

ฮิมนุส (ฮังการี: Himnusz; เพลงสดุดี; ออกเสียง: [ˈhimnus]) เป็นเพลงชาติของฮังการี เนื้อร้องถูกประพันธ์โดยนักแต่งกวี ฟาเรนช์ โกเชย์ ใน ค.ศ. 1823 และประพันธ์ทำนองโดยนักประพันธ์เพลงแนวโรแมนติก ฟาเรนช์ แอลแกล ใน ค.ศ. 1844 แต่แรกเริ่มเป็นบทกวีที่มีชื่อว่า "A magyar nép zivataros századaiból" (จากศตวรรษแห่งความโกลาหลของชาติฮังการี)[ต้องการอ้างอิง] ฮิมนุสเป็นเพลงชาติของราชอาณาจักรฮังการีโดยพฤตินัย ใน ค.ศ. 1844 และได้ลงมติยอมรับว่าเป็นเพลงชาติของสาธารณรัฐฮังการีที่สาม ใน ค.ศ. 1989

English: เพลงสดุดี
ชื่ออื่นIsten, áldd meg a Magyart
English: God, bless the Hungarians
A magyar nép zivataros századaiból
อังกฤษ: From the stormy centuries of the Hungarian people
เนื้อร้องแฟเร็กค์ โกลซเลย์, ค.ศ. 1845
ทำนองแฟเร็กค์ แอเครล, ค.ศ. 1845
รับไปใช้ค.ศ. 1845 (โดยพฤตินัย)
ค.ศ. 1949 (โดยสาธารณรัฐประชาชนฮังการี)
ค.ศ. 1989 (โดยนิตินัย)
"ฮิมนุส" (บรรเลง)

เนื้อเพลงของ "ฮิมนุส" เป็นการภาวนาที่ขึ้นต้นด้วยคำว่า "Isten, áldd meg a magyart" ( ฟังเสียง , "พระเจ้าช่วยคุ้มครองชาวฮังการี")



(แฟเร็กค์ โกลซเลย์, ค.ศ. 1823)
(วิลเลี่ยม โลเอล, ค.ศ. 1881)

Isten, áldd meg a magyart
Jó kedvvel, bőséggel,
Nyújts feléje védő kart,
Ha küzd ellenséggel;
Bal sors akit régen tép,
Hozz rá víg esztendőt,
Megbűnhődte már e nép
A múltat s jövendőt!

Őseinket felhozád
Kárpát szent bércére,
Általad nyert szép hazát
Bendegúznak vére.
S merre zúgnak habjai
Tiszának, Dunának,
Árpád hős magzatjai

Értünk Kunság mezein
Ért kalászt lengettél,
Tokaj szőlővesszein
Nektárt csepegtettél.
Zászlónk gyakran plántálád
Vad török sáncára,
S nyögte Mátyás bús hadát
Bécsnek büszke vára.

Hajh, de bűneink miatt
Gyúlt harag kebledben,
S elsújtád villámidat
Dörgő fellegedben,
Most rabló mongol nyilát
Zúgattad felettünk,
Majd töröktől rabigát
Vállainkra vettünk.

Hányszor zengett ajkain
Ozmán vad népének
Vert hadunk csonthalmain
Győzedelmi ének!
Hányszor támadt tenfiad
Szép hazám, kebledre,
S lettél magzatod miatt
Magzatod hamvvedre!

Bújt az üldözött, s felé
Kard nyúlt barlangjában,
Szerte nézett s nem lelé
Honját a hazában,
Bércre hág és völgybe száll,
Bú s kétség mellette,
Vérözön lábainál,
S lángtenger fölette.

Vár állott, most kőhalom,
Kedv s öröm röpkedtek,
Halálhörgés, siralom
Zajlik már helyettek.
S ah, szabadság nem virúl
A holtnak véréből,
Kínzó rabság könnye hull
Árvánk hő szeméből!

Szánd meg Isten a magyart
Kit vészek hányának,
Nyújts feléje védő kart
Tengerén kínjának.
Bal sors akit régen tép,
Hozz rá víg esztendőt,
Megbűnhődte már e nép
A múltat s jövendőt!

O, my God, the Magyar bless
With Thy plenty and good cheer!
With Thine aid his just cause press,
Where his foes to fight appear.
Fate, who for so long did'st frown,
Bring him happy times and ways;
Atoning sorrow hath weighed down
Sins of past and future days.

By Thy help our fathers gained
Kárpát's proud and sacred height;
Here by Thee a home obtained
Heirs of Bendegúz, the knight.
Where'er Danube's waters flow
And the streams of Tisza swell
Árpád's children, Thou dost know,
Flourished and did prosper well.

For us let the golden grain
Grow upon the fields of Kún,
And let nectar's silver rain
Ripen grapes of Tokay soon.
Thou our flags hast planted o'er
Forts where once wild Turks held sway;
Proud Vienna suffered sore
From King Mátyás' dark array.

But, alas! for our misdeed,
Anger rose within Thy breast,
And Thy lightnings Thou did'st speed
From Thy thundering sky with zest.
Now the Mongol arrow flew
Over our devoted heads;
Or the Turkish yoke we knew,
Which a free-born nation dreads.

O, how often has the voice
Sounded of wild Osman's hordes,
When in songs they did rejoice
O'er our heroes' captured swords!
Yea, how often rose Thy sons,
My fair land, upon Thy sod,
And Thou gavest to these sons,
Tombs within the breast they trod!

Though in caves pursued he lie,
Even then he fears attacks.
Coming forth the land to spy,
Even a home he finds he lacks.
Mountain, vale – go where he would,
Grief and sorrow all the same –
Underneath a sea of blood,
While above a sea of flame.

'Neath the fort, a ruin now,
Joy and pleasure erst were found,
Only groans and sighs, I trow,
In its limits now abound.
But no freedom's flowers return
From the spilt blood of the dead,
And the tears of slavery burn,
Which the eyes of orphans shed.

Pity, God, the Magyar, then,
Long by waves of danger tossed;
Help him by Thy strong hand when
He on grief's sea may be lost.
Fate, who for so long did'st frown,
Bring him happy times and ways;
Atoning sorrow hath weighed down
All the sins of all his days.

[ˈiʃtɛn aːld mɛg ɒ ˈmɒɟɒrt]
[joː ˈkɛdvɛl ˈbøːʃeːgːɛl]
[ɲuːjtʃ ˈfɛleːjɛ ˈveːdøː kɒrt]
[hɒ kyzd ˈɛlːɛnʃeːgːɛl]
[bɒl ʃorʃ ˈɒkit ˈreːgɛn teːp]
[hozː raː viːg ˈɛstɛndøːt]
[ˈmɛgbyːnhøːtːɛ maːr ɛ neːp]
[ɒ ˈmuːltɒt ˈʃjøvɛndøːt]
[ˈøːʃɛiŋkɛt ˈfɛlhozaːd]
[ˈkaːrpaːt sɛnd ˈbeːrtseːrɛ]
[ˈaːltɒlɒd ɲɛrt seːp ˈhɒzaːt]
[ˈbɛndɛguːznɒg ˈveːrɛ]
[ˈʃmɛrːɛ ˈzuːgnɒk ˈhɒbjɒi]
[ˈtisaːnɒg ˈdunaːnɒk]
[ˈaːrpaːt høːʃ ˈmɒgsɒcːɒi]
[ˈeːrtyŋk ˈkunʃaːg ˈmɛzɛin]
[eːrt ˈkɒlaːst ˈlɛŋgɛtːeːl]
[ˈtokɒj ˈsøːløːvɛsːɛin]
[ˈnɛktaːrt ˈtʃɛpɛktɛtːeːl]
[ˈzaːsloːɲɟ ˈɟɒkrɒm ˈplaːntaːlaːd]
[vɒt ˈtørøk ˈʃaːntsaːrɒ]
[ˈʃɲøktɛ ˈmaːcaːʒ buːʃ ˈhɒdaːt]
[ˈbeːtʃnɛg ˈbyskɛ ˈvaːrɒ]
[hɒjh dɛ ˈbynɛiŋk ˈmiɒtː]
[ɟuːlt ˈhɒrɒk ˈkɛblɛdbɛn]
[ˈʃɛlʃuːjtaːd ˈvilːaːmidɒt]
[ˈdørgøː ˈfɛlːɛgɛdbɛn]
[moʃt ˈrɒbloː ˈmoŋgol ˈɲilaːt]
[ˈzuːgɒtːɒt ˈfɛlɛtːyŋk]
[mɒjt ˈtørøktøːl ˈrɒbigaːt]
[ˈvaːlːɒiŋkrɒ ˈvetːyŋk]
[ˈhaːɲsor ˈzɛŋgɛtː ˈɒjkɒin]
[ˈozmaːɱ vɒd ˈneːpeːnɛk]
[vɛrt ˈhɒduŋk ˈtʃonthɒlmɒin]
[ˈɟøːzɛdɛlmi ˈeːnɛk]
[ˈhaːɲsor ˈtaːmɒtː ˈtɛɱfiɒd]
[seːp ˈhɒzaːm ˈkɛblɛdrɛ]
[ˈʃlɛtːeːl ˈmɒgzɒtod ˈmiɒtː]
[ˈmɒgzɒtot ˈhɒɱvːɛdrɛ]
[buːjt ɒz ˈyldøzøtː ˈʃɛleː]
[kɒrd ɲuːld ˈbɒrlɒŋgjaːbɒn]
[ˈsɛrtɛ ˈɲeːzɛtː ʃnɛm ˈlɛleː]
[ˈhonjaːt ɒ ˈhɒzaːbɒn]
[ˈbeːrtsrɛ haːg eːʒ ˈvøʎɟbɛ saːlː]
[buːʃ ˈkeːtʃeːg ˈmɛlːɛtːɛ]
[ˈveːrøzøn ˈlaːbɒinaːl]
[ˈʃlaːŋktɛŋgɛr ˈfølɛtːɛ]
[vaːr ˈaːlːotː moʃt ˈkøːhɒlom]
[kɛtf ˈʃørøm ˈrøpkɛtːɛk]
[ˈhɒlaːlhørgeːʃ ˈʃirɒlom]
[ˈzɒjlik maːr ˈhɛjɛtːɛk]
[ʃɒh ˈsɒbɒtʃaːg nɛɱ ˈviruːl
[ɒ ˈholtnɒg ˈveːreːbøːl
[ˈkiːnzoː ˈrɒpʃaːk ˈkønːe huːl]
[ˈaːrvaːŋk høː ˈsɛmeːbøːl]
[saːnd mɛg ˈiʃtɛn ɒ ˈmɒɟɒrt]
[kid ˈveːsɛk ˈhaːɲaːnɒk]
[ɲuːjtʃ ˈfɛleːjɛ ˈveːdøː kɒrt]
[ˈtɛŋgɛreːŋ ˈkiːɲjaːnɒk]
[bɒl ʃorʃ ˈɒkit ˈreːgɛn teːp]
[hozː raː viːg ˈɛstɛndøːt]
[ˈmɛgbyːnhøːtːɛ maːr ɛ neːp]
[ɒ ˈmuːltɒt ˈʃjøvɛndøːt]


(แฟเร็กค์ โกลซเลย์, ค.ศ. 1823)

Isten, áldd meg a magyart
Jó kedvvel, bőséggel,
Nyújts feléje védő kart,
Ha küzd ellenséggel;
Bal sors akit régen tép,
Hozz rá víg esztendőt,
Megbűnhődte már e nép
A múltat s jövendőt!

Őseinket felhozád
Kárpát szent bércére,
Általad nyert szép hazát
Bendegúznak vére.
S merre zúgnak habjai
Tiszának, Dunának,
Árpád hős magzatjai

Értünk Kunság mezein
Ért kalászt lengettél,
Tokaj szőlővesszein
Nektárt csepegtettél.
Zászlónk gyakran plántálád
Vad török sáncára,
S nyögte Mátyás bús hadát
Bécsnek büszke vára.

Hajh, de bűneink miatt
Gyúlt harag kebledben,
S elsújtád villámidat
Dörgő fellegedben,
Most rabló mongol nyilát
Zúgattad felettünk,
Majd töröktől rabigát
Vállainkra vettünk.

Hányszor zengett ajkain
Ozmán vad népének
Vert hadunk csonthalmain
Győzedelmi ének!
Hányszor támadt tenfiad
Szép hazám, kebledre,
S lettél magzatod miatt
Magzatod hamvvedre!

Bújt az üldözött, s felé
Kard nyúlt barlangjában,
Szerte nézett s nem lelé
Honját a hazában,
Bércre hág és völgybe száll,
Bú s kétség mellette,
Vérözön lábainál,
S lángtenger fölette.

Vár állott, most kőhalom,
Kedv s öröm röpkedtek,
Halálhörgés, siralom
Zajlik már helyettek.
S ah, szabadság nem virúl
A holtnak véréből,
Kínzó rabság könnye hull
Árvánk hő szeméből!

Szánd meg Isten a magyart
Kit vészek hányának,
Nyújts feléje védő kart
Tengerén kínjának.
Bal sors akit régen tép,
Hozz rá víg esztendőt,
Megbűnhődte már e nép
A múltat s jövendőt!

O, my God, the Magyar bless
With Thy plenty and good cheer!
With Thine aid his just cause press,
Where his foes to fight appear.
Fate, who for so long did'st frown,
Bring him happy times and ways;
Atoning sorrow hath weighed down
Sins of past and future days.

By Thy help our fathers gained
Kárpát's proud and sacred height;
Here by Thee a home obtained
Heirs of Bendegúz, the knight.
Where'er Danube's waters flow
And the streams of Tisza swell
Árpád's children, Thou dost know,
Flourished and did prosper well.

For us let the golden grain
Grow upon the fields of Kún,
And let nectar's silver rain
Ripen grapes of Tokay soon.
Thou our flags hast planted o'er
Forts where once wild Turks held sway;
Proud Vienna suffered sore
From King Mátyás' dark array.

But, alas! for our misdeed,
Anger rose within Thy breast,
And Thy lightnings Thou did'st speed
From Thy thundering sky with zest.
Now the Mongol arrow flew
Over our devoted heads;
Or the Turkish yoke we knew,
Which a free-born nation dreads.

O, how often has the voice
Sounded of wild Osman's hordes,
When in songs they did rejoice
O'er our heroes' captured swords!
Yea, how often rose Thy sons,
My fair land, upon Thy sod,
And Thou gavest to these sons,
Tombs within the breast they trod!

Though in caves pursued he lie,
Even then he fears attacks.
Coming forth the land to spy,
Even a home he finds he lacks.
Mountain, vale – go where he would,
Grief and sorrow all the same –
Underneath a sea of blood,
While above a sea of flame.

'Neath the fort, a ruin now,
Joy and pleasure erst were found,
Only groans and sighs, I trow,
In its limits now abound.
But no freedom's flowers return
From the spilt blood of the dead,
And the tears of slavery burn,
Which the eyes of orphans shed.

Pity, God, the Magyar, then,
Long by waves of danger tossed;
Help him by Thy strong hand when
He on grief's sea may be lost.
Fate, who for so long did'st frown,
Bring him happy times and ways;
Atoning sorrow hath weighed down
All the sins of all his days.



  1. "The Story Behind the Hungarian National Anthem". Jules S. Vállay. สืบค้นเมื่อ 8 May 2017.



  • Hungarian anthem (video subtitled in 33 languages)
  • Hungary: Himnusz - Audio of the national anthem of Hungary, with information and lyrics
  • National and historical symbols of Hungary has a page about the anthem, featuring a vocal sound file.
  • Sheet Music is available at the Hungarian Electronic Library website.
  • Hungarian Anthem on Music Keyboard 2.4

มน, บทความน, ไม, การอ, างอ, งจากแหล, งท, มาใดกร, ณาช, วยปร, บปร, งบทความน, โดยเพ, มการอ, างอ, งแหล, งท, มาท, าเช, อถ, เน, อความท, ไม, แหล, งท, มาอาจถ, กค, ดค, านหร, อลบออก, พฤษภาคม, 2554, เร, ยนร, าจะนำสารแม, แบบน, ออกได, อย, างไรและเม, อไร, งการ, himnusz, เพล. bthkhwamniimmikarxangxingcakaehlngthimaidkrunachwyprbprungbthkhwamni odyephimkarxangxingaehlngthimathinaechuxthux enuxkhwamthiimmiaehlngthimaxacthukkhdkhanhruxlbxxk phvsphakhm 2554 eriynruwacanasaraemaebbnixxkidxyangiraelaemuxir himnus hngkari Himnusz ephlngsdudi xxkesiyng ˈhimnus epnephlngchatikhxnghngkari 1 enuxrxngthukpraphnthodynkaetngkwi faernch okechy in kh s 1823 aelapraphnththanxngodynkpraphnthephlngaenworaemntik faernch aexlaekl in kh s 1844 aetaerkerimepnbthkwithimichuxwa A magyar nep zivataros szazadaibol cakstwrrsaehngkhwamoklahlkhxngchatihngkari txngkarxangxing himnusepnephlngchatikhxngrachxanackrhngkariodyphvtiny in kh s 1844 aelaidlngmtiyxmrbwaepnephlngchatikhxngsatharnrthhngkarithisam in kh s 1989himnusEnglish ephlngsdudiontephlngchuxxunIsten aldd meg a MagyartEnglish God bless the HungariansA magyar nep zivataros szazadaibolxngkvs From the stormy centuries of the Hungarian peopleenuxrxngaeferkkh oklsely kh s 1845thanxngaeferkkh aexekhrl kh s 1845rbipichkh s 1845 odyphvtiny kh s 1949 odysatharnrthprachachnhngkari kh s 1989 odynitiny twxyangesiyng source track himnus brrelng iflchwyehluxontephlngtnchbbkhxnghimnus enuxephlngkhxng himnus epnkarphawnathikhuntndwykhawa Isten aldd meg a magyart fngesiyng withiich khxmul phraecachwykhumkhrxngchawhngkari enuxha 1 enuxephlng 2 aeplepnphasaithy 3 sux 4 xangxing 5 duephim 6 aehlngkhxmulxunenuxephlng aekikhbthaerkcaichechphaaphithikarthiepnthangkarethann bthrxngphasahngkari aeferkkh oklsely kh s 1823 khaaeplphasaxngkvs wileliym olexl kh s 1881 karthxdesiyngtamsthxksrsaklIsten aldd meg a magyart Jo kedvvel boseggel Nyujts feleje vedo kart Ha kuzd ellenseggel Bal sors akit regen tep Hozz ra vig esztendot Megbunhodte mar e nep A multat s jovendot Oseinket felhozad Karpat szent bercere Altalad nyert szep hazat Bendeguznak vere S merre zugnak habjai Tiszanak Dunanak Arpad hos magzatjai Felviragozanak Ertunk Kunsag mezein Ert kalaszt lengettel Tokaj szolovesszein Nektart csepegtettel Zaszlonk gyakran plantalad Vad torok sancara S nyogte Matyas bus hadat Becsnek buszke vara Hajh de buneink miatt Gyult harag kebledben S elsujtad villamidat Dorgo fellegedben Most rablo mongol nyilat Zugattad felettunk Majd toroktol rabigat Vallainkra vettunk Hanyszor zengett ajkain Ozman vad nepenek Vert hadunk csonthalmain Gyozedelmi enek Hanyszor tamadt tenfiad Szep hazam kebledre S lettel magzatod miatt Magzatod hamvvedre Bujt az uldozott s fele Kard nyult barlangjaban Szerte nezett s nem lele Honjat a hazaban Bercre hag es volgybe szall Bu s ketseg mellette Verozon labainal S langtenger folette Var allott most kohalom Kedv s orom ropkedtek Halalhorges siralom Zajlik mar helyettek S ah szabadsag nem virul A holtnak verebol Kinzo rabsag konnye hull Arvank ho szemebol Szand meg Isten a magyart Kit veszek hanyanak Nyujts feleje vedo kart Tengeren kinjanak Bal sors akit regen tep Hozz ra vig esztendot Megbunhodte mar e nep A multat s jovendot O my God the Magyar bless With Thy plenty and good cheer With Thine aid his just cause press Where his foes to fight appear Fate who for so long did st frown Bring him happy times and ways Atoning sorrow hath weighed down Sins of past and future days By Thy help our fathers gained Karpat s proud and sacred height Here by Thee a home obtained Heirs of Bendeguz the knight Where er Danube s waters flow And the streams of Tisza swell Arpad s children Thou dost know Flourished and did prosper well For us let the golden grain Grow upon the fields of Kun And let nectar s silver rain Ripen grapes of Tokay soon Thou our flags hast planted o er Forts where once wild Turks held sway Proud Vienna suffered sore From King Matyas dark array But alas for our misdeed Anger rose within Thy breast And Thy lightnings Thou did st speed From Thy thundering sky with zest Now the Mongol arrow flew Over our devoted heads Or the Turkish yoke we knew Which a free born nation dreads O how often has the voice Sounded of wild Osman s hordes When in songs they did rejoice O er our heroes captured swords Yea how often rose Thy sons My fair land upon Thy sod And Thou gavest to these sons Tombs within the breast they trod Though in caves pursued he lie Even then he fears attacks Coming forth the land to spy Even a home he finds he lacks Mountain vale go where he would Grief and sorrow all the same Underneath a sea of blood While above a sea of flame Neath the fort a ruin now Joy and pleasure erst were found Only groans and sighs I trow In its limits now abound But no freedom s flowers return From the spilt blood of the dead And the tears of slavery burn Which the eyes of orphans shed Pity God the Magyar then Long by waves of danger tossed Help him by Thy strong hand when He on grief s sea may be lost Fate who for so long did st frown Bring him happy times and ways Atoning sorrow hath weighed down All the sins of all his days ˈiʃtɛn aːld mɛg ɒ ˈmɒɟɒrt joː ˈkɛdvɛl ˈboːʃeːgːɛl ɲuːjtʃ ˈfɛleːjɛ ˈveːdoː kɒrt hɒ kyzd ˈɛlːɛnʃeːgːɛl bɒl ʃorʃ ˈɒkit ˈreːgɛn teːp hozː raː viːg ˈɛstɛndoːt ˈmɛgbyːnhoːtːɛ maːr ɛ neːp ɒ ˈmuːltɒt ˈʃjovɛndoːt ˈoːʃɛiŋkɛt ˈfɛlhozaːd ˈkaːrpaːt sɛnd ˈbeːrtseːrɛ ˈaːltɒlɒd ɲɛrt seːp ˈhɒzaːt ˈbɛndɛguːznɒg ˈveːrɛ ˈʃmɛrːɛ ˈzuːgnɒk ˈhɒbjɒi ˈtisaːnɒg ˈdunaːnɒk ˈaːrpaːt hoːʃ ˈmɒgsɒcːɒi ˈfɛlviraːgozaːnɒk ˈeːrtyŋk ˈkunʃaːg ˈmɛzɛin eːrt ˈkɒlaːst ˈlɛŋgɛtːeːl ˈtokɒj ˈsoːloːvɛsːɛin ˈnɛktaːrt ˈtʃɛpɛktɛtːeːl ˈzaːsloːɲɟ ˈɟɒkrɒm ˈplaːntaːlaːd vɒt ˈtorok ˈʃaːntsaːrɒ ˈʃɲoktɛ ˈmaːcaːʒ buːʃ ˈhɒdaːt ˈbeːtʃnɛg ˈbyskɛ ˈvaːrɒ hɒjh dɛ ˈbynɛiŋk ˈmiɒtː ɟuːlt ˈhɒrɒk ˈkɛblɛdbɛn ˈʃɛlʃuːjtaːd ˈvilːaːmidɒt ˈdorgoː ˈfɛlːɛgɛdbɛn moʃt ˈrɒbloː ˈmoŋgol ˈɲilaːt ˈzuːgɒtːɒt ˈfɛlɛtːyŋk mɒjt ˈtoroktoːl ˈrɒbigaːt ˈvaːlːɒiŋkrɒ ˈvetːyŋk ˈhaːɲsor ˈzɛŋgɛtː ˈɒjkɒin ˈozmaːɱ vɒd ˈneːpeːnɛk vɛrt ˈhɒduŋk ˈtʃonthɒlmɒin ˈɟoːzɛdɛlmi ˈeːnɛk ˈhaːɲsor ˈtaːmɒtː ˈtɛɱfiɒd seːp ˈhɒzaːm ˈkɛblɛdrɛ ˈʃlɛtːeːl ˈmɒgzɒtod ˈmiɒtː ˈmɒgzɒtot ˈhɒɱvːɛdrɛ buːjt ɒz ˈyldozotː ˈʃɛleː kɒrd ɲuːld ˈbɒrlɒŋgjaːbɒn ˈsɛrtɛ ˈɲeːzɛtː ʃnɛm ˈlɛleː ˈhonjaːt ɒ ˈhɒzaːbɒn ˈbeːrtsrɛ haːg eːʒ ˈvoʎɟbɛ saːlː buːʃ ˈkeːtʃeːg ˈmɛlːɛtːɛ ˈveːrozon ˈlaːbɒinaːl ˈʃlaːŋktɛŋgɛr ˈfolɛtːɛ vaːr ˈaːlːotː moʃt ˈkoːhɒlom kɛtf ˈʃorom ˈropkɛtːɛk ˈhɒlaːlhorgeːʃ ˈʃirɒlom ˈzɒjlik maːr ˈhɛjɛtːɛk ʃɒh ˈsɒbɒtʃaːg nɛɱ ˈviruːl ɒ ˈholtnɒg ˈveːreːboːl ˈkiːnzoː ˈrɒpʃaːk ˈkonːe huːl ˈaːrvaːŋk hoː ˈsɛmeːboːl saːnd mɛg ˈiʃtɛn ɒ ˈmɒɟɒrt kid ˈveːsɛk ˈhaːɲaːnɒk ɲuːjtʃ ˈfɛleːjɛ ˈveːdoː kɒrt ˈtɛŋgɛreːŋ ˈkiːɲjaːnɒk bɒl ʃorʃ ˈɒkit ˈreːgɛn teːp hozː raː viːg ˈɛstɛndoːt ˈmɛgbyːnhoːtːɛ maːr ɛ neːp ɒ ˈmuːltɒt ˈʃjovɛndoːt aeplepnphasaithy aekikhbthrxngphasahngkari aeferkkh oklsely kh s 1823 khaaeplphasaithyIsten aldd meg a magyart Jo kedvvel boseggel Nyujts feleje vedo kart Ha kuzd ellenseggel Bal sors akit regen tep Hozz ra vig esztendot Megbunhodte mar e nep A multat s jovendot Oseinket felhozad Karpat szent bercere Altalad nyert szep hazat Bendeguznak vere S merre zugnak habjai Tiszanak Dunanak Arpad hos magzatjai Felviragozanak Ertunk Kunsag mezein Ert kalaszt lengettel Tokaj szolovesszein Nektart csepegtettel Zaszlonk gyakran plantalad Vad torok sancara S nyogte Matyas bus hadat Becsnek buszke vara Hajh de buneink miatt Gyult harag kebledben S elsujtad villamidat Dorgo fellegedben Most rablo mongol nyilat Zugattad felettunk Majd toroktol rabigat Vallainkra vettunk Hanyszor zengett ajkain Ozman vad nepenek Vert hadunk csonthalmain Gyozedelmi enek Hanyszor tamadt tenfiad Szep hazam kebledre S lettel magzatod miatt Magzatod hamvvedre Bujt az uldozott s fele Kard nyult barlangjaban Szerte nezett s nem lele Honjat a hazaban Bercre hag es volgybe szall Bu s ketseg mellette Verozon labainal S langtenger folette Var allott most kohalom Kedv s orom ropkedtek Halalhorges siralom Zajlik mar helyettek S ah szabadsag nem virul A holtnak verebol Kinzo rabsag konnye hull Arvank ho szemebol Szand meg Isten a magyart Kit veszek hanyanak Nyujts feleje vedo kart Tengeren kinjanak Bal sors akit regen tep Hozz ra vig esztendot Megbunhodte mar e nep A multat s jovendot O my God the Magyar bless With Thy plenty and good cheer With Thine aid his just cause press Where his foes to fight appear Fate who for so long did st frown Bring him happy times and ways Atoning sorrow hath weighed down Sins of past and future days By Thy help our fathers gained Karpat s proud and sacred height Here by Thee a home obtained Heirs of Bendeguz the knight Where er Danube s waters flow And the streams of Tisza swell Arpad s children Thou dost know Flourished and did prosper well For us let the golden grain Grow upon the fields of Kun And let nectar s silver rain Ripen grapes of Tokay soon Thou our flags hast planted o er Forts where once wild Turks held sway Proud Vienna suffered sore From King Matyas dark array But alas for our misdeed Anger rose within Thy breast And Thy lightnings Thou did st speed From Thy thundering sky with zest Now the Mongol arrow flew Over our devoted heads Or the Turkish yoke we knew Which a free born nation dreads O how often has the voice Sounded of wild Osman s hordes When in songs they did rejoice O er our heroes captured swords Yea how often rose Thy sons My fair land upon Thy sod And Thou gavest to these sons Tombs within the breast they trod Though in caves pursued he lie Even then he fears attacks Coming forth the land to spy Even a home he finds he lacks Mountain vale go where he would Grief and sorrow all the same Underneath a sea of blood While above a sea of flame Neath the fort a ruin now Joy and pleasure erst were found Only groans and sighs I trow In its limits now abound But no freedom s flowers return From the spilt blood of the dead And the tears of slavery burn Which the eyes of orphans shed Pity God the Magyar then Long by waves of danger tossed Help him by Thy strong hand when He on grief s sea may be lost Fate who for so long did st frown Bring him happy times and ways Atoning sorrow hath weighed down All the sins of all his days sux aekikhhimnus brrelng source track brrelngodywngduriyangkhkxngthpheruxshrthhimnus brrelng source source track track track track himnusthukbrrelngxyuinchwngkhxng kh s 1920 thung kh s 1940hakmipyhainkarelniflehlani duthi withiichsuxxangxing aekikh The Story Behind the Hungarian National Anthem Jules S Vallay subkhnemux 8 May 2017 duephim aekikhaehlngkhxmulxun aekikhkhxmmxns miphaphaelasuxekiywkb himnus wikiphcnanukrm mikhwamhmaykhxngkhawa himnus Hungarian anthem video subtitled in 33 languages Hungary Himnusz Audio of the national anthem of Hungary with information and lyrics National and historical symbols of Hungary has a page about the anthem featuring a vocal sound file Sheet Music is available at the Hungarian Electronic Library website Hungarian Anthem on Music Keyboard 2 4 ekhathungcak https th wikipedia org w index php title himnus amp oldid 9615386, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,


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