

คู่มือการใช้งานมอดูล[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]

This is a list of suggested alternatives to use when an unknown parameter is encountered by a citation template. When an unknown parameter is found within a citation template an error message is generated, and when possible the software makes a suggestion for what the user may have meant by consulting this list of common mistakes and typos.

Each entry takes the form: ['bad input parameter'] = 'suggested parameter to use'

The bad input parameter will have been transformed to lower case before checking this list, so all input forms on this list should be written in lowercase.

These files comprise the module support for cs1|2 citation templates:

รายชื่อมอดูล cs1 | cs2
  หน้าหลัก กระบะทราย รายละเอียด
มอดูล:Citation/CS1 มอดูล:Citation/CS1/sandbox [แก้] Rendering and support functions
มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Configuration มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Configuration/sandbox [แก้] Translation tables; error and identifier handlers
มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Whitelist มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Whitelist/sandbox [แก้] List of active, deprecated, and obsolete cs1|2 parameters
มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Date validation มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Date validation/sandbox [แก้] Date format validation functions
มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Identifiers มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Identifiers/sandbox [แก้] Functions that support the named identifiers (isbn, doi, pmid, etc)
มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Utilities มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Utilities/sandbox [แก้] Common functions and tables
มอดูล:Citation/CS1/COinS มอดูล:Citation/CS1/COinS/sandbox [แก้] Functions that render a cs1|2 template's metadata
มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Suggestions มอดูล:Citation/CS1/Suggestions/sandbox [แก้] List that maps common erroneous parameter names to valid parameter names

--Please insert new suggestions in alphabetical order --The form is ['incorrect'] = 'correct',  suggestions = {  ['accessmonth'] = 'access-date', -- no longer supported by us, but still by citation templates mirrored in foreign WPs; can be emulated using 'access-date'  ['accesso'] = 'access-date', -- Italian  ['accessyear'] = 'access-date', -- no longer supported by us, but still by citation templates mirrored in foreign WPs; can be emulated using 'access-date'  ['address'] = 'location',  ['année'] = 'year', -- French  ['año'] = 'year',  ['año-original'] = 'orig-year',  ['añoacceso'] = 'access-date', -- Spanish  ['annoaccesso'] = 'access-date', --Italian  ['annodiaccesso'] = 'access-date', --Italian  ['apellido'] = 'last', -- Spanish  ['archiv-datum'] = 'archive-date', -- German  ['archive date'] = 'archive-date',  ['archiv-url'] = 'archive-url', -- German  ['archive url'] = 'archive-url', -- Spanish  ['artist'] = 'others',  ['auflage'] = 'edition', -- German  ['auteur'] = 'author', -- French  ['auther'] = 'author',  ['author link'] = 'author-link', -- Polish  ['author link2'] = 'author2-link', -- Polish  ['autor'] = 'authors', -- German (singular and plural)  ['autore'] = 'author', -- Italian  ['autthor'] = 'author',  ['band'] = 'volume', -- German  ['chapter_title'] = 'chapter',  ['cita'] = 'quote', -- Spanish  ['citazione'] = 'quote', -- Italian  ['coauthor'] = 'author',  ['coauthors'] = 'author',  ['coautores'] = 'author', -- Spanish  ['coautori'] = 'author', -- Italian  ['cognome'] = 'last', -- Italian  ['consulté le'] = 'access-date', -- French  ['czasopismo'] = 'journal', -- Polish  ['data'] = 'date', -- Polish, Italian  ['dataarchivio'] = 'archive-date', -- Italian  ['data dostępu'] = 'access-date', -- Polish  ['datum'] = 'date', -- German  ['deadlink'] = 'dead-url',  ['distributor'] = 'publisher',  ['dnb'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id={{DNB-IDN|...}}') (not yet supported by us directly)  ['éditeur'] = 'editor', -- French  ['editon'] = 'edition',  ['editoin'] = 'edition',  ['editorial'] = 'publisher',  ['en ligne le'] = 'archive-date', -- French  ['encyclopædia'] = 'encyclopedia',  ['enlaceautor'] = 'author-link', -- Spanish  ['fecha'] = 'date', -- Spanish  ['fechaacceso'] = 'access-date', -- Spanish  ['fechaarchivo'] = 'archive-date', -- Spanish  ['filetype'] = 'format',  ['first 1'] = 'first1',  ['foramt'] = 'format',  ['formato'] = 'format', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish  ['frist'] = 'first',  ['herausgeber'] = 'editors', -- German (singular and plural)  ['idioma'] = 'language', -- Spanish, Italian  ['imię'] = 'first', -- Polish  ['isbnistformalfalsch'] = 'ignore-isbn-error', -- German  ['isnb'] = 'isbn',  ['jahr'] = 'year', -- German  ['kapitel'] = 'chapter', -- German -- ['kommentar'] = 'comment', -- German (not yet supported by us)  ['lang'] = 'language',  ['langauge'] = 'language',  ['langue'] = 'language', -- French  ['last 1'] = 'last1',  ['lieu'] = 'location', -- French  ['lingua'] = 'language', -- Italian  ['lire en ligne'] = 'url', -- French  ['lizenznummer'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id=License ...')  ['loaction'] = 'location',  ['locatoin'] = 'location',  ['lugar'] = 'location', -- Spanish  ['miejsce'] = 'location', -- Polish  ['miesiąc'] = 'date', -- Polish  ['mois'] = 'date', -- French  ['monat'] = 'date', -- German -- ['name'] = 'author', -- 'name' is often erroneously used for 'title' and 'work' as well, so no suggestion is better than a wrong suggestion  ['nazwisko'] = 'last', -- Polish  ['nespaper'] = 'newspaper',  ['newpaper'] = 'newspaper',  ['news'] = 'newspaper',  ['nom'] = 'last', -- French  ['nom1'] = 'last1', -- French  ['nombre'] = 'first', -- Spanish  ['nome'] = 'first', -- Italian  ['nummer'] = 'number', -- German  ['obra'] = 'work', -- Spanish  ['odpowiedzialność'] = 'agency', -- Polish  ['offline'] = 'dead-url', -- German  ['online'] = 'url', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)  ['opublikowany'] = 'agency', -- Polish  ['opera'] = 'work', -- Italian  ['origdate'] = 'orig-year',  ['originaljahr'] = 'orig-year', -- German  ['originalort'] = 'location', -- German (if 'ort' is specified at the same time, the latter should be put in 'publication-place')  ['originalsprache'] = 'language', -- German  ['originaltitel'] = 'title', -- German (if 'originaltitel' is specified, any possible contents of 'title' should be put in 'trans-title')  ['ort'] = 'location', -- German  ['other'] = 'others',  ['oznaczenie'] = 'agency', -- Polish  ['pagees'] = 'pages',  ['página'] = 'page', -- Spanish, Italian  ['páginas'] = 'pages', -- Spanish, Italian  ['passage'] = 'pages', -- French  ['pagina'] = 'pages', -- Italian  ['pagine'] = 'pages', -- Italian  ['périodique'] = 'publisher', -- French  ['plublisher'] = 'publisher',  ['pmcid'] = 'pmc',  ['praca'] = 'work', -- Polish  ['prénom'] = 'first', -- French  ['prénom1'] = 'first1', -- French  ['ps'] = 'postscript',  ['pub'] = 'publisher',  ['pulbication-place'] = 'publication-place',  ['reihe'] = 'series', -- German  ['retrieved'] = 'access-date',  ['rok'] = 'date', -- Polish  ['sammelwerk'] = 'work', -- German  ['seiten'] = 'pages', -- German  ['seria'] = 'series', -- Polish  ['série'] = 'work', -- French *RECHECK*  ['service'] = 'agency',  ['sitioweb'] = 'website', --Spanish  ['stron'] = 'page', -- Polish  ['strony'] = 'pages', -- Polish  ['spalten'] = 'at', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)  ['sprache'] = 'language', -- German  ['suscripción'] = 'subscription', -- Spanish, Polish  ['tag'] = 'date', -- German  ['tile'] = 'title',  ['tite'] = 'title',  ['titel'] = 'title', -- German  ['titel-p'] = 'title', -- German ('postscript=none' should be added as well)  ['titelerg'] = 'contribution', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)  ['titolo'] = 'title', -- Spanish, Italian  ['titre'] = 'title', -- French  ['títle'] = 'title',  ['título'] = 'title', -- Spanish  ['transchapter'] = 'trans-chapter',  ['translator'] = 'others',  ['transtitle'] = 'trans-title',  ['typ'] = 'author-mask', -- German (not a direct replacement, but the only valid argument 'typ=wl' can be emulated using 'author-mask')  ['tytuł'] = 'title', -- Polish  ['ubicación'] = 'location', -- Spanish  ['urlarchivo'] = 'archive-url', -- Spanish  ['urlarchivio'] = 'archive-url', -- Italian  ['urn'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id={{URN|...}}') (not yet supported by us directly)  ['übersetzer'] = 'translator', -- German (singular and plural)  ['verlag'] = 'publisher', -- German  ['vol'] = 'volume',  ['volumen'] = 'volume', -- Spanish  ['werk'] = 'work', -- German  ['werkerg'] = 'contribution', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)  ['wkautore'] = 'author-link', -- Italian  ['wolumin'] = 'volume', -- Polish  ['wydanie'] = 'number', -- Polish  ['wydawca'] = 'publisher', -- French  ['zaprezentowany'] = 'publisher', -- French  ['zdb'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id={{ZDB|...}}') (not yet supported by us directly)  ['zitat'] = 'quote', -- German  ['zugriff'] = 'access-date', -- German }   --[[--------------------------< P A T T E R N S >--------------------------------------------------------------  Here we use Lua patterns to make suggestions. The form is ['pattern'] = 'correct',  Lua patterns are not regex though they are similar. The escape character is '%', not '\'. For more information about lua patterns, see: Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Patterns  Patterns should probably always include the '^' and '$' anchor assertions to prevent a partial match from incorrectly suggesting the wrong parameter name. For instance, the pattern 'a[utho]+r' matches 'author' in the no-longer-supported parameter |author-separator= so the code suggests '|author='; the same pattern also matches the no-longer-supported parameter |separator= (returning 'ator') so again, the code suggests '|author='.  One capture is supported, typically the enumerator from an enumerated parameter (the '6' in |author6=, etc.) The value from the capture replaces $1 in the 'correct' value.  ]]  local patterns = {  ['^ac+es+ ?d?a?t?e?$'] = 'access-date',  ['^a[utho]+r$'] = 'author',  ['^a[utho]+r(%d+)$'] = 'author$1', -- enumerated  ['^pu[blish]+ers?$'] = 'publisher',  }  return {suggestions = suggestions, patterns=patterns}; 

มอด, citation, suggestions, เป, นมอด, ลท, กป, องก, นถาวรเน, องจากม, ความเส, ยงส, งกร, ณาอภ, ปรายการเปล, ยนแปลงใด, ทางหน, าค, ณอาจส, งคำขอแก, ไข, ไปย, งผ, แลระบบเพ, อให, แก, ไขได, หากเป, นการแก, ไขท, ไม, การค, ดค, านหร, อม, ความเห, นพ, องสน, บสน, ณย, งสามารถขอใ. niepnmxdulthithukpxngknthawrenuxngcakmikhwamesiyngsungkrunaxphipraykarepliynaeplngid thanghnakhuy khunxacsngkhakhxaekikh ipyngphuduaelrabbephuxihaekikhidhakepnkaraekikhthiimmikarkhdkhanhruxmikhwamehnphxngsnbsnun khunyngsamarthkhxihelikpxngknhnaidkhumuxkarichnganmxdul du aek prawti langaekhch mikarichmxdulniin 400 hna ephuxhlikeliyngphlkrathbkwangkhwangaelaldpharakhxngesirfewxr kxnaekikhaemaebbni cungkhwrthdlxngthikrabathray hnathdsxb hruxphunthiswntwkhxngkhun cnmnicwaimmipyha xnung xphiprayekiywkbkaraekikhaemaebbidthihnaxphiprayThis module is subject to page protection It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages or is substituted very frequently Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers it is protected from editing This is a list of suggested alternatives to use when an unknown parameter is encountered by a citation template When an unknown parameter is found within a citation template an error message is generated and when possible the software makes a suggestion for what the user may have meant by consulting this list of common mistakes and typos Each entry takes the form bad input parameter suggested parameter to use The bad input parameter will have been transformed to lower case before checking this list so all input forms on this list should be written in lowercase These files comprise the module support for cs1 2 citation templates raychuxmxdul cs1 cs2 hnahlk krabathray raylaexiydmxdul Citation CS1 mxdul Citation CS1 sandbox aek Rendering and support functionsmxdul Citation CS1 Configuration mxdul Citation CS1 Configuration sandbox aek Translation tables error and identifier handlersmxdul Citation CS1 Whitelist mxdul Citation CS1 Whitelist sandbox aek List of active deprecated and obsolete cs1 2 parametersmxdul Citation CS1 Date validation mxdul Citation CS1 Date validation sandbox aek Date format validation functions mxdul Citation CS1 Identifiers mxdul Citation CS1 Identifiers sandbox aek Functions that support the named identifiers isbn doi pmid etc mxdul Citation CS1 Utilities mxdul Citation CS1 Utilities sandbox aek Common functions and tables mxdul Citation CS1 COinS mxdul Citation CS1 COinS sandbox aek Functions that render a cs1 2 template s metadatamxdul Citation CS1 Suggestions mxdul Citation CS1 Suggestions sandbox aek List that maps common erroneous parameter names to valid parameter nameskhumuxkarichnganthipraktdanbnnidungmacak mxdul Citation CS1 Suggestions doc aek prawti phuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulni hnayxykhxngmxdulni Please insert new suggestions in alphabetical order The form is incorrect correct suggestions accessmonth access date no longer supported by us but still by citation templates mirrored in foreign WPs can be emulated using access date accesso access date Italian accessyear access date no longer supported by us but still by citation templates mirrored in foreign WPs can be emulated using access date address location annee year French ano year ano original orig year anoacceso access date Spanish annoaccesso access date Italian annodiaccesso access date Italian apellido last Spanish archiv datum archive date German archive date archive date archiv url archive url German archive url archive url Spanish artist others auflage edition German auteur author French auther author author link author link Polish author link2 author2 link Polish autor authors German singular and plural autore author Italian autthor author band volume German chapter title chapter cita quote Spanish citazione quote Italian coauthor author coauthors author coautores author Spanish coautori author Italian cognome last Italian consulte le access date French czasopismo journal Polish data date Polish Italian dataarchivio archive date Italian data dostepu access date Polish datum date German deadlink dead url distributor publisher dnb id German as id DNB IDN not yet supported by us directly editeur editor French editon edition editoin edition editorial publisher en ligne le archive date French encyclopaedia encyclopedia enlaceautor author link Spanish fecha date Spanish fechaacceso access date Spanish fechaarchivo archive date Spanish filetype format first 1 first1 foramt format formato format Spanish Italian Polish frist first herausgeber editors German singular and plural idioma language Spanish Italian imie first Polish isbnistformalfalsch ignore isbn error German isnb isbn jahr year German kapitel chapter German kommentar comment German not yet supported by us lang language langauge language langue language French last 1 last1 lieu location French lingua language Italian lire en ligne url French lizenznummer id German as id License loaction location locatoin location lugar location Spanish miejsce location Polish miesiac date Polish mois date French monat date German name author name is often erroneously used for title and work as well so no suggestion is better than a wrong suggestion nazwisko last Polish nespaper newspaper newpaper newspaper news newspaper nom last French nom1 last1 French nombre first Spanish nome first Italian nummer number German obra work Spanish odpowiedzialnosc agency Polish offline dead url German online url German not a direct replacement but can be emulated opublikowany agency Polish opera work Italian origdate orig year originaljahr orig year German originalort location German if ort is specified at the same time the latter should be put in publication place originalsprache language German originaltitel title German if originaltitel is specified any possible contents of title should be put in trans title ort location German other others oznaczenie agency Polish pagees pages pagina page Spanish Italian paginas pages Spanish Italian passage pages French pagina pages Italian pagine pages Italian periodique publisher French plublisher publisher pmcid pmc praca work Polish prenom first French prenom1 first1 French ps postscript pub publisher pulbication place publication place reihe series German retrieved access date rok date Polish sammelwerk work German seiten pages German seria series Polish serie work French RECHECK service agency sitioweb website Spanish stron page Polish strony pages Polish spalten at German not a direct replacement but can be emulated sprache language German suscripcion subscription Spanish Polish tag date German tile title tite title titel title German titel p title German postscript none should be added as well titelerg contribution German not a direct replacement but can be emulated titolo title Spanish Italian titre title French title title titulo title Spanish transchapter trans chapter translator others transtitle trans title typ author mask German not a direct replacement but the only valid argument typ wl can be emulated using author mask tytul title Polish ubicacion location Spanish urlarchivo archive url Spanish urlarchivio archive url Italian urn id German as id URN not yet supported by us directly ubersetzer translator German singular and plural verlag publisher German vol volume volumen volume Spanish werk work German werkerg contribution German not a direct replacement but can be emulated wkautore author link Italian wolumin volume Polish wydanie number Polish wydawca publisher French zaprezentowany publisher French zdb id German as id ZDB not yet supported by us directly zitat quote German zugriff access date German lt P A T T E R N S gt Here we use Lua patterns to make suggestions The form is pattern correct Lua patterns are not regex though they are similar The escape character is not For more information about lua patterns see Extension Scribunto Lua reference manual Patterns Patterns should probably always include the and anchor assertions to prevent a partial match from incorrectly suggesting the wrong parameter name For instance the pattern a utho r matches author in the no longer supported parameter author separator so the code suggests author the same pattern also matches the no longer supported parameter separator returning ator so again the code suggests author One capture is supported typically the enumerator from an enumerated parameter the 6 in author6 etc The value from the capture replaces 1 in the correct value local patterns ac es d a t e access date a utho r author a utho r d author 1 enumerated pu blish ers publisher return suggestions suggestions patterns patterns ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title mxdul Citation CS1 Suggestions amp oldid 7983374, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม