any errors found and abort if an error was raised previously otherwise error messages could be displayed multiple times We use false as a key to cache nil results so func cannot return false param cacheKey The key to cache successful results with param errorCacheKey The key to cache errors with param func an anonymous function that returns the method result if self errorCacheKey then return nil end local ret self cacheKey if ret then return ret elseif ret false then return nil end local success if DEBUG MODE then success true ret func else success ret pcall func end if success then if ret then self cacheKey ret return ret else self cacheKey false return nil end else self errorCacheKey true We have already formatted the error message so no need to format it again error ret 0 end end function Row getData articleHistoryObj return self cachedTry dataCache isDataError function return self makeData articleHistoryObj end end function Row setIconValues icon caption size smallSize self icon icon self iconCaption caption self iconSize size self iconSmallSize smallSize end function Row getIcon articleHistoryObj return maybeCallFunc self icon articleHistoryObj self end function Row getIconCaption articleHistoryObj return maybeCallFunc self iconCaption articleHistoryObj self end function Row getIconSize if self isSmall then return self iconSmallSize or self cfg defaultSmallIconSize or 15px else return self iconSize or self cfg defaultIconSize or 30px end end function Row renderIcon articleHistoryObj local icon self getIcon articleHistoryObj if not icon then return nil end return renderImage icon self getIconCaption articleHistoryObj self getIconSize end function Row setNoticeBarIconValues icon caption size self noticeBarIcon icon self noticeBarIconCaption caption self noticeBarIconSize size end function Row getNoticeBarIcon articleHistoryObj local icon maybeCallFunc self noticeBarIcon articleHistoryObj self if icon true then icon self getIcon articleHistoryObj if not icon then self raiseError self message row error missing icon self message row error missing icon help end end return icon end function Row getNoticeBarIconCaption articleHistoryObj local caption maybeCallFunc self noticeBarIconCaption articleHistoryObj self if not caption then caption self getIconCaption articleHistoryObj end return caption end function Row getNoticeBarIconSize return self noticeBarIconSize or self cfg defaultNoticeBarIconSize or 15px end function Row exportNoticeBarIcon articleHistoryObj local icon self getNoticeBarIcon articleHistoryObj if not icon then return nil end return renderImage icon self getNoticeBarIconCaption articleHistoryObj self getNoticeBarIconSize end function Row setText text self text text end function Row getText articleHistoryObj return maybeCallFunc self text articleHistoryObj self end function Row exportHtml articleHistoryObj if self html then return self html end local text self getText articleHistoryObj if not text then return nil end local html mw html create tr html tag td addClass mbox image wikitext self renderIcon articleHistoryObj done tag td addClass mbox text wikitext text self html html return html end function Row setCategories val Set the categories from the object s config val can be either an array of strings or a function returning an array of category objects self categories val end function Row getCategories articleHistoryObj local ret if type self categories table then for cat in ipairs self categories do ret ret 1 Category new cat end elseif type self categories function then local t self categories articleHistoryObj self or for categoryObj in ipairs t do ret ret 1 categoryObj end end return ret end Status class Status objects deal with possible current statuses of the article local Status setmetatable Row Status index Status function Status new data local obj Row new data setmetatable obj Status obj id data id obj statusCfg obj cfg statuses obj id obj name obj statusCfg name obj setIconValues obj statusCfg icon obj statusCfg iconCaption or obj name data iconSize obj setNoticeBarIconValues obj statusCfg noticeBarIcon obj statusCfg noticeBarIconCaption or obj name obj statusCfg noticeBarIconSize obj setText obj statusCfg text obj setCategories obj statusCfg categories return obj end function Status getIconSize if self isSmall then return self statusCfg smallIconSize or self cfg defaultSmallStatusIconSize or 30px else return self iconSize or self statusCfg iconSize or self cfg defaultStatusIconSize or 50px end end function Status getText articleHistoryObj local text Row getText self articleHistoryObj if text then return substituteParams text self currentTitle subjectPageTitle prefixedText self currentTitle text end end MultiStatus class For when an article can have multiple distinct statuses e g former featured article status and good article status local MultiStatus setmetatable Row MultiStatus index MultiStatus function MultiStatus new data local obj Row new data setmetatable obj MultiStatus obj id data id obj statusCfg obj cfg statuses data id obj name obj statusCfg name Set child status objects local function getChildStatusData data id iconSize local ret for k v in pairs data do ret k v end ret id id ret iconSize iconSize return ret end obj statuses local defaultIconSize obj cfg defaultSmallStatusIconSize or 30px for i id in ipairs obj statusCfg statuses do table insert obj statuses Status new getChildStatusData data id obj cfg statuses id iconMultiSize or defaultIconSize end return obj end function MultiStatus exportHtml articleHistoryObj local ret mw html create for i obj in ipairs self statuses do ret node obj exportHtml articleHistoryObj end return ret end function MultiStatus getCategories articleHistoryObj local ret for i obj in ipairs self statuses do for j categoryObj in ipairs obj getCategories articleHistoryObj do ret ret 1 categoryObj end end return ret end function MultiStatus exportNoticeBarIcon local ret for i obj in ipairs self statuses do ret ret 1 obj exportNoticeBarIcon end return table concat ret end function MultiStatus getWarnings local ret for i obj in ipairs self statuses do for j msg in ipairs obj getWarnings do ret ret 1 msg end end return ret end Notice class Notice objects contain notices about an article that aren t part of its current status e g the date an article was featured on the main page local Notice setmetatable Row Notice index Notice function Notice new data local obj Row new data setmetatable obj Notice obj setIconValues data icon data iconCaption data iconSize data iconSmallSize obj setNoticeBarIconValues data noticeBarIcon data noticeBarIconCaption data noticeBarIconSize obj setText data text obj setCategories data categories return obj end Action class Action objects deal with a single action in the history of the article We use getter methods rather than properties for the name and result etc as their processing needs to be delayed until after the status object has been initialised The status object needs to parse the action objects when it is initialised and the value of some names etc in the action objects depend on the status object so this is necessary to avoid errors infinite loops local Action setmetatable Row Action index Action function Action new data local obj Row new data setmetatable obj Action obj paramNum data paramNum Set the ID do if not data code then obj raiseError obj message action error no code obj getParameter code obj message action error no code help end local code mw ustring upper data code obj id obj cfg actions code and obj cfg actions code id if not obj id then obj raiseError obj message action error invalid code data code obj getParameter code obj message action error invalid code help end end Add a shortcut for this action s config obj actionCfg obj cfg actions obj id Set the link obj link data link or obj currentTitle talkPageTitle prefixedText Set the result ID do local resultCode data resultCode and mw ustring lower data resultCode or BLANK if obj actionCfg results resultCode then obj resultId obj actionCfg results resultCode id elseif resultCode BLANK then obj raiseError obj message action error blank result obj id obj getParameter resultCode obj message action error blank result help else obj raiseError obj message action error invalid result data resultCode obj id obj getParameter resultCode obj message action error invalid result help end end Set the date if data date then local success date pcall lang formatDate lang obj message action date format data date if success and date then obj date date else obj addWarning obj message action warning invalid date data date obj getParameter date obj message action warning invalid date help end else obj addWarning obj message action warning no date obj paramNum obj getParameter date obj getParameter code obj message action warning no date help end obj date obj date or obj message action date missing Set the oldid obj oldid tonumber data oldid if data oldid and not obj oldid or not isPositiveInteger obj oldid then obj oldid nil obj addWarning obj message action warning invalid oldid data oldid obj getParameter oldid obj message action warning invalid oldid help end Set the notice bar icon values obj setNoticeBarIconValues data noticeBarIcon data noticeBarIconCaption data noticeBarIconSize Set the categories obj setCategories obj actionCfg categories return obj end function Action getParameter key Finds the original parameter name for the given key that was passed to Action new local prefix self cfg actionParamPrefix local suffix for k v in pairs self cfg actionParamSuffixes do if v key then suffix k break end end if not suffix then error invalid key tostring key passed to Action getParameter 2 end return prefix tostring self paramNum suffix end function Action getName articleHistoryObj return maybeCallFunc self actionCfg name articleHistoryObj self end function Action getResult articleHistoryObj return maybeCallFunc self actionCfg results self resultId text articleHistoryObj self end function Action exportHtml articleHistoryObj if self html then return self html end local row mw html create tr Date cell local dateCell row tag td if self oldid then dateCell tag span addClass plainlinks wikitext makeUrlLink self currentTitle subjectPageTitle fullUrl oldid self oldid self date else dateCell wikitext self date end Process cell row tag td wikitext string format s s self link self getName articleHistoryObj Result cell row tag td wikitext self getResult articleHistoryObj self html row return row end CollapsibleNotice class This class makes notices that go in the collapsible part of the template underneath the list of actions local CollapsibleNotice setmetatable Row CollapsibleNotice index CollapsibleNotice function CollapsibleNotice new data local obj Row new data setmetatable obj CollapsibleNotice obj setIconValues data icon data iconCaption data iconSize data iconSmallSize obj setNoticeBarIconValues data noticeBarIcon data noticeBarIconCaption data noticeBarIconSize obj setText data text obj setCollapsibleText data collapsibleText obj setCategories data categories return obj end function CollapsibleNotice setCollapsibleText s self collapsibleText s end function CollapsibleNotice getCollapsibleText articleHistoryObj return maybeCallFunc self collapsibleText articleHistoryObj self end function CollapsibleNotice getIconSize if self isSmall then return self iconSmallSize or self cfg defaultSmallCollapsibleNoticeIconSize or 15px else return self iconSize or self cfg defaultCollapsibleNoticeIconSize or 20px end end function CollapsibleNotice exportHtml articleHistoryObj isInCollapsibleTable local cacheKey isInCollapsibleTable and htmlCacheCollapsible or htmlCacheDefault return self cachedTry cacheKey isHtmlError function local text self getText articleHistoryObj if not text then return nil end local function maybeMakeCollapsibleTable cell text collapsibleText If collapsible text is specified makes a collapsible table inside the cell with two rows a header row with one cell and a collapsed row with one cell These are filled with text and collapsedText respectively If no collapsible text is specified the text is added to the cell as is if collapsibleText then cell tag div addClass mw collapsible mw collapsed tag div wikitext text done tag div addClass mw collapsible content css border 1px silver solid wikitext collapsibleText else cell wikitext text end end local html mw html create tr local icon self renderIcon articleHistoryObj local collapsibleText self getCollapsibleText articleHistoryObj if isInCollapsibleTable then local textCell html tag td attr colspan 3 css width 100 local rowText if icon then rowText icon text else rowText text end maybeMakeCollapsibleTable textCell rowText collapsibleText else local textCell html tag td addClass mbox image wikitext icon done tag td addClass mbox text maybeMakeCollapsibleTable textCell text collapsibleText end return html end end ArticleHistory class This class represents the whole template local ArticleHistory ArticleHistory index ArticleHistory addMixin ArticleHistory Message function ArticleHistory new args cfg currentTitle local obj setmetatable ArticleHistory Set input obj args args or obj currentTitle currentTitle or mw title getCurrentTitle Set isSmall obj isSmall yesno obj args small or false Define object structure obj errors obj allObjectsCache Format the config local function substituteAliases t ret This function substitutes strings found in an aliases subtable as keys in the parent table It works recursively so aliases subtables can be placed at any level It assumes that tables will not be nested recursively which should be true in the case of our config file ret ret or for k v in pairs t do if k aliases then if type v table then local newRet ret k newRet if v aliases then for alias in ipairs v aliases do ret alias newRet end end substituteAliases v newRet else ret k v end end end return ret end obj cfg substituteAliases cfg or require CONFIG PAGE Get a table of the arguments sorted by prefix and number Non string keys and keys that don t contain a number are ignored This means that positional parameters are ignored as they are numbers not strings The parameter numbers are stored in the first positional parameter of the subtables and any gaps are removed so that the tables can be iterated over with ipairs For example these arguments a1x eggs a1y spam a2x chips b1z beans b3x bacon would translate into this prefixArgs table a 1 x eggs y spam 2 x chips b 1 z beans 3 x bacon do local prefixArgs for k v in pairs obj args do if type k string then local prefix num suffix k match 1 9 0 9 if prefix then num tonumber num prefixArgs prefix prefixArgs prefix or prefixArgs prefix num prefixArgs prefix num or prefixArgs prefix num suffix v prefixArgs prefix num 1 num end end end Remove the gaps local prefixArrays for prefix prefixTable in pairs prefixArgs do prefixArrays prefix local numKeys for num in pairs prefixTable do numKeys numKeys 1 num end table sort numKeys for num in ipairs numKeys do table insert prefixArrays prefix prefixTable num end end obj prefixArgs prefixArrays end return obj end function ArticleHistory try func if DEBUG MODE then local val func return val else local success val pcall func if success then return val else table insert self errors val return nil end end end function ArticleHistory getActionObjects Gets an array of action objects for the parameters specified by the user We memoise this so that the parameters only have to be processed once if self actions then return self actions end Get the action args and exit if they don t exist local actionArgs self prefixArgs self cfg actionParamPrefix if not actionArgs then self actions return self actions end Make the objects local actions local suffixes self cfg actionParamSuffixes for i t in ipairs actionArgs do local objArgs for k v in pairs t do local newK suffixes k if newK then objArgs newK v end end objArgs paramNum t 1 objArgs cfg self cfg objArgs currentTitle self currentTitle local actionObj self try Action new objArgs table insert actions actionObj end self actions actions return actions end function ArticleHistory getStatusIdForCode code Gets a status ID given a status code If no code is specified returns nil and if the code is invalid raises an error if not code then return nil end local statuses self cfg statuses local codeUpper mw ustring upper code if statuses codeUpper then return statuses codeUpper id else self addWarning self message articlehistory warning invalid status code self message articlehistory warning invalid status help return nil end end function ArticleHistory getStatusObj Get the status object for the current status if self statusObj false then return nil elseif self statusObj nil then return self statusObj end local statusId if self cfg getStatusIdFunction then statusId self try self cfg getStatusIdFunction self else statusId self try self getStatusIdForCode self self args self cfg currentStatusParam end if not statusId then self statusObj false return nil end Check that some actions were specified and if not add a warning local actions self getActionObjects if actions lt 1 then self addWarning self message articlehistory warning status no actions self message articlehistory warning status no actions help end Make a new status object local statusObjData id statusId currentTitle self currentTitle cfg self cfg isSmall self isSmall local isMulti self cfg statuses statusId isMulti local initFunc isMulti and MultiStatus new or Status new local statusObj self try initFunc statusObjData self statusObj statusObj or false return self statusObj or nil end function ArticleHistory getStatusId local statusObj self getStatusObj return statusObj and statusObj id end function ArticleHistory noticeFactory memoizeKey configKey class This holds the logic for fetching tables of Notice and CollapsibleNotice objects if self memoizeKey then return self memoizeKey end local ret for i t in ipairs self cfg configKey or do if t isActive self then local data for k v in pairs t do if k isActive then data k v end end data cfg self cfg data currentTitle self currentTitle data isSmall self isSmall ret ret 1 class new data end end self memoizeKey ret return ret end function ArticleHistory getNoticeObjects return self noticeFactory notices notices Notice end function ArticleHistory getCollapsibleNoticeObjects return self noticeFactory collapsibleNotices collapsibleNotices CollapsibleNotice end function ArticleHistory getAllObjects addSelf local cacheKey addSelf and addSelf or default local ret self allObjectsCache cacheKey if not ret then ret local statusObj self getStatusObj if statusObj then ret ret 1 statusObj end local objTables self getNoticeObjects self getActionObjects self getCollapsibleNoticeObjects for i t in ipairs objTables do for j obj in ipairs t do ret ret 1 obj end end if addSelf then ret ret 1 self end self allObjectsCache cacheKey ret end return ret end function ArticleHistory getNoticeBarIcons local ret Icons that aren t part of a row if self cfg noticeBarIcons then for data in ipairs self cfg noticeBarIcons do if data isActive self then ret ret 1 renderImage data icon nil data size or self cfg defaultNoticeBarIconSize end end end Icons in row objects for obj in ipairs self getAllObjects do ret ret 1 obj exportNoticeBarIcon self end return ret end function ArticleHistory getErrorMessages Returns an array of error warning strings Error strings come first local ret for msg in ipairs self errors do ret ret 1 msg end for i obj in ipairs self getAllObjects true do for j msg in ipairs obj getWarnings do ret ret 1 msg end end return ret end function ArticleHistory categoriesAreActive Returns a boolean indicating whether categories should be output or not local title self currentTitle local ns title namespace return title isTalkPage and ns 3 not user talk and ns 119 not draft talk end function ArticleHistory renderCategories local ret if self categoriesAreActive then Child object categories for i obj in ipairs self getAllObjects do local categories self try obj getCategories obj self for j categoryObj in ipairs categories or do ret ret 1 tostring categoryObj end end Extra categories for i func in ipairs self cfg extraCategories or do local cats func self or for i categoryObj in ipairs cats do ret ret 1 tostring categoryObj end end end return table concat ret end function ArticleHistory tostring local root mw html create Table root local tableRoot root tag table tableRoot addClass tmbox tmbox notice if self isSmall then tableRoot addClass mbox small end Status local statusObj self getStatusObj if statusObj then tableRoot node self try statusObj exportHtml statusObj self end Notices local notices self getNoticeObjects for noticeObj in ipairs notices do tableRoot node self try noticeObj exportHtml noticeObj self end Get action objects and the collapsible notice objects and generate the HTML objects for the action objects We need the action HTML objects so that we can accurately calculate the number of collapsible rows as some action objects may generate errors when the HTML is generated local actions self getActionObjects or local collapsibleNotices self getCollapsibleNoticeObjects or local collapsibleNoticeHtmlObjects actionHtmlObjects for obj in ipairs actions do table insert actionHtmlObjects self try obj exportHtml obj self end for obj in ipairs collapsibleNotices do table insert collapsibleNoticeHtmlObjects self try obj exportHtml obj self true Render the collapsed version end local nActionRows actionHtmlObjects local nCollapsibleRows nActionRows collapsibleNoticeHtmlObjects Find out if we are collapsed or not local isCollapsed if self cfg uncollapsedRows all then isCollapsed false elseif nCollapsibleRows 1 then isCollapsed false else isCollapsed nCollapsibleRows gt tonumber self cfg uncollapsedRows or 3 end If we are not collapsed re render the collapsible notices in the non collapsed version if not isCollapsed then collapsibleNoticeHtmlObjects for obj in ipairs collapsibleNotices do table insert collapsibleNoticeHtmlObjects self try obj exportHtml obj self false end end Collapsible table for actions and collapsible notices Collapsible notices are only included in the table if it is collapsed Action rows are always included local collapsibleTable if isCollapsed or nActionRows gt 0 then Collapsible table base collapsibleTable tableRoot tag tr tag td attr colspan 2 css width 100 tag table addClass AH milestones addClass isCollapsed and mw collapsible mw collapsed or nil css width 100 css background transparent css font size 90 if nCollapsibleRows gt 1 then Header row local ctHeader collapsibleTable tag tr tag th attr colspan 3 css font size 110 Notice bar if isCollapsed then local noticeBarIcons self getNoticeBarIcons if noticeBarIcons gt 0 then local noticeBar ctHeader tag span css float left for icon in ipairs noticeBarIcons do noticeBar wikitext icon end ctHeader wikitext end end Header text if mw site namespaces self currentTitle namespace subject id 0 then ctHeader wikitext self message milestones header else ctHeader wikitext self message milestones header other ns self currentTitle subjectNsText end Subheadings if nActionRows gt 0 then collapsibleTable tag tr css text align left tag th wikitext self message milestones date header done tag th wikitext self message milestones process header done tag th wikitext self message milestones result header end end Actions for htmlObj in ipairs actionHtmlObjects do collapsibleTable node htmlObj end end Collapsible notices and current status These are only included in the collapsible table if it is collapsed Otherwise they are added afterwards so that they align with the notices do local tableNode statusColspan if isCollapsed then tableNode collapsibleTable statusColspan 3 else tableNode tableRoot statusColspan 2 end Collapsible notices for obj in ipairs collapsibleNotices do tableNode node self try obj exportHtml obj self isCollapsed end Current status if statusObj and nActionRows gt 1 then tableNode tag tr tag td attr colspan statusColspan wikitext self message status blurb statusObj name end end Get the categories We have to do this before the error row so that category errors display local categories self renderCategories Error row and error category local errors self getErrorMessages local errorCategory if errors gt 0 then local errorList tableRoot tag tr tag td attr colspan 2 addClass mbox text tag ul addClass error css font weight bold for msg in ipairs errors do errorList tag li wikitext msg end if self categoriesAreActive then errorCategory tostring Category new self message error category end If there are no errors and no active objects then exit We can t make this check earlier as we don t know where the errors may be until we have finished rendering the banner elseif self getAllObjects lt 1 then return end Add the categories root wikitext categories root wikitext errorCategory return tostring root end Exports These functions are called from Lua and from wikitext local p function p main args cfg currentTitle local articleHistoryObj ArticleHistory new args cfg currentTitle return tostring articleHistoryObj end function p main frame local args require mxdul Arguments getArgs frame wrappers WRAPPER TEMPLATE return p main args end function p exportClasses return Message Message Row Row Status Status MultiStatus MultiStatus Notice Notice Action Action CollapsibleNotice CollapsibleNotice ArticleHistory ArticleHistory end return p ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Article history amp oldid 7812763, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


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